utorak, 21. veljače 2017.

NASA to abandon risky burn of Juno orbiter

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One of the technological oddities of the 1980s is making a comeback of sorts. The nephew of Sir Clive Sinclair – the man responsible for the famous but flawed C5 – is marketing an updated version of the diminutive electric vehicle called the Iris eTrike.   Read more
The high prices fetched by cars at the three elite auctions held during the Retromobile Exhibition in Paris every February often tend to divert attention from the Retromobile event itself, which in terms of automotive history, is the jewel of the collector and enthusiast global show circuit.   Read more
Soldiers are often forced to choose between a close quarter or a magnified sight for their assault rifles. Raytheon's answer is its ELCAN Specter dual-field-of-view rifle sights that can switch between magnifications and now includes a next-generation digital fire control system.   Read more
The LG Watch Style is the smaller of the two smartwatches that Google announced alongside the Android Wear 2.0 software release earlier this month. How does it measure up to Apple's latest, the Apple Watch Series 2?   Read more
Two Roborace DevBot cars zipped around the Formula E circuit in Buenos Aires at the weekend. The battle between DB1 and DB2 on the city street track on Feb 18 marked the first time two cars have been raced together, though only one driverless racer made it to the finish line.   Read more
Uranium reserves may be on the decline, but the oceans contain billions of tons of it, just waiting for us to find a practical way to extract it. To that end, a Stanford team has developed a technique that improves the capacity, rate and reusability of materials that harvest uranium from seawater.   Read more
With a massive 4.6-liter V8 that outputs 449 horsepower and 516 foot pounds of torque, the 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS550 is a beast of a sport utility. Signature Mercedes good looks and sports car-like driving mark this SUV out from the rest.  Read more
Insta360's affordable Nano and Air cameras clip onto smartphones to live stream and record panoramic 360-degree video. But it's the Pro we like the look of. It packs in six cameras, image stabilization and a whopping 8K resolution at 30 frames per second (fps) output.   Read more
​Next time your smartphone freezes, the culprit might actually be the cosmic rays that are constantly raining down on us from outer space. A new study has examined how modern consumer electronics are becoming more vulnerable to cosmic interference, and suggests ways to build better chips.   Read more
​A plastic sculpture shaped like a jagged donut is the first piece of art to be made in space. It's a 3D waveform of a human laugh captured through a project by artist Eyal Gever. The laugh was selected from 100,000 entries submitted through the #Laugh app, and beamed to a 3D printer aboard the ISS.   Read more
Self-driving cars and drones need to be able to quickly take in their surroundings even in extreme road conditions and bad weather, but conventional optical cameras aren't quite up to the job. Researchers have now developed a camera that detects changes in a scene at nanosecond intervals.   Read more
SpaceX's Falcon 9 blasted off for the International Space Station from the same launch pad used by the Apollo 11 mission. At 9:38 am EST, the CRS-10 mission lifted off from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center carrying an unmanned Dragon cargo ship.   Read more
The LG Watch Style is a brand-new, fairly minimal wearable that's relatively small as far as smartwatches go. How does it fare next to the big, bedecked Samsung Gear S3 in a spec-by-spec comparison?  Read more
The all new Dogscamper van hits the long road and makes man's best friend a priority. Its modular interior includes a flexible kennel system that fits dogs large and small, ensuring that the whole family can ride and sleep comfortably.​   Read more
​Boeing has whipped the (very long) covers off the latest addition to the Dreamliner family. The 787-10 was launched during President Trump's visit to the Boeing factory in South Carolina, and blends the outstanding fuel efficiency of the existing 787-8 and 787-9 with room for even more passengers.   Read more
While the Juno probe has had lots of successes, the mission has also had a few hiccups. Because of issues discovered in October with two helium check valves, NASA has announced that it'll be abandoning the maneuver to put the probe into a closer orbit with Jupiter, deeming it too risky.   Read more
​Canoeing may indeed be a lot of fun, but the boats themselves aren't exactly made for being stored in small spaces, or transported via small cars. That's why MyCanoe was created. It folds up and can be carried in a couple of bags, yet reportedly only takes about 10 minutes to be made seaworthy.   Read more
A new blog post by Alphabet's "captain of moonshots" describes a big advance in the software that powers the ambitious Project Loon, allowing the team to better direct their internet-beaming balloons to regions in need. ​   Read more
​In designing robots, engineers often turn to nature for inspiration and can sometimes improve on the skills evolution has bestowed upon our fellow creatures. That's the case with new research that has determined a better way to move a six-legged robot, making it faster than its wild counterpart.   Read more
​The American brown recluse spider is already known for being one of the most venomous arachnids on the planet. It turns out, however, that the spider also has very strong silk. Scientists have recently discovered the secret of that strength, and believe that it could have practical applications.   Read more
Drivers covering lots of motorway miles in Europe tend to favor diesel, but Americans are all about gasoline in their cars and pickups. That's a shame, because diesel can't be beaten for long-haul efficiency, something the new Chevrolet Cruze Diesel proves with its EPA highway mileage rating.   Read more
Conservationists work to save Madagascar's embattled lemur population have a new tool at their disposal, in the form of facial recognition software that can help identify individual lemurs and inform long-term conservation strategies.  Read more
A new manufacturing breakthrough allows for lower cost and higher efficiency perovskite solar cells to move forward. Researchers at the University of Toronto have developed a new chemical reaction that solves one of the key challenges holding back development of the relatively new class of cells.   Read more
We usually associate Escape with contemporary tiny house designs, but its latest model may appeal to those who prefer the classic tiny house look. Able to run on or off-the-grid and offering lots of options for interior layout, the Tradition starts at US$53,000.   Read more

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Dana 1. siječnja 2016. u pravni poredak Republike Hrvatske uveden je novi insolvencijski postupak stečaja potrošača kojemu je prvenstvena svrha omogućiti potrošačima, nesposobnim za plaćanje, reprogramiranje njihovih obveza (kroz sklapanje nagodbe s vjerovnicima). One poštene potrošače čija imovina nije dostatna za ukupno namirenje tražbina vjerovnika u tom postupku, moguće je osloboditi od obveza koje preostanu nakon unovčenja njihove imovine i raspodjele prikupljenih sredstava vjerovnicima. Oslobođenje od preostalih obveza moguće je i za one potrošače koji nemaju imovinu nad kojom bi se mogao provesti stečajni postupak nakon proteka razdoblja provjere ponašanja koje određuje sud. S druge strane, stečaj nad potrošačem ima za cilj omogućiti svim vjerovnicima ravnomjerno namirenje njihovih tražbina.
Broj blokiranih fizičkih osoba u Republici Hrvatskoj, te ciljevi stečaja nad potrošačem čine ovaj specifični izvanparnični insolvencijski postupak interesantnim velikom krugu osoba – insolventnim građanima, zatim onima koji će postupak provoditi (posrednici, suci, povjerenici) te naročito vjerovnicima koji pokušavaju namiriti svoja potraživanja. Predavačice će kroz prikaz izvansudskog i sudskog dijela postupka stečaja nad potrošačem upoznati polaznike s njihovim pravnim položajem u svim fazama postupka te načinom na koji u stečaju potrošača mogu ostvarivati svoju tražbinu, kao i sa sredstvima koja će im omogućiti nadzor nad provedbom toga postupka.
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Poslovni dnevnik

Plomin C stoji, japanski Marubeni sprema tužbu

Neizvjesnost oko budućnosti energetskog projekta Plomina C na ugljen, čijoj se izgradnji protivi i sam resorni ministar Slaven Dobrović,  ...OPŠIRNIJE
"Nikad u poslu nisam osjetio loše političke odnose Slovenije i Hrvatske, a imam i tu prednost da se o svojim potezima ne dogovaram s politikom."
Emil Tedeschi, predsjednik Uprave Atlantic grupe


Napokon! Telefoniranje i surfanje u svim zemljama EU bez dodatnog troška

Poduzetnici mogu pokazati u čemu su uzorni i otkriti kako im možemo pomoći

'Atomske igrice' od Toshibe su učinile tek sjenu nekadašnjeg diva

KOMENTAR: Zaglavljena između Amerike i Rusije EU se mora osloniti na vlastite snage

Želite naučiti motivirati zaposlenike? Prijavite se na seminar Kako uspješno motivirati zaposlenike

Počinje privatizacija stotinu tvrtki iz CERP-ova portfelja

Upravno vijeće Centra za restrukturiranje i prodaju (CERP) kojim predsjedava ministar državne imovine Goran Marić prošli tjedan usvojilo je konačno privatizacijsku listu za ovu godinu ...OPŠIRNIJE

Tko prvi dolazi na posao i odlazi posljednji?

Današnji menadžeri suočeni su sa turbulentnim promjenama i izazovima na koje moraju brzo reagirati i prilagoditi poslovanje kako bi opstali na tržištu. Vještina učinkovitog upravljanja ...OPŠIRNIJE

Poslovni dnevnik 21. 2. 2017.

U novom Poslovnom dnevniku pročitajte o startupu GetByBus, intervju s gradonačelnikom Požege, godišnjem financijskom izvještaju Petrokemije, Gorenjskoj banci, ...
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ne želim primati newsletter / uređivanje osobnih podataka

Dear friends,

Donald Trump has declared war on planet Earth.

He's approving pipelines, firing up coal mines, and insiders say he's got an Executive Order ready to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement that is our best shot at a clean, safe future.

When it comes to climate, we can't afford screw-ups like this. Our climate is delicate, unstable -- the last ice age hit us in just 6 months. We're not talking about storms or floods, but an apocalypse that threatens everything we love! THIS is what most scares scientists about climate change.

But we've got the battle plan that, if we win, will neutralise Trump's attack:
  • Work with American mayors and local leaders to collectively honour the US's commitments in Paris, even if Trump doesn't.
  • Build a huge campaign to eliminate $1 trillion in taxpayer subsidies for big oil and coal, and invest it instead in clean energy.
  • Pass laws in the top car-manufacturing countries requiring all new cars to be electric.
  • Get the world's major companies and corporations to go 100% clean energy.
If 10,000 of us donate just a small weekly donation, we can spend the next two years going all in on this plan and more -- and make sure Trump won't mean the end for planet Earth.

Chip in a weekly donation to help humanity win our war for survival.

2016 was the hottest year, by far, in recorded history -- climate change is accelerating, and the US President doesn't even believe in it. Just as we thought that crazy climate deniers were fading into history, they're back, with their hands on the levers of power in the country that emits 14% of the world’s carbon! A massive, global movement will be needed to stop them.

We can do that like no one else. From the head of the UN to heads of state, all recognize Avaaz's massive role at the centre of the fight against climate change. We changed the game with the People's Climate Marches and fought tooth and nail for the Paris climate agreement that laid out the path to a 100% clean future. Now we need to rise again, to save the Paris deal, and with it all our people.

If we come together quickly to get local leaders, governments, and companies to take the next crucial steps toward ending the fossil fuel era, we'll show the deniers that the clean energy revolution is happening, whether they like it or not. 100% electric cars, 100% clean electricity generation, and the end of ridiculous subsidies for big oil and coal -- chip in a small weekly donation, and let's make it happen:

Climate change is the kind of issue Avaaz was born to address. A global problem that we can only solve together, and only if people across the world join hands to press their governments to solve it. Our movement has risen beautifully to this challenge, and our pressure is working. Let's ratchet it up to meet the challenge posed by this new threat.

With hope and respect for everyone in this amazing movement,
Danny, Ricken, Emma, Alice, Diego, Spyro and the whole Avaaz team


2016 locked into being hottest year on record, Nasa says (The Guardian)

Last Ice Age took just SIX months to arrive (Daily Mail)

Taking a Call for Climate Change to the Streets (NY Times)

Global Carbon Dioxide Levels Surge Past Climate Change Milestone (Huff Post UK)

Victory! The end of fossil fuels has begun... (Avaaz)

Trump advances controversial oil pipelines with executive action (CNN)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails when you signed "Community Petitions Site" on 2016-12-11 using the email address tokic.stjepan719@gmail.com.
To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, contact us, or simply go here to unsubscribe.

To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at www.avaaz.org/en/contact or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).


Az utóbbi hetekben számos lépést tettünk Petr Jašek cseh misszionárius és két szudáni társa megmentése érdekében. Kampányunkhoz már több mint 400 000 aktív polgár csatlakozott világszerte, most rajtunk volt a sor, hogy eljuttassuk az aláírásokat a címzetteknek.
Munkatársunk, Miriam Kuzárová Petr Jašek két gyermekével együtt vitte el az ENSZ genfi központjában petíciónkat, melyben arra kértük az ENSZ emberi jog főbiztosát, hogy tegyen lépéseket Petr Jašek és két társa ügyében.

Múlt héten pedig a szudáni nagykövettel találkozott Miriam Bécsben, százezrek hangját juttatva el hozzá. A nagykövet biztosította munkatársunkat, hogy tájékoztatni fogja kormányát a cseh misszionárius és társai védelmében létrejött hatalmas nemzetközi összefogásról.

A több mint 12 000 magyar ember aláírását múlt csütörtökön adtam át az üldözött keresztények megsegítéséért felelős helyettes államtitkárnak, dr. Török Tamásnak. Államtitkár úr kedvesen fogadott, és biztosított róla, hogy megvizsgálják Petr Jašek és társainak helyzetét, majd egyeztetve a Külügyminisztériummal igyekeznek minden tőlük telhető lépést megtenni az ártatlan keresztény rabok érdekében.
Több korábbi eset bebizonyította, hogy a nemzetközi összefogásnak van értelme. Két évvel ezelőtt számos szervezet, köztük a CitizenGO közösségének segítségével szabadult ki Meriam Ibrahim, a keresztény hite miatt halálra ítélt szudáni keresztény édesanya a börtönből. Szabadulását az állampolgárok által támogatott nemzetközi politikai erőfeszítések segítették elő!
Madridban szintén csütörtökön tartottak demonstrációt a Szudáni Nagykövetség előtt a CitizenGO aktivistái.

Ha még nem tette volna, kérjük csatlakozzon petíciónkhoz! Ha már aláírta, kérjük küldje tovább ismerőseinek, vagy ossza meg Facebookon! Köszönjük szépen az ártatlanul elítélt rabok és családjaik nevében is!

Bízunk benne, hogy összefogásunknak meglesz az eredménye, és Petr Jašek, Hassan Abduraheem Kodi Taour pásztor és Abdulmonem Abdumawla hamarosan szabadok lehetnek!
Zaymus Eszter
és a CitizenGO csapata
A CitizenGO.org aktív polgárok közössége, akik célul tűzték ki az emberi élet, a család és a szabadság védelmét világszerte. Ha szeretne többet megtudni a CitizenGO-ról, kattintson ide vagy kövessen minket a Facebookon vagy Twitteren.
Ezt az üzenetet tokic.stjepan719@gmail.com. kapja. Ha szeretne leiratkozni a levelezőlistáról, kattintson ide.
Amennyiben kapcsolatba szeretne lépni velünk ne erre az e-mailre válaszoljon, hanem a http://www.citizengo.org/en/contact oldalon keresztül keressen minket!

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Green Life: Daily Tips from Sierra magazine
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Lack of Funding, and Political Will, Threaten Restoration of the Everglades

On December 2000, a bipartisan Congress passed one of the biggest environmental projects in U.S. history. Jeb Bush, then governor of Florida, even attended a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden as President Bill Clinton signed the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) into law. The 30-year, $8.2 billion project aimed to return the flow of freshwater through the Everglades, and restore the massive south Florida tropical wetland as well as Florida Bay and the Bay of Biscayne. During the first few years of CERP, many of its projects were fully funded, and the Everglades restoration got off to a quick start.

But over time, money, political cooperation—and even more of the Everglades—has dried up.

Read moreSo what's next?

Photo courtesy of Everglades National Park

Florida's Big Oil National Preserve: Just north of the Everglades, Big Cypress welcomes oil drilling.

Meet Bigfoot's Cousin: Check out 5 destinations for legend hunters.

A Poster for Every Park: Designer JP Boneyard's new Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series highlights the unique beauty of each National Park.
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