nedjelja, 30. listopada 2016.

No Tranquil Joy In Croatia’s Victory Over Russia For Seat On UNHRC

United Nations General Assembly
United Nations General Assembly
Voting Russia out of the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) for the first time in its history at the UN General Assembly Friday 28 October 2016 will not help the sorry image this UN body continues to have through re-electing countries with atrocious human rights records despite reinstating the US back into the council and voting Croatia (who beat Russia by a narrow margin of votes) in for the first time in its history as an independent country. Setting aside the sorry state of affairs this UN body represents when it comes to tolerance of human rights abuses, Croatia’s membership on the council adds flesh to Croatia’s position within the international political arena “The re-election of China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia – regimes which systematically violate the human rights of their citizens – casts a shadow upon the reputation of the United Nations,” said UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer. Even though some are returning or serving for the second time the 2017 relative newcomers on UN Human Rights team will be: Brazil, China, Croatia, Cuba, Great Britain, Egypt, Hungary, Iraq, Japan, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia and the US. Cuba, Saudi Arabia, China, South Africa and Great Britain are already on the council and will be serving second terms. The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. The 47 places on the council are distributed on a regional basis, with staggered ballots seeing a third of the body re-elected each year. Russia had finished its three-year term and was running against Hungary and Croatia for the two available seats from Eastern Europe. Hungary became a fast leader in the group as far as votes were concerned last Friday while Croatia received the votes of 114 of the 193 member countries, thus leaving Russia last and out of the council as a representative for Eastern Europe. Another noteworthy facet of the election was the large number of votes received by repressive autocracies – 180 votes for China, 173 for Egypt and 160 for Cuba. Although voting records are not known because the election is by secret ballot, those results mean that a majority of the free democracies in Europe believe countries like China deserve a seat on the HRC. Whether this has anything to do with human rights is anyone’s guessing game but one would probably place a sure bet on the prospect that money/investment potential China carries had a great deal to contribute to such ballot result for the realm of human rights kudos mere membership in UNHRC brings. Perhaps the Council will this time around try influencing a better human rights record within the countries where such records are utterly appalling by acting more strongly from within the UN Council itself? US Secretary John Kerry did say on Friday that “while important challenges remain, including ending the council’s excessive and biased focus on Israel, we look forward to cooperating with other council members to address human rights concerns, advance human rights around the world, and ensure the Council fully realizes its purpose.” One could say that one purpose of the Council is indeed to try and ensure that countries with representatives on the Council actually do themselves represent good human rights practices
UN September 2016 From Left: Miro Kovac (former foreign minister, Croatia), Vladmir Drobnjak - Croatian permanent representative at UN, Gordan Bakota, assistant to former foreign minister Photo: In preparing the document for Croatia’s candidacy as member of UNHRC Croatia’s former foreign minister Miro Kovac noted: “One of the greatest achievements of the development of human rights is the idea that human rights belong to everyone simply by virtue of being a member of the human family. Therefore, we all share great responsibility to protect, promote and advance human rights of all human beings, without any discrimination.”
UN September 2016
From Left: Miro Kovac (former foreign minister, Croatia),
Vladmir Drobnjak - Croatian permanent representative at UN,
Gordan Bakota, assistant to former foreign minister
In preparing the document for
Croatia’s candidacy as member of UNHRC
Croatia’s former foreign minister Miro Kovac
noted: “One of the greatest achievements
of the development of human rights
is the idea that human rights belong to
everyone simply by virtue
of being a member of the human family.
Therefore, we all share great responsibility
to protect, promote and advance human rights of all human
beings, without any discrimination.”
Voting Russia out the UN member states appear to have sent a strong message of disagreement with Russia’s support for the al-Assad regime that has evidently perpetrated so much atrocity in Syria recently, but also, one hopes, a message of disagreement with violations of human rights that are reportedly rife in Russia. Russia’s envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin scoffed off Russia’s loss at these council ballots:
"It was a very close vote and very good countries competing, Croatia, Hungary. They are fortunate because of their size, they are not exposed to the winds of international diplomacy. Russia is very exposed. We've been in the UNHRC for several years, and I am sure next time we will stand and get back in," he said, knowing that Russia is eligible to run next year, against a new set of countries. This is the same Churkin who stood by Serbia’s side few years ago peddling lies regarding the 1995 Operation Storm that liberated Croatia from Serb occupation, refusing to accept the International Criminal Tribunal’s Appeals Chamber verdict that acquitted Croatian Generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac of all charges. With Saudi Arabia gliding through with 152 votes one simply knows that voting Russia out has nothing to do with any unity this General Assembly practices when it comes to condemning all human rights violations around the world. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International produced a joint statement earlier this year condemning Saudi Arabia for “an appalling record of violations” in Yemen, where it has conducted a bombing campaign against Houthi rebels since 2015, which has resulted in the deaths of up to 4,000 civilians. Their calls for Saudi Arabia to be suspended from the UNHRC have fallen on deaf ears. Over the next term, which will last between 2017 and 2019, the 14 newly chosen members will be tasked with formulating the UN’s official position on conflicts occurring around the world, as well as the domestic policies of member states. Given the above blatant inconsistencies in voting in or out countries with appalling human rights violations one doubts such a council can come up with any politically or otherwise unbiased position on conflicts and human rights violations sanctions. One can expect that Saudi Arabia will persist in its refusals of visits from UNHRC inspections of its justice system, incidences of torture, and discrimination."The non-election of Russia shows that the nations of the world can reject gross abusers if they so choose,” said executive director of UN Watch Hillel Neuer. “This makes the election of Saudi Arabia, China and Cuba even more preposterous.”
UN General Assembly 28 October 2016 Photo: Reuters/Brenden McDermid
UN General Assembly
28 October 2016
Photo: Reuters/Brenden McDermid
Croatia, Iraq and Rwanda were elected for the first time. Given the history of conflicts and aggression in those countries as the 20th century drew close to its end standing on the sidelines one could see the input these countries can contribute to addressing the conflicts in the world. Exclusion of Russia from this body smells of strategic moves orchestrated take down a notch or two Russia’s seemingly rising influence as an international peacemaker. UN General Assembly Resolution 60/251 states that “when electing members of the Council, Member States shall take into account the contribution of candidates to the promotion and protection of human rights and their voluntary pledges and commitments thereto” (Paragraph 8). These appear to be the only stated criteria for membership in the Council. The pledge states that the country will uphold international standards of human rights and enumerates actions undertaken by that state in advancing and protecting human rights. It typically includes a listing of their involvement in international institutions. In addition, candidates must accept that they will be subjected to periodic peer-reviews of their human rights record if they gain a seat on the Council. Obviously, not much compliance with its own resolutions goes on within the UNGA chamber.“The election of the Republic of Croatia into this respected forum represents a significant achievement and result of its internationally recognised engagement in the promotion of the nobility of the idea of human rights – ‘for all people, in all circumstances and without discrimination’”, says in the press release dated 29 October 2016 issued by the Croatian foreign ministry and European affairs office. “Croatia’s priority activities will also be thematically directed upon battles against all forms of discrimination and crimes of hate, as well as upon effective protection of all victims in conflicts, protecting the dignity of and the right to life of every human being. The membership on the council is, at the same time, and opportunity for Croatia to spread the examples of its good practices in the area of promoting and protecting human rights,” the press release continues. While it’s great to have hope and bright intentions for the uplifting of access to human rights everywhere having Croatia on that UN council does little for my personal pride simply because the council itself is a reflection of the UN General Assembly it’s sourced from: a melting pot of utter and bloody violations of human rights and clashes for political supremacy at the expense of human rights. Regretfully, judging by its current composition that includes some of the worst human rights violators, the council is unlikely to change the sorry picture of human rights abuses in the world no matter how hard my little Croatia might try to make a positive footprint. Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A., M.A.Ps. (Syd)

petak, 28. listopada 2016.

And these are just a few from the long list of examples of the incredible progress that has been made by partner organizations over the course of the last year

As a community organizer, President Obama learned the importance of bringing people together to talk about their experiences and their hopes for the future, and how to build plans to make positive change. He saw firsthand the power of people working together to make important, incremental changes to move the world as it is into the world as it should be. In that spirit, President Obama hosted the first-ever Summit on Worker Voice last year, bringing together a diverse group of workers, employers, unions, organizers, advocates, academics, and business leaders to explore ways working Americans can experience the benefits of economic growth and make their voices heard for higher wages, safer working conditions, paid leave, and other improvements in the workplace. But the President made clear that the work wasn't finished that day:
"This is the beginning of a conversation that I want to push for the next 15 months, through the end of my presidency… you own this thing. The deal is that I will work with you around the ideas that you identify. And we’ll work together. And hopefully this will be the start of reversing some trends -- both economic and cultural -- that have been around way too long."
It's been 12 months since the President called us to action, and since then we’ve all owned a piece of the effort to reverse those trends. Organizations have released new tools and tried out new innovative models of expanding worker voice, leaders across the country have taken part in regional summits by elevating their stories, and workers nationwide have advocated for changes that make their workplace more equal, fair, and just. For example, since the Summit, Caring Across Generations launched a coalition with and New America to focus on promoting the social and economic value of caregiving and lifting up new resources like the Care Index which indexes states by the cost, quality, and availability of care. Centro de Tabajadores Unidos en Lucha, a worker center in Minneapolis, won a union for about 600 janitors by pioneering a sector-wide strategy and convincing employers to take the plunge together. And the Department of Labor launched a soft beta prototype of, an online tool to help workers understand their rights under federal worker protection statutes -- a tool developed directly in response to feedback at the Summit that resources were too inaccessible. And these are just a few from the long list of examples of the incredible progress that has been made by partner organizations over the course of the last year. The Administration has continued to build on its success -- after requiring contractors to notify employees of their collective action rights, granting collective bargaining rights for TSA employees, and finalizing a rule requiring federal contractors to issue paid sick leave for their employees. But while we have made some important changes to the workplace, there is much work ahead. Change starts at the individual level; in conversations over social media, at the workplace, in meetings, and in town halls. It's our responsibility as a nation of workers and managers, leaders and community members to ensure we are all doing our part. One year after the first-ever White House Summit on Worker Voice, we commend everyone for doing their part, we thank you for your partnership, and we encourage everyone to keep on working to enhance the voice of every worker.
Cecilia Muñoz
Director of the Domestic Policy Council
The White House

srijeda, 26. listopada 2016.



Prošle nedjelje, 23. Listopada održali smo komemoraciju povodom 25. obljetnice nestanka našeg prijatelja Branka Pilsela.
Svetu Misu je predvodio Fra Jozo Peranić, a poslije je Profesor Tomislav Frković, predsjednik Medjudrušvenog odbora, izrekao par riječi u spomen Branku. 

Ugrađena slika 1

Poštovani prijatelji,
pozivamo Vas
na Svetu Misu
za prvoga hrvatskog predsjednika
dr. Franju Tuđmana i hrvatske branitelje
na dan Svih Svetih,
NEDJELJA,  1. studenoga 2015. u 11 sati,
u kapelicu sv. Filipa i Jakova, na Medvedgradu.
Budite s nama.

                              slika 2

"Mi Hrvati iz Argentine, njihovi potomci i prijatelji prisjećamo se danas 25. godišnjice nestanka u Domovinskom ratu jednoga od naših sinova, Branka Pilsela, kojega smo mi, njegovi prijatelji, zvali nadimkom „Pilino“. Branko, kao i mnogi od nas, rodio se i rastao unutar naše zajednice političkih prognanika, koji su nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata morali napustiti svoju Domovinu i emigrirati u ovu blagoslovljenu argentinsku zemlju bježeći od podivljalih Titovih jugoslavensko-komunističkih hordi koje su uništile prvu hrvatsku državu u 20. stoljeću koju je uspostavila i branila ta ista generacija.  2017. će biti 70. godišnjica dolaska u Argentinu naše uvijek državotvorne hrvatske zajednice koja je, osim što je sa sobom donijela bogatstvo svoje tisućljetne kulture - svoju vjeru u Boga, kulturu rada, dostojanstvo svojih običaja, ljepotu svojih umjetničkih izraza, sjećanje na svoju tešku i plemenitu povijest, ponos svog nacionalnog identiteta -, uvijek na prvom mjestu imala svoj najviši cilj i ideal: suverenu i samostalnu Hrvatsku državu kao neotuđivo pravo hrvatskog naroda, od kojega nikada nije odustala iako je prečesto u tome bila usamljena. 
Stoga kada je početkom 90-ih godina hrvatski narod -kao i pola stoljeća ranije- ušao u novi oslobodilački rat, naša zajednica se odlučno pridružila ostalim hrvatskim zajednicama raštrkanim po svijetu i aktivno doprinijela kako i koliko je mogla kako bi se tek proglašena hrvatska država obranila od velikosrpskog i jugoslavensko-komunističkog agresora i služila kao okvir u kojem će hrvatski narod ostvarivati svoju slobodu.  Među brojnim i vrijednim doprinosima u tim ključnim trenucima na koje naša zajednica može biti ponosna - javne demonstracije, svjedočenja pred argentinskom i međunarodnom javnošću, humanitarna i druga potrebna pomoć, novinarsko pokrivanje, itd. -, najveći je onaj Branka Pilsela. On je slobodno odlučio priključiti se hrvatskoj vojsci u nastajanju odmah na početku rata, odnosno agresije protiv Hrvatske, i položio svoj život u obrani Domovine i suverene i samostalne države. Njegova nesebičnost i hrabrost, njegova žrtva bile su i ostale za nas, Hrvate iz Argentine, nešto najvrednije što je nemoguće opisati riječima. Za nas, Hrvate koji živimo izvan Domovine općenito i u Argentini posebno, nije prihvatljivo da nas se smatra građanima drugog reda ili granom odvojenom od hrvatskog stabla koja je osuđena na nestajanje. Mislimo i vjerujemo da se Hrvatsku može živjeti i voljeti i izvan Hrvatske. Za nas sjećanje na našeg Pilina i na sve one koji su kao i on položili svoje živote za Domovinu podrazumijeva, osim ponosa i zahvalnosti, i stalnu obvezu prema hrvatskoj Domovini. 
Sebedarje i hrabrost onih koji su kao Branko poginuli kako bi Hrvatska živjela nama su nadahnuće kako bismo i dalje davali ono najbolje od sebe na još uvijek dugom putu od oslobođenja do slobode, kako bismo nastavili kulturno-političku borbu za prevladavanje teških posljedica trostruke jugoslavensko-komunističke i velikosrpske diktature i za uspostavu slobodarske i uistinu demokratske Hrvatske. 

Dragi Branko, dragi Pilino! 

Želimo da u dubinama našeg hrvatskog Jadranskog mora tvoji ostaci počivaju u miru i da ih njegova bistra voda zauvijek njeguje sa zahvalnošću.  Neka je vječna slava našem hrvatsko-argentinskom branitelju Branku Pilselu! I neka je vječna slava svima koji su položili svoje živote za Hrvatsku i za slobodu hrvatskog naroda tijekom cijele hrvatske povijesti! Živjela suverena i samostalna hrvatska država!"

Tomislav Frković
Predsjednik Međudruštvenog odbora hrvatskih društava i ustanova u Argentinskoj Republici          

Na kraju je Klapa BA, koja je osnovana baš kao prijatelji Branka, odpjevala pjesmu Mirno Spavaj.

utorak, 25. listopada 2016.

Life and Times Of Croatia’s Blessed Alojzije Stepinac – A Robin Harris Book

From left: Robin Harris (historian and author), Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (Croatian president) and Zeljko Tanjic (Rector, Croatian Catholic University) PHOTO:
From left: Robin Harris (historian and author),
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (Croatian president)
and Zeljko Tanjic (Rector, Croatian Catholic University)
It was Friday 21 October 2016 when in Zagreb Croatia, accompanied by the Croatian Catholic University recto Zeljko Tanjic the UK based Robin Harris presented a copy of his new book “Stepinac – His Life and Times” to the president of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic. Robin Harris is a well-known British historian, publicist, writer and an important adviser to the former United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
“Stepinac – His Life and Times” is the first all-encompassing biography of Alojzije (Aloysius) Stepinac, Cardinal Archbishop of Zagreb during WWII whose deeds and persona have been subject to controversies ever since WWII, mounted and perpetuated by the communists of Yugoslavia and their friends.
For the last seventy years—ever since his show-trial in 1946—Alojzije Stepinac, Cardinal Archbishop of Zagreb, has been the subject of controversy. In this book, Robin Harris explores recently available original sources, including Secret Police files stored in the Croatian State Archives, to find out the truth. Stepinac led the Catholic Church in Croatia during dangerous times. As a young, untested Archbishop, he confronted authoritarian rule under the First Yugoslavia. After the Axis Powers invaded in 1941, he struggled to steer the right course through the bloody chaos of the Second World War. For the last years of his life, in prison and then interned in the parish where he was born, he inspired the Croatian Catholic resistance to Communist persecution. Stepinac shared the fate of other Church leaders, like Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary, who were vilified and imprisoned by the new Communist rulers of Eastern Europe. But the campaign against him, originated by the Communist Party, was, and still is, exceptionally ferocious and persistent. Accused of complicity with War-time atrocities, the Zagreb Archbishop’s role in this period is also important in the wider arguments about that of Pope Pius XII. Stepinac often had limited room for manoeuvre. A deeply spiritual man and never regarding politics as his metier, he had to calculate the best way to save lives when violence threatened, and to preserve the Faith—and loyalty to the Holy See—when Tito worked to destroy both. Pope Saint John Paul II beatified Stepinac in 1998. The canonisation was announced as imminent—until the leadership of the Serbian Orthodox Church protested to Pope Francis. This book should ensure that a full and objective assessment of Blessed Alojzije Stepinac can be made,” writes gracewing Catholic publishing of UK on its website.
"Stepinac - His Life and Times" by Robin Harris cover
"Stepinac - His Life and Times"
by Robin Harris
Emphasising the importance of this book in the English language Croatian Catholic University Rector Zeljko Tanjic said Friday 21 October at the Universiy’s launch of Harris’ book that the book was the fruit of a lovely friendship between Dr Robin Harris and two Croatian cultural greats based in London - Chris Cvijic i dr. Branko Franolic, to whom the book is dedicated. Rector Tanjic said also that the fact that Dr Harris has recently become a lecturer at the faculty of history of the Croatian Catholic University presents a very high honour for the university. Furthermore, Tanjic said, the book is equally the fruit of the author’s longstanding studying and research into documentary evidence pertaining to Stepinac’s life and the times he lived in. Dr Tanjic reiterated that Harris’ book represents an exceptionally important contribution to the Croatian national and religious history.
The contents of the book are spread across 409 pages, 12 chapters as well as four interesting addendums: Stepinac’s speech in the court; the list of a number of officials in the administration of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during 1930’s according to their religious belonging; a text that explains whether Stepinac was poisoned and Stepinac’s spiritual testament in the English language.
This is a complete biography of Alojzije Stepinac in the English language, the first after 25 years of Croatian independence and according to Dr Tanjic, copies of this book should be held at all Croatian diplomatic and consular missions across the world, it was after all written by a competent author and being written in English it contributes to the internationalization of Alojzije Stepinac’s canonisation process in the context of the mixed commission of the Catholic Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church which is addressing the issue.
Harris especially thanked the Croatian Cardinal Josip Bozanic and mons. Ivan Sasko for the support they provided to him in writing his book. Robin Harris emphasized that to him as a historian the truth has always been paramount and, hence, the aim of his book from its beginnings had always remained the same – research, understand and describe the truth about Stepinac.
Stepinac’s life has been the subject of most detailed studies because of the many malicious allegations against him, from the rigged court process (in 1946) till today. “From all the collected sources today we know that Stepinac justifiably said at the end of his trial: ‘I say publicly before the whole of the present public, even if that public laughs, before the diplomatic core, if any are present, before the foreign journalists – if I really am convicted, I say before God that I have been convicted as an innocent, my conscience is clear and the future will show that I was right’,” Harris emphasised.
In the hope that his book will help the Pope’s ecumenical pursuits for a better relationship between Churches and generally help towards a positive solution to all the questions associated with Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, Harris concluded: “A better understanding of the historical reality as a step towards forgiveness is something every sensible man needs to wish for.”
Dr Robin Harris presenting his new book "Stepinac - His Life and Times" In Zagreb, Croatia 21 October 2016 Photo: HKS (Croatian Catholic University)
Dr Robin Harris
presenting his new book
"Stepinac - His Life and Times"
In Zagreb, Croatia
21 October 2016
Photo: HKS (Croatian Catholic University)
Harris said that there are many lies and untruths about Stepinac. It is not important only for Croatia and the Church, but the world, to know the truth and that is my aim.
With regard to availability of some documents in Croatian archives, Harris stressed that this was a general problem because archives about communist crimes are still confidential, which he said is shameful and unacceptable.
I think that we know everything that is important to know about Stepinac however, it is shameful that those archives have not been completely opened. That isn't a matter of lustration, but of realising the truth and cleansing society, Harris said.
Further to contributing towards Stepinac’s canonisation process Rector Tanjic announced the coming presentation of the book in both the Croatian and the English languages, with summaries and excerpts in Italian, of the works and presentations put forth at last year’s forum in Zagreb called “Arxhbishop Stepinac and the Serbs in Croatia in the context of Worl War II and post-WWII”.
A few years ago in a lecture he delivered at the Croatian Catholic University Robin Harris said that Blessed Alojzije Stepinac was a shiny example of resistance against totalitarianism and certainly his new book “Stepinac – His Life and Times” has a great deal of evidence and truth upon which this shiny example rests. Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A., M.A.Ps. (Syd)

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Don’t Let Capitol Hill Outlaw This Book BEFORE you see it!

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What if Money Didn’t Matter?

In February of 2014, Congressman Mike McIntyre, the representative from North Carolina abandoned the cold weather.
He took his wife Denise on one of the most expensive Congressional trips ever reported…
They spent a full seven days on Australia’s famed Gold Coast in accommodations most people could never dream of affording.
Gold Coast
But he didn’t pay for it.
Neither did Rep. George Miller of California. So far he’s made 80 free trips to places like Athens, Barcelona, and Cancun for a grand total of $440,799.
So far he’s made 80 free trips to places like Athens, Barcelona, and Cancun for a grand total of $440,799.
While our so-called “representatives” continue to take lavish trips far beyond what the normal American gets as a vacation… and use their Congressional status to get them…
My team and I have found a way for you to enjoy many of the same perks -- without you having to live off someone else's money… accept any lobbyist handouts… or anything else like that.
Consider the story of two everyday Americans named Ted and Samantha George of San Diego, California.
Fed up with the stress of their 9 to 5, they packed their bags and spent the next 12 months hopping from one high end accommodation to the next. But thanks to this self reliance secret (page 14), they didn’t pay for it.
But thanks to this self reliance secret (page 14), they didn’t pay for it.
“I still can’t believe the places we stayed,” says Samantha. “Many of them aren’t for rent at any price.”
Here’s a picture of the famous Bondi Beach in Australia near where they stayed.
Bondi Beach
The catch?
All they had to do was 30 minutes of “security” each day to earn their free stay.
And this wasn’t a one time thing…
Samantha still uses the secret to take monthly mini vacations. Last month, for example, she went to Medellin, Colombia where she golfed, ate the local arepas (you have to try these), and toured the country in a private car.
And here’s the thing…
During our investigation, we found several Americans online using this same secret in their own life to travel free or nearly free.
Like Doug Johnson, who uses it to ski at Snowbasin resort during peak conditions in mid March.
“My quality of life is so much higher,” says Doug.
And Derrell Moore who is currently using a variation of this trick to live in a $1.2 million dollar mansion for a fraction of the cost of the rent that normal folks have to pay.
“You’re living someone else’s dream without having to pay much for it.”
If money is what’s separating you from the life you imagine, I suggest you try this secret immediately. And there’s more, too…

45 Ways To Live Rich

By this time next week, you could be sitting beachside at a beautiful resort in the Bahamas or sunning yourself on the Coast of the French Riviera, in France.
Or you could simply be living in your dream house for half what you are paying now.
There are more than forty secrets inside your free copy of Get What Congress Gets.
With book in hand, go to the pages below to discover...
  • How to live on a 6.4-acre estate with 10-car garage and indoor basketball court for the cost of a 2 bedroom apartment rental (page 15).
  • When to use the “Celebrity Stay Rule” to vacation or live in some of the most beautiful properties in America, including celebrity homes for pennies on the dollar (page 16).
  • What to do and say to get a free set of wheels and full tank of gas for almost any adventure (page 10).
  • The secret to talking to travel companies that automatically gets you free stuff beyond your wildest dreams (page 7).
  • The three critical flaws almost every passenger makes when booking flights that traps them into overpaying.
And much, much, more.
With so many amazing “Congressional Perks” available to Americans, it got me wondering...

Why Are These “Perks”
So Hush Hush?

It wasn’t to long ago, Congressmen got away with stealing our money to live like kings. That is until investigators caught Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham with a Rolls Royce, a mansion, an upscale Washington condominium, and a yacht… financed by bribery.
That and a string of other Congressional scandals were the straw that broke the camel’s back… and Congress passed the 2007 Honest Leadership and Government Act to get the public off their case.
But when Congress passed the law, they left loopholes large enough to squeeze a Winnebago through.
Like what I call the “Edinburgh Extravaganza” loophole former Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ) exploited for $30, 575 to attend a posh wedding in Edinburgh with his wife and two daughters. Totally legal thanks to loopholes in the law.
Or what I call the “petty cash” loophole Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) used to the tune of $35,000 to attend NFL games.
And what I’ve named the “Prodigal Son” loophole that reportedly earned Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-CA) at least $294,245 since 1998.
She loaned out her congressional campaign money at interest rates up to 18%, and put the profit straight into her personal bank account.
Despite the new law meant to curb Congress’ free loading practices… it was business as usual.
But here’s the good news.
The more we looked at Congress’ loopholes, the more we discovered similar loopholes in the free market. I’m talking ethical ways to exploit loopholes just like what Congress uses for some pretty incredible benefits, no matter who you are or where you live.
Here, let me show you…
That yacht I just mentioned Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham bought with someone else’s money? He used it to live and throw parties for his friends. Here’s a picture of a similar yacht. Pretty nice right?
But travel lovers Greg and Tiffany Norin may have found something that’s even better.
It’s a loophole in the system that lets them travel to exotic locations on yachts bigger and much grander than what Duke Cunningham owned… all free.
They’ve been doing it for the past six years now, sailing to places like Tahiti, Mexico, and the Cook Islands.
Now, if you’re skeptical of loopholes like these, I don’t blame you.
Greg and Tiffany couldn’t believe what’s available for free either, until they tried it for themselves.
“You don’t need any special training to sail around the world for free,” they said.
“Since discovering this, we’ve been trying to get the word out. Yes, it really is as cool as it sounds. It’s also ridiculously easy to do.”
“Yes, it really is as cool as it sounds. It’s also ridiculously easy to do.”
The more my team and I dug, the more we were amazed by what the average American… with the right knowledge… and the right attitude, can get access to.
But nothing was as exciting to me as the “backdoor” way we found to “sneak into” a retirement plan much like Congress taps.
If you haven’t heard of this yet, I suggest you take the next 5 minutes to look into it this immediately.

How to Earn $1 Million Dollars
In Retirement Income

Don’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of Congress’ best-kept retirement secret. I’m talking about what I call the “Congressional Retirement Plan” that allows federal employees to collect huge sums of money – as much as $100,000 $250,000… even $500,000 or more than average investors over the life of their retirement – beginning with a relatively small sum.
In 2013, the last year he reported his earnings, Senator Dick Durbin, the 58th richest person in the Senate, used it to earn an extra 70k from his retirement.
Senator Dick Durbin Financial Disclosures
Tom Cole, the representative from Oklahoma, who Time magazine calls “one of the sharpest minds in the house,” used it to pocket as much as $117,000 in a single year.
And our former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley is sitting on as much as a half million dollars in extra income thanks to this incredible secret.
So why haven’t you heard of it?
The reason is simple.
Created in 1986 between Ronald Reagan and Wall Street, this little known program directly siphons money out of the Wall Street establishment and into Congress' pocket.
Only federal employees can access it… but what most people don’t know is there’s a very simple way to copy the secret behind this plan.
…and you don’t have to change any of your investments to do it.
Sound incredible, even impossible? That’s what Wall Street would want you to believe.
Although more than 90 lawsuits have been filed.
The courts (and Congress) have done nothing to make a big change around Wall Street.
But we’ve found a “backdoor way” to sneak the same kind of “retirement benefits” Congress gets… this single secret could be worth as much as $1 million more than your current retirement plan.
Of course, everyone knows the amount of money you start with makes a big difference in what you end up with in retirement…
And Congressmen may be starting with more than you, which warrant these extraordinary numbers, but can you imagine how just a fraction of that money could change your life?
We’ve uncovered the whole strategy…
Including how you could use a little-known website that Wall Street doesn’t want anyone over the age of 55 seeing because it’s full of “backdoor income,” you could use to reap similar benefits as the federally exclusive plan.
I call it “backdoor income” because it’s income you can collect outside of traditional methods of stock investing, which you can use to fund your retirement if you wish.
You can find the full details on page 45 of Get What Congress Gets.
Not only is it quick and easy to use, but the extra money you have the chance to collect could make a huge impact in your life.
That’s why I see this as the “loophole” of the century– you get the chance to live the life Congressmen enjoy— but you don’t have to be a federal employee to do it.
One major news source who reported on the secret behind these federal plans.
Says it is the,
“Single best (and easiest) way to boost your investment returns.”
And a respected journalist reported
“The difference between investing with this type of plan and a traditional 401k plan can be a million dollars or more”
Jeff, an insurance executive from Bensalem P.A. is pretty floored with his results since using a similar plan. His one regret however is waiting so long to get started. “I lost 100k by not using this sooner,” says Gardner.
Can you see what a difference this kind of strategy could make in your life?
And the research doesn’t stop there...

4 More “Congressional Hacks” You Can
Use Immediately To Live A Better Life

Inside Get What Congress Gets you’ll also discover how to:
  • Outperform the average investor by double digit returns. Senators have beat the market by 12% every year, but using our “Napoleon Hill” hack, you could do even better (page 40).
  • Travel the world for free (or for pennies on the dollar). This secret is so easy, it’s almost criminal your travel agent has NEVER heard about it. Once you read this, you’ll have no excuse NOT to save thousands of dollars each time you travel (page 2).
  • Rack up hundreds of thousands of flyer miles WITHOUT stepping on a plane. This special marketing deal could pay for your next flight to Europe, Bali, or a nice vacation in Crete. The downside is this loophole is time-sensitive (see page 2).
  • Get cash! Don’t accept those horrible BLACKED OUT travel vouchers when an airline screws up. The law says you are legally entitled to cold hard cash, and a handful of other free upgrades if they are late or you give up your seat. Here’s what to say to the airlines to force them to pay you (page 6).
So how can you start claiming these freebies?

How to Live Like a Millionaire
in the Next 5 Minutes

Start by claiming your copy of the wildly controversial “Get What Congress Gets.”
Although you can’t buy this book anywhere else for any price, if we were to sell it on Amazon, we’d offer it for $79.
Given you can save hundreds – even thousands – on vacations, live and party on a yacht for free, and increase your retirement income by up to $500,000 , I think you’d agree $79 is a real value.
But today, right here and right now, you can get it FREE.
I know. If you’re skeptical about claiming a free book, I don’t blame you.
I’ve been advised that giving away so many free books is a terrible business decision.
But the thing is… I couldn’t disagree more. In fact, I believe that...

Sending You 45 of Our Best Secrets for FREE is the Smartest Business Decision I Can Make

Laissez Faire Team
As I said before, my name is Doug Hill.
I’m the Director of the Laissez Faire Club.
As you may know, “laissez faire” is a French term that means “let them be…”
In just two years, our self-empowered group has grown from essentially zero members to 75,000 strong.
We’re a group of people just like you – everyday people – who have come together to achieve a common goal.

Freedom. Self-Reliance. Action.

Don’t worry. We’re not some doomsday group or fringe political party. My research team consists of top experts in their respective fields. For example, in our club we have…
  • A three-time New York Times bestselling author
  • A private tax consultant to Capitol Hill and one of the IRS’s most successful tax negotiators otherwise known as the “Loophole Queen”
  • A famous investigative health researcher whose work has been featured in the Washington Post, Discover Magazine, Psychology Today, Parade, Readers’ Digest, and Life and Dr. Weil
  • The former personal financial advisor to a Coca-Cola heiress and a major oil magnate
...and more.
Our book — Get What Congress Gets — levels the playing field. It gives you the ammunition you need to get more of the life you deserve.
But here’s the thing…

Free Copies For the Next Few Days Only

We don’t know yet how the public or Congress will respond to this controversial book. That’s why we’re releasing free copies for the next few days only. If we receive an unfavorable response, we’re going to shut this down immediately.
My hope is of course, that this goes mainstream and gets into the hands of every hardworking, intelligent American.
But there’s no telling how many free books we can give away before this gets shut down.
So if you’re interested in claiming your share of a freer, more independent life, claim your copy immediately. We want these secrets to get into as many of the RIGHT hands as soon as possible.
The more RIGHT people that know these secrets, the weaker the hold of Big Government.
The secrets we reveal in Get What Congress Gets are that powerful.
(I’ll let you know in full detail if you are the type of person we’re looking for in a moment).
Now before I go any further, I want to give full disclosure. You can uncover the same vacation, travel, freebies and retirement secrets we did.

But be warned.

It’ll take hundreds of hours to find every blog, article, and magazine written about hacking Congress’ perks…
And you’d waste thousands of dollars on strategies that don’t work.
You can read this simple book that condenses everything we’ve learned about hacking Congress’ Perks.
Before you waste another moment wondering if you need this book, ask yourself this:
How much money will you lose this week because you’ll pay for things you could get for free or for pennies on the dollar?
How many opportunities will you miss out on because you ignored this message and failed to act today?

Tell Me Where To Send Your Free Book

To claim your free book, all you have to do is simply agree to sample the Laissez Faire Letter at MY risk…
And I’ll send you the entire 22,000-word book as an ebook, right now, for free as my thank-you.
If you don’t like the self-empowerment lifestyle my team and I have to offer, you can still keep the book and all its valuable secrets with my blessing.
No hassles. No hard feelings.
If all of this sounds good so far, I’ll show you how to claim your complimentary copy in just a moment.
First, I need to make one thing clear…

I’m Not Interested in Giving
Away Free Books to Just Anyone

If you’re the type that always says you want more out of life, but you never take action when you should… please, don’t claim your free book.
If you’re a habitual “starter”… but not really a “finisher”… there’s nothing you will find in Get What Congress Gets that will help.
In order to be the RIGHT type of person to claim this book, you need to be the active, take-charge type who will make good use of our hard work.
If you’re a dreamer or someone who just let's books gather dust on their bookshelves, this is NOT for you.

Here’s why I’m telling you this…

I’m not here to promise you free tickets to sporting events, free vacations, and free money with no work on your part.
There’s a sucker born every minute that will fall for the hype.
What I will do is give you the real scoop on how you can drastically up the quality of your life, and your family’s… in a few, short weeks…
But it’s up to you to make those things a reality.

Rich or Poor - Your Choice

So if you’re someone who is ready to… finally… do what it takes to change your life with simple, insanely actionable solutions, and see what’s truly possible with a few shortcuts and loopholes and a little bit of elbow grease…
Then Get What Congress Gets is right for you.
Now that you’re ready to get started, let me show you what else Congress gets that you can get too...

6 More Ways to Hack Congress’s Perks

  • Discounted Medical Treatment: Turn to page 52 for how to claim a $130,000 surgical procedure for just $18,500, even if you’re uninsured, or on a high-deductible plan.
  • Free art, antiques, jewelry, and more! As soon as you sign up at this unusual website, you’ll be able to claim free art, antiques, jewelry, and much more. And often with free shipping! (page 65).
  • A Personal Physician: For as little as $50 a month you can get one-on-one access to a physician that includes their cell phone number, 24/7 access, same day appointments, and even home visits (page 59).
  • Free golf for life, if you can write a one page letter. When you write and send this letter you could golf free or get paid up to $1,000 a week just to play golf (page 66).
  • Why you should wave at any cop who spots you breaking the law. There are two very important reasons this friendly hand signal could drastically reduce your chance of getting a citation (page 25).
  • The Best Price on Everything: Are you aware almost everything is negotiable? And you can get a better price just by throwing in a few key phrases? Using what we call the “Kissinger’s Law” in honor of our former secretary of state, you can increase your salary, get better terms from your banker… and much, much more (page 46).
Chances are you’ll never use all of the secrets included in Get What Congress Gets.
That’s OK.
Even if you use a small handful, you’ll be able to have and do things you’d never even think of doing before getting your hands on this book.
And if you use most of these secrets, you’ll walk through life knowing you’re getting preferential treatment— what you wouldn’t normally be able to afford for free or for pennies on the dollar.
Either way, Get What Congress Gets can save you the irritation and worry that comes with overspending.
It could give you the peace of mind that comes only to people who have a surplus of cash… who expect life to give them the best it has to offer, without having to pay for it.
Those who never worry about outliving their savings or not having enough for retirement.
Imagine what that would feel like.
Pretty good, right?
In less than 5 minutes, you could have instant access to the best “hacks” into the free market.
Just give me the word… and I’ll rush this free book your way.

If you’re on the fence...

Here are 3 reasons why you should stop at nothing to get this free book…
  1. It’s massive. You get 75 pages packed with ideas,tricks and techniques to enhance the quality of your life. In every secret, we take you by the hand and explain everything to you in a simple, easy-to-understand way. Nothing will be left to interpretation.
  2. We don’t just tell you the secrets and send you away… We show you how to do it step-by-step. Laissez Faire’s Get What Congress Gets will never leave you guessing about how to use or apply these techniques. Instead, we show you how they work in the real world.
  3. You’ll never be overwhelmed — because you can use the secrets to suit your needs. Whether you’re retired… employed… self-employed… married or single… you can use these secrets to make a few little changes that add up to HUGE advances in the quality of your life.

You’ll Also Get $127 worth of
Life-Changing Bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE

I’ll tell you more about these gifts — and what else you’ll instantly receive today — in just a moment.
First, let me show you more of the benefits you’ll claim with the Laissez Faire Letter…
Put simply, with the Laissez Faire Letter, I promise you’ll be the first to know hundreds of strategies, ideas, secrets, and techniques to live a more healthy and rewarding life largely unknown to the general public.
It’s like having your own team of experts on your side, sending you a steady flow of inside information.
I guarantee you’ve never seen anything quite like it.

But don’t take my word for it

Take what our own readers have said about Laissez Faire Letter just in the past few months
“Man, do I love reading your letters! I feel like I am sitting in on a daily continuing education lecture. I find your writing so incredibly plucky and the ideas within so thought-provoking I catch myself thinking at invariably every other sentence.”
–Krista K.
“Of all the mail I receive, Laissez Faire Letter is in the small group to which I give the highest priority in terms of the best use of my time.”
–Fred M
“It's a quirky, offbeat, intelligent fountain of alternative news and concepts missed by the mainstream.”
–Bob R.
“If you want to create a dramatic change in your life in a reasonable time… start here!”
–Gene M.
Now here’s the best part of becoming a valued member of the Laissez Faire Letter today…

Both Yours to Keep Forever…
No Matter What You Decide Later

Get What Congress Gets
As soon as you take our risk-free “test-drive,” you’ll be entitled to receive all of the most valuable research I’ve conducted over the past 12 months.
#1 FREE BOOKLaissez Faire’s Get What Congress Gets
Of course, you’ll get instant access to your free copy of Laissez Faire’s Get What Congress Gets. It’s loaded with 45 ideas, tricks, hacks, and loopholes to traveling, getting better, cheaper medical care,higher salary, more hassle-free money… eliminating retirement worries completely… and traveling free if that’s your dream lifestyle. It’s our best research yet, and I’m proud to send it to you free of charge just for trying us out for a full year.
#2: FREE BONUS BOOKA Man’s Right to Happiness
A Mans Right To Happiness
You’ll receive a free digital copy of our book A Man’s Right to Happinessminutes after you agree to your trial membership.
This is a 195-page book loaded with actionable solutions that can show you how to reclaim your privacy, reduce your taxes, and increase your investment returns. It also includes shrewd money management tricks, strategies for succeeding in business and career, as well as how to survive Obamacare and bolster your health. As a subscriber, you’ll get access to these secrets as soon as we hear from you.
12 Monthly IssuesThe Laissez Faire Letter and52 Weekly Rundowns
Laissez Faire Letter
And of course, you’ll receive 12 monthly issues of our flagship newsletter, Laissez Faire Letter, which is a full-color newsletter mailed to your doorstep. Being a member ofLaissez Faire Letter is like having a team of experts supplying you with a steady flow of inside information to get ahead in today’s changing America. You’ll have an edge in life unlike anyone!
Plus you'll get access to our entire member-only report library.
The Vanishing Point: How to disappear from the IRS this tax season and save a boatload of money in the process
Access to this report series will give you the “keys to the city.” It’s full of our hardest-hitting reports you can’t afford not to get your hands on in today’s changing America. Learn simple steps to protect your privacy from the NSA and other snoops… more strategies for a safe and secure retirement… ways to protect your family during a crisis… and more.
That’s a total of
  • TWO FREE books…
  • One valuable report series…
  • Twelve full months of the explosive insights within Laissez Faire Letter…AND
  • 52 weekly correspondences.
What you get
And here’s the best part…
Whether you decide to stay with us… or find a good enough reason to cut your trial period short, you can keep all of these bonuses as your gift from me.
You deserve all of them just for giving our research a shot.
Also, to make this a “no-brainer,” I’ve done something even better to sweeten the deal for you…

Special “Urgency Pricing”
if You Act Today

The secrets inside Laissez Faire’s Get What Congress Getsare time sensitive. That’s why I want to do everything in my power to get a copy into your hands today. That’s also why, if you agree to our risk-free trial offer today, I’m willing to give you something else…
As long as you act within the next few minutes, you’ll be able to join us at a special price… and get our 100% risk-free guarantee.

Let me explain what this means...

Normally, the published price of Laissez Faire Letter for new subscribers is $99 a year…
For everything I’m offering you today, I think $99 is highway robbery.
But that’s not how much you’ll pay. Far from it.
By taking our risk-free test drive today, you’ll pay only $49 today for an entire year of our research.

It’s the lowest price I can responsibly give you
as a husband, father, and business director

And I offer it this low because I know the right person we are looking for will take this offer and become a member for life.
The wrong type of person will go back to their life and be none the wiser.
To put this price in perspective, this comes out to about a dime a day. That’s it.
You can’t even get a gum ball for that nowadays.
And people pay much more than that for things they want and need.

The Laissez Faire Letter Unconditional Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee
If, for any reason, you’re not 100% thrilled with the information, tips, commentary, reports, investment opportunities, or anything else inThe Laissez Faire Letter , simply let us know at any time within the first calendar year of your subscription. All your subscription money will promptly be refunded to you, with no questions asked. The toll-free cancellation contact phone number will be in your officialLaissez Faire Letter welcome kit.
As you can see, we’re not pulling any punches here…
We want you to be happy — not just happy, but absolutely thrilled — with The Laissez Faire Letter .
We also want you to get everything you possibly can out of this letter…
So that YOU can do what WE do: Live life to the freest .
That way, you’ll be able to use the secrets found in the pages of our letter ...without risking a single penny.
Again… No fine print. No catches. No strings.
What could possibly be fairer than that?
So what are you waiting for?

The Way I See It,
You Have Only Two Choices…

You can agree to empower yourself with the explosive shortcuts and loopholes in Laissez Faire’s Get What Congress Gets
And receive our entire year’s BEST research for free…
Maybe you want to protect yourself from going broke…
Or you want to gain the respect that comes from being that person your best friends and family admire. The person they come to when they need help and are thankful for having in their lives.
Or you’re just simply tired of getting swindled by big-box corporations, Big Government, and everyone that’s trying to take something you’ve worked hard for…
Whatever your motivation is for wanting the right way to make your dream a reality…
I’m proud to be able to help put you on the right path with Laissez Faire’s Get What Congress Gets...

Or You Could Take
Your Chances on Choice Two

Of course, you could forfeit your chance at claiming your free books and risk-free trial of our research today…
You have every right to refuse this special offer.
But keep in mind I’ll be forced to give your FREE copy to someone lower on the list… and maybe less deserving.
It is, after all, first come, first serve and this offer won’t last forever.

It Would Be A Shame If You Missed Out
On All This Free Stuff

It would be an even BIGGER shame if a year from now, you looked back and wondered what remarkable things you could be doing had you only tried out our research.
Of course, you don’t NEED me or my research team to make big improvements in your life. You might be able to find many of the secrets in Laissez Faire’s Get What Congress Gets on your own.
But you’ll never find them in one place… and you’ll needlessly waste countless hours trying to do the work that we’ve already done. And remember, my offer is risk-free.
Chances are you may never find some of the very best secrets we’ve laid out in the book.

Before you decide…

Just think of ONE secret that intrigued you the most today.
Now imagine if it were already true in your life right now. Can you see how much your life could change from just a couple pages in Laissez Faire’s Get What Congress Gets?
Is it worth trying out?
Only you can you decide.
To get started today, simply click on the SUBSCRIBE NOW button below this presentation.
Don’t worry — clicking the button doesn’t obligate you to do anything. The button below simply takes you to a 100% secure online order form where you’ll be able to confirm everything that comes with your subscription.
Don’t delay. Get started today by clicking the SUBSCRIBE NOW button below.
Doug Signature
Doug Hill
Director, the Laissez Faire
May 2016
Subscribe Now
P.S. Did you know that there's one “Congressional Perk” that dwarfs them all? I’m talking about protection from asset seizure. If pulled over, you could lose your car, your cell phone, your wallet… even the shirt off your back if the police say so. It’s happened more often than people think. But we found a special 6 word phrase that will protect you in even the worse case scenario (page 29). Don’t even think about driving your car again before you read this.
P.P.S. ONE MORE THING… Chapter 7. Read it. That’s all I’m saying.
Subscribe Now

Here’s what else our readers recently had to say about my research team and what you can expect from Laissez Faire Letter...

“These guys know what they are talking about.” Margaret E. Aberdeen, SD
“If you want to know what's really going on in the financial, medical, and governmental arena, then this is the letter you need to be receiving.” Gabe G., Washington, D.C.
“It's a publication you absolutely MUST HAVE. It isn't afraid to "step on toes" and go along with the flow. It’s a publication that does its homework and then lets you know all the results. If you're serious about your health, you should be reading this.” Karen C., Bowling Green, KY
“It’s one of several newsletters I receive… and it’s one that I always read.” Cynthia H., Seattle, WA
“Very current, informative, and highly readable. This contains information you need.” Joseph T., Morgantown, WV