utorak, 10. listopada 2017.


              Dobar dan ,

CitizenGO u Hrvatskoj može ojačati zahvaljujući vama. Postojimo zbog Vas i osoba kao što ste vi. Svojim radom želimo osnažiti glas onih kojima je stalo do naših zajedničkih vrijednosti: života, obitelji i slobode. Govorimo u ime onih koje nitko ne čuje i koje nitko ne želi čuti, u ime nerođene djece, obitelji kojima je potrebna zaštita i u ime svih čija je sloboda govora, mišljenja i vjerovanja napadana. Želite li nam pomoći darujući nam povremeno svoja znanja i svoje vrijeme? Pridužite nam se:
Vi ste naš jedini oslonac, s vama možemo rasti i jačati! Ne odgovaramo nikom drugom osim vama. U Hrvatskoj smo trenutno najaktivniji online, zahvaljujući potpisnicima naših peticija. Bez njih, bez Vas, naše postojanje ne bi imalo smisla.
Zbog toga nam je potrebna vaša podrška. Ako imate malo vremena i želite nam pomoći, prijavite se:
http://bit.ly/2iHsWzt Želimo rasti, želimo biti glasniji... CitizenGO tim u Hrvatskoj vrlo je malen. Uz mene se povremeno uključuje nekoliko volontera...Zajedno bismo mogli učiniti mnogo više. Govoriti i boriti se ZA zaštitu djece od rodne ideologije, za zaštitu života od začeća do prirodne smrti, za prestanak getoizacije vjernika.
Zato, možete li nam pokloniti malo svoga vremena i svojih znanja kako bismo zaštitili život, obitelj i slobodu u našoj lijepoj Hrvatskoj? Prijavite se: http://bit.ly/2iHsWzt
Hvala vam na svemu što činite,
Ana Marija i cijeli (međunarodni) CitizenGO tim
P.S. Naravno, ako nemate vremena, imate mnogo drugih obiteljskih ili poslovnih obaveza ili zbog bilo kojeg drugog razloga ne želite sudjelovati, potpuno razumijem. Hvala vam što redovito pratite naš rad, što potpisujete peticije... Bez Vas i osoba poput Vas, kojima je stalo do vrijednosti života, obitelji i slobode CitizenGO ne bi postojao. 
CitizenGO.org je zajednica aktivnih građana koji žele štititi život, obitelj i temeljna ljudska prava diljem svijeta. Ako želite saznati više o nama kliknite ovdje ili nas slijedite na Facebooku ili Twitteru.  Ova je poruka upućena na adresu tokic.stjepan719@gmail.com.

When you think of sailing Greece, you think of Cyclades - without a doubt, one of the most popular and attractive sailing destinations in the world. The most visited islands of this island group in the Aegean Sea are Santorini, Mykonos and Paros.
Definitely the most photographed island of them all, Mykonos, is perfect for starting your sailing adventure. The jet-setting Mykonos is world-renowned for its white sandy beaches and exciting nightlife. It is also home to luxurious resorts, high-end boutiques and numerous water sports. Just a simple boat ride from it is the island of Delos, a sacred island which will delight all archaelogical buffs among you.
Try the finest Greek dishes in one of the numerous restaurants on the idyllic island of Paros. Its vibrant village of Parikia is perfect for mooring and great for sightseeing. From there, you can enjoy a relaxing sailing trip to the Golden Beach on the southwestern part of the island and spend the wole day sunbahting.
The best comes last, so set your sails towards volcanic Santorini, the largest island of the group. It offers many fun activities such as hiking the famous Fira Trail, donkey riding or swimming in the hot springs! A wine-tasting session is also in order while you're on the island, as well as admiring the romantic scenery over the caldera.
Take advantage of early booking and start planning your dream Greek holiday!
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11,200.00 EUR  10,864.00 EUR

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U automobilu pronašli zapaljena tijela majke i dvoje djece

Očevidom mjesta događaja rukovodi županijski državni odvjetnik.
VIDEO Više od 5000 Zagrepčana prijavilo se za stan u novom naselju

Na natječaj, koji je raspisan krajem rujna za najam prvih 200 stanova u novom naselju, prijavilo se više od 5 tisuća zainteresiranih Zagrepčana.
Čačić bi pokvario i Bečku filharmoniju, bez Pivarića smo 20% jači, a Šuker je beznadan slučaj...

Nije Dalić mogao u kratkom vremenu mnogo toga promijeniti, ali barem nije ništa pokvario – ističe Blažević.
Akcija policije i USKOK-a, uhićeno 37 osoba zbog sumnje u korupciju!

Sumnja se da je prvookrivljeni od okrivljenih pomoraca preuzeo ukupno najmanje 12.200 eura koje je, sukladno prethodnom dogovoru, podijelio s drugookrivljenikom.
Mladenci šokirali fotografijom: Neki ne mogu dočekati prvu bračnu noć...

Par iz Nizozemske šokirao je javnost pozom za fotografiju s vjenčanja, a ideju im je dala mladoženjina majka
Moja Hrvatska

Došao iz Švedske braniti Hrvatsku, a kući se vratio kao 30-postotni invalid

U hitnim slučajevima pomoć moraju tražiti portafonom u drugom gradu

Pogledajte neobičnu kombinaciju kojom je zgodna plavuša osvojila zagrebačku špicu

Otkrivamo kako saditi da se zimi biljke ne smrznu

Što napraviti s vjenčanim prstenom nakon razvoda? Evo 5 zanimljivih rješenja

Kako njemački povjesničar vidi ustaše i NDH
Najčitanije vijesti
Gledatelji ogorčeni: Ovo je namještaljka, trebala se prijaviti kao i svi ostali
Svađa u obitelji Trump! Melanija odgovorila na Ivaninu provokaciju
Hrvat na Islandu: Dobio sam plaću, a onda je uslijedilo još veće iznenađenje
Vozite se kao službenik: U subotu velika javna dražba državnih vozila
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Hi there,

David J. sent you the private invitation to his new system Stabilis Lucra.That is the exact system that won all the 4 awards at the Forex Expo 2016 and 2017! So far it was only available to hedge funds and private investors but this month David is finally releasing it to the selected few friends like you. => Click here to get access P.S. Don't miss out, the access won't last long!
Best of luck!
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Mike Cole
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Panama City, Panama 0000, Panama

Lawrence: Sen. Corker has beaten Trump into a corner
Lawrence O'Donnell looks at the play-by-play of President Donald Trump's attack on Sen. Bob Corker and Corker's response – and how Donald Trump proved Corker's point that Trump acts like the presidency is "a reality show."
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Revealed: Trump adviser’s secret voting plan
Trump’s voter panel loses lawsuit to keep its plans secret. The documents reveal its goals was to change federal law, making it harder for thousands to vote.
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Joe: GOP showing hypocrisy in reaction to Corker
While outgoing Sen. Bob Corker is speaking his mind regarding his concerns over President Trump's tweets and rhetoric, other Republicans are seemingly avoiding a clash with the president.
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FEMA: Not our job to distribute food, water
Rachel Maddow reports on the situation in Aibonito, Puerto Rico, which has not received any FEMA aid despite multiple visits from FEMA representatives who helped victims with paperwork. FEMA says its the mayor's job to distribute food and water.
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Trump lawyers reportedly want Mueller to clear Trump's name
Trump thinks he invented the word 'fake'
Trump defends Mike Pence for walking out on NFL game
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If you need an unfair advantage to succeed trading Forex - this is for you

If you are to ready end the slow drip of frustration from watching your paycheck bleed out in front of you, and are ready to make all the cash you need, then this might be one of the most important emails you will ever read.

Before I tell you about a wealth-producing method that institutions, multi-million-dollar funds, and high net worth individuals gladly pay $1,000 per hour for… If they can get on the waiting list…

You need to know that it might already be too late. This whole thing only matters if you manage to get one of the few remaining copies of the Forex Scorpio Code before they sell out. [See if you can still get in, here.]

Look, I don't want to put any pressure on you. I'm just excited, and you will see why in a minute.

There is not a lot of time now. There were only a couple hundred courses available the last time I looked, and by now they are likely almost all gone.

And this pip-hunting master trading machine won't be offered anywhere at any price ever again.

You have to make sure it's the real deal.

With so much "fake news" flying around, there is only one real way to see if a trading system works, and the guy who is about to hand you this incredible trading edge proved that in the last few days…

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See it make thousands on real-time video here.

But that's not enough. You need to know if anyone else is having success.

Just because the guy who made it can trade with his method, doesn't mean everybody can. The only way to know for sure is to see if anyone had success with the same system.

So, here's what three brand new traders - regular people just like you and me - had to say after they tried it out…

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Click display images to see chart

Click display images to see chart

They had outstanding results on their very first day of trading.

What does this mean for you? If you make it to the website in time and grab a copy of the this fast-producing systemyou could be trading like one of his students by next week.

What if you were able to...

Follow a step-by-step blueprint that takes you through the surprisingly simple steps of building incredible wealth from trading Forex.

Use the exact same one-touch system that is proven to work, and normally costs you $1,000 per hour to see. It's also the exact same system that those elite students are using to dominate the Forex market. You could become one of those superstar traders in days.

The Forex market is not a 9-5 job, it's an any-time-you-want job, and for the first time you will be able to wake up when you want, work when you want, and choose the days you want to work.

Let someone else take all the risk, and let the proprietary Trade Assistant do all of the hard work, while you kick back and reap the rewards from the collective testing and risk taking of Vlad Ribakov's 13 years of methodical trading. This is also the combined knowledge of over 4,000 people who Vlad has helped become successful traders.

Just look at this:
  • 4 DVDs packed with live trades, example trades and step-by-step instructions that allow you to understand and master this method within a few hours.
  • A full-color manual with a detailed explanation of how the system works, along with charts and graphs to help explain it all for you.
  • Weekly live webinars where Vlad takes your questions and shows you every professional hack he's ever learned about trading profitably.[See everything he's packed into this method, here.]
But wait, there's more

Your copy of the Forex Scorpio Code contains asecret location where you can access the other parts of the course…

The exclusive members area where you can get:
  • All of the members-only Milestone bonuses
  • Additional video tutorials
  • Post your trades for instant feedback from Vlad personally
  • Get instant 24/7 trading and technical support.
Remember, once these last few copies are gone, you won't be able to get this ever again. You can try it for 60 days and you'll get every penny back if you decide it's not for you.

And if that wasn't already enough, it won't cost you $1,000 an hour for his expertise either… In fact, he's discounted his system exclusively for my subscribers for over 91% off the usual cost.

To your trading success,

Adrian Jones
"Next Generation Trading"

P.S. If you are worried about the initial investment, don't be. In most cases, you can open a Forex account for as little as $100… And Vlad has provided a handy two-payment plan so that you can purchase his system today for less up-front cash…

And still get all the benefits and cash-making power of his system on day one…

Go grab yours here.

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HaYovel Hebrew Course - Registration is Open Now!

Have you ever wanted to learn modern conversational Hebrew? Or know how to read your Bible in its original language?

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Chess challenges, space robots and Pub Summit.

We know it's going to be difficult to beat Garry Kasparov, but not providing the link to sign up makes it pretty much impossible!

If you'd like a chance to face chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov in Lisbon, please sign up here.  
All this and more is happening at Web Summit this year. Get your tickets before the price increase this Thursday.

Visit timesofisrael.com for 24/7 updates
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Iran tried obtaining missile, nuclear tech 32 times in 2016 — report
Fox News cites Germany intelligence assessments that claim Tehran used front companies to bypass international restrictions
UK’s May tells Netanyahu her country is sticking with Iran deal
IAEA says Iran upholding deal, as Trump looks to ‘decertify’ it
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After backlash, fashion designer says her statements about provocative clothing and presentation taken out of context, apologizes to victims
Hollywood condemnation of Weinstein grows louder
Wiesenthal Center isn’t withdrawing prize given to Harvey Weinstein
Underwhelming settlers, Israel to advance just 2,000 West Bank homes
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Defense minister: In next war, Israel will face fighting in north and south
Fatah, Hamas kick off reconciliation negotiations in Cairo
Sockpuppet nation: How fake commenters and other online ploys skew what you read
'Online reputation management' industry is thriving in Israel, gaming Google's algorithm to boost the prominence of websites, paying trolls to post, and more
Thousands participate in pro-Israel march through Jerusalem
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Meet the Orthodox firearms instructor who wants Jews to own guns
Jonathan Burstyn, 27, works at a nursing home during the week, guards his synagogue on Saturdays, and teaches Jewish gun owners about their firearms on Sundays
1,000 leads later, authorities still stumped by Vegas gunman
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London Jewish school principal ordained as priest
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Not even hurricanes can keep Puerto Rican pilgrims from dancing in Israel
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How Breitbart laundered the ‘alt-right’
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No Israeli camp counselors this summer?
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I looked on as that unique etrog scent tantalized both wide-eyed children and a frail old woman who'd seen too much
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Soccer: Israel’s World Cup bid ends with 0-1 defeat to Spain
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Israeli soccer fan arrested after rushing toward Spanish player with knife
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Israel bemoans emerging Qatari victory in UNESCO leadership vote
Startup hopes to halt pipeline leaks by predicting threats
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Jackal bites two Israelis in Jordan Valley kibbutz
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Jewish camp in northern California ravaged by forest fire
North Korea hacks key war plans from South Korea — report
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In UK report, Israel praised as ‘underrated’ travel destination
UK watchdog rules al-Jazeera investigation series not anti-Semitic
Saudi royal, former Mossad chief to talk two states in a NY synagogue
Israeli police detain dozens in ‘horror clown’ craze
Would Gershom Scholem have hated Bibi’s government?
In new biography/memoir, author George Prochnik claims the famed Jewish intellectual's aversion to jingoistic nationalism would put him at odds with Netanyahu's administration
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Oct. 10, 2017 View email in browser

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Commentary: Donald Trump is a textbook racist

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Perhaps like you, most of the co-hosts of The Healing Hashimoto’s Summit have a thyroid disorder...

If they’ve found a path to wellness. You can, too!

Whether you’re challenged by symptoms, frustrated with testing or even if you already have a firm diagnosis, join us to learn from their personal stories…

Plus the advice, tips and in-clinic practices from the experts they’ve relied on, not just to diagnose and manage this disease, but to live with hope, purpose and companionship!

Register for the Healing Hashimoto's Summit 2017 here.

- 90% of all hypothyroid conditions are due to Hashimoto’s, and tens of millions of people world wide are struggling from this disorder--it’s STILL one of the most common yet uncommonly diagnosed diseases in the world!
Your thyroid is important to every aspect of your health. Slight imbalances can cause problems all over your body (and you may not even know they’re happening!).

That’s why it’s so important to catch a thyroid disorder as early as possible.

Symptoms range from hair loss, weight gain, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, cold hands and feet, excessive perspiration, dryness, irritability, brain fog, skin issues, hives, digestive distress, malnutrition, heart palpitations, hormone imbalance, decreased libido, sluggishness.

The list goes on and on.

We want you to know you’re not alone in your thyroid struggles, from symptoms to healthy living, The Healing Hashimoto’s Summit is here to help!

Register for this Complimentary event now!

The Healing Hashimoto's Summit 2017 is here to:
+ Raise awareness about this chronic disease
+ Help with early detection, testing and diagnosis
+ Discuss the importance of physical, mental and emotional healing
+ Advice for navigating the ups and downs
+ Share success stories (it IS possible and you’re not alone!)
+ And so much more!

The Healing Hashimoto's Summit 2017 is online and free November 6-13, 2017!

We’ hope to see you online at this important summit!

The GreenMedInfo Team

 P.S. Don't miss this incredible event when you register for free today!
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News from Contentful: Community launch, content migration CLI and coffee robots.
Ricardo here, the Director of Developer Relations. Vacation season was fun, but we still managed to get a lot done since our last newsletter. Here are some highlights.

Contentful goes social. The new Contentful Community is a forum where you can read about user experiences, show off projects, and find answers when you get stuck. We've been running it in beta for a while, so there's already plenty of stuff to explore.

Migration CLI. Our product team built a snazzy new CLI tool, to help you migrate your content between spaces. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Enterprise page. There's a new Enterprise page on our website, outlining the benefits of the Enterprise Edition. It can also help you explain the value of Contentful to non-technical stakeholders within your organization. Of course, if you ever find yourself having that conversation, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We can help!

Coffee bot. Lyn and Rouven, two members of my DevRel team, built a Slack bot to announce important news to the entire floor: Chemex is ready. I guess I'm not giving them enough real work to do... so they end up Slacking... (sorry). Check out their blog post and bring this dazzling technology to your own office kitchen.

Stockholm User Meetup videos. Our Developer Evangelist Stefan Judis spoke about structured content and JS components at the Contentful User Meetup in Stockholm last month. David Füchslin, from our host and partner agency Valtech, also gave a talk about client TUI's journey from monolith to microservices. Watch the recordings here.

From the community. Our users have been busy making cool stuff too. Sandy Rogers created a custom UI Extension for auto-completing tags in the Web App. Scott McCulloch wrote about combining Contentful and Netlify to build his blog on JAMstack architecture. Finally, Yaraslav Kurmyza built a web interface for contentful-graph, the content model visualization tool he made, which we featured in our last newsletter.

Contentful events. Some important events coming up in the next few weeks.
– Friday 20 October: Contentful Academy in Milan.
– Saturday 21 October: Hacktoberfest with Twilio in Berlin.
– Tuesday 24 October: Dev Talks #3 in Berlin.
– Thursday 26 October: Contentful Developer Meetup in Toronto.

...and conferences. You can also find us at CSSconf and JSconf, both in Budapest in October, and Web Summit in Lisbon in November. If you see us around, come say hi!

That's it from me until our next newsletter, but make sure to join the conversation at contentfulcommunity.com to stay up to date and in the loop.

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Contentful GmbH - Ritterstr. 12-14 - 10969 Berlin - Germany

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