petak, 6. listopada 2017.

October Astronomical Highlights: Harvest Moon, Orionid Meteors

Green Life: Daily Tips from Sierra magazine
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Who's to Blame for Climate Change?

My grandmother was shy. She liked how when she held a cigarette, the smoke hung like a veil between herself and the rest of the world. Even after she realized how dangerous smoking was, she didn't manage to quit until a few months before she died of cancer. At the time when she was trying to stop smoking, people like her were seen as flawed—lacking in some form of willpower that would allow them to step off a path that clearly led to self-destruction. But in the decades after she died, the story changed. The problem wasn't that two out of every five Americans had a toxic lack of self-control. The problem was that the companies that sold the cigarettes baldly lied about how dangerous they were and modified their product over a period of decades to be even more addictive. A villain had emerged, like a statue slowly being chiseled out of a block of granite.
Over the years that I've written about climate change, I've seen a similar shift in perspective. In the early days, I encountered sanctimonious exhortations to fight climate change in ways that were both awesome and of dubious global effect. Was I really saving the planet by owning a bike instead of a car? Was the single-mom neighbor who couldn't get her kid to school, or herself to work, without driving really destroying it? Despondent "We have met the enemy, and he is us," wallowing about humanity as a cancer on the planet was also a regular feature, though, again, it was hard to see what next steps would look like, unless you were planning on going full Magneto and declaring war on Homo sapiens. A new study published last week in the scientific journal Climatic Change is an example of how attitudes toward climate change keep evolving. The title, The rise in global atmospheric CO2, surface temperature, and sea level from emissions traced to major carbon producers, doesn't exactly soar, but trust me, this is basically Murder on the Orient Express, climate whodunit edition.

Read moreFind out!

Photo by Igor Kozeev/iStock

Over Morse Mountain to Seawall Beach: Maine's best-kept-secret beach is only reached by hiking over a mountain.

October Astronomical Highlights: Harvest Moon, Orionid Meteors: Four cosmic events to watch for this month.

Jaguars and Border Walls Don't Mix: Watch!

What's the Greenest Way to Weatherize?: Want to know how best to stay warm? Mr. Green's got you covered.
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For all our Android Developers: “Google Play's Prominent Disclosure Requirements”

Google has recently been sending out warnings to developers who own apps with privacy policies that are not good enough, or apps that are not following Google's in-app disclosure rules properly.
If you've received this email, then the so-called Prominent Disclosure requirements are worth another look:
If your app collects and transmits personal or sensitive user data unrelated to functionality described prominently in the app’s listing on Google Play or in the app interface, then prior to the collection and transmission, it must prominently highlight how the user data will be used and have the user provide affirmative consent for such use.
Your in-app disclosure:
  • Must be within the app itself, not only in the Play listing or a website;
  • Must be displayed in the normal usage of the app and not require the user to navigate into a menu or settings;
  • Must describe the type of data being collected;
  • Must explain how the data will be used;
  • Cannot only be placed in a privacy policy or terms of service; and
  • Cannot be included with other disclosures unrelated to personal or sensitive data collection.
Your app’s request for consent:
  • Must present the consent dialog in a clear and unambiguous way;
  • Must require affirmative user action (e.g. tap to accept, tick a check-box, a verbal command, etc.) in order to accept;
  • Must not begin personal or sensitive data collection prior to obtaining affirmative consent;
  • Must not consider navigation away from the disclosure (including tapping away or pressing the back or home button) as consent; and
  • Must not utilize auto-dismissing or expiring messages.

Apple adds new categories of apps under “privacy policy requirement” for iOS 11

With the official release of iOS 11, Apple has released an update to its App Store Review Guidelines for developers in which they outline new requirements for apps to be allowed onto the App Store.
Those categories now also include, among others, apps that utilize ARKit, Camera APIs, Photo APIs, or other software for depth of facial mapping information. In other words, if you're creating any apps with this technology included, then you must now add a privacy policy or the app won't be approved.

PrestaShop plugin to automate the implementation of the cookie law released

Good news for all PrestaShop users (currently used by 250,000 online shops worldwide): we have released our new plugin which allows you to automate the implementation of the cookie law rules, drastically reducing the necessity for direct interventions in the site’s code.
The module is currently compatible with PrestaShop 1.6x and 1.7x.

New integrations

We have also added the following integrations that are now available from within the generator for all users:
New services added:
  • Awin
  • Product Hunt Ship
  • Smartlook + Smartsupp
  • iDevAffiliate
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore
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10 najčitanijih članaka u rujnu

Opasnosti skrivene u alu-foliji

Aluminijska folija se u komercijalnoj upotrebi nalazi od početka 20. stoljeća. Prvo je bila korištena za zamatanje namirnica u rinfuzi, slatkiša i guma za žvakanje.
Kasnije se počela upotrebljavati u kulinarstvu, posebno za pečenje i prženje hrane.

Molitva - sredstvo ne samo za duhovno, već i fizičko ozdravljenje

Svatko od nas osjeća ubrzani tempo vremena u kojem živimo.
Moderno društvo korača u punoj brzini i kao da zahtjeva da se taj dinamični ritam održi pod svaku cijenu.

Šalica čaja - prva linija obrane od viroze i gripe

Ljeto je iza nas, a uz hladnije dane polako ulazimo u jesen koja donosi svoje izazove.
Uz niže temperature i svježa jutra svakako treba imati na umu i to da prijelazno razdoblje obilježava pad imuniteta i “hvatanje” raznih neželjenih virusa.

8 dobrobiti grožđa

Grožđe se zbog svojih brojnih dobrobiti ubraja među najzdravije namirnice na svijetu. U njegovim bijelim, zelenim, crvenim ili crnim bobicama uživajte upravo sada u rujnu - kada je vrhunac sezone.
Još su drevni antički narodi poput Grka, Rimljana i Feničana znali za ljekovita svojstva grožđa pa su od njegovih bobica radili nefermentirani sok.

Prirodnim metodama izliječite aterosklerozu i spriječite stvaranje krvnih ugrušaka

Krvne žile kod zdravih osoba su fleksibilne i elastične. To znači da je kod njih krv bogata kisikom i nesmetano putuje u svaki dio tijela.
No, ako se nekvalitetno hranite i konzumirate procesiranu i prženu hranu, to će bitno utjecati na vaše krvne žile.

Pobijedite bolest tako što ćete prihvatiti svoje vrline i mane

Tijekom bogate liječničke prakse dr. Rachel Naomi Remen je upoznala svu krutost i strogu profesionalnost medicinskog sustava.
Taj sustav uvelike sputava liječnike tako da se oni moraju distancirati od pacijenata.

Kako potaknuti cirkulaciju?

Dobra cirkulacija je važna za cjelokupno zdravlje organizma. Krvotokom do organa putuju svi tijelu potrebni nutrijenti, minerali i kisik.
Loša cirkulacija, u drugu ruku, negativno djeluje na cijelo tijelo – od mozga, srca, jetre i bubrega pa sve do mišića i udova.

9 dobrobiti cikle za zdravlje i ljepotu

Cikla (lat. Beta vulgaris) spada među korjenasto povrće koje je prepoznatljivo po svojoj zagasitocrvenoj boji te slatkastom okusu.
I dok danas najčešće konzumiramo njezin crveni korijen, stari Rimljani su jeli samo lišće cikle koje je iznimno zdravo, dok su korijen upotrebljavali kao lijek.

4 ukusna i zdrava obroka od cvjetače za sve prilike

Zbog svog specifičnog i blagog okusa cvjetača je idealna za široku upotrebu u kulinarstvu.
Može se koristiti kao samostalna namirnica ili u kombinaciji s drugim namirnicama. Pogodna je za doručak, ručak i večeru, za predjelo ili glavno jelo.

Neodoljivi okus jeseni - niskokalorični punjeni patlidžani

Plodovi patlidžana su izuzetno hranjivi i bogati vitaminima. No, zbog svoje strukture podložni su upijanju velike količine masnoća u kulinarskoj pripremi.
Ako pripremite patlidžan po ovom receptu izbjeći ćete taj problem s masnoćom.
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Oct 05, 2017 03:35 am | Kristin Aebli
The Avila Institute offers an array of life-changing courses for the faithful from all sorts of different backgrounds. We aim to instruct the faithful in the rich mystical tradition of the Church so that they may grow closer to Jesus Christ, the source of their salvation, and share Him with others.

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Speech by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the opening session of the Our Ocean conference 2017
Speech by HR/VP Federica Mogherini at the opening session of the Our Ocean conference 2017
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Nestlé i Lidl dobitni par, osvoji Citröen C4 na dar!

Pažnja! Količina proizvoda na akciji je ograničena i vrijedi do isteka zaliha. Ispričavamo se zbog eventualnih nenamjernih pogrešaka. Hvala na ukazanom povjerenju. 
Vaš Lidl.

Ovaj e-mail poslan je automatski te Vas molimo da na njega ne odgovarate.

Today we’re announcing the UN Secretary-General, 8 heads of state, 6 Nobel Prize Winners, 5 European Commissioners and 101 tech CEOs.

Today we’re announcing the UN Secretary-General, 8 heads of state, 6 Nobel Prize Winners, 5 European Commissioners and 101 tech CEOs.

We’re also announcing 23 ministers from across the world, the heads of 20 of the world’s top think tanks, 14 MEPs, 12 editors of major newspapers, 10 mayors from Europe’s leading cities and 10,000 new attendees from 171 countries on our featured attendees list.
Ticket prices increase next Thursday to Late Booker prices.
Finally a big welcome also to our growing list of partners including Google, Mercedes, Microsoft, NetJets, BMW, IBM, Airbus, Siemens, KPMG, Accenture, McKinsey and the European Commission.

See you all in Lisbon November 6-9, 2017.


P.S. We’ve some more surprises in store over the coming weeks.

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Franck nagradna igra: Za 125 godina Francka do 125.000 kn
Franck nagradna igra 2017 povodom 125. rođendana uz čak 1.250 poklon paketa te glavnom nagradom od 125.000 kuna na go! kartici Zagrebačke banke Nagradni fond sastoji se od sljedećih nagrada: Glavna nagrada: 125.000,00 kn na potrošačkoj go! kartici Zagrebačke banke Tjedne nagrade: 1. tjedan: 125 x poklon paket, koji se sastoji od godišnje zalihe Franck […]

Coca-Cola: Izaberi poklon iz Coca-Cola kolekcije
Coca-Cola promocija počinje 25. rujna 2017. i traje do 10. studenoga 2017. ili do isteka zaliha. Ukupno se fond poklona sastoji od 21 000 kom pojedinačnih poklona – 20000 komada emajliranoga posuđa čiji je proizvođač Metalac posuđe, Gornji Milanovac, Srbija t – 1000 komada kuhinjskih uređaja čiji je proizvođač Gorenje d.d., Slovenija Da bi stekli […]

L’OCCITANE natječaj za L’Occitane Poklon bonove
Nagradni natječaj traje od 4.10.2017. do 9.10.2017. u 12:00 i objavljen je na Facebook stranici L’OCCITANE Hrvatska, ( Svaka osoba može jednom sudjelovati u kreativnom natječaju. FOND NAGRADA: 5 x L’Occitane Poklon bon 200 kn Sve što trebate je napisati koji je vaš omiljeni L’OCCITANE proizvod ili koji proizvod biste željeli isprobati! Organizator natječaja će […]

Nestle nagradna igra 2017 u Lidl trgovinama za automobil CITROEN C4
Nestle nagradna igra 2017 u Lidl trgovinama za automobil CITROEN C4Nestle nagradna igra 2017 u Lidlu započinje od 25. rujna 2017. godine i traje do 22. listopada 2017. godine (uključivo), a odnosi se na sve prodavaonice trgovačkog lanca Lidl na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske. Nagradni fond uključuje: Glavna nagrada: 1 x Citroen C4 u vrijednosti od […]

INA nagradna igra 2017: Uz Class Plus goriva do vrhunskih nagrada
INA nagradna igra traje od 2. listopada do 1. prosinca 2017. Nagradni fond uključuje: 1 x automobil BMW 318i 3UMPH M-8E31 vrijedan 285.858,52 kn 5 x sportski sat Garmin Fenix 5 Sapphire 10 x INA A kartica u vrijednosti 5000,00 kn INA nagradna igra – kako sudjelovati? U razdoblju od 2. listopada do 1. prosinca […]

Nivea nagradna igra 2017: Koja je vaša najdraža Nivea
Nivea nagradna igra 2017 pod nazivom “Koja je vaša najdraža Nivea” održava od 02.10.2017 do 31.10.2017 Nagradni fond uključuje: 30 x 5.000,00 kn na Raiffeisen bank Mastercard kartici – pojedinačne vrijednosti nagrade 5.000,00 kn Pravo sudjelovanja u nagradnoj igri imaju svi punoljetni građani s prebivalištem u Republici Hrvatskoj koji u razdoblju od 2. listopada do […]

Libresse nagradna igra: Osvoji novu odjeću uz Libresse i Hippy Garden
Libresse nagradna igra traje u dm trgovinama od 1.10. do 31.10.2017. GLAVNA NAGRADA: 1x poklon-bon Hippy Garden 7.500,00 kn SVAKI TJEDAN: 1x torba/ruksak Hippy Garden 5x kišobran Hippy Garden 10x kozmetička torbica Hippy Garden U bilo kojoj dm prodavaonici kupi bilo koje higijenske uloške Libresse i dnevne uloške Libresse na istom računu u razdoblju od […]

Pantene nagradna igra 2017 u dm trgovinama: Pantene ti poklanja torbu Lancel!
Pantene nagradna igra koju organizira P&G u dm prodavaonicma traje od 1.10. do 31.10. 2017. Nagradni fond čine: 10 x 1 torba Lancel Vrijednost jedne nagrade: 3.890,00 kn, ukupna vrijednost: 38.900,00 kn (PDV uključen) U nagradnoj igri mogu sudjelovati svi sudionici koji kupe bilo koja 2 proizvoda Pantene na jednom računu u jednoj kupovini u […]

Nagradna igra 24sata uz jedan kupon
Od ponedjeljka, 2. listopada, do srijede, 11. listopada, traje nova nagradna igra u pet kola. Svako kolo trajat će jedan dan, što znači da vam je za osvajanje vrijedne nagrade potreban samo jedan kupon. Izrežite ga, pošaljite i pričekajte izvlačenje. Već sljedećih dana dobit ćete priliku novim kuponom osvojiti još jednu nagradu. U prvom kolu, […]

dm nagradna igra: Make-up koji osvaja New York
dm sms nagradna igra traje od 1.10. do 25.10.2017. Nagradni fond uključuje: 5 x Put u New York za 2 osobe u razdoblju od 11.12.-17.12.2017. Pojedinačna vrijednost nagrade: 42.000,00 kn da 5 x 5.000 kn na American Express kartici Kako sudjelovati? 1. Kupe označeni proizvod dekorativne kozmetike sljedećih brandova: Max Factor, Maybelline, L.O.V, L’oreal, Bourjois, […]

Gillette nagradna igra 2017: Budi profesionalac uz Gillette
Gillette nagradna igra traje od 1.10.2017 do 31.10. 2017. Nagradni fond uključuje: 20 kamera GoPro Hero 5 Vrijednost jedne nagrade: 3.499,00 kn, ukupna vrijednost: 69.980,00 kn (PDV uključen) U nagradnoj igri mogu sudjelovati svi sudionici koji kupe Gillette Proshield brijač ili Gillette Proshield patrone i bilo koji drugi Gillette proizvod u na jednom računu u […]

Konzum nagradna igra: Konzum pub nagrađuje uz pivo
Nagradna igra Konzum Pub-a traje od 28.9.2017. do 18.9.2017. na području Republike Hrvatske, a odnosi se na sve prodavaonice trgovačkog društva Konzum d.d. Nagradna igra ima dva kruga: – 1. krug od 28. 9. 2017. do 7. 10. 2017. – 2. krug od 8. 10. 2017. do 18. 10. 2017. Nagradni fond sastoji se od: […]

Tommy nagradna igra 2017 za 2 AUDI Q2 Comfort
Tommy nagradna igra počinje 2.10.2017. i traje do 26.11.2017., a odvija se u svim prodajnim objektima na području Republike Hrvatske. Nagradni fond uključuje: Glavne nagrade: 1) 1 x automobil Audi Q2 Comfort 1.0 TFSI Comfort (crveni) – 1 nagrada – 183.802,08 kn 2) 1 x automobil Audi Q2 Comfort 1.0 TFSI Comfort (bijeli) – 1 […]

Eventim poklanja ulaznice za The Beatles Story
Dijeli se 1×2 ulaznice za spektakularni multimedijski projekt o legendarnim Beatlesima! – The Beatles Story – Remember Yesterday / Zagreb ‼️ 13.10.2017. u KC Dražen Petrović, imat ćemo priliku gledati: ● JEDAN OD NAJBOLJIH COVER BEATLES BENDOVA NA SVIJETU – THE BACKWARDS (jedini pod okriljem McCartney Group) ●24-ČLANI SIMFONIJSKI ORKESTAR – Royal Symphony Orchestra ● […]

Henkel i dm nagradna igra uz Ceresit Stop vlazi
Nagradna igra Henkela i dm-a uz proizvod Ceresit Stop vlazi traje od 1.10.2017 do 30.11.2017. Nagrade su: 1 x dm darovna kartica 2.000 kn 5 x bicikl 9 x poklon-paket proizvoda Henkel Kupite bilo koji proizvod Ceresit Stop vlazi, pošaljite original ili scan računa poštom na adresu Henkel Croatia d.o.o., Budmanijeva 1, 10 000 Zagreb […]

ULTRA GROS nagradna igra: Uz ULTRA ZOO puzzle do Gardalenda
Nagradna igra započinje 1.9.2017. godine i traje do 15.11.2017. godine (uključivo) i ima samo jedno kolo. Nagradna igra se provodi u maloprodajnim objektima članica društva ULTRA GROS d.o.o., a to su društva: Dinova-Diona d.o.o., Djelo d.o.o., Duravit d.o.o., Istarski Supermarketi d.o.o., Jadranka Trgovina d.o.o., TP Varaždin d.o.o. (Kitro), La-vor Trade d.o.o., Lonia d.d., Lorenco d.o.o., […]

HPB nagradna igra 2017 uz Mastercard i Maestro: S Crnom Lucom do vrijednih nagrada
Nagradna igra HPB banke traje od 5. rujna do 30. studenog 2017. godine (uključujući oba datuma). Nagradni fond: Za nagradnu igru utvrđuje se ukupni nagradni fond od 33 nagrade u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 111.000,00 kuna, odnosno u svakom krugu jedanaest dobitnika nagrađuje se potrošačkim nagradnim Mastercard karticama HPB-a, od čega je 1 (jedna) s raspoloživim iznosom […]

Electrolux nagradna igra – Osvoji putovanje na el Clasico za dvije osobe
Electrolux nagradna igra za putovanje na el Clasico traje od 15.09.2017. do 31.12.2017. Glavna nagrada obuhvaća putovanje za dvije osobe, uključujući avionske karte, smještaj i ulaznice za El Clásico. Lokacija ovisi o rasporedu nogometnog programa za 2017./2018. (Barcelona ili Madrid). Smještaj će biti organiziran u hotelu s tri zvjezdice za dva noćenja u sobi za […]

KTC nagradna igra 2017 za auto Opel Astra
KTC nagradna igra traje od 01.09.2017 do 26.12.2017 Prvi krug traje od 01.09. do 30.09.2017 Nagradni fond završnog izvlačenja uključuje: 1 x Opel Astra K Enjoy 1,4 100 KS 1 x obiteljsko ljetovanje 12 x KTC poklon bon od 1000 kn 12 x KTC poklon bon za gorivo od 500 kn U Završnom izvlačenju sudjeluju […]

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The Daily Signal
Oct. 5, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where politicians talk about building up the military but often don't act. The Heritage Foundation's latest assessment of military strength tells a sobering story, Dakota Wood writes. The left's kneejerk response to the Las Vegas massacre is to cry for more gun control. Jarrett Stepman and Michelle Malkin offer calmer views. In Paris, Nolan Peterson chronicles Islamist terrorism's effects on France. Plus: Rachel del Guidice on the mayor who crossed Trump in Puerto Rico. Thoughts on gun control after the Vegas shooting? Write us at and we may publish your email.

Hey, Jimmy Kimmel: Here's What the Founders Really Thought About Guns

Statistics show gun control has little impact on decreasing crime and violence, but Jimmy Kimmel chose to make his case by making jokes, saying "our forefathers wanted us to have AK-47s is the argument, I assume."
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San Juan Mayor Feuding With Trump Turned Her Back When Asked to Swear to Uphold the Constitution

When taking the oath of office, Carmen Yulín Cruz significantly delayed repeating the words that she would "uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."
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Failure to Adequately Fund Military Puts America at Risk

Prior to 1991, the Air Force purchased more than 500 aircraft a year to offset platforms aging out of its inventory. Since then, it has averaged fewer than 100 per year.
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'An Everyday Reality': How France's Way of Life, Laws Have Evolved in the Face of Islamist Terrorism

"France is suffering most," says The Heritage Foundation's Robin Simcox. "It has suffered more attacks than any other country in Europe."
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This Critical Part of Tax Reform Would Help Liberate Small Businesses

Small businesses don't have the luxury of having a team of specialists who understand the intricacies of the tax code.
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How the Tax Code Enables Big Government Blue States

Thanks to the tax code, blue state liberals can have their cake and eat it, too, when it comes to high tax rates. Here's how that works.
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Unmasking the 4 Kinds of Arguments Left Is Making for Gun Control

Celebrities, politicians, and activists' favorite hollow debating tactic is asserting that gun owners, NRA members, and Republicans don't care about gun safety and want more innocent people to die.
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Wall Street Informer
Profit Hunter: 
Makes the stock market pay off your debt 
By Jim Samson

Hello friends,

If used correctly, the stock market can make you feel like you’ve got an ATM that has unlimited money in it, but it’s often hard to jump in when you’re carrying around the burden of debt.

That’s why I’m going to show you how you can make the stock market pay off that debt for you.

This trick can take a 10-year loan, pay it off in 5 years, AND leave you with an extra $6,106 to do with as you please…

Note from the Editor: There’s some big-name stocks, like Apple, Google, and Nike, being entered into a secret stock auction as we speak. Now’s your chance to put in a low-ball bid that’ll see you get paid no matter what. You’ll receive your admission details when you click here.
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Money making automation that could help you become profitable on day one… Yours for zero cost today

This automated trade assistant is so powerful that it should be selling for $1,000, but today it won't cost you a dime.

I don't know how long you will be able to get it for no cost, so I wanted to make sure you saw the exclusive video that shows it making tens of thousands of dollars in minutes…

Click display images to see chart

It comes as a free bonus when you purchase Forex Scorpio Code. It's not some "add-on," but comes as a part of the system, which is huge, especially when it is already doing this…

Click display images to see chart

It already averaged 115% per month - doubling its cash every 27 days for $134,499.12.

This masterpiece of mechanical trading is almost sold out. Only a couple of hundred copies still remain… Which is not surprising when you see what it can do.

Click display images to see chart

Click display images to see chart

What is left are the last few that will ever be produced, and they are absolutely the only ones that will ever include the Stinger Trade Assistant as a free bonus.

This is a big deal - people have been begging Vlad for this system. And it is by far the best system for trading I have ever seen.

Complimentary Stinger Trade Assistant

This is easily worth $1,000 on its own, and it is priceless when it runs the trade management of this mechanical system. Right now, you can have a full unrestricted working version on the house when you purchase Forex Scorpio Code.

Here's how it works....

It scans your charts, shows you the pairs most likely to make you the most cash on any trade, finds you the best entry, sets your optimal profit level, the lowest risk exit available, and can evendial in your trades to the most profitable level possible.


You don't need to scan your charts, identify patterns, set your entry or exit, or 90% of the "work" of trading. Rather than watch the screen all day, The Stinger will watch it for you and either send you an audible alert, even to your phone, or even place the trade for you.

Those are just the basics of what it can do. I personally have used this and I think it's the most useful trade assistant I've seen. This is something I would gladly pay for and if I were you, I would get over there and get it before this gift goes away forever.

Get the Stinger and Forex Scorpio Code, here.

To your trading success,

Adrian Jones
"Next Generation Trading"

P.S. Vlad is stacking bonuses up like Midas's treasure chest and this week he's adding another new one: The SCS Pattern Finder. I have highlighted the signal from this tool with green circles in the image below:

Click display images to see chart

SCS stands for Special Candle Sticks and works directly with The Stinger to instantly identify the most profitable trends.

The SCS Pattern Finder identifies a selection of highly profitable patterns that almost no one outside of the top 1% of traders even know exist.

You can trade it with the automated skill of the Trade Assistant or use this latest powerful new bonus to trade manually for more cash instantly.

Get this professional secret as part of Forex Scorpio Code, here.

Information, charts or examples contained in this email is for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to purchase or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice. No employee or persons associated with us is registered or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we have a material link to the product or service mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of compensation or remuneration.

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Matthews: Tillerson didn’t deny calling Trump a moron
Tillerson can either deny saying the president is a moron or he can take it back. To date, and perhaps for posterity, the Honorable Secretary has refused to do either.
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Senate Intel on Russia probe: The issue of collusion is still open
Jeremy Bash, Michael Crowley and Kimberly Atkins discuss the update from the Senate Intelligence Committee more than nine months into its Russia investigation.
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Trump 'Making It Impossible' For Tillerson To Succeed
Richard Haas of the Council on Foreign Relations talks Rex Tillerson's role in the Trump administration and how effective he can really be as Secretary of State.
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Facebook under fire for promoting fake news after Las Vegas shooting
Facebook promoted fake news after the Las Vegas shooting. Ari Melber has a message for Mark Zuckerberg.
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Maddow: Emails show Ivanka, Trump Jr. planning lies
Will Russia probe loom over midterm elections?
Lawrence: No one defended Trump after 'moron' comment
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