ponedjeljak, 13. veljače 2017.

You’re eligible to apply for a scholarship award of $3,000.00 off the tuition, normally priced at $6,950.00

STOP Trump's Voter Suppression!
Stephen Miller, senior policy adviser to Donald Trump, went on TV over the weekend to dig the administration’s heels in even deeper on Trump’s false claims of voter fraud in the 2016 elections.Recently Trump asserted that the elections in New Hampshire, where both Trump and former Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte lost, were stolen by bused-in, illegal voters from neighboring Massachusetts.
Miller told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos:
“This issue of busing voters in to New Hampshire is widely known by anyone who’s worked in New Hampshire politics. It’s very real, it’s very serious.”
That’s a lie.
The claim earned “four Pinocchios” from Washington Post’s Fact Checker -- the maximum rating for dishonesty. And Republican political operatives who have worked extensively in New Hampshire -- including a former head of the state’s Republican Party -- have spoken out to refute the claim and make clear that Miller and Trump don’t have any idea what they are talking about.
Trump’s voter fraud lies are all meant to seed the field for a massive witch hunt into non- or barely-existent illegal voting that will conflate already well-known findings that dead people remain on voter rolls and many people are registered in multiple states with actual in-person voting fraud taking place (which is not remotely the same thing).
-- Diallo Brooks, Director of Outreach and Public Engagement


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Poslovni dnevnik

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Explore Cuba Beyond Havana with The Nation!
 This is a pivotal time in Cuba’s history as it comes to terms with life after Fidel Castro and an uncertain new relationship with Washington. On our new itinerary, Landscapes of Cuba, we explore the island with visits to the UNESCO World Heritage-designated cities of Camagüey and Trinidad, the pristine coral reef of Jibacoa, plus two nights in Havana. We’ll immerse ourselves in the beauty and charm of the Cuban countryside, where rural life continues as it has for many decades, and where Cubans have carefully protected their nature preserves and historical monuments (we’ll visit the Che Guevara Mausoleum and the Bay of Pigs Museum). Throughout the trip, we’ll meet with prominent Cuban community activists, farmers, artists, dancers, business owners, journalists, and health-care workers. Also, we’ll enjoy private showings at artists’ studios, special performances by some of Cuba’s internationally acclaimed dance companies, and wonderful Cuban music and cuisine. Join us as we explore the magical Cuban countryside at a historic point in time.
April 22–30, 2017 | Full Itinerary

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Marc here with the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.
I’m reaching out because the application deadline for our Eating Psychology & Mind Body Nutrition Coach Certification Training was last Friday, and we noticed you didn't apply. Over the weekend, we heard from several people who truly wanted to join us for this Training, but did not apply because finances were an issue. Well, I want you to know that I’m committed to making the Training accessible to qualified, committed and passionate people who want to learn this important body of work. And for that reason, we’re now offering partial scholarships for the March 2017 session of the Training based on financial need. This is a great opportunity to take this cutting edge training in a way that fits your personal budget! Here are the details about these great scholarship packages:
If your household income is $40,000 US or less:
  • You’re eligible to apply for a scholarship award of $3,000.00 off the tuition, normally priced at $6,950.00
  • We’re pairing this with a no-interest, extended payment plan of $329.00 per month for 12 months to make the Training truly affordable
  • We also offer an additional $200 off for those who choose to pay in full
If your household income is between $40,000 and $60,000:
  • You’re eligible to apply for a scholarship award of $2,000.00 off the tuition, normally priced at $6,950.00
  • We’re pairing this with an optional no-interest, extended payment plan of $412.50 a month for 12 months
  • We also offer an additional $200 off for those who choose to pay in full
If your income is outside of these ranges, but you have other financial circumstances which make paying for the Training a special challenge, we encourage you to write to us at info@psychologyofeating.com and tell us more about your situation. You may still be eligible to apply. (If you don’t fall within these scholarship criteria, you may still be able to get funding for this Training through an outside source! Click HERE for some resources to learn about some other options!) Please note that this scholarship offer is valid for the session beginning in March 2017 only! Scholarship awards cannot be postponed to a future session of the Training. So please only apply if you’re committed to beginning the Training this March!
Here are the guidelines to apply for a scholarship:
1. You must first fill out an application for the Certification Training here: .tinyurl.com/EPCC-Application

  1. Please answer all of the questions in detail, and pay the $25.00 application fee .tinyurl.com/EPCC-Application

  2. In the application there’s a section that asks, “How Did You Hear About Us?” In this section, please write “Scholarship Program Applicant” in addition to letting us know where you heard about the Institute
2. When you submit the Training application, please also complete the Scholarship Application: .tinyurl.com/EPCC-Application

  1. Be sure to answer all of the scholarship questions in detail
  2. The scholarship application requires several supporting documents which are listed on the application form. These documents will need to be scanned and sent to us by email. Required supplemental materials include tax returns, pay stubs, resume, etc.
  3. Once you have completed the Scholarship Application, please email it, along with your supplemental financial materials, to info@psychologyofeating.com with the subject line, “Scholarship Application for [your full name]”
All Scholarship Applications are due by Thursday, February 16th, 2017.
The enrollment deadline for scholarship recipients is Monday, February 27th, 2017 - no exceptions.Expect a period of 1-5 business days for us to review your Scholarship Application and supplemental materials.
We have a limited number of scholarships, so the sooner you apply the better!
Enrolling in the Training
If you’re accepted into the Training and awarded a scholarship, you’ll receive a special email with two payment options:
A pay-in-full option
  1. Or a 12-month interest-free monthly payment plan
Your total tuition due will vary based on the scholarship you are awarded. In all cases, you will receive an additional $200 off the tuition price if you choose to pay in full.  If you choose to use the payment plan, the first payment will be due immediately when you enroll. To set up a payment plan, you’ll need to have a credit or debit card on filewith us. .tinyurl.com/EPCC-Application
tinyurl.com/EPCC-Applicati.tinyurl.com/EPCC-ApplicationYour second payment will be automatically billed to your card on March 1st. Subsequent payments will be automatically charged on the 1st of each month, with the final payment being applied on January 1st, 2018.
This is the largest scholarship package we offer!
Please note: there’s no further flexibility or discount with this offer, so make sure to apply only if you absolutely know you can commit to one of the payment plans above.I truly hope this makes it possible for you to join us! Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at info@psychologyofeating.com Our wonderful staff is happy to answer your questions. I look forward to meeting you in the Training!
Marc David
Founder, Institute for the Psychology of Eating 

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No human being is illegal

CREDIT: Esther Yu Hsi Lee
Federal officials arrested at least 600 immigrants in 11 states in the last week alone, rightly concerning activists. Both the Trump administration and its allies are also pledging to crack down even further on undocumented people, spurring protesters to take to the streets in a show of solidarity. 
CREDIT: AP Photo/Susan Walsh
Michael Flynn lied about discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador. So why is he still National Security Adviser?
California is both sinking and flooding — thanks, climate change!

Reading List

Even Adele knows Beyoncé was robbed.
Under Trump, the fight for disability rights is about to get a lot harder.
Yale University changed a residential college’s name from that of a racist to that of a pioneering female computer programmer. This was too much for Geraldo Rivera.


 — 10-year-old Hannah Bradshaw to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)


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