petak, 3. veljače 2017.


"I like bread more than I like most men."@morninggloria
Winter citrus upside-down cake, Detroit
Blood orange polenta cake, Los Angeles
Upside-down blood orange cake, San Diego
Move over farm-to-table, this is the next food trend
Forget New Nordic, chef Mario Castrellón thinks it's time you got to know his native Panama's wild red rice and boda (which looks like a flower and tastes like baby corn). While his peers plate pasta and call it Panamanian, Castrellón champions "rainforest-to-table" cooking at his restaurant Maito in Panama City, named one of Latin America's 50 best restaurants. But Castrellón's ambitions extend beyond the kitchen. He also works to help feed indigenous communities with NGO Nutre Hogar (which means nourishment home); they recently partnered with a solar powered bakery. With Castrellón leading the way, it's only a matter of time before rainforest-to-table doesn't just mean Rainforest Cafe. MEET MARIO [The Guardian]
What cinnamon buns and woolen socks have in common
When blustery winter temps convince you to swap dinner reservations to stay in with friends, call it hygge as the Danes do. This hard-to-translate word describes an elevated feeling of coziness—think snuggling up under a cashmere blanket with a mug of hot cocoa at hand. Trine Hanhemann, Denmark's answer to Martha Stewart, says the term was first used in the early 20thcentury and since then has become so essential to Danish culture that doctors will prescribe "tea and hygge" as a remedy for the common cold. And since hygge foods include everything from freshly-baked cinnamon buns to mulled wine, this is one lifestyle trend we're happy to embrace. GET HYGGE [The New Yorker]
White chocolate grows up
Kickstart your hygge habit with caramelized white chocolate hot cocoa. While white chocolate usually makes us feel like a 5-year-old on a sugar high, roasting it in the oven causes the milk solids to break down and gives it a toasty taste that reminds us of caramel. Other than that, this recipe is no more complicated than regular hot chocolate—simply mix the chopped-up chocolate with steaming milk and enjoy. Snuggling by a fireplace (or this digital hearth) is optional. GET THE RECIPE [Food52]
We're mesmerized watching this epic cheese toast get made.

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The House of Representatives is poised to undo an Obama administration rule that made natural gas companies pay for taking gas from public lands. By undoing the rule, the House is giving nearly $800 million to companies like ExxonMobil. This is a shameless attempt by Donald Trump and his friends in Congress to pay back their polluter friends. The vote could happen TODAY. We URGENTLY need your help to tell your Representative to stop it! Tell your Representative: Don’t give millions of dollars to Trump’s friends in the fossil fuel industry! Fossil fuel companies often “flare” -- or burn away -- some of the natural gas they drill for. This pollutes our climate for no reason. And until the Obama administration’s rule, fossil fuel companies got to do this for free -- giving them no incentive to reduce the amount of natural gas they use. In 2015, Friends of the Earth filed a Freedom of Information Act request to find out which companies were benefitting from this deal. We found that ExxonMobil, Devon Energy, and Encana Energy were some of the biggest winners. All three companies have close ties to Donald Trump.  Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Secretary of State, was CEO of ExxonMobil. When Scott Pruitt, who could lead the EPA, was Attorney General of Oklahoma, he copied and pasted a letter from Devon Energy onto government letterhead to advocate on its behalf. And one of Trump’s top advisors was a consultant for both Encana and Devon. This just goes to show how far Congress will go to help a few of Trump’s friends -- sacrificing our planet. We can’t let them get away with it! Tell your Representative: Don’t give millions of dollars to Trump’s friends in the fossil fuel industry! Republicans in the House see a Trump presidency as a chance to push through their own extreme anti-environmental agenda. The results could be disastrous for the planet -- from gutting the EPA, to killing President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, to reducing limits on pesticides that kill bees and monarchs. It’s up to people like you to defend President Obama’s climate legacy. So we need you to speak up NOW and stop your Representative from passing this attack on our environmental protections! Tell your Representative that you oppose attacks on President Obama’s climate legacy!
Standing with you,
Lukas Ross,
Climate and energy campaigner,
Friends of the Earth

A lot of people have been asking me about the campaign to keep Trump nominee Neil Gorsuch off of the Supreme Court noting their frustrations (and a little bit of despair) about some of the false narratives that have been circulating about this nominee … and about our chances of stopping him. It’s time to address some of these concerns and dispel some myths.
Another Scalia is not OK. It would be bad. (Very, very bad.)
Just because he’s often been described as ‘Antonin Scalia with a smile,’ and people generally have nice things to say about his demeanor and his intellect, does not mean in any way that Judge Gorsuch is within the mainstream of legal thought. His judicial philosophy actually places him to the right of Scalia in key areas of the law, and no one should forget that Scalia himself was an extremist -- the original champion of a once-fringe judicial philosophy that made him the most reliable hard-right vote on the Court.
Just look at the most important issues that have gone in front of the Supreme Court in recent decades:
  • He was on the wrong side in Citizens United and the other decisions that effectively hung a “for sale” sign our democracy,
  • He voted to block marriage equality and uphold laws criminalizing same-sex relationships,
  • He repeatedly voted to chip away a women’s reproductive rights and voted for the Hobby Lobby ruling that said a corporation had “religious rights” that allowed it to discriminate against its women employees,
  • He voted consistently to weaken civil rights, environmental protections, safeguards for public health, workers’ rights, voting rights (including gutting the Voting Rights Act), and so much more.
NPR’s Supreme Court and legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg rightly calls Gorsuch “a disciple of Scalia's crusade.”
“Scalia’s seat,” the 60-vote rule, and the “Nuclear Option”
Right off the bat, this is NOT “Scalia’s seat.” It’s The People’s seat.
In an op-ed titled “Make the Republicans Go Nuclear” in today’s New York Times, Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) writes, “Senate Republicans are in the middle of pulling off one of the great political heists in American history: the theft of a seat on the United States Supreme Court,” and adds, “This crime is going to do enormous damage to the integrity of the Supreme Court for decades to come. Every 5-4 decision of the court will have a cloud hanging over it.”
He continues:
“Categorical opposition to this nomination is not retribution for the treatment of Judge [Merrick] Garland. It is a refusal to be party to a tactic that will deeply hurt the Supreme Court and, consequently, the rule of law. Yes, the outcome may well be that Senate Republicans strike another blow against our institutions by eliminating the 60-vote rule. But let it be their choice. I am not prepared to be complicit in the undermining of our government.”
I’ll add one more thing to Senator Merkley’s great points -- and this is important: right now, Republicans do not have the votes to execute the Nuclear Option. At least four Republican senators have stated on the record that they are opposed to changing the Senate rules.
We’re marching. We’re protesting. Americans are in the streets! But if not for this very fight, then for what?
This president is at war with our Constitution and with fundamental American values. His bigoted attacks on Muslims, immigrants, women, and others, as well as his nomination of a cabinet full of billionaire extremists who represent the Radical Right and corporate special interests, have awoken an unprecedented grassroots movement -- far bigger than the Tea Party ever was.All of this action is important! Exercising our free speech rights … showing the president, his allies in Congress, and the entire world that the right-wing Trump agenda is not the American Way and the People will rise against it… This truly is what democracy looks like.But if this amazing energy is not harnessed and channeled into winning important fights in defense of our constitutional rights, the rule of law, and our foundational democratic institutions, then what is it all for?This Supreme Court fight is the definitive “where the rubber meets the road” moment for the Resistance movement. Because if we roll over in this fight, then the Trump administration and its right-wing congressional majorities will surely roll over us. Trump will be emboldened and his policies -- and nominees -- will continue to get even more brazen and more extreme.
Think we won’t be able to make Senate Democrats stand strong? Think again.
Senate offices reportedly have been receiving 1.5 million calls a day this week from Americans concerned about various Trump nominees, his executive orders, and more. Senators are paying attention.We already have an unprecedented eight senators who have announced their intentions to vote against this Supreme Court nominee. And that’s not out of retribution for the treatment of Merrick Garland -- that’s because they’ve looked at Neil Gorsuch’s record (he was one of the most right-wing potential nominees on Trump’s list of unacceptable candidates) and concluded that his confirmation would be bad for the American people. Our goal remains shoring up every single Democratic senator and swaying a small handful of Republicans to defect from Mitch McConnell’s ranks. We CAN do it. We just need to be relentless. If not now, when?
It’s a time for the People to lead our leaders. That’s the fight we’re stepping up to lead, with your help and your committed support, and we can’t thank you enough for your part in it. We’re depending on the generous donations of our members and supporters to carry out -- and win -- this absolutely necessary fight. Please pitch in what you can right now  DONATE

THANK YOU for everything you do.

Michael Keegan, President

Thank you so much for signing our recent petition supporting a real agenda for working people and pushing back on Trump's harmful policies! This is a vital step in the larger movement to build people power and make sure the voices of working families are heard over corporations. CPD Action, and our sister organization, Center for Popular Democracy, are working closely with nearly 50 grassroots partner organizations across the country to lift up low-income workers, immigrants, women, and people of color in the fight for social, economic, and racial equality. With 2017 having only just begun, our communities have already been busy showing up for justice in the streets – from nationwide actions to shut down #GovernmentSachs and #ProtectOurCare, to the millions who joined in solidarity for the Women’s March, to the dozens of airport protests against the ban on immigrants and refugees based on country of origin. These actions of resistance will only continue to grow, especially in light of the White House’s planned attacks on our communities and concrete threats to roll back the progress we’ve made. We must stand united and fight back. Pledge to continue resisting to protect our communities!Last week, President Trump and every Republican member of the House and Senate met in Philadelphia to plan their 2017 agenda – gutting affordable healthcare, discriminating against immigrants and communities of color and women, and ongoing corporate profiteering at the expense of working families.We joined thousands of community activists outside of Trump's meeting in Philly to raise our voices to defend our communities, our healthcare, and our democracy. After making our voices heard in front of the GOP meeting, we marched to Goldman Sachs and Senator Pat Toomey's office to call out their anti-people, pro-corporate agenda.
Resistance in the streets is going to be an important part of the fight moving forward. We need to make it clear to Republicans, again and again, that they can’t prioritize wealthy special interests and intolerance at the expense of working people and their families.Sign our pledge today DONATE
In solidarity,
Ana María Archila
Co-Executive Director

CPD Action, and our sister organization the Center for Popular Democracy, are building a rising movement of people fighting for a future of opportunity, equality, and inclusion. We're working on campaigns that promote a pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial and economic justice agenda and win victories to improve people’s lives. Together, we’ll build a progressive future we can all be proud of. Please chip in $10 right now to support our campaigns.
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Stop With the Conspiracy Theories—Trump Is Bad Enough
It takes a hefty dose of indifference to be less concerned about something actually happening than about a plot “potentially” unfolding in the shadows.
Donald Trump Cannot Manage a Phone Call With a Capable World Leader
...And I say from firsthand experience that this should scare the wits out of Americans of every partisanship and ideology.
Hundreds of New York Bodegas Are on Strike Today Against Trump’s Muslim Ban
The Yemeni-American diaspora is hitting back against the new administration’s Islamophobic travel ban.
Jane Jacobs’s Radical Vision of Humanity
For the great urbanist and social critic, the planning of cities was always a ad hoc affair.
How the US Tests Out Some of Its Most Oppressive Domestic Policies On the World
From reproductive rights to incarceration, the rest of the globe has been a laboratory for some of our country’s  worst policies.
Barack Obama Radically Expanded Our Appreciation of African-American History
By preserving sites that have been central to the black experience, Obama helped revitalize our civic religion.
The Nation Magazine
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