petak, 3. ožujka 2017.

Harvard Law Review elects its first Black female president in its 130-year history

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Support the Trump Investigative Fund.

CREDIT: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
Trump and the Republicans control the White House, the House and the Senate.
But they can’t control the truth.
On Wednesday night, we learned that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had lied under oath about his contacts with the Russian government. Since that time we’ve delivered critical reporting and analysis on this story to millions of people.
Stories like this are why we started the Trump Investigative Fund. We set a fundraising goal of $500,000 to add several more investigative reporters to our team.
Trump’s actions represent an unprecedented assault on democratic institutions. Unfortunately, every day, there is critical work that we’d like to do but simply do not have the capacity to pursue.
Thanks to the support of our readers, we have less than $100,000 to go in order to meet our goal. If you kick in $40, we’ll send you this t-shirt.
Over the weekend, millions of people read our reporting on Trump’s actions — from our legal analysis of the order itself to our comprehensive listing of protests around the country.
If you don’t need a shirt, or you want to donate a different amount to the Trump investigative fund, you can do so HERE.
Check out just some of what ThinkProgress has done in less than 24 hours since the news broke:
We exposed Sessions’ shifting and contradictory explanations for his deception in the hours after the story broke.
We unearthed historical quotes from Sessions where he argues that anyone who lies under oath should be immediately removed from office, and any investigation involving the president should be pursued by an independent prosecutor.
We produced the first comprehensive list of members of Congress calling for Sessions to resign. It quickly grew momentum and now includes more than 100 elected officials.
This story is just starting. Help us add the resources we need to hold Trump accountable.
We have a proven track record of exposing the truth about Trump.
Our exclusive investigation revealed that Kuwait, under political pressure, moved its annual event to the Trump Hotel. Our story was cited by USA Today as evidence of Trump’s corruption and “exactly what the Founding Fathers were trying to protect against.” It was also cited in the first lawsuit against Trump over his conflicts of interest.
We comprehensively cataloged all of Donald Trump’s promises — 663 of them and counting. This project involved reviewing transcripts of all Trump’s speeches and media appearances during the campaign, a database that consisted of over 4 million words. Our work revealed that, Trump failed to deliver on 34 of the 36 things he promised to do in his first day.
ThinkProgress exclusively reported on a gag order placed on the renewables team at the Department of Energy. “[W]e are PROHIBITED from any social media post (from personal or business handles) regarding your work, attendance at any meeting, etc until further notice,” ordered the email obtained by ThinkProgress.
As his grip on the federal bureaucracy strengthens, the challenge of holding Trump accountable grows exponentially.
We need to file Freedom of Information Act requests, monitor government contracts, and communicate with whistle blowers. We need more resources, because we have so much more work to do.
The future is still unwritten. Join us as we resist.
ThinkProgress | CAP Action Fund

1333 H ST NW | Washington, DC 20005
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This Isn’t ‘A Total Witch Hunt!’—Jeff Sessions Is in Real Trouble
Recusal is the first step, but he’ll ultimately have to resign.
Asking for a Friend: Can I Explain Feminism to My Girlfriend Without Mansplaining?
Another reader tries to stop her friend’s relentless name dropping.
Daniela Vargas’s Detention Shows How Vulnerable DREAMers Are Under Trump
When Obama was in the White House, the safest place for young undocumented immigrants was in the public eye. Vargas’s detention shows that’s no longer true.
America’s Most Notorious Prison Was Supposed to Be Closed by Now
What will become of the 41 detainees remaining at Guantánamo?
Jeff Sessions Is a Disgrace to the Justice Department
He didn’t just lie about Russia—he’s put the Trump Administration on the wrong side of every major issue.
If Jeff Sessions Will Not Recuse or Resign, He Should Be Impeached
The Attorney General disrespected the basic premises of that experiment and disregarded the Constitution.
The Nation Magazine
520 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018


Pucarovo imenovanje je dogovor HDZ-a i SDP-a

Ovih dana hrvatska sredstva informiranja su izvještavala o „igrama“ oko imenovanja Marina Pucara na čelo prehrambenog diva Podravke, a na čijem je izboru inzistirao i sam ministar državne imovine Goran Marić, koji se ponaša kao kad je bio nogometni sudac, kada su se događale mnoge nezakonite radnje po primanju mita i namještanja utakmica i dr. Pucarevoj poslovnoj karijeri nije naudila ni prometna nesreća koju je izazvao u kojoj je smrtno stradalo dvoje ljudi. Naprotiv, što više ima mrtvih on napreduje sve do predsjednika Uprave Podravke. Međutim, samo Pucarovo imenovanje je dogovor dviju najvećih političkih stranaka - HDZ-a i SDP-a, isto kao što su se bile dogovorile i za kandidate za suce Ustavnog suda. Građani Zadra komentiraju da je sve dogovor jer su novi direktor Podravke Marin Pucar i Ingrid Antičević Marinović bliski rođaci, odnosno Pucarova majka i Antičevićin otac su djeca od dva brata, a Pucarov otac Miloš je radio u tvornici Adria d.d. Zadar, i gle čuda baš radnici tvornice Adria optužuju za štetu koja je napravljena Adriji od strane PODRAVKE D.D. u kojoj je 12 godina proveo i Marin Pucar. Igre oko zadnje tvornice u Zadru, Adrie Zadar, koju su uništile kriminalne skupine, a slična sudbina bi mogla zadesiti i prehrambenog diva Podravku. Goran Marić nije opravdao funkciju ministra državne imovine i trebao bi dati što hitnije ostavku da posljedice ne bi bile još veće. Goran Marić i Pucar znaju se još iz nogometnih dana.
Uz knjizi STEČAJNA MAFIJA, Petričić D., Zagreb 2015., navodi da je „Tvrtka Adria imala je sve predispozicije za razvoj i prosperitet na tržištu: dobru lokaciju, vlastiti prostor, strojeve i opremu, kooperante, tržište... Njezina je lokacija u zadarskoj lučko-industrijskoj zoni, a prostire se na oko 70.000 kvadratnih metara. Raspolaže vlastitom ribarskom lukom, velikom hladnjačom kapaciteta 5000 tona s tunelima za duboko smrzavanje 200 tona ribe i tvornicom leda. Posjeduje novu liniju za konzerviranje sardina, pogon za preradu krupne plave ribe i pogon za soljenje ribe te liniju za proizvodnju ribljeg brašna. U sastavu tvornice nalazi se i postrojenje za izradu aluminijske ambalaže, laboratorij, energetski blok, servisne radionice, skladišta,, tvornički restoran i upravna zgrada. Zbog ovako objedinjene poslovne cjeline, s 550 zaposlenih Adria je jedna od najvećih riboprerađivačkih tvrtki u Hrvatskoj ali i na Mediteranu. Tvrtka je dosezala kapacitete proizvodnje od 50 milijuna konzervi godišnje, a priozvodnja se mjerila u tisućima tona. Nažalost, ovakvi poslovni rezultati pokazali su se kao prepreka onima koji su odlučili na bilo koji način likvidirati i uništiti ovu, preko 60 godina staru tvrtku. Problemi u tvrtci Adria Zadar nastali u trenutku kada je interesni klan, kojeg su sačinjavali bivši ministar Božidar Kalmeta, Zdravko Livaković, i braća Lisica, odlučio pod svaku cijenu preuzeti tvrtku zbog atraktivnog prostora uz more, koji je postao još atraktivniji izgradnjom nove luke u Gaženici“.Tijekom prosvjeda radnica Adrie, nitko iz zadarske gradske i županijske vlasti nije im dao podršku da se sačuva riboprerađivačka industrija i da se Adria preoblikuje u strateški interes RH, kao i Imunološki zavod, a sve da se sačuvaju radna mjesta i opstojnost proizvodnje. Zbog svega navedenog, hrvatski građani izgubili su povjerenje u gradsku i županijsku vlast, kao i u Vladu RH i hrvatske institucije. Veza HDZ-SDP vidljiva je i po tome što Kalmetinu administraciju zastupa Odvjetničko društvo Marinović i partneri. HDZ-ovoj gradskoj upravi ne smeta što je osnivač Odvjetničkog društva Marinović i partneri poznati zadarski odvjetnik Marko Marinović, lokalni tužitelj iz 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća i suprug istaknute SDP-ovke i odnedavne ustavne sutkinje Ingrid Antičević Marinović. Kada se zbroje podaci Grada i navedenih gradskih poduzeća, Odvjetničkom uredu Marinović i partneri u 2016. godini je isplaćeno ukupno 295.537 kuna. Koalicija HDZ-a i SDP-a uništili su riboprerađivačku tvrtku ADRIA d.d. Zadar, a sada je nared došla Podravka. U Zadru nemaju više što uništit jer je sve otišlo u stečaj i likvidaciju.


Zadar, 3. ožujka 2017. godine

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