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Izvansudski i sudski postupak stečaja potrošača 10. ožujka 2017. (petak), u 10.00 sati; Zagreb, Tuškanova 37, konferencijska dvorana
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Predavačice: - Ljiljana Hrastinski Jurčec, sutkinja Vrhovnog suda Republike Hrvatske
- Nevenka Baran, sutkinja Visokog trgovačkog suda Republike Hrvatske (privremeno na ispomoći u MPRH na poslovima savjetnice ministra)
Prijave su u tijeku!
Dana 1. siječnja 2016. u pravni poredak Republike Hrvatske uveden je novi insolvencijski postupak stečaja potrošača kojemu je prvenstvena svrha omogućiti potrošačima, nesposobnim za plaćanje, reprogramiranje njihovih obveza (kroz sklapanje nagodbe s vjerovnicima). One poštene potrošače čija imovina nije dostatna za ukupno namirenje tražbina vjerovnika u tom postupku, moguće je osloboditi od obveza koje preostanu nakon unovčenja njihove imovine i raspodjele prikupljenih sredstava vjerovnicima. Oslobođenje od preostalih obveza moguće je i za one potrošače koji nemaju imovinu nad kojom bi se mogao provesti stečajni postupak nakon proteka razdoblja provjere ponašanja koje određuje sud. S druge strane, stečaj nad potrošačem ima za cilj omogućiti svim vjerovnicima ravnomjerno namirenje njihovih tražbina. Broj blokiranih fizičkih osoba u Republici Hrvatskoj, te ciljevi stečaja nad potrošačem čine ovaj specifični izvanparnični insolvencijski postupak interesantnim velikom krugu osoba – insolventnim građanima, zatim onima koji će postupak provoditi (posrednici, suci, povjerenici) te naročito vjerovnicima koji pokušavaju namiriti svoja potraživanja. Predavačice će kroz prikaz izvansudskog i sudskog dijela postupka stečaja nad potrošačem upoznati polaznike s njihovim pravnim položajem u svim fazama postupka te načinom na koji u stečaju potrošača mogu ostvarivati svoju tražbinu, kao i sa sredstvima koja će im omogućiti nadzor nad provedbom toga postupka.
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The American-Israeli
Cooperative Enterprise
Our 23rd Year

Myths & Facts: Online Exclusive
Is Israel's Settlement Legislation an Obstacle to Peace?

An international furor arose following the Knesset adoption of the "Regulations Bill," which grants property rights to Jewish homeowners in West Bank settlements built on "Palestinian land." Media headlines emphasized this point and world leaders subsequently assailed Israel for a "land grab" that threatens a two-state solution.
The wisdom of adopting such a law is a matter of controversy separate from the question of its legality. Most commentary about the legislation failed to explain that the law applies to a small number of homes - approximately 4,000. Moreover, Palestinians did not claim title to these lands until years after the homes were built. As international law expert Professor Eugene Kontorovich noted, these lands were typically state land given to Palestinians by King Hussein during the Jordanian occupation of the West Bank (Eugene Kontorovich, "Israel's Settlement Regulations Bill and International Law," Just Security, December 20, 2016). As the occupier, Hussein had no right to give away the land.
Israelis who built houses in the West Bank several decades ago were unaware that the land did not belong to the state; they did not intentionally purchase plots belonging to Palestinians. The law offers Palestinians who can prove ownership 125% of the value of the land as compensation, or alternative nearby plots, in exchange for allowing the homeowners to remain.
Kontorovich added that it is misleading to refer to the areas in question as "private Palestinian lands" because no individual Palestinians have come forward to claim much of the land. Thus, he says, "common law would certainly warrant the application of adverse possession doctrines, under which long-term possession of property unprotested by owners can change legal title."
A solution might be possible to avoid controversy and litigation if the Jewish homeowners could negotiate deals with the Palestinians claiming property rights. Unfortunately, the Palestinian Authority has mandated the death penalty for any Palestinian selling land to Jews (the penalty supposedly has been reduced to life at hard labor).
Kontorovich explained that critics of the law have incorrectly interpreted Article 46 of the Hague Convention as an absolute prohibition against the confiscation of private property absent military necessity. He notes that the article's meaning is subject to debate and not established law. Moreover, an important distinction exists between confiscation and expropriation. The latter provides for just compensation while the former does not. Thus, the Hague Convention would not apply to the expropriation called for in the Regulations Bill.
Finally, Kontorovich explains that property owners need to prove they have suffered some injury to seek legal recourse. "This may be the first case where it is the payment of above-market compensation [that] is claimed as an international law violation."
The law is being challenged and Israel's High Court will make a final determination as to whether it is consistent with Israeli law. Meanwhile, the political argument that the law will prevent a two-state solution relies on the specious argument that any settlement construction is an impediment to peace. The Palestinians' unwillingness to recognize a Jewish state alongside a Palestinian state, however, is the true obstacle to peace.
The Times of Israel |
Almost immediately after President Trump's announcement of an executive order restricting immigration from seven Middle East countries, critics began to recite the familiar mantra that this action, targeting states that are incubators for Muslim extremists, will have the counterproductive effect of radicalizing additional Muslims. This argument reflects the widespread misunderstanding of the war radical Islamists are fighting against us and holds America hostage to the people conducting this war.
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Good morning from Washington as Donald Trump begins his fourth full week as president. With much made of his flurry of executive orders, Morgan Walker looks at how unusual that is. Now that he is HHS secretary, Tom Price can start to dismantle Obamacare. Melissa Quinn shares how. It's no coincidence protesters "resist" Trump by disrupting lawmakers' meetings. Fred Lucas tells who is behind the effort. Plus: Bruce Klingner on North Korea's missile message, and Sondra Clark on dangers in delaying Obamacare's repeal. |

Even as congressional Republicans finalize their course for unwinding Obamacare, Price can now use his executive power to begin chipping away at Obamacare's framework. Here's what he can do.
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Democrats who used to work on Capitol Hill are helping to disrupt Republican lawmakers' town hall meetings across the country through a nationwide effort to oppose and "resist" President Donald Trump's agenda.
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By the end of his third week in office in 2009, President Barack Obama had issued 14 executive orders.
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Obamacare is bad, and only getting worse. Average premiums are going up by 25 percent this year and deductibles are blowing past $10,000 for a family.
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The challenge to Trump's immigration order is but one of what will surely be a long series of pitched legal battles—many reaching the high court—as progressives pursue their promise to fight the president at every turn.
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The launch is yet another violation of United Nations resolutions prohibiting any North Korean launch using ballistic missile technology and the allies should press Beijing for further restrictions on North Korea's financial activity, most notably coal exports to China.
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We're hearing from so many enthusiastic members of The Daily Signal's audience that we decided to begin running some of your correspondence.
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16.02.2017. Fortrade Open Day, Zagreb |
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Rezervirajte termin za 1 na 1 sastanak sa svojim Fortrade account menadžerom, 16.02.2017. od 12:00 - 18:00 h u Hotelu Antunović u Zagrebu. |
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16.02.2017. Fortrade Seminar, Zagreb |
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