petak, 24. veljače 2017.

La Lettre de Marine du 24 février 2017

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La Lettre de Marine du 24 février 2017
Chers amis,

La semaine a été très chargée ! Je l’ai commencée par un voyage au Liban, au cours duquel j’ai rencontré le président de la République, M. Aoun, le Chef du gouvernement, M. Hariri, et de nombreuses autres personnalités politiques, religieuses ou économiques. Ce déplacement m’a permis de faire valoir à mes interlocuteurs l’importance que j’accorde à la qualité des relations entre la France et le Liban, d’évoquer les problèmes considérables qui se posent dans cette région du monde, et les répercussions qu’ils peuvent avoir sur la vie de nos deux pays.
Après avoir été reçue au journal télévisé de TF1 mercredi soir, j’ai eu le plaisir de visiter jeudi le forum des travaux publics organisé par la FNTP et d’y présenter les mesures que j’envisage pour reprendre en main la politique d’investissements par l’Etat stratège et pour lutter contre le déclassement de nos infrastructures publiques, si nécessaires à la prospérité de notre pays, à l’activité des entreprises et à notre bien-être à tous. Dans la même journée, je me suis exprimée, à l’occasion de ma deuxième conférence présidentielle, auprès de nombreux ambassadeurs et représentants d’ambassades (une cinquantaine de pays étaient ainsi représentés), sur la politique internationale de la France dans un monde multipolaire. Ce dernier exercice m’a donné l’occasion de livrer ma vision sur le rôle déterminant que peut jouer la France sur les grandes déstabilisations que subissent aujourd’hui les relations internationales ; j’ai pu aussi dire quelle ambition je porte pour faire rayonner la France et renforcer notre Défense nationale contre les agressions extérieures.

Enfin, ce jour, je me suis rendue dans la Drôme. J’y ai visité une production de Lavande, et j'ai pu constater à quel point les normes européennes empêchent nos talents de s’exprimer. Je visiterai la semaine prochaine le Salon de l’agriculture, comme je le fais chaque année, et exposerai à cette occasion directement aux agriculteurs et éleveurs que je rencontrerai mon ambition pour le redressement de l’agriculture française. Je tiens ce soir une réunion publique à Pierrelatte, et serai présente à Nantes dimanche pour mon prochain grand meeting de campagne. Je compte sur vous pour relayer mes actions et nos idées, et comme chaque semaine, je vous souhaite une bonne campagne !
Conférence présidentielle : politique internationale de la France dans un monde multipolaire
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La politique internationale de la France dans un monde multipolaire :
Marine Le Pen tenait, ce vendredi 24 février 2017 à Paris, sa deuxième Conférence présidentielle sur le thème « La politique internationale de la France dans un monde multipolaire »... Découvrir son discours
Quelle politique carcérale ? Découvrez les mesures de Marine Le Pen en la matière
Après avoir visité la prison de Meaux,  Marine Le Pen a donné une conférence de presse pour détailler son programme en matière de politique carcérale... Retour en vidéo
Marine Le Pen en visite au barrage de Vouglans (Jura)
Marine Le Pen s'est rendue à Vouglans, dans le Jura. L'occasion pour notre candidate de visiter le barrage hydroélectrique de cette commune et de dénoncer la privatisation de ces équipements, constructions qui appartiennent aux Français et qui génèrent des énergies propres... Découvrir le reportage
Voir toutes les actualités !
Débat présidentiel sur TF1 : la chaîne doit renouer avec la démocratie !
Avec la franchise et le volontarisme que les Français me reconnaissent, j’avance mes propositions depuis le début du mois de février, et je me réjouis aujourd’hui que les chaînes de télévision souhaitent organiser des débats avec les candidats à l’élection présidentielle. Enfin une occasion de faire parler des concurrents qui ne souhaitent pour le moment rien dire ! Lire la suite
Médias, Macron : stop ou encore ?
J’avais alerté le CSA avant la remise à zéro des compteurs de temps de parole au 1er février, pour obtenir un report du retard considérable de temps de parole dont ma candidature était victime, suite à la monopolisation des médias par les participants à la primaire de la droite à l’automne, puis celle de la gauche en janvier. Sans surprise, le CSA a refusé de répondre favorablement à ma demande. Lire la suite
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Plus d'informations sur le meeting
Découvrez les dates de la tournée Marine 2017
Jean Messiha : « Avec Marine, retrouvons notre liberté nationale ! »
2017, en toute simplicité #13 : « Un porte-avions Richelieu ? »
Voir toutes les vidéos !
#LeVraiFillon, redevable des Qataris ?
En savoir plus sur le vrai Fillon !
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Week 5, in one sentence: Donald Trump held a rally in Florida, where he declared the press his enemy — again; alluded to a terror attack in Sweden that never happened, based on a Fox News segment; appointed a new national security adviser after Michael Flynn resigned last week; saw his EPA chief under fire after newly released emails detailed his more-than-cozy relationship with the fossil fuel industry; finally condemned a growing surge of anti-Semitism in the U.S.; tweeted that “so-called angry crowds” at Republican town halls were “planned by liberal activists”; revoked Obama-era guidance on protections for transgender students; delayed a new immigration ban until next week; and defended his First Amendment right to bash the press at the annual Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC).  
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Day 30 — Feb. 18: Trump seemed to kick off his reelection campaign with a rally in Florida where he called the crowd his “friends” and framed the press as his enemy.
“They’re part of the corrupt system,” Trump said. “When the media lies to the people I will never ever let them get away with it.”
During the same rally, Trump spoke vaguely about an event in Sweden that many Swedes believed was an allusion to a terror attack that didn’t actually happen.

“We’ve got to keep our country safe,” Trump said. “You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden.”
Day 31 — Feb. 19: The president tried to clarify his comments about Sweden by tweeting that they were a reference to a Fox News story he’d seen — most likely one featuring a clip from a documentary about alleged violence committed by refugees in the country.
The Department of Homeland Security drafted two new memos that signal increased deportation efforts against undocumented immigrants in the U.S.
Fringe conspiracy theorist Alex Jones told the New York Times that he sometimes speaks to Trump on the phone. Jones repeatedly pushes bizarre theories proven to be false, such as calling the 2014 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, which killed 26 people, a “false flag” that didn’t happen.

Chief of Staff Reince Priebus also doubled down on Trump’s statement that the news media are the enemy of the American people.
Day 32 — Feb. 20: Trump appointed Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster as his next national security adviser. Michael Flynn resigned from the job last week after admitting he misled Vice President Mike Pence and discussed sanctions with Russia before Trump took office.
Day 33 — Feb. 21: The Oklahoma attorney general’s office released more than 7,500 emails and other records that detailed a close relationship between Trump’s EPA chief Scott Pruitt, the state’s former attorney general, and the fossil fuel industry. Pruitt routinely collaborated with oil and gas companies, even allowing one of them to edit his emails. The Senate confirmed Pruitt as the EPA chief last week despite efforts by Democrats to stall the approval until the emails were released.
Trump finally addressed a growing wave of anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S. Eleven Jewish community centers received bomb threats the day before, and a historic Jewish cemetery in St. Louis was desecrated the previous weekend. Trump called the events “a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil.”

The New York Times also reported Tuesday that the Trump administration’s move to reduce two key advisers’ role on the National Security Council was essentially the result of an editing mistake.
Day 34 — Feb. 22: Trump’s administration rescinded Obama’s guidance to schools that transgender students’ bathroom choices were protected under Title IX. The decision was immediately met by harsh criticism from lawmakers, educators, and LGBTQ advocatesTrump had pledged to protect American LGBTQ citizens during his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in July.
The White House said it would briefly postpone issuing a new immigration order meant to replace Trump’s controversial executive order that has been blocked by federal courts. The new executive order is scheduled to drop sometime next week.

Voter anger boiled over at yet another Republican town hall. Constituents booed and interrupted Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, chanting “Do your job!” and “Tax returns!” Many Republicans are skipping town halls this month to avoid made-for-TV confrontations in the Trump era. In a tweet addressing the recent conflicts at Republican town halls, Trump said the “so-called angry crowds” are “planned out by liberal activists.”
Day 35 — Feb. 23: Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that he intends to undo an Obama-era decision to phase out federal use of private prisons, helping prison stocks continue their meteoric rise since Trump’s election.
A number of top Trump administration officials, including Mike Pence, Betsy DeVos, Kellyanne Conway, Reince Priebus, and Steve Bannon, appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C.
Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist and one of the president’s most controversial appointees, made a rare public speaking appearance. At CPAC, he railed against media coverage of Trump.

“It's going to get worse every day for the media,” Bannon said.
Day 36 — Feb. 24: The president woke up Friday and took a shot at the FBI, tweeting that the intelligence agency is “totally unable to stop the national security ‘leakers’ that have permeated our government.”
As with many of Trump’s early-morning tweets, it came on the heels of a CNN report he probably didn’t like. The report claimed the FBI had knocked back a White House request to publicly refute reports in the media that the agency was investigating communications that took place between Trump’s associates and Russia during the 2016 election campaign.

Trump also gave a vigorous defense of his First Amendment right to bash the “fake news media” in a speech at to CPAC.
This week in POTUS tweets:

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Portugal is still largely undiscovered as a sailing destination, which is somewhat unfair, given that it has 300 days of sunshine per year and endless miles of coastline. Chartering a yacht in Portugal will give you an opportunity to explore this often overlooked, yet surprisingly affordable sailing paradise.
Portugal’s coastal capital Lisbon is unavoidable on your journey and an ideal starting point. The whole city is spread across seven hills facing the river, so you can enjoy the awe-inspiring viewpoints no matter where you find yourself.
On June 12th and 13th, you can witness the fabulous Santo Antonio Festival, when the whole town becomes a colorful party place overflowing with food and drinks (of course, the omnipresent salted cod bacalhau is a must try).
Street in Valldemossa village
West of Lisbon lies a charming fishing village of Cascais you can sail to for an enjoyable day trip. Traditional 19th century architecture, family owned restaurants and open-air cafes will make you want to stay longer. Not to mention a great variety of beaches ideal for sunbathing or surfing.
Portugal's sunny southernmost region, stretching for some 100 miles, offers warm, sandy beaches and fantastic conditions for sailing due to its tailwinds. That is why sailing enthusiasts from all over the world flock there, regardless of their sailing experience. Thanks to its varied landscape and hidden beauties, it is a special delight to observe the coast from the sea.
Sardinia - Capo Testa - Beautiful coast
One of the most visited towns on the western coastline of Algarve is the vibrant Lagos, which offers more than just beautiful beaches, such as Meia Praia and Praia de Batata. After sightseeing the historic center and the ominous Slave Market, you can enjoy the buzzing nightlife, with a huge number of restaurants and bars to choose from.
Sardinia - Capo Testa - Beautiful coast
Just a hop from Lagos is Portimão, which is much more low-key and relaxed than its neighbor. Dolphin watching boat trips are especially popular there, as well as cave exploring. It also offers great shopping and places to golf or play tennis, if you get tired of water sports.
Sardinia - Capo Testa - Beautiful coast
Colorful and exciting, yet at the same time relaxing and undiscovered, Portugal is the perfect sailing destination you have been looking for, so charter your yacht, and let the adventure begin!
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