četvrtak, 27. travnja 2017.


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Equality PAC
Bernie Sanders:
“We need a national health care program which guarantees health care for ALL."
Friends, we have INCREDIBLE news:

Bernie Sanders just introduced a “Medicare for all” bill that would ensure ALL Americans have access to affordable healthcare.
Health care to all people is a right -- not a privilege - Bernie Sanders
This bill couldn’t come at a better time. 

Right now, Republicans are plotting to SLASH Obamacare and Medicaid -- a horrific move that would directly endanger thousands of LGBT lives.

Today in America, 20% of gay and bisexual men -- and 25% of lesbian and bisexual women -- are living in poverty.[1] And of those living in poverty, one in three are uninsured.

This is a life or death situation. Either we stand with Bernie and demand equal access to health care, or we let our community fall victim to a discriminatory health care system.

We must take a stand to ensure that NO ONE is left without access to affordable care. If you agree with Bernie and believe that healthcare is a right that everyone should have, please sign your name immediately:
I agree with Bernie →

Equality PAC

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April 26, 2017
By Catherine Carlock / The vote came after a six-plus hour hearing on Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s home-rule petition on Monday.
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CREDIT: AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana
Just how terrible is the Republicans’ plan to replace the Affordable Care Act? GOP lawmakers certainly want nothing to do with it — they quietly exempted themselves from any of its ramifications. Meanwhile, Trump is threatening to blow up Obamacare payments.
ICYMI: Trump’s efforts to defund sanctuary cities were halted by a federal judge yesterday. Trump promptly lashed out — at the wrong court.
CREDIT: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
Trump gave a speech yesterday in remembrance of the Holocaust. The move was an effort to placate Jews after numerous anti-Semitic gaffes — but it hasn’t gone over well with progressive Jewish groups. 
Relatedly, the Religious Left isn’t what the media thinks it is.

Reading List

Democrats are now onboard with the $15 minimum wage.
Ivanka Trump’s narrative of women’s empowerment at the W20 summit shows she doesn’t understand how women’s empowerment actually works. 
Rick Perry is slamming Obama-era climate policy — while celebrating its results.


— Lydia Rodriguez, co-chair of the Alliance for Quality Education in Rochester, New York, on her reasons for protesting at the Heritage Foundation

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Respected friends,
Stop Trump from destroying our national monuments: Give $15 or more to Friends of the Earth Action!

Our national monuments are under attack. Donald Trump just signed an Executive Order threatening these special places with drilling, mining and logging.Soon visitors to Grand Staircase-Escalante, Bears Ears and other natural wonders could see, hear and smell coal mines and oil wells. We need your help to stop this attack! Stop Trump from destroying our national monuments: Give $15 or more to Friends of the Earth Action! If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Trump’s Executive Order will force the review of every monument that’s been protected since 1996. That would put more than 50 national monuments -- more than one billion acres of wild places -- at risk.Congress can still block these attacks on our natural and cultural heritage. So at Friends of the Earth Action, we’re turning up the heat on the Senate to act.We’re training people like you to show up at town hall meetings, political fundraisers and anywhere else we can find Members of Congress. We’ll demand to know what they’re doing to help protect our environment.
We have a real shot at stopping the destruction of our national monuments. But we need your help!Don’t let Trump open Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears to drilling and mining! Give $15 now!If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Trump’s vision of our environment is clear. He thinks our national monuments are first and foremost for being exploited to help his Big Oil friends.
We can’t let him hand over these places to the fossil fuel industry. We need your help to fight back
Stop Trump from handing over our national monuments to Big Oil: Give $15 to Friends of the Earth Action!
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Standing with you,
Ben Schreiber,
Senior political strategist,
Friends of the Earth Action

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The fear of developing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is reasonable, given that in recent years its incidence has exploded to epidemic levels. Right now, over 50 million worldwide, including 5+ million in the U.S. are afflicted, and the number is projected to rise to 130+ million in the next thirty years. Click to Read
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Recent anecdotal reports claim coconut oil produces remarkable recoveries from Alzheimer's disease, but is there research to support this? Now, a new study published in the Journal of Alzheiner's Disease shows that a mechanism for coconut oil's brain rescuing properties does in fact exist.   Click to Read
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Kardinal Sarah upozorava Europu na gubitak identiteta

by Robert
Kardinal Robert Sarah se obično ne ustručava otvoreno govoriti. Nedavno je optužio Europu, da se nije u stanju braniti te kritizirao utjecaj Zapada na njegovu afričku domovinu. Kardinal Robert Sarah je upozorio Europu, da će izgubiti svoj identitet. „Kada jedno društvo počne osuđivati vlastite vrijednosti osuđeno je na propast”, izjavio je u utorak u intervjuu […]
Robert | April 27, 2017 at 2:18 pm | URL: http://wp.me/p4mfBE-405

This time of year, with Memorial Day and Independence Day approaching, always carrys special significance in Israel.
This year, especially, as we will shortly be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem and the return of much of our Holy Land, thank G-d.
ZEHUT has many things planned, and I want to share a few of them with you:
  • Moshe Feiglin will appear on "One-on-One with Alan Dershowitz" on Thursday, May 4th at 9 PM Israel time. You can view it then at http://www.iltv.tv/caseforisrael/ There will be other times you can watch it later, too, don't worry. We'll send those out later.
  • ZEHUT, in Israel, is starting a massive campaign next week to showcase our "Jewish State" solution. Our goal is to share the ZEHUT alternative with 1,000,000 Israelis!
    We have a great video clip that we showed at the ZEHUT International dinner. I'll share it with you when the time gets closer. If you haven't read our plan, click here to download it.
Stay tuned. Things are gonna start rocking here!
Aryeh Sonnenberg, International Director

CitizenGO tim se prije nekoliko dana vratio iz Iraka. Pričali su mi o nevjerojatnim stvarima koje su tamo vidjeli i doživjeli, o strahu tijekom bombaških napada u blizini mjesta gdje su spavali, o vojnicima koji su ih iz upozoravali da ništa ne diraju kako ne bi aktivirali neku od preostalih mina, o helikopterima koji su cijelo vrijeme prelijetali iznad njihovih glava.Možete li zamisliti da živite ovako 24 sata dnevno? Mnogi od vas koji čitate ovaj e-mail možete ne samo zamisliti, nego se i prisjetiti kako je to izgledalo u Hrvatskoj te Bosni i Hercegovini 90-ih.Iako se dio stanovnika Iraka počeo vraćati svojim domovima, rat se nastavlja. U Mosulu traje bitka za svaku kuću. Oslobođenje dolazi, ali polako. Mnogi još ne znaju kad će se moći vratiti svojim domovima i hoće li tamo naći išta osim ruševina. Tijekom putovanja ponavljale su se slike uništenih crkava, razdvojenih obitelji protjeranih iz svojih domova, sela i zajednica koje su sad sravnjene sa zemljom. Na ovoj poveznici možete vidjeti fotografije našeg putovanja:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/citizengo/albums/72157682279476985Osobe koje smo sreli u Iraku ne žele napustiti svoju domovinu. Žele ostati i zbog toga neprestano izbjegavaju odlazak u progonstvo. Na Veliki četvrtak, naš tim bio je u prostorima jedne od crkava koju je IS uništio. Obredi su slavljeni na improviziranom oltaru jer je originalni oltar uništila samozvana Islamska država.

Prije toga, na Cvjetnicu, naš tim je s tisućama progonjenih kršćana, u izbjegličkom kampu, sudjelovao u procesiji:
Progonjeni kršćani primjer su cijeloj Crkvi. Imaju se razloga bojati, ali strah ih nije zaustavio.
Ipak, istina je kako je u posljednjih 10 godina 80% kršćana je napustilo Irak.
To je tragedija. Mnogi starozavjetni događaji dogodili su se na prostorima Iraka. To su prostori koje su kršćani naseljavali i prije dolaska islama. Kršćani i pripadnici drugih manjina su jednako Iračani kao i muslimani, ali unatoč tome su tretirani kao građani drugog reda. 
Oh, vi robovi križa, za vas nema mjesta u zemlji islama, odlazite ili ćemo vas ubiti - samo je jedna od poruka IS-a ostavljena na zidovima oslobođenih područja.
Ubijani, progonjeni i raseljavani.
Nemoguće je razumjeti Irak bez kršćanstva, kršćani su karika koja omogućava mirnu koegzistenciju u mozaiku etničkih i vjerskih grupa. Kao što je jedan od biskupa rekao našem timu: Irački kršćani su kao sol. Ima ih malo, ali njihova je prisutnost nužna kako bi jelo imalo okus.
A ipak nestaju. Zbog toga:
  • sudjelujemo u obnavljanju škole.
  • pomažemo obnovu crkava 
  • govorimo o važnosti školovanja 
  • surađujemo s klinikom koja brine o pacijentima s kroničnim bolestima
  • sudjelujemo u financiranju studentskih domova koji pomažu nastavak školovanja mladih ljudi kako bi imali budućnost u Iraku
  • radimo na obnavljanju škole u Tel Esqofu koja će biti otvorena u rujnu nakon školskih praznika
  • podržavamo neprofitne organizacije koje osiguravaju osnovne potrebe i hranu u izbjegličkim kampovima
  • osigurali smo direktnu financijsku podršku za crkve i zajednice u potrebi
I sve to zahvaljujući vama, Stjepan .
Ako ste sudjelovali u ovoj kampanji donacijom ili molitvom, želim izraziti zahvalnost u svoje osobno, kao i u ime cijelog našeg tima, a osobito u ime zajednica kojima smo pomogli.
Kao što su rekli kaldejski patrijarh Sarko i patrijarh asirske crkve Mar Gewargis III: najvažnije je BITI ovdje. 
Jer ovi ljudi trebaju znati, trebaju osjetiti da smo tu za njih i s njima. Trebaju znati da nam je stalo, da ih nećemo napustiti i da ćemo biti njihov glas na Zapadu.
Teško je zamisliti kakvo ohrabrenje za njih predstavlja - vaš osmijeh, vaša prisutnost...  Zato hvala vam! 
Ne zaboravite pogledati fotografije naših aktivnosti u proteklih nekoliko tjedana u Iraku:
Svako dobro,
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The amount of archaeological proof for the Bible is unreal. This discovery of an Egyptian hieroglyphic depicting the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea will blow your mind!
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This is something every American should consider.
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Who's thirsty on this Thursday? 🙋
Beat the rainy blues with one of these cheerful, yummy spring cocktails. 
Whatcha up to this weekend? There's a lot going down, but we can help. 🙌
Stroll off the beaten path this spring and discover some of our city's beautiful, but hidden streets.
Heads up bookworms, Hulu has an exhibit up at the High Line with FREE copies of The Handmaid's Tale. 📚
We love the idea of a good meal kit as much as any trendy millennial but... okay, literally who has time for that?
Listen in close, the greatest dramaz of the year is in... the craft beer industry?! 🍻
New York is on a roll with free education, from free state college tuition, to pre-k for every 3 year old in NYC.
Uber is hoping to bring flying taxis to NYC... anyone else kinda tight they deleted the app? 😥
Thirsty Thursday

We may have tall ass buildings and skyscrapers that take up all of the green space in the city, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy spring here.
In fact, we often travel to the rooftops of those tall ass buildings to get our warm-weather fix.
Nothing beats sipping on cocktails outdoors with the wind blowing through your hair.
If you’ve been in hibernation for far too long(we don’t blame you), we’ve gotchu covered with 7 of NYC’s best bars to visit this season.
Praise Be

Recently, “The Handmaid’s Tale” feels way too real.
A society where a conservative government takes over and women are victimized? It’s all a little too familiar.
Didn't read in high school?
Well one, shame on you, but two, it doesn't matter because an adaptation of Atwood's infamous novel aired today on Hulu.
Still, the book's better, so pick up a copy fo' FREE at the interactive installation they set up at the High Line, which will be around until the 30th.
The mural is both powerful and beautiful, just like its' source material. This is one you should be sure not to miss.
Brew Wars

Selling out is a thing, but did you know it’s also a thing in the beer industry?
The craft beer industry is going through some major changes.
Small, family-owned craft breweries are selling out to “Big Beer” and customers are not happy to say the least.
Companies like Oskar Blues and Full Sail are just a few of the many that have fallen victim to this shift. Craft beer lovers are being caught at a crossroads.
To buy or not to buy? That is the question.
Foodie Fix
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Remember when you decided you'd start eating responsibly? Ditching your takeout habit? Using groceries before they go bad in your fridge? Maybe even trying to... meal prep? That was cute.

Those ambitious Sunday morning resolutions rarely make it past Tuesday night, especially living in a city as chaotic as NYC.

You have real problems, like trying to choose what you're going to watch on Netflix while you eat. Don't let groceries be a struggle too. Just let our pals at FoodKick take care of you.

They get it. Some nights you need somethin’ fresh to cook, a meal kit with complete instructions, and some nights just call for pressing a couple of buttons on the microwave– and that's it. Don’t worry though, you don’t need to hit up three different joints.
FoodKick has all your bases covered. Even your booze. Seriously.
Off The Beaten Path

You’re a real New Yorker.
You can navigate the MTA in your sleep. You’ve got your local bodega on speed dial. You know exactly where to stand to board the right train car.
But have you strolled through these 5 secret streets?
You’ve been to 6th Ave, but did you know there’s a 6 ½ Ave? Yeah, that’s just one of the hidden gems we’ve found for you.
Do us a solid, and check em’ all out.
2 Cool 4 Skool

Our mayor has been seriously upping his free education game.
Already having made pre-K to 4-year-olds free, de Blasio is now tackling the 3-year-old population. Studies have shown how crucial this period of development is for children.
We’re also pretty stoked about the 4,500 new jobs that’ll open up as a result of the program.
Extra AF

Are we still mad at Uber for the whole Trump thing?
Good, because this whole flying car thing is way too dope to pass up. In as little as 5 years, you could be hitting an “UberAir” button instead of “UberX.”
The future is coming way faster than any of us expected. The flying car option could cost customers as little as $1.32.
Imagine being able to get to JFK from Manhattan in less than 5 minutes. Deadass.
Weekend Warriors

The weekend is so close, we can smell it.
Since we live in the greatest city in the world, such a thing as a dull weekend doesn’t exist.
I mean there’s a friggin' bacon and beer festival going down at Citi Field! The overpriced rent we pay may just be worth it if we can consume our weight in unlimited bacon and beer this Saturday and Sunday.
But if those aren’t your preferred vices, don’t worry. We have a whole slew of events we’ve handpicked just for you.
Let’s just pretend Monday isn’t a thing for a while.
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The Daily Signal
April 27, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where House Republicans home in on a deal to repeal and replace Obamacare that conservatives and centrists can back. Read the story by Melissa Quinn, then commentary by Bob Moffit. President Trump's plans for immigration and tax reform are boiled down by Rachel del Guidice and Fred Lucas, respectively. Plus: Hans von Spakovsky on why a judge's order won't protect sanctuary cities from consequences, Mike Needham on 100 days à la Trump, and Moffit again on what the no-nonsense Kate O'Beirne leaves behind. Two days to go till the government runs out of money.

With Support From Conservatives, House Republicans Move Closer to Obamacare Repeal Deal

With their legislation, GOP lawmakers and President Donald Trump are working to fulfill a major campaign promise—to repeal and replace Obamacare.
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Trump's Unconventionally Successful First 100 Days

The president and his Cabinet have taken aggressive actions to begin rolling back the administrative state and the worst excesses of the Obama presidency.
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House Health Care Bill Moving in the Right Direction

The American Health Care Act contains some sound policy provisions, including a dramatic liberalization of health savings accounts, major Medicaid entitlement reform, and substantial tax reductions.
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What Trump Has Done on Immigration in First 100 Days

"Just having a president who says, 'We're going to enforce the border' has had a profound effect on the number of people that are coming into the country illegally," says Rep. Louie Gohmert.
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How Trump's Tax Plan Would Affect High-Tax States Like California, New York

Eliminating the deduction on state and local taxes could disproportionately affect wealthy people in high-tax blue states.
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Remembering Kate O'Beirne

She served President Ronald Reagan, The Heritage Foundation, National Review, and many colleagues and friends who worked with her during a stellar career as editor, writer, and television personality.
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Why This Judge's Ruling Won't Block Federal Action on Sanctuary Cities

The media is misinterpreting the injunction order in the same way the federal judge misinterpreted President Trump's executive order.
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