subota, 4. veljače 2017.

14 Day Summary - Alan's Inteligen Results: Inteligen

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Trump shocks Bill O'Reilly by revealing his secret to working longer and more productive hours (10 extra years to be exact). Now, he's president so this pill's importance is tremendous says O'Reilly. 

Trump is a big fan of creating jobs, reading books, and doing puzzles, but according to O'Reilly, he also credits his success to an IQ boosting, brain pill that helped him with memory, cognition and recall. "This pill is the real magic," says Mr.Trump, referring to Inteligen.
"This brain booster is not heavily advertised but that's what's great about it-- Inteligen puts all their money into finding the most organic, pure all natural ingredients and that it, it all goes into the formula, so you kind of have to be 'in the know' to get your hands on it, but I tell everyone I meet my 'secret' so I guess it's not really a secret anymore."

So lets recap. Donald Trump announced his 2016 nomination but he told O'Reilly that if he didn't take Inteligen he would have retired years ago. He admits that's why he's able to build such large and sustainable business, and continue to boost the economy as long as he's still got Inteligen by his side. We were pleasantly surprised to hear this awesome tip from Trump. We were so surprised by how shockingly simple, cheap, and effective his technique was, we had to test it ourselves and write a feature article on the results! Read on.

“Countless aging celebs admit they avoided taking adderall, by taking this brain pill.”
This Is The Closest Thing To 'The Limit-Less' Pill, Says Bradley Cooper!
There's already been previous controversy around the memory-enhancing pill which was the inspiration for the movie ‘Limitless'. Heavily praised by Gary Stix as 'the missing link in human evolution' in his report 'Turbo-charging the Brain' , when released, the use of Inteligen became widespread amongst young professionals. Specifically, men benefited the most as the effects were amplified due to the ingredients’ reaction to a gene called Inteligen in the male brain. They reported having 'lazer beam focus' and were thinking sharper, improving their memory and turbo charging their energy levels. Reports have been flooding in by the thousands that this pill is helping men effortlessly attract and seduce beautiful women with their new found quick wit and charm. 

  “Inteligen was recently given honary mention in Forbes' printed and online magazine editions as being the pill that can turn you into 'the quickest thinker on the planet'.”

The use of Inteligen pills became widespread after Limitless became a Box Office smash hit and publicly referenced Inteligen as it’s inspiration, and I have provided the link for you to get the exact dosage Denzel takes Inteligen

“This is the brain advancement miracle of the decade as far as I'm concerned.” Bradley Cooper 

So what is it?

Inteligen soon became known as the ‘most powerful self-development trick on earth’. Not long after, everyone from quiz show contestants to university students were taking the pill to double their IQ, triple their salary and achieve peak performance in little time. Inteligen, which has no recorded side effects in any trials, was soon the target of several major pharmaceutical companies who claimed it gave people an unfair advantage over anyone who was unaware of its existence. The pill was eventually banned on shows like Jeopardy! and at top universities such as Cambridge before production of the limitless pills were halted.
Inteligen Brain Booster.

"Avoid Adderall, With A Safe Alternative"
"With this product getting smart has never been easier And double your IQ over night." Dr. Oz said this is why Inteligen is so effective. It was one of the few products on the market with the right consistency and dosage.
After several years and over 2000 trials at The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU),Inteligen pills are back in production and recent reports are proving the superhero making drug is more powerful then ever. Take one pill a day and your mind will be clearer then that of a Zen-monk’s, your ability to focus and power through your to-do list will also be a thing of the past and after consistent use, you will become the perfect version of yourself. Critics of the pill are of course making their voices heard and if the effectiveness of Inteligen is stronger then it previously was then these will not be around much longer. With such a powerful opportunity to lower your stress levels, master your emotions and make millions of dollarts, it's only a matter of time before Inteligen pills are once again the target of major pharmaceutical companies who are seeing a decline in their profit. There are quite a number of celebrities who use the ‘Limitless’ pill to boost their brain performance and keep up with the hectic schedule of constant celebrity appearances and interviews, all while living a life of perfect social and professional balance. Will Smith, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino and Daniel Craig are a few of Hollywood’s finest that have been reported to use Inteligen to deliver some of their best acting performances and screenplays.


"We tested it ourselves - is it all hype?"

  With so much media praise and countless reviews of people experiencing success with Inteligen, we wanted to verify whether this was all hype. Almost every single man in the building volunteered to test it out but we chose our Senior Chief Editor Alan Frasier. Below is his account of using Inteligen over a 14 day period.

14 Day Summary - Alan's Inteligen Results:

Alan is a 56 year old, and has been a writer for over 30 years."The Inteligen pills were extremely hard to come by" says Alan. He goes on to say, "If you can get your hands on these pills - get them right away." We had to wait 2 weeks before we got a bottle to test as it was sold out almost everywhere or over $300 a bottle from people trying to sell it for profit ebay. People were paying top dollar for them on there.

Here are his results....

DAY 1:

After the first day of using Inteligen . I took one and forgot all about it. Maybe 20-30 minutes later I felt odd. I can only describe it by saying my mind felt calm and still. I was playing a 'mensa mind game' and scored 100% on every answer. It was like that feeling you get when you have just woken up. Light headed so to speak but this was different. I was light headed and spaced out but in the zone at the same time. Can’t explain it - but it was awesome.

DAY 5:

I was shocked at the drastic results.Over the course of the next 5 days I found myself bouncing out of bed and felt ready to take on the day - usually I need to snooze 3 times. I felt motivation to get stuff done and often power through.


DAY 14:

After 14 days, not only had all my doubts and scepticism absolutely vanished - Thing’s that annoyed me were no longer an issue. I hardly got stressed and when I did, I was able to control my emotions and get back into peak performance and state.


My thoughts on Inteligen?
The pills are the real deal. I’ve tried modafinil and other smart drugs but this is by far the closest thing to feeling like you are Bradley Cooper from Limitless. Since then 90% of us have reoccurring subscriptions to make sure we never run out as I hear very few people can get a hold of these. If you happen to come across these, you can move on with your day and go about your life or you can spare 2 minutes and take what is the most important step to becoming the man you want to be.

**Because of recent coverage in the media, supplies are running very low.
You can check to see if Inteligen is still available here** Inteligen was recently given honary mention in Forbes' printed and online magazine editions as being the pill that can turn you into 'the quickest thinker on the planet'
One Month Later: Alan Can Now Read 200 words per minute and scored 50 points above average on his most recent IQ test Inteligen 

The Verdict:

Using the Inteligen  has been clinically proven to
  • Sky-rocket Concentration by 32%
  • Improve Creative Thinking
  • Boost Energy
  • Enhance Memory Recall
  • Increase IQ Scores by 47%
Should Inteligen be legal? YES... There are no side-effects, you will be more productive, you will remember more than ever and this type of brain capacity is linked to most millionaires.

Will This Work For You?

When Inteligen was originally banned a lot of people were angry. There were no side effects then and as it stands there are no side effects with the stronger formula. Even the pill from the movie Limitless had side effects and that was make-believe. That said, all our users followed the directions and did not go overboard so it’s strongly recommended to use common sense when taking these.
Inteligen is the only pill of it’s kind where the user benefits and grows the more he takes. Normally the body gets used to most medications but throughout all trials all users made continued progress as the weeks went on.

Will you be one of the lucky few who have their hands on the next step of human evolution?

offerNote: We Suggest Purchasing 3 Month Supply - We Have Been Selling Out And Back Orders May Take As Long As 90 Days Here You Can Find The Limited Supply: Inteligen
Before It's News, Inc.
775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
Mill Valley, CA CA 94941

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