ponedjeljak, 6. veljače 2017.

Avaaz Open Letter to Trump -- Interview with CNN

Dear friends,

It's stunning! People are rising fast to meet the massive threat of Trump-style politics -- with more than 5 million of us joining an Avaaz open letter and taking to the streets to oppose his hateful agenda:
If there’s one thing that’s clear it’s that this movement is ready to rise to the challenge posed by Trump and the new tide of far-right, fascist leaders across the world. Already:
Our viral letter to Trump was all over the media! Watch a major CNN interview about the letter, and check out stories herehere, and here.

The open letter was pasted on a giant wall in front of the White House. Hundreds of people contributed their messages of resistance and hope for a different future on a freezing DC night.

Avaaz members joined the record-breaking Women’s Marches worldwide, and US Avaazers responded to Trump’s travel ban by turning up to rapid response protests in airports across the country and volunteering in the hundreds to provide legal assistance to those detained.

And, in just 5 days(!!) our open letter to Trump skyrocketed from 3 to 5 million signers from every country in the world. That’s 400,000 people a day sending a huge message of opposition and growing the movement against hate politics.

This is only the beginning. Trump’s threatening to tear up international agreements, start a nuclear arms race, and stoke war. And this is happening in all our countries, with Trump-style politicians on the rise in Europe and across the world.

In the coming weeks Avaaz will:
  • deliver our viral letter to Trump in major newspapers in the US;
  • make thousands of phone calls and attend rallies and meetings in the US to stop Trump's agenda and appointments;
  • work closely with allies and experts in the Netherlands, France, and Germany to ensure this year's elections are not poisoned by hatred and fake news;
  • work with local leaders and progressive nations to protect the Paris Climate deal and a clean future for our planet;
  • and much, much more.
And these are just a few of the big campaigns our 44-million-strong global community plans to take on together.

Responding with courage to the biggest fights of our time isn't just the core of what our movement does over and over again, it is what is most needed in this moment in history. We are building unprecedented power, and we can win unprecedented victories, together.

With love, hope, and determination,

Emma, Ben, Luis, Mais, Luca, Allison, David, and the rest of the Avaaz team

PS. Together we've won over 110 important victories in less than 10 years! Here are some of the most awesome. Read the full stories here, and let’s use them as inspiration for the road ahead!
  1. Winning the Paris Climate Accord: The agreement was the greatest victory yet in efforts to fight climate change, and our movement was the leading global public mobilisation engine to make it happen.
  2. Saving a free and open internet for all: For five years and across four continents, our community has fought - and won! - to keep the internet free from corporate control and government censorship.
  3. Creating massive marine reserves: Across the planet, our movement has played a significant role in creating the biggest ocean conservation zones in history.
  4. Putting Monsanto on the run! Our movement has stood up to the agrochemical giant from Europe to South America, working alongside brave community leaders to shut down their destructive factories and pesticides.
  5. Defeating the Murdoch Mafia: Avaaz played a central role in killing the largest deal of the hate-media baron’s lifetime -- one that would have expanded his empire dramatically.
  6. Saving lives from Syria to Nepal: Avaazers have donated tens of millions of dollars/euros/yen to help save and rebuild lives in the aftermath of humanitarian disasters in rapid time.
  7. An anti-corruption revolution in Brazil: Millions of Brazilian Avaazers have been a powerful and inspirational force in the fight against rampant corruption in their country. Le Monde has called the results "spectacular political & moral victory for civil society".
  8. Saving bees from killer pesticides: Our massive campaign got Europe to finally ban one of the most dangerous and widely used bee-killing pesticides. And we’re keeping up the fight to take this victory beyond Europe.
  9. Opening our hearts to refugees: Avaazers have donated millions to fund rescue missions at sea and winter protection programmes. We’ve lobbied governments to implement humane policies, and some of us welcomed refugees in our own homes and communities!
  10. Protecting forests, the lungs of the planet: Our movement has already won some important victories, protecting forests from Brazil to Bolivia. Avaazers even purchased land to protect orangutan habitat on the island of Borneo.

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