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Help preserve the history of Israel's foundation
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Happy Yom Ha'atzmaut, dear Jewcer friends and family!

As we celebrate Israel's independence today, we are verklempt by its achievements and excited by the possibilities ahead for this amazing nation. But what was it like, in those early days and years of nation building? That amazing chapter of history might soon be lost. The generation that created Israel with their hands, their hearts, their minds and their force of will—the youth of 1948—aren't getting any younger. That's why the Youth Project of 1948 is working to preserve the legacy by creating a unique historical archive which will be donated to the National Library in Jerusalem. The stories will then be brought together in a documentary series and a photographic exhibit, and an educational website in partnership with The Israel Forever Foundation that will be accessible for generations.We can't allow the incredible first-hand accounts of the rise of modern Israel, with its lessons and inspirations, to disappear. And time is of the essence as "the Youth of 1948" are all well into their eighties and nineties now (some are over 100 years old)!
Help the Syrian children
Every donation will help the project find, document, share the stories, and honor the Youth of 1948. Donations are 100% tax deductible in the U.S.
Thank you for being part of the Jewcer family and for taking part in these types of projects. Together we are making Israel stronger and making a better world by supporting Jewish ideas, or simply by sharing them with others.

Amir Give'on
Jewcer CEO
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Robinia Invest GmbH is a German company, founded in January 2007. We specialise in plantation forestry and offer plantation plots as forestry investments to clients across the world. To date we have established plantations on 170 hectares in Brandenburg, Germany. Our goal is to double that number in the next two years with a long-term vision of 1,000 established hectares.
We have a close and personal relationship with all of our clients, which is the result of personal phone calls, meetings and plantation visits. As a result we have seen repeat business from our clients on a regular basis.
Our plantations: We specialise in the establishment of Robinia (hardwood) and Blue Spruce (Christmas trees) plantations, which we offer as high yield forestry investments, with the primary objective of maximising returns for our clients.
Robinia trees are truly sustainable, as both species will regrow from stump after being harvested. This unique characteristic allows our clients to make consecutive rotations at lower cost.
The projected returns are based on tree growth and timber prices. Returns are not guaranteed and can be higher or lower than projected. Furthermore the returns come from capital growth and not an annual income.
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May 02, 2017
Michael Moore: Can these words bring down a sitting president?
Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore talks to Lawrence O'Donnell about Trumpcare and Moore's latest act of resistance "The Terms of My Surrender," taking place in Donald Trump's backyard.
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Pressed on Obama wiretap claim, Trump says 'I stand by nothing'
Dismissing a question about his wiretap allegations, the president Trump abruptly ended a television interview. MSNBC's Brian Williams discusses with Eugene Robinson & Robert Costa.
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Maddow: Trump admin. shows the art of 'failing up'
Rachel Maddow looks at how Donald Trump's weak vetting and handing out government positions as political favors puts his administration at a disadvantage for performing government functions.
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Fact Check: Andrew Jackson biographer schools Trump
The president suggested that if he'd lived longer, Andrew Jackson would have somehow helped the U.S. avoid the Civil War. Pulitzer Prize winners Jon Meacham & Eugene Robinson join to discuss.
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Matthews on Trump: I don't know where to begin
Trump: 'I would be honored' to meet with Kim Jong Un
Greta: The Forgotten Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan
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Don't be jealous of people or tear others down because of their successes; cheer them on and know that their success doesn't diminish yours. - The Universe

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Scientists Just Observed Epigenetic Memories Being Passed Down For 14 Generations
Here's how science is proving that our environment and thoughts affect our genetics.

Isolation Chambers: Healing for the Mind & Soul. Have You Ever Experienced This?
Check out how a sensory deprivation tank works and how it could benefit you.

Dutch Financial Whistleblower Admits He Was Forced To Sacrifice Children At Elite Parties
Watch this Dutch entrepreneur expose the types of occult rituals the elite practices.

Scientists Find A Host Of Toxic Chemicals In Name Brand Lipstick & Other Cosmetic Products
Find out what's really in your make up and how these chemicals affect the body.

How Creating Structure Is A Rebellious Act & Generates Prosperity: A Path to Freedom
Here's how to improve your self care, time management, energy, and enthusiasm.

11 Important Tips To Raise Your Consciousness
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Joe Martino
Joe Martino is the creator of Collective Evolution and is passionate about playing a role in changing the world.

After leaving college, he changed paths, and focused on learning about what people felt needed to be transformed in our world. Through that, Collective Evolution was born. CE is an organization for people who want to change the world; it's for people who are looking for something beyond everyday life.

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Otrzymujesz ten newsletter ponieważ zapisałeś/aś się do Reduty Dobrego Imienia, jesteś członkiem Klubu Ronina lub podpisałeś/aś którąś z petycji RDI publikowanych w serwisie CitizenGo

Szanowni Państwo,
Kandydat we francuskiej kampanii prezydenckiej, Emmanuel Macron użył w toku swojej kampanii porównania Polski do dyktatury Putina, sytuąjc Polskę w okolicach "populistycznego faszyzmu". Według naszych źródeł ataki Macrona na Polskę nie są przypadkowe. Jest to świadoma akcja antypolska, mająca zjednać Macronowi głosy wsród skrajnej „antyfaszystowskiej lewicy”. W najbliższej debacie prezydenckiej w środę 3 maja też najprawdopodobniej użyje tego porównania.
Potrzebna jest nasza akcja, uświadamiająca Francuzom niestosowność takich porównań i że w gruncie rzeczy wystąpienie Macrona jest przeciw "wartościom europejskim", których rzekomo broni. Polskie MSZ wydało oświadczenie, którego tekst zamieszczamy poniżej. Równocześnie podajemy tekst francuski, i angielski, które prosimy rozpowszechniać wśród swoich znajomych.

Nie chodzi nam tu o obronę tego czy innego polityka, lecz o to, że kandydat na prezydenta Francji antagonizuje Francuzów przeciwko Polakom. Z punktu widzenia interesów polskich musimy się temu przeciwstawić i dać jasny sygnał, że tego rodzaju akcje ze strony prawdopodobnego przywódcy kraju sojuszniczego są niedopuszczalne.
Jesteśmy w NATO i tego rodzaju słowa osłabiają spójność sojuszu.

Zespół Reduty Dobrego Imienia

Polski tekst oświadczenia MSZ


Oświadczenie MSZ w związku z wypowiedzią Emmanuela Macrona

Z zainteresowaniem śledzimy kampanię wyborczą we Francji ze względu na znaczenie tego kraju dla przyszłości UE. W tym kontekście z żalem odnotowujemy, że po raz kolejny w czasie kampanii prezydenckiej we Francji, kraju sojuszniczym, należącym tak jak Polska do NATO i Unii Europejskiej, kandydat ubiegający się o najwyższy urząd w państwie, używa niedopuszczalnych porównań i skrótów myślowych, które wprowadzają w błąd opinię publiczną.


Rząd RP nie jest sojusznikiem pani Marine Le Pen. Wskazywanie na rzekomy sojusz między panią Le Pen a prezesem PiS jest manipulacją, a zaliczanie Jarosława Kaczyńskiego do grona "łamiących liczne swobody przyjaciół Le Pen" niewłaściwe i wysoce niestosowne.  

Wartości i zasady wolnej demokracji są w Polsce przestrzegane. Do fundamentalnych wartości obecnych w polskiej kulturze i tradycji politycznej od kilkuset lat zaliczamy także szacunek i tolerancję  dla tych, którzy mają inne poglądy polityczne lub są innego wyznania. Chcemy ponadto przypomnieć, że ktokolwiek zna historię i wewnętrzną scenę polityczną w Polsce, nie ma prawa oskarżać Polaków o sympatię wobec imperialnej Rosji.

Oczekujemy, że przyszły prezydent Francji – niezależnie od tego, który z kandydatów wygra wybory – przed formułowaniem sądów dotyczących polityki innych państw dokona pogłębionej analizy, a ewentualne wątpliwości wyjaśni w kontaktach dwustronnych. 

Biuro Rzecznika Prasowego
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych




Prosimy o rozpowszechnianie wsród znajomych, zwłaszcza z Francji oświadczenia MSZ RP
Angielski tekst oświadczenia MSZ

MFA statement in connection with Emmanuel Macron’s declaration

We are following with interest the election campaign in France on account of the country’s significance for the future of the EU. In this context, we regret to note that once again during the presidential campaign in France, an allied country that like Poland is a member of NATO and the European Union, a candidate for the highest office in the state has used unacceptable comparisons and mental shortcuts that mislead the public opinion.

The government of the Republic of Poland is not an ally of Ms. Marine Le Pen. Indicating an alleged alliance between Madame Le Pen and the chairman of Law and Justice (PiS) is a manipulation, and counting Jarosław Kaczyński among the group of "Le Pen’s friends who are violating many freedoms” is wrong and inappropriate.

Values and rules of free democracy are observed in Poland. The fundamental values that have been present in the Polish political culture and tradition for hundreds of years include respect and tolerance for people who have different political views or a different faith. We would also like to recall that anyone who is familiar with the history and the domestic political scene in Poland has no right to accuse Poles of sympathies for imperial Russia.

We expect that the future president of France – regardless of which candidate wins the election– will do an in-depth analysis and clarify any possible doubts in bilateral contacts before making judgements about other states’ policies.
MFA Press Office
Francuski tekst oświadczenia MSZ

Communiqué du Ministère des Affaires étrangères suite aux déclarations d’Emmanuel Macron
Du fait de l’importance de la France pour l’avenir de l’Union européenne, nous suivons avec intérêt la campagne électorale de ce pays. Dans ce contexte, nous constatons avec regret qu’une fois de plus durant la campagne présidentielle en France, pays allié appartenant tout comme la Pologne à l’OTAN et à l’Union européenne, le candidat à la magistrature suprême utilise des comparaisons et des raccourcis inacceptables qui induisent l’opinion publique en erreur. 
Le gouvernement de la République de Pologne n’est pas un allié de Mme Marine Le Pen. Parler d’une présumée alliance entre Mme Le Pen et le président du parti Droit et Justice est une manipulation. Inclure M. Kaczyński « dans le groupe d’amis de Mme le Pen qui bafouent de nombreuses libertés » est incorrect et fortement inapproprié.
Les valeurs et les principes de la démocratie sont respectés en Pologne. Les valeurs fondamentales présentes dans la culture et la tradition politique polonaises depuis des centaines d’années comprennent le respect et la tolérance de ceux dont les opinions politiques sont divergentes ou qui sont de différentes confessions. Nous tenons à rappeler par ailleurs que quiconque connait l’histoire et la scène politique polonaise n’a pas le droit d’accuser la Pologne de sympathie envers la Russie impérialiste.
Nous attendons du prochain président, indépendamment du résultat des élections, qu’il effectue une analyse approfondie avant d’émettre des jugements sur la politique des autres États, quitte à exposer ses doutes dans le cadre de contacts bilatéraux.
Bureau du porte-parole
Ministère des Affaires étrangères
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The first ever Brownstoner Real Estate Conference is next Wednesday, May 3! 
Hear about trends in the brownstone and townhouse market from:
  • Nest Seekers Associate Broker and Million Dollar Listing star Ryan Serhant
  • Stribling President Elizabeth Ann Stribling-Kivlan
  • Managing Director of Sales, Brooklyn Trish Martin
  • Douglas Elliman Senior Regional Executive Manager of Sales, Brooklyn Max Dobens
A commercial real estate panel will explore how notable Brooklyn office owners, developers, and co-working companies are meeting the needs of creative, tech and startup tenants. Panelists include:
  • The O’Connell Organization Managing Partner Greg O’Connell
  • Two Trees Management Managing Director of Leasing Dan Conlon
  • Industry City Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kimball
  • Bond Collective Chief Officer and Co-Founder Shlomo Silber
Robert Knakal, Chairman, New York Investment Sales of Cushman & Wakefield, and one of the founders of Massey Knakal, will speak about Brooklyn’s multi-family and investment sale market.
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11 ways to use Alexa in the kitchen
Amazon's Alexa voice assistant is helpful in many places around the house. Here are 11 ways Alexa can help make your time cooking easier and more hands-free.
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The Times of IsraelThe one-stop news site
covering Israel, the region and
the Jewish people worldwide
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People on at the Tel Aviv beach watch the military airshow on Israel's 69th Independence Day, May 2, 2017. (Flash9)
With grills and F-35 thrills, Israel marks 69 years of independence
Flyover of new fighter jets expected to be highlight of day as country celebrates holiday with barbecues, parties and more
Official celebration of Israel's Independence Day at Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, May 1, 2017 (Screen capture: Facebook video)
Israelis move from mourning to feting 69 years of independence
Israeli F-35 fighter jets fly over Jerusalem during celebrations marking Israel's 69th Independence Day on May 2, 2017. (AFP Photo/Thomas Coex)
In public debut, F-35 jets streak over Israel for Independence Day
President Reuven Rivlin addresses Israelis and Jews around the world in his Independence Day video announcement on April 27, 2017. (Screen capture/YouTube)
Rivlin: Independence Day is a celebration for Jews everywhere

On Independence Day, UNESCO okays resolution ignoring Jewish links to Jerusalem
22 countries vote in favor of motion; 23 abstain, and 10 countries vote against; Israel envoy slams ‘new low, even by UNESCO standards’
 An aerial view shows the Temple Mount, the most holy site to Jews, and the Al-Aqsa mosque compound with the Dome of the Rock, the third most holiest site to Muslims in Jerusalem's Old City (Yossi Zamir/Flash 90)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara at a ceremony for outstanding soldiers at the President's Residence in Jerusalem. May 2, 2017. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Ahead of UNESCO vote, Netanyahu says Jews closest to Jerusalem
David Howell (British Foreign Office)
Blaming ‘mercurial’ Trump, UK lawmakers urge Palestine rethink
US President Donald Trump, right, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands during a joint press conference in the East Room of the White House, in Washington, DC, February 15, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGAN)
White House refrains from commenting on new E. Jerusalem homes

LIVE UPDATES Latest: Despite loss, Israel’s UNESCO envoy calls vote a ‘great achievement’
UNESCO passes another resolution ignoring Jewish ties to Jerusalem
Israel's ambassador to UNESCO Carmel Shama-Hacohen throws a copy of an anti-Israel resolution in the trash on Wed., October 26, 2016. (Erez Lichtfeld) 
Netanyahu says UN measure denies ‘historical truths’; Assailant shot in attempted stabbing attack near Jerusalem; war monitors say IS suicide bombers kill 32 in Syria refugee camp along Iraq border

Michael Steinhardt attends a meeting of Knesset Chairman Yuli Edelstein with the torch lighters of the 69th Independence Day state ceremony, at the the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, April 26, 2017.  (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
How a US billionaire’s Jewish spark became an Independence Day torch
INTERVIEW Honored at Israel’s official Mount Herzl ceremony, Michael Steinhardt, the atheist cofounder of Taglit-Birthright, is lighting a fire for secular Jewish culture
Staff Sgt. Joana Chris Arpon. (Courtesy of IDF Spokesperson)
Filipina IDF soldier fights for the country that saved her grandmother
Minister Ayoub Kara attends a ceremony for fallen ultra-Orthodox soldiers at a cemetery in the city of Bnei Brak on May 1, 2017, Israel's Memorial Day.  (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)
Despite protests, dozens gather to honor fallen ultra-Orthodox soldiers
18-year-old Ezra Schwartz from Massachusetts, killed during a terrorist attack at the Gush Etzion Junction, November 19, 2015. (Courtesy)
Terror victim Ezra Schwartz posthumously inducted into Jewish frat

Document reserves the right to wage 'resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine'
New Hamas program softens language, retains goal of eliminating Israel
Policy document, rejected by Israel as a bid to ‘fool the world,’ calls for the ‘complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea’
Exiled chief of Hamas' political bureau Khaled Meshaal (2nd-R) speaks with Hamas deputy leader Musa Abu Marzuk (L) ahead of their conference in the Qatari capital, Doha on May 1, 2017 (AFP PHOTO / KARIM JAAFAR)
Hamas and Fatah officials discuss reconciliation in Gaza, Tuesday, April 22, 2014. (AFP/Mahmud Hams)
Fatah demands ‘softened’ Hamas apologize for treason accusations
Members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, attend a memorial in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on January 31, 2017. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
Israel dismisses purportedly ‘friendlier’ Hamas principles
UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov is interviewed on i24NEWS on February 21, 2017. (Screen capture/YouTube)
Palestinian infighting is exacerbating Gaza crisis – UN report

For first time in 30 years, secular student wins top bible contest
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, right, with Sagiv Lugasi, winner of the annual International Bible Quiz at the Jerusalem Theater, May 2, 2017. (Shlomi Amsalem) 
Sagiv Lugasi takes top spot in Jerusalem’s traditional Independence Day competition; Belarus and US entrants among final four
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Blue and white going green
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Gorka: Casualty of a Jewish civil war
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2 IDF soldiers barred from Temple Mount after saluting
After Independence Day tour, uniformed members of Kfir Brigade banned from future visits to holy site

Members of the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) march on May Day, 2016, in Borlänge, Sweden (YouTube screenshot)
Several hundred neo-Nazis march in Swedish town
Members of the Nordic Resistance Movement allowed to participate in May Day event, angering locals and politicians

Amos Regev, chief editor of Israel Hayom daily newspaper arrives for questioning in the so called 'Case 2000' affair at the Lahav 433 investigation unit in Lod,  January 17, 2017. (Roy Alima/Flash90)
Editor departs Sheldon Adelson-owned Israeli newspaper
Unconfirmed local news reports claim Amos Regev was fired after allowing writers at newspaper to criticize Netanyahu

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, director of Reform’s Religious Action Center. (Courtesy RAC)
Trump’s policies focus of US Reform movement conference
800 activists discuss ‘new vulnerability’ of immigrants, refugees; debate anti-Semitism and Islamophobia

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley speaks to the media during the daily briefing in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House on April 24, 2017. (AFP Photo/Brendan Smialowski)
Nikki Haley remains boldly off-message at the UN
US diplomats fear ambassador’s words could result in an inconsistent, incoherent international message

A man is arrested after a fatal stabbing attack on the University of Texas campus in Austin, Texas, on May 1, 2017. (Ray Arredondo via AP)
One killed in University of Texas stabbing spree
Suspect arrested; filmed self wearing Jewish prayer shawl hours before Austin attack

A firearms officer from the the British Metropolitan police stands guard near Horse Guards Parade in central London on April 29, 2017. (AFP/Niklas Halle'n)
US warns Americans in Europe of ongoing terror threat
State Department issues renewed alert ahead of summer months, saying extremists could carry out attacks ‘with little or no warning’
Police: Jewish man believed trying to attack soldiers near Jerusalem is killed
20-year-old runs toward forces at West Bank checkpoint; they open fire, fearing attack
Illustrative photo of IDF soldiers guarding a West Bank checkpoint, August 16, 2016. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)

Jordanian TV host Ayed Alqam quotes from 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' (Courtesy MEMRI) 
Citing ‘Protocols,’ Jordanian TV tells viewers Jews are an ‘abhorred’ people
Host of 3-part series blames Judaism for Arab world’s woes, including high cost of living, citing fraudulent anti-Semitic text as proof

Hezbollah nearly bankrupt, but Nasrallah awash in cash — report
German daily says military involvement in Syria and US sanctions have forced terror group to increasingly rely on illicit schemes to raise money
 Fighters of the Shiite Hezbollah terror group attend the funeral of a comrade who died in combat in Syria in the southern Lebanese town of Kfar Hatta on March 18, 2017. (AFP Photo/Mahmoud Zayyat)

Philippines’ Duterte confirms he’s coming to Israel
Southeast Asian leader, widely criticized for mass extrajudicial killings, says he may be too busy to visit Trump in Washington
 Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte gestures as he speaks during a press conference at the end of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) leaders' summit in Manila on April 29, 2017.  (Ted ALJIBE / AFP)

A group of high school students hears the history of one of Israel's fallen soldiers on the Mount of Olives on Memorial Day 2017 (Jessica Steinberg/Times of Israel)
A hunt for lost stories among Mount of Olives’ forgotten graves
Students and volunteers, sleuthing for information about soldiers who fell in state’s early days, gather at historic Jerusalem cemetery on Israeli Memorial Day

Austria’s oldest soccer club, founded by a Rothschild, faces final whistle
123-year-old First Vienna FC, started by English gardeners for the banking heir, declares bankruptcy before relegation
 Ali Sahintuerk (L) of the First Vienna Football Club 1894 greets the fans after the regional League East game between First Vienna Football Club 1894 vs Parndorf in the Hohe Warte stadium in Vienna, on March 10, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / ALEX HALADA)

Hilal Tubi, one-half of the brother pair who created hipster spirit, Tubi 60. (Jessica Steinberg/Times of Israel)
Israel’s hipster drink Tubi 60 heads stateside
Made with some 60 herbs and fruit essences, the 80-proof elixir is making its way from the Jerusalem bar scene to markets overseas

Syrian forces accused of using nerve gas in 4 recent attacks
Human Rights Watch says Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons is ‘a deadly escalation and part of a clear pattern’
 A Syrian man taken to a small hospital in the town of Maaret al-Noman by civil defense workers, following a chemical attack in Khan Sheikhun, a nearby rebel-held town in Syria's northwestern Idlib province, April 4, 2017. (Mohamed al-Bakour/AFP)

5 reasons why Sebastian Gorka may be on his way out of the White House
Possibilities extend beyond the Trump adviser’s affiliation to the Nazi-allied Vitezi Rand
 Sebastian Gorka participating in a discussion during the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., Feb. 24, 2017. (Alex Wong/Getty Images/JTA)

Israelis barbecue at Dolfinarium beach park in Tel Aviv on Israel's 68th Independence Day, May 12, 2016 (Miriam Alster/Flash 90)
On Independence Day, feel free to choose your celebration
Smashed burgers, a chocolatey porter, Israeli flicks and freebies are just some of the ways to avoid the silly string and inflatable hammers
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