subota, 4. veljače 2017.



Last year, after a long and deliberate process, the Obama administration finalized protections putting a stop to wasteful and polluting methane leaks and venting on public lands. These protections cut climate pollution -- methane is a dangerous contributor to climate change -- and they improve public health. The House just voted to strip away these protections. Next week, the Senate is looking to do the same. This would be a bad idea by itself -- bad for the public health and bad for the climate. But it's even worse than it sounds. They're going to use a rare and radical provision called the Congressional Review Act that's only ever been used once before this week. It's a powerful and obscure rule that allows them to delete regulations -- and prevent any similar standards to ever be issued. That means extra pollution coming from oil and gas drilling on our public lands. Indefinitely. 
We can't allow that to happen. Speak up against the radical use of the Congressional Review Act for oil and gas standards. We've made such incredible progress on climate change in the last few years -- from the landmark Paris Agreement to the Clean Power Plan to skyrocketing growth in clean, renewable energy. Since the leaders of the House and Senate -- and those appointed to the new administration -- deny the basic facts about climate science, it's progress we're going to need to fight for.There's a reason the Congressional Review Act is so rarely used. Revisiting standards is one thing, but saying we don't need public health or climate standards like these -- forever? That's beyond the pale. Senators need to think hard about this radical path. As the evidence stacks up that climate change is here and happening now -- and the path to a clean energy future becomes more and more clear -- now is not the time to recklessly throw out the positive steps we've taken.
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Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Hey there,

I mentioned in one of my recent emails to you that this first week of February was perfectly aligned for getting some things sorted out...
For catching up on things, letting go of things, or even integrating changes so you can energetically prepare yourself for the Eclipse cycle beginning on Feb 10th. Well... Part of this "sorting out" process for me has been receiving a new and upgraded psychic protection method. I'm excited to be able to share this with you in the form of a free video teaching I've added here: I hope this serves you in cleansing and protecting your energy so you can more effortlessly maintain your positive vibration! Enjoy! With love, light and gratitude,

I just returned from a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. Upon arriving on a cold, rainy winter day, I was feeling very much the pilgrim. I was cold, tired and wet. As I headed to the Grotto of Our Lady, I was hoping to find consolation and comfort but found the place empty, desolate and dreary on this very cold winter afternoon. This perception changed as the week progressed, I came to value the silence and the lack of people. Read the article below to find out what happened in Lourdes. February 2 was the feast of Our Lady of Good Success. During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Our Lady of Good Success appeared in Quito, Ecuador to a Spanish nun, whose little-known but extraordinary life has a direct connection with our days. Click the following link and read what Our Lady prophesied about our times. Lastly, there are many books on Fatima that tell the story and comment on its historic context. However, there are few that delve deeply into the core of the message which is the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, author Luiz Sérgio Solimeo addresses this challenge well in his new book, The Immaculate Heart of Mary and God’s Plan for America. • 100 Years After: Getting to the Core of the Fatima Message

  Until next time, I remain
John Horvat
Tradition Family Property 

Sincerely yours,

1. On a Pilgrimage of Desolation and Growth at Lourdes
2. Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times
3. 100 Years After: Getting to the Core of the Fatima Message

P.S. - If you are happy with the work of the American TFP, please consider giving a small tax deductible gift today so we can expand our spiritual crusades. Thank you! May God bless you.  

Sincerely yours,

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