petak, 10. veljače 2017.


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Week Three, in one sentence: Donald Trump attacked a “so-called judge,” who was appointed by George H. W. Bush, after he temporarily  halted Trump’s refugee and immigration ban; suggested that Russia and the U.S. were basically morally equivalent; accused the media of intentionally underreporting terrorist attacks for shadowy reasons; cited untrue stats about the U.S. murder rate; tweeted that his daughter Ivanka was mistreated by Nordstrom, after which his senior advisor told America to “buy Ivanka’s stuff” on national television; reportedly paused a call with Vladimir Putin so he could find out what the U.S.-Russia nuclear treaty is; and, after another legal blow to his ban, this time from a federal appeals court, tweeted “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!”
A federal judge enacted a nationwide hold Friday on President Trump’s refugee and immigration ban. A day later, Trump attacked the “so-called judge” on Twitter, calling the decision “ridiculous” and set to be “overturned.” Trump continued to scorn the judiciary throughout the week.
Then, Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal told reporters Wednesday that Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch had called the president’s attacks on the judiciary “disheartening” and “demoralizing.”
Naturally, Trump went after the senator too, by reminding Twitter that Blumenthal once lied about fighting in Vietnam (which is true.)
After Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, in an interview before the Super Bowl,pressed Trump on how he could support a “killer” like Putin, the president said, “We got a lot of killers. What, you think our country is so innocent?”
Republican hawks immediately took aim at Trump for his continued defense of Russia, which could affect a number of issues facing the U.S. and the world. Russia currently ranks 148th out of 180 nations for press freedom, according to Reporters without Borders, and routinely jails dissidents, some of whom have ended up dead.
In a speech during his first trip to the U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operation Command, Donald Trump lobbed a new (and false) allegation at the “very, very dishonest media”: failing to reporting incidents of terrorism.
Later in the day, the White House released a list of 78 “underreported” terror attacks. The press had widely covered most of the incidents, however, like the Orlando nightclub shooting last June and the Paris attacks in November 2015. The list also left out several attacks committed by white people.

What the new secretary of health means for the future of Obamacare
The fact that Trump’s full Cabinet had not been confirmed was a “disgrace” and the “longest such delay in the history of our country,” the president tweeted Tuesday evening.
Not even close. Aside from both President Bushes’ final Cabinet picks being confirmed later than early February, Obama holds the modern record, according to the BBC — the confirmation hearing for former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wrapped up on April 28.
During a roundtable meeting with county sheriffs Tuesday, the president once again cited a false crime statistic. “The murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right?” Trump said. “Did you know that? Forty-seven years.”
In 2015, there were 4.9 murders per 100,000 people in the U.S., according to publicly available crime data. Forty-seven years ago, in 1970, the murder rate was 7.9 per 100,000 people. Even before the conversation, Trump and his administration were skewing crime statistics to fit their agenda.
The president’s comments come the same day the Senate confirmed former Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions as the new U.S. attorney general.
Trump’s senior advisor Kellyanne Conway also gave, in her own words, a “free commercial” for Ivanka Trump’s brand — which Nordstrom dropped last month — in the White House Briefing Room, leading to serious questions about the ethics of endorsing a company that benefits the first family. “Go buy Ivanka’s stuff,” Conway said. “It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it.”
After a U.S. appeals court declined to reinstate Trump’s refugee and immigration ban, the president tweeted: “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!” Thursday’s decision only keeps a temporary suspension and doesn’t fully repeal the ban, as several states have filed for on constitutional grounds. Even if Trump appeals, however, the outcome doesn’t look good. A Supreme Court decision ending in a 4-4 split would uphold what the lower court ruled.
In his first official call with Putin, Trump reportedly didn’t know about the New START treaty — and had to pause the call to find out, according to Reuters. For the record, it’s the U.S.-Russia nuclear treaty negotiated by Obama and ratified with bipartisan support in 2010.
Trump also signed three executive orders Thursday to stop crime, prevent violence against law enforcement, and crack down on drug cartels — although none of them propose immediate changes.
In another first phone call this week, with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump finally affirmed his support of the “One China” policy after months of underhanded opposition to the long-standing diplomatic policy.
This week in POTUS tweets:

Protect Mark Clarke from violent abuse!

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Mark Clarke has been in prison for nearly a year without yet facing trail. He was arrested with 119 other people in the largest "gang" raid in New York City history. He is being kept in solitary confinement, has been denied family visits, and has been shot with rubber bullets and sprayed with tear gas while in his cell. Click here to sign a petition to the warden of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, NY, demanding Mark Clarke's immediate transfer and the end of all violent treatment against him. Clarke needs to be allowed visits and phone calls, and all documentation about his continued segregation needs to be released to his family.Clarke was arrested on April 27, 2016 along with 119 other people now known as the Bronx 120. Indicted on the basis of "evidence" such as social media surveillance, "association" and the NYPD's highly discriminatory criteria for identifying "gang members," the Bronx 120 face federal charges from a DA's office that boasts a 90+% conviction rate. Being charged under the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act of 1970 allows for all 120 young men to be implicated in the same 8 alleged murders dating back to 2007.  Since the shock-and-awe style raid by 700 militarized law enforcement officials from 6 different agencies last April, the state has employed numerous scare tactics against the Bronx 120 and their loved ones in an attempt to silence opposition to this blatant abuse of authority.Mark Clarke has been sent to Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), the federal prison in Brooklyn, to await trial. Since Mark has been at MDC, he has reported multiple personal attacks by MDC correctional officers, including being denied family visits, and being shot with rubber bullets and sprayed with tear gas while in his cell. 

Click here to help put a stop to this.

Although Mark has documented psychiatric issues since his imprisonment last April, he has been denied visits to the psychiatric unit at MDC, despite multiple requests from his mother. Mr. Clarke has been in solitary confinement since September 14, 2016, and will be until October 2017 unless we act on his behalf.

Please add your name here.

Please call these MDC officials to ensure that the warden and others know that people are aware of the situation, and put pressure on them to allow family visits and phone calls for Mr. Mark Clarke.
Phone: 718-840-4200
(Ext: 5549 Case Manager Demosphenes)
(Ext: 5141 Warden's Secretary)

Key points to mention when you call/leave a message:
--Mr. Clarke needs to be allowed visits and be allowed phone calls.
--All documentation about his continued segregation needs to be released to his family.

After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.

This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now. 

-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.


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It's official, respected friends. Mitch McConnell has given us our fighting words for 2017:“She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”
When he tried to silence Elizabeth Warren for using her voice, for giving power to Coretta Scott King’s letter, he sent a message to ALL Democrats. We will keep marching, flooding the Capitol switchboards with phone calls, and showing that when it comes to our values we will NOT sit down and shut up. And with this sticker you can put that fighting spirit on full display (and make Mitch McConnell eat his words)! Just chip in $5 or more right now (shipping included) >>

Nevertheless, she persisted. -- Give now and receive this FREE sticker. Contribute:

The courage Elizabeth Warren demonstrated on the Senate floor is what we need to have on full display every day. There’s too much at stake to be quiet. So please, donate $5 or more now to show Elizabeth Warren and Senate Democrats you’ll have their back in the fights ahead (and we’ll ship your sticker for free)!

Thank you,

Catherine Algeri,

P.S. If you’ve already placed an order for a sticker, we are processing your request and look forward to sending it to you. If you’d like to order another sticker before our order is placed, click here.

A quick note on donations, friends:

We're hard at work readying resources for the fight ahead -- and with 99% of our contributions coming from grassroots Democrats giving under $200, your support could not be more important to our efforts.

Please consider a contribution of any amount today. We can elect a Senate that will protect our values from right-wing extremists, but only if supporters like you have our back.


Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
120 Maryland Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20002
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La Lettre de Marine du 10 février 2017
Chers amis,

A l'occasion d'un week-end intense de travail et de rencontres à Lyon, ma campagne a été lancée avec succès et je remercie toutes celles et tous ceux qui ont fait le déplacement ou encore ceux qui nous ont suivis ! J'ai vite entrepris ensuite, vous l'avez remarqué, de partir rendre visite à ceux qui attendent que les candidats à la présidence s'occupent des problèmes des Français.

J'ai ainsi, mardi, visité trois commissariats de l’Essonne. J’ai pu constater les conditions déplorables dans lesquelles nos policiers travaillent chaque jour. Malheureusement, les mois qui viennent de s’écouler ont été particulièrement terribles pour nos forces de l’ordre, éprouvées par l’horrible attentat de Magnanville et l’attaque odieuse de Viry-Châtillon. Encore une fois, je leur apporte tout mon soutien et je m’engage à augmenter significativement leurs moyens et leurs effectifs (15 000 postes de policiers et gendarmes en plus) mais aussi à leur redonner tout l'appui moral et politique dont ils ont besoin dans l'exercice de leurs missions. Ils sont sur nos territoires les garants de l'ordre républicain : cela leur confère notre entier respect en échange de leur engagement au service de la nation et de leur probité.

Jeudi, j’ai eu le plaisir de pouvoir développer mes engagements, présentés à Lyon le week-end dernier, dans L’Émission politique de France 2. Je suis heureuse de constater que mes idées intéressent les Français : ce soir-là, l’émission a battu largement son record d’audience et trois millions et demi de personnes l’ont suivie. Les 144 engagements que je prends pour la France sont tous disponibles sur le site internet et l’application de la campagne, Je vous invite à les télécharger sous toutes les formes et à les diffuser largement autour de vous. Ils forment un ensemble solide et cohérent, capable de redresser notre pays pour longtemps, bien loin des propositions farfelues de Benoît Hamon, destructrices de François Fillon ou inexistantes d’Emmanuel Macron.

Plus que jamais, je vous demande de vous mobiliser pour faire connaître ce projet indispensable au retour de la France au concert des grandes puissances du monde (elle en a les capacités), et au bonheur de nos concitoyens.  C'est le projet dont la France a besoin, je le crois sincèrement, et la victoire est devant nous.
Il ne nous reste plus qu'à nous mobilier et diffuser auprès de tous nos belles idées patriotes. Belle campagne à tous ! Et encore merci !
Clip de campagne officiel | Marine 2017
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Marine : une femme, une mère, une avocate
Élire le Chef de l’État ce n’est pas seulement choisir la personnalité qui décidera de la politique de la nation durant un quinquennat ou une décennie ; c’est aussi désigner celui ou celle qui représentera les Français pour plusieurs années, parlera en leur nom, décidera pour eux. La personnalité du chef de l’Etat revêt donc, pour le pays comme pour chacun... Téléchargez le tract
Alstom : comme prévu, l'Union Européenne menace la commande de quinze rames de TGV destinée à sauver Belfort
J’apprends aujourd’hui dans Les Échos que la commande publique de quinze rames TGV à Alstom, destinée à sauver le site de Belfort, est menacée par des raisons juridiques selon une note interne du ministère de l’Économie. Lire la suite
Voir toutes les actualités !
Jeux Olympiques : la trahison linguistique...
Décidément, nos élites n’aiment pas la France. Pire, elles la méprisent. Chaque fois qu’elles le peuvent, elles capitulent pour mieux abandonner un peuple qu’elles ne supportent pas. Et cette détestation s’étend à notre langue. Les jeux olympiques modernes ont été institués par un Français, Pierre de Coubertin. Le français est la langue officielle... Lire la suite
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Assises présidentielles de Lyon : discours de Marine Le Pen | Marine 2017
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2017, en toute simplicité #11 : « Le programme de Marine en 3 mots ! »
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« Le Vrai Fillon » #4 : Connaissez-vous vraiment François Fillon ?
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Respected friends,
In this challenging time for America, we simply can't let the Right's dangerous extremism become normalized by having it go unanswered.
That goes for the theft of a Supreme Court seat by Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans via their unprecedented blockade against Merrick Garland. That goes for Trump's repeated attacks on our Constitution. And that goes for Republican senators' outrageous silencing of Elizabeth Warren during the debate on Jeff Sessions in order to ram through his confirmation as attorney general.
26,000 people have already joined our petition to denounce Republican senators' attack on Sen. Warren.
Sen Warre: we will persist
-- Ben

Earlier Message:
Stand with Warren! Sign the petition
Last night, Senate Republicans misused a rarely enforced senate rule (Rule XIX) to SHUT DOWN criticism of Trump attorney general nominee Jeff Sessions by Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
It was a shocking power play by Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans to SILENCE DISSENT within the chamber in their effort to steamroll opposition to Sessions and ram through his confirmation.
Sen. Warren read a quote from the late Sen. Ted Kennedy in 1986, when Sessions was rejected by the majority Republican Senate for a federal judgeship, in which Kennedy called Sessions a “throwback to a shameful era.”
Then, Warren began to read a letter from Coretta Scott King that was submitted to the Senate in opposition to Sessions’ 1986 nomination, which stated that Sessions had "used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens" and "to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters." At that point, Sen. Warren was interrupted and reprimanded.
Republicans then upheld the rule violation with a 49-43 party-line vote, sidelining Sen. Warren from the rest of the debate and barring her from speaking on the Senate floor until the final vote on Sessions takes place.
This is outrageous.
This inappropriate enforcement of this Senate rule is both extreme and hypocritical.
All Sen. Warren was doing was quoting a former senator and reading from a letter by the widow of Martin Luther King that had already been in the Senate’s own records.
By McConnell’s purported interpretation of this Senate rule, any time a sitting senator is nominated to an executive branch position or court seat, no other senator in the constitutional advise-and-consent process could ever criticize or make a case against that nominee using damaging evidence from the nominee’s own record.
And, in a statement calling out McConnell’s move, Minority Leader Schumer cited these examples of when Republican senators had recently “impugned” their colleagues far worse than Sen. Warren’s accurate reading of others’ quotes about Jeff Sessions:
  • In floor remarks on July 24, 2015, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused McConnell himself of telling “a flat out lie,” accusing his party’s own Majority Leader of repeatedly lying to every Republican senators as well as the press.
  • In floor remarks on February 1, 2017 -- just one week ago -- Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) “impugned” Sen. Schumer, saying his “tear-jerking performance over the past weekend belongs at the Screen Actors Guild awards, not in a serious discussion of what it takes to keep America safe,” and accused Schumer of “stirring up global hysteria to score political points.”
  • Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) viciously went after then-Minority Leader Harry Reid in his floor remarks on May 25, 2016, lamenting how he is “forced to listen to the bitter, vulgar, incoherent ramblings of the minority leader,” and went on:
    “Normally, like every other American, I ignore [Sen. Reid’s remarks]. I can't ignore them today, however ... We are delaying it for one reason and one reason only: to protect his own sad, sorry legacy. He now complains in the mornings that the Senate is not in session enough, that our calendar is too short. Whatever you think about that, the happy byproduct of fewer days in session in the Senate is that this institution will be cursed less with his cancerous leadership."
Sen. Schumer noted, "If the average American heard someone read a letter from Coretta Scott King ... they would not be offended."
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) tweeted, “It is demeaning to the memory of Coretta Scott King and harmful to the process for the Republicans to silence @SenWarren. #LetLizSpeak"
Republicans need to hear loud and clear that Americans are watching and we do not accept their shameful abuse of power.
Thanks for speaking out!
-- Ben Betz, Online Engagement Director

Democrats introduce a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United


Democrats in Congress JUST introduced a brand new Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United.

That's huge! A Constitutional Amendment is one of the best ways to get big money out of politics.

But Republicans are going to do everything in their power to block it from passing. They're desperate to appease their billionaire backers.

We need 5O,OOO people this week to thank Democrats for their work and build momentum for this Constitutional Amendment.

The 2O16 elections were sold to the highest bidder.

If we’re going to stop them in the future, we need to make real progress and End Citizens United.

To do that, we need to fight harder, louder, stronger than ever before. The future of our Democracy depends on us.

So STJEPAN, we need you to sign on right away and thank Democrats for introducing a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United:

Change starts with you,
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From the entire End Citizens United team, thanks for your support!

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