subota, 4. veljače 2017.


72 HOUR DEADLINE: Tell the Senate to REJECT Betsy DeVos >>

The Senate is voting in just 72 hours on President Trump’s AWFUL nominee for Education Secretary.
Betsy DeVos has ZERO experience in public education. If we don’t stop her, she’ll run our public schools into the ground!Sign your name right now to DEMAND the Senate REJECT Betsy DeVos:

-- Public school funds SLASHED.
-- Vulnerable students NEGLECTED.
-- Working-class families ABANDONED.

There’s no question -- Betsy DeVos would RUIN our schools.  But the Republican Senate is voting on her nomination in just 72 hours, so we’re running out of time to stop her. Sign your name immediately to demand the senate REJECT Betsy DeVos:

Public education is the key to economic opportunity.

But for Betsy DeVos, it’s just another way to line her pockets. That’s why it’s essential we put a stop to her dangerous agenda before it’s too late. Sign on while we still have time:

When it comes to our kids, we can’t afford to stay silent.

-Team Aguilar

Respected friends --

The more we learn about Betsy DeVos, the clearer it is that she would be an unmitigated disaster for our school children When asked about laws protecting kids with disabilities, she was unaware that states are required to comply with federal law.When asked about Trump's plan to ban gun free school zones, she suggested that firearms might be necessary to defend children from grizzly bears.We've even learned that she may have plagiarized some of her answers to the questions she submitted to senators as part of the confirmation process.
The one thing that was clear from her nomination hearing was that Betsy DeVos is grossly unqualified to be put in charge of America's schools. Chip in $1 to show that you're standing with Democrats in this fight to defeat this nomination and send a message to Republicans about the kind of grassroots support our candidates will have going forward. For weeks, voters from all over the country have been burning up the phone lines to ask their lawmakers to oppose DeVos -- and it's working. This week, two Republican senators -- Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska -- said they will vote NO on her nomination.We need just ONE more Republican to stand up for our kids. Otherwise DeVos can be confirmed in a 50-50 tie where Vice President Pence casts the winning vote in her favor. That's unprecedented, and we must stop them. So let's make it crystal clear to Senate Republicans that they'll be held accountable for this vote. Click here to support Senate Democrats in this fight to protect the future of our children.

Thank You!

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
120 Maryland Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20002
Paid for by the DSCC,,
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate. This message was sent to because you are a part of the DSCC’s grassroots network. Please add us to your address book or approved senders list to make sure you keep receiving DSCC updates.

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