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10 činjenica o poslovanju i financijama Agrokora

Početkom godine Vlada nije mogla utjecati na poslovanje jer je izvanredna uprava ušla 10. travnja. No, napad najviše usmjerava na Martinu Dalić.
Top 20 najjeftinijih rabljenih automobila

Velik broj pregleda oglasa automobila jeftinijih od 8000 kuna pokazuje da su najjeftiniji automobili itekako traženi u Hrvatskoj.
Martina Tomčić napala twerkericu: 'Svojem djetetu ne bih dala da se bavi time'

Tomčić je kazala kako joj to izgleda kao poziv na parenje. Martina je odmah na početku točke stisnula X, a publika je Sarah nagradila velikim pljeskom.
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The Daily Signal
Oct. 3, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where—as in your town—the reality of what happened in Las Vegas is still sinking in. Fred Lucas reports on the question of terrorism and Jarrett Stepman addresses inevitable calls for more restrictions on gun ownership. The right-to-work movement is about to arrive in Delaware, and Kevin Mooney breaks the story. Meet a living argument against late-term abortion in a moving video from Kelsey Harkness and Michael Goodin. Plus: Rachel del Guidice on the making of Newt Gingrich, and Sondra Clark on how tax reform could make filing easier for you.

Here's the Truth About Gun Control and Crime

Mere hours after the Las Vegas massacre, Hillary Clinton tweeted, "Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again."
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He Was Born at 22 Weeks. His Parents Say Late-Term Abortions Should Be Illegal.

"He was as full of life … when he was born as he is now … just a lot smaller," says Clayton Pickering, whose son Micah is now 5.
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Why This 'Undercover Boss' Is Up Front About Taking on Unions in Delaware

Anthony Wedo wants to be part of a big change by getting behind right-to-work legislation about to be proposed in one of the three counties in his home state of Delaware.
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Investigators Reluctant to Call Vegas Massacre an Act of Terror

Domestic terrorism has three qualifiers, experts say: It involves violence; the victims usually are innocent civilians; and the attacker acts with political motives.
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A Revised Tax Code Could Make Filing Your Taxes Much Faster, Cheaper

Americans spend 9 billion hours every year complying with the tax code, which costs them more than $400 billion in lost economic productivity.
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Gingrich Explains Why C-SPAN Was the Twitter of the '90s

"You have to design a campaign because you know the news media is against you," says Newt Gingrich. "So every issue has to be 70 or 80 percent to your advantage."
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'We Already Have Laws Against Murder': Gov. Matt Bevin Explains Why Gun Control Isn't Answer

"There has from the beginning of time been people who have perpetuated evil," says Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, a Republican.
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Odbor UN-a za ljudska prava želi nametnutilegalizaciju pobačaja i eutanazije u svim zemljama i to u ime prava na život!
Novi nacrt Općeg komentara Međunarodnog pakta o građanskim i političkim pravima:
- opovrgava pravo na bilo kakvu zaštitu ljudskog života prije rođenja i poziva države na legalizaciju pobačaja na zahtjev
- ne govori o pravim uvjetima i vremenskom ograničenju za pristup pobačaju, već o tome kako bi on trebao biti dostupan čim bi trudnoća ženi uzrokovala fizičku ili mentalnu bol i patnju.
- ne prepoznaje postojanje ljudskog života prije rođenja, ostavljajući ga bez zaštite od pobačaja i svih oblika manipulacije i iskorištavanja, osobito biotehnoloških.
- govori vrlo malo ili ništa o zaštiti žena koje žele rađati svoju djecu, o zdravlju djeteta, kao niti o obvezi države da spriječe pribjegavanje pobačaju.
Potpišite peticiju UN-u kojom tražimo izmjene ovog ideološkog komentara
"Svako ljudsko biće ima prirodno pravo na život. To pravo treba zaštititi zakonom. Nitko ne smije biti samovoljno lišen života."
UN-ov Međunarodni pakt o građanskim i političkim pravima u čl. 6
Jasna i nedvosmislena poruka prava na život svake osobe, od najmlađe, nevidljive skrivene ispod majčina srca, do najstarije, bolesne kojoj je potrebno strpljenje, ljubav i pomoć.
Ili je moguće zaštitu ljudskog života okrenuti u pravo na ubojstvo? Stjepan, Odbor za ljudska prava Ujedinjenih naroda novim komentarom koji bi služio za tumačenje Međunarodnog pakta želi izokrenutim tumačenjem članka 6. dekriminalizirati pobačaj do rođenja u svim državama UN-a.
Molim vas, potpišite peticiju Odboru za ljudska prava Ujedinjenih naroda:
Peticiju ćemo predstaviti u UN-u i zatražiti izmjenu stavka 9 i 10 nacrta ovog komentara kojim se želi u potpunosti dekriminalizirati pobačaj do rođenja i legalizirati eutanazija.
Stavak 9 nacrta Općeg komentara kaže:
„... svako zakonsko ograničenje mogućnosti ženama da traže pobačaj ne smije između ostalog ugroziti njihove živote ili ih podvrći fizičkoj ili mentalnoj boli ili patnji koja krši članak 7.“Ovo tumačenje opovrgava pravo na bilo kakvu zaštitu ljudskog života prije rođenja u državama članicama UN-a. Tekst ne donosi niti uvjete, niti vremensko ograničenje za pristup pobačaju već zaključuje kako on treba biti dostupan čim bi trudnoća ženi uzrokovala fizičku ili mentalnu bol i patnju. Za razliku od komentara iz 2015., koji je barem prepoznavao mogućnost kojom bi države mogle usvojiti mjere za zaštitu potencijalnog ljudskog života i dostojanstva nerođene djece, ovdje se pobačaj ne tretira kao iznimka. U ožujku 2016. Odbor za ljudska prava UN-a je uklonio sve što bi upućivalo na činjenicu kako se govori o nerođenom djetetu. Kao što je rekao i jedan od članova Odbora: „nije se činilo potrebnim spominjati pravo na život fetusa“ (!!!) Nacrt novog općeg komentara je agresivni pokušaj nametanja obveza koje većina država ustrajno odbija, te je protivan Međunarodnom paktu o građanskim i političkim pravima kao i namjerama država koje su ga pisale i usvojile. Potpišite peticiju, zatražite zaštitu života najmanjih, najnježnijih ljudskih bića: http://citizengo.org/hr/lf/96699-un-pravo-na-zivot-nije-pravo-na-ubojstvo-druge-ljudske-osobeMeđunarodni dokument kao što je Opći komentar bio bi alat protiv prava na priziv savjesti, kao i za legalizaciju pobačaja do rođenja djeteta za zemlje koje neprestano odbijaju pokušaje Zapada koji želi uvesti univerzalno „pravo“ na pobačaj, a koje je osobito promicano tijekom Konferencije o stanovništvu i razvoju u Kairu 1994. i Svjetske konferencije o ženama u Pekingu 1995.Komentar bi služio i kao prisila zemljama koje su zakonski regulirale pobačaj u slučajevima gdje je život majke ugrožen jer referenca na „mentalnu bol ili patnju“ pokazuje namjeru autora da pobačaj bude dostupan na zahtjev tijekom svih 9 mjeseci trudnoće. (Osobito ako se stavak 9 promatra u svijetlu nedavne izjave UN-ovog posebnog izvjestitelja Juana Mendeza koji smatra kako je uskraćivanje pobačaja ženama jednako mučenju.)
Potpišite peticiju: http://citizengo.org/hr/lf/96699-un-pravo-na-zivot-nije-pravo-na-ubojstvo-druge-ljudske-osobe Odbor za ljudska prava UN-a napisao je i predložio ideološki dokument koji je izvan njegove nadležnosti. U svojem nastojanju promicanja pobačaja u potpunosti ignorira neovisnost država, teško je uskladiv s brojnim drugim međunarodnim ugovorima te je suprotan namjeri pisaca Pakta, volji država kao i Paktu.Osim pobačaja, komentar nalaže i legalizaciju eutanazije stavkom 10 u kojem kaže:"....Države [mogu dozvoliti] [ne smiju priječiti] medicinskim stručnjacima pružanje medicinske terapije ili sredstava koje bi olakšale prestanak života [katastrofalno] pogođenih odraslih, kao što su smrtno ranjeni ili terminalno bolesni, koji doživljavaju teške psihičke ili mentalne bolove i patnje te žele dostojanstveno umrijeti.."Naša je dužnost braniti život i ustrajati u tome da se svakoj ženi i svakoj obitelji osigura zaštita tijekom trudnoće te omogući briga za djecu: http://citizengo.org/hr/lf/96699-un-pravo-na-zivot-nije-pravo-na-ubojstvo-druge-ljudske-osobe
Svako dobro,
Ana Marija i cijeli CitizenGO tim
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Liječnici u kaznenom pravu
27. listopada 2017. (petak), u 10.00 sati; Zagreb, Tuškanova 37,
konferencijska dvorana

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Doc. dr. sc. Marin Mrčela, sudac Vrhovnog suda Republike Hrvatske i docent na Pravnom fakultetu u Osijeku

Doc. dr. sc. Igor Vuletić, docent na Pravnom fakultetu u Osijeku

Na praktikumu će biti razmotrene granice (nehajne) odgovornosti liječnika za nesavjesno liječenje, zbog čega je ova tema važna i pravnicima i liječnicima (a i bolesnicima). Nesavjesno liječenje je najčešće kazneno djelo liječnika u sudskoj praksi. Uz primjere iz prakse upozorit će se na razlike između pogreške i komplikacije. Također, obradit će se kaznenoprocesne uloge liječnika te upozoriti na mogućnosti sudjelovanja liječnika u počinjenju nekih kaznenih djela te uopće sudjelovanje liječnika u suđenjima za kaznena djela. Bit će riječi i o kaznenopravnim aspektima opsega i dosega čuvanja liječničke tajne te o etici i pojavama korupcije u zdravstvu.

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This week, we're turning our attention to the world of VR and VFX.
Hi friends,

This week, we're turning our attention to the world of VR and VFX. With some of the top VFX artists and VR companies lined up to join us at Web Summit, this is your chance to see what some of the world's most innovative content makers have been developing.
The masters of VFX
The masters of VFX
The world of VFX is coming to Web Summit. We will be joined by William Sargeant, CEO of Oscar-winning creative studio Framestore, Alex Hope, the founder of Double Negative , Jon Wadelton, the CTO of Foundry andAndrew Jones, the Oscar-winning animator from the Jungle Book.
VR adult entertainment - the $20 billion industry
Hey wait... it's not what you think. Well, not entirely. Did you know that the most downloaded piece of content is Virtual Sexology from BaDoink VR, an educational sex programme? We will be talking to Dinorah Hernandez, one of BaDoink VR's founders, in Lisbon.
The future of VR
The future of VR
Not sure what the difference between virtual, augmented and mixed reality is? Maybe not yet. Get to grips with VR and find out what developments are in store as world leaders 8i, Wevr, Google and Unity Technology join us at Web Summit this November.

In other news...
INNOVATE at planet:tech
INNOVATE at planet:tech. 
Together with Accenture Strategy, we’re flying 20 clean and green tech startups to Web Summit. The startups will showcase 4 themes ─ circular economy & fast fashion, food waste, 
energy ecosystem and traceability & resource security. Find out which INNOVATE startups were selected. 
Runway to Web Summit
The final Runway to Web Summit
We've joined you in Dublin, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Last in our Runway to Web Summit is Londonso if you're in town, come and join us. Find out more information about Runway to Web Summit.

Don't forget, if you want to see more of what's on at Web Summit, our schedule is now live. Tickets are available at the regular price for just a few more days, so don't miss out. 

Web Summit is happy to welcome another 10 partners:

Wall Street Informer
Insiders Exposed: A single signature doubles your $117k payout
By Sean Bower
Hello friends,

I’m about to disclose an insider secret that could get you a payout of $117,321, but before I get into that I have to tell you how that number could double with a single signature from one of the world’s most powerful men.

Just to be clear, this single signature could be worth $234,642 to you…

Think about what you could do with that payout… it’d be life changing, and I’ll show you exactly how you can be exposed to this money with a few clicks of a button.

Like I said, I’ll soon explain exactly how you can get this $117,321 payout AND double it after a single document is signed, but first let me fill you in on why this payout could double… 

Click here to continue reading...

Note from the Editor: I’ve been searching for the perfect novice crew to help me legally rob banks and your name came across my desk. If you join me, we’d been ripping money out of the greedy banking establishment and paying ourselves back for all the times we’ve been screwed over. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, click here.
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Joint Statement by High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Christos Stylianides on the recent attacks in Syria
Joint Statement by HR/VP Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Christos Stylianides on the recent attacks in Syria
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Featured Article
The banana has a secret second life. It has been observed slyly practicing medicine without a license, and indeed, seems readily equipped with the following nutritional "super powers".... Learn more
Featured Free Event (Starts in 2 Days)
Join this much anticipated 3-day event with new presentations from experts like Dr. Mercola, Dr. Patrick Quillin, Mike Adams, and many others. Oct. 5-7. Watch it LIVE. Watch it FREE. Register here.
Featured Related Article
We think of food as 'physical stuff,' but forget that in the new biology, food is also information which deeply affects our gene expression. Learn more
 VIDEO: The New GreenMedInfo PRO Experience
Learn about our newest version of the GreenMedInfo database from our founder Sayer Ji. In this video he details a set of powerful features that he hopes will help bring Natural Medicine into the mainstream.  Click to Watch
Food for Thought
Featured GreenMedInfo Resource
One of over 10,000 such databases on GMI, the Banana Database houses research on over 60 potential health benefits of this commonly consumed fruit.  View the Data
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Legislative Update
ICE Targets Sanctuary Jurisdictions in Nationwide Crackdown
ICE Targets Sanctuary Jurisdictions in Nationwide CrackdownAs part of a four-day operation that ended last Wednesday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officers arrested 498 individuals for federal immigration violations in sanctuary cities across the country.

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Trump Sets FY2018 Refugee Cap to a Responsible 45,000
Trump Sets FY2018 Refugee Cap to a Responsible 45,000On Wednesday, September 27, the Trump administration informed Congress that it will limit the number of refugees entering the United States to 45,000 for the next fiscal year.

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House and Senate to Conduct Key Immigration Hearings This Week
House and Senate to Conduct Key Immigration Hearings This WeekAt 10:00 am, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on "Oversight of the Administration's Decision to End Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)."

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Judges' Ruling Allows Texas Anti-Sanctuary Law To Be Implemented
Judges' Ruling Allows Texas Anti-Sanctuary Law To Be ImplementedOn September 30, a unanimous three-judge panel in the 5th Circuit stayed two significant portions of Judge Orlando Garcia's ruling that blocked implementation of Texas' anti-sanctuary law.

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Support FAIR

FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.

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Featured Article: LINKS CORRECTED
The banana has a secret second life. It has been observed slyly practicing medicine without a license, and indeed, seems readily equipped with the following nutritional "super powers".... Learn more
Featured Free Event (Starts in 2 Days)
Join this much anticipated 3-day event with new presentations from experts like Dr. Mercola, Dr. Patrick Quillin, Mike Adams, and many others. Oct. 5-7. Watch it LIVE. Watch it FREE. Register here.
Featured Related Article
We think of food as 'physical stuff,' but forget that in the new biology, food is also information which deeply affects our gene expression. Learn more
 VIDEO: The New GreenMedInfo PRO Experience
Learn about our newest version of the GreenMedInfo database from our founder Sayer Ji. In this video he details a set of powerful features that he hopes will help bring Natural Medicine into the mainstream.  Click to Watch
Food for Thought
Featured GreenMedInfo Resource
One of over 10,000 such databases on GMI, the Banana Database houses research on over 60 potential health benefits of this commonly consumed fruit.  View the Data
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