nedjelja, 9. travnja 2017.

Croatian Defence Council HVO Celebrates 25th Anniversary by inavuki

Croatian Defence Council HVO Celebrates 25th Anniversary

by inavukic
25 Anniversary of HVO
Celebration in Mostar
8 April 2017
While the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to celebrated under the auspices of the Croatian National Assembly in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the HVO and Homeland War unit for the veterans across more than 42 municipalities during this weekend and after, it was the celebrations held in Mostar on Saturday 8th April that appeared to fill the air with a rush of jubilant pride that the success of defending the Croatian people and their lands as well as the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) from brutal aggression in early 1990’s generates. Celebrations in Mostar commenced Saturday with a Mass for those who lost their lives defending their homeland, followed by a solemn procession, the lighting of candles and laying down of wreaths of remembrance; a celebratory Academy was held afterwards.Croatian Defence Council (HVO) was founded on 8th April 1992 as a response to the open aggression against Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
25th Anniversary of HVO
Attending the celebratory Academy in Mostar were officials representing the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian government and parliamentary delegation, members of BiH armed forces and veterans’ associations, war commanders, church dignitaries, Croatian Generals’ Assembly representatives and many others. Main speakers at the Academy were Dragan Covic, Croatian member of BiH Presidency, general Stanko Sopta and Croatia’s veterans’ affairs minister Tomo Medved.When others weren’t capable to undertake defending the country from aggression Croatian Defence Council (HVO) was the first to stand up in defending Bosnia and Herzegovina. HVO, together with the Croatian Army and Army of BiH liberated BiH and thus made peace possible, said Bozo Ljubic, president of Central Council of Croatian National Council in BiH.
25th Anniversary of HVO
Mostar 8 April 2017
25th Anniversary HVO
Mostar 8 April 2017
The central message sent to the world from the celebration was that of unity and togetherness with a determined stand to ensure the survival of the Croatian people as equals in the multi-ethnic country consisting of Croats, Bosniaks (Muslims) and Serbs.Attending the celebrations in Mostar Croatia’s veterans affairs minister Tomo Medved said at the Academy that without the establishment of HVO the survival of the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the survival of Bosnia and Herzegovina state would have been questionable and in dire jeopardy. He pledged support for the persecuted Croatian veterans from Bosnia and Herzegovina war (through which there is an attempt to change recent Croatian history and Croatian heroes persecuted) and to defending the truth about the Homeland War, further adding that the Ministry and the Government of Croatia shall not forget the Croatian victims and the suffering and announced the passing in Croatia’s parliament of a unique law on the rights of veterans that would also include the rights of members of HVO.
Tomo Medved
Croatian Minister for veterans' affairs
This is an occasion in which we need to remember the path through which HVO formations went, the immeasurable contribution to the preservation of home and homeland and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Medved said.
25 Anniversary of HVO
Mostar 8 April 2017
It is to be remembered that HVO was the main armed force and the highest executive and administrative body for the Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna created during the times of Homeland War in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1990’s and the main armed force for Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina serving the goal of defending Croats at times of aggression.On 18 November 1991 the Croatian political leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina founded the Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna. Due to the need to defend itself Herceg-Bosna organised the formation of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO). Only a couple of days after its formation HVO entered into large and intense battles with the much more powerful Serbian army and the Yugoslav Peoples’ Army around Kupres, where it sustained large losses, and from 13 – 23 April 1992 destroyed the large Serbian offensive around Livno and its charge towards Herzegovina and Neretva region. On 23rd June 1992 HVO seized in Capljina the first army barracks belonging to the aggressor.After the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords in 1995 and at the international community’s insistence HVO is defined as the Croatian component of the Army of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and after the 2005 reforms it was transformed into the First Infantry Regiment, one of the three regiments of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
25 Anniversary HVO
Mostar 8 April 2017
From 1992 to 1995 of the terrible war, not counting the civilians 6337 Croatian men were killed as members of HVO. HVO had a key role in liberating significant parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and as such it remains a force deserving the accolades of the highest of courage and heroism. Ina Vukic
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We know that some of the information will have a significant effect on your running business, and some information will not be, what you like to hear but we were always honest with each other, and we will keep this fact up.


We can't look away from the challenges we have and the fact that the existing company and the company structure can't handle it anymore. Whenever we did one step forward, something pushed us two steps back. It ́s not an excuse – in fact – it's our fault as a company that we were not able to handle the massive growth you created. By May 15th our CEO, Frank Hanson will be released and replaced by a new CEO. This is one of the big decisions the company leaderboard had to face. The new CEO will be presented shortly.


For privacy reasons in some countries, we had to remove the "Hall of Fame" in the dashboard, and because of legal reasons that have to be clarified, we also had to remove the promotion links to the external landing pages. It ́s a big challenge to work in so many countries and to make sure that we don ́t cross any legal borders.Because of many future questions, we had to take this step at the moment. Unfortunately, we can't mention how long it will take to bring back the landing pages with the video material, but we will keep you updated.


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MyMercuryCard didn't get a real chance by our affiliates on the market. It ́s a new brand, and from day one everybody expected it to be perfect. Also, MyMercuryCard got massive attacks on social media where people wrote wrong information and the reputation got pulled down by the own members within only a couple of days. We were shocked that our members didn't give this new company a chance and wrote negative reports on social media. More than 9 million USD were processed during the first few weeks, and we were on the best way to catch up, but unfortunately, the bank in the background stopped everything - because that's precisely the thing banks do if they hear rumors. So at the moment, we are only able to process in a few countries where members didn't attack MyMercuryCard on social media. Of course, we can't make any promises, because we were counting on this new financial service as our solution for the future. But we definitely can say that it will take some time where nothing will move on. We're sorry about that because we calculated with everything except the fact that our own members will destroy the reputation of our only solution.
MyMercuryCard even refused to add other partners like GetMyAds because of the bad experience.


Unfortunately, GetMyAds moved into a situation with too many challenges to get fixed within a running business. We need some time to settle down, restructure the company and the company structures.We now have to find a solution for every challenge - step by step. But we don't want to make wrong promises and dreams to you: Of course, it will take some time to restructure the whole company. So we now will focus on our primary business as you know - buying and selling

traffic for our affiliates. Everything else will be added as soon as we have enough capacity to handle it - step by step. We wish you a good weekend and hope that you have some time to enjoy with your friends and family!
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                       Dobar dan Prijatelji,

idemo natrag u Irak! Dok čitate ove retke (mi, citizengoeri) na putu smo u Irak. Ako ste vjernik, molite za nas... jer ovo nije turističko putovanje. Vraćamo se jer nismo zaboravili (i nećemo) našu progonjenu braću u Iraku (i u drugim dijelovima svijeta gdje, zahvaljujući vama, šaljemo pomoć). Putovanje će trajati od 6 - 18. travnja. Kao i prošle godine, dočekat će nas zajednice progonjenih kršćana... nadamo se kako ćemo imati priliku susresti biskupe i predstavnike nekoliko lokalnih crkava i posjetiti Jazide. Posjetit ćemo i velike izbjegličke kampove s predstavnicima lokalnih i međunarodnih dobrotvornih organizacija. Glavni cilj inicijative je osobno vidjeti napredak projekata u koje smo uključeni zahvaljujući vašoj velikodušnosti (projekti koje financijski pomažemo, a koje sam spomenula u e-mailu od prije dva dana): Projekt studentskog doma u Kirkuku, vrtić u Nisthimanu (Erbil); rezaonica kamena koja će zapošljavati ljude koji su ostali bez svega... dovod vode u malo selo... I... naravno, direktni troškovi teške situacije u kojoj se nalaze progonjeni Iračani s područja uništenih ratnim razaranjima, gdje su ljudi progonjeni zbog svoje vjere. Npr... (posljednje vijesti) Jeste li ovih dana u vijestima vidjeli vijest o otkriću tisuća mrtvih tijela u Mosulu? Glavni cilj je pomoći #HelpForIraq... konkretno. Želimo donijeti materijalnu i financijsku pomoć za konkretne projekte o kojima sam vam govorila u prethodnom e-mailu o putu u Irak, a koje sam kopirala na dnu e-maila. #HelpForIraq je mnogo više od hashtaga. Mi ne želimo činiti isključivo jednostavne stvari za ostvarenje nekog cilja, poput promjene statusa ili avatara na društvenim mrežama... mi želimo odgovoriti stvarnim potrebama. Možda ne možemo svi ići osobno u Irak, ali zasigurno ste, kao dio CitizenGO-a, dio našeg tima i moći ćete pomoći vro konkretno... donacijom. Možete li odmah donirati 25, 50 ili 100 kn (ili bilo koji drugi iznos koji smatrate prikladnim) kako bismo donijeli humanitarnu pomoć našoj progonjenoj braći i sestrama u Iraku, i započeli nove, učinkovite aktivnosti kako bi im pomogli na području politike i međunarodnih odnosa? Prijatelji sigurna sam kako ćete učiniti ono što smatrate najboljim. Nije važno hoće te li sudjelovati jednim od predloženih iznosa ili nekim drugim (možda većim) možda manjim. Istina, opet tražim pomoć za istu stvar... Zašto? Koliko još puta? I do kad...? Dok više ne bude potrebno... Znam da razumijete. I sigurna sam da će vaša velikodušnost biti nagrađena! Još jednom puuuno vam hvala što ste uvijek tu...
Svako dobro,
Ana Marija i cijeli CitizenGO tim

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  • posjetiti pripadnike kršanske, jezidske i drugih manjina koje se suočavaju s posljedicama razarajućeg rata u kojem su milijuni ljudi proganjani i ubijani zbog vjere
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  • dječji vrtić u kampu Nisthiman u suradnji s neprofitnom organizacijom Etuti čiji rad financira grupa aktivnih mladih kršćana
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  • voda za Ain Bakar, malo selo u kojom žive siromašne kršćanske obitelji u blizini prostora koji je i dalje pod okupacijom DAESH-a (IS)
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Israel Institute of Biblical Studies
Biblical Image
Shalom JOSIP,

If you are an avid reader of the Bible, you have surely tried to visualize the famous scenes depicted. In your mind’s eye, you can picture Jesus walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. And no doubt, you have wondered: is my imagination accurate? Is this really how it happened? The time has come to sharpen your mind’s biblical picture by reading the Scriptures in the original Hebrew. 
Yakov Rosenberg
Professor of Biblical Hebrew and "Discovering the Hebrew Bible" Courses,

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