srijeda, 13. rujna 2017.

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Poslovni dnevnik

Blokada OECD-a važnija kao vježba za Schengen

Na sastanku Vijeća Organizacije za gospodarsku suradnju i razvoj (OECD) koji se održava ovog petka u Parizu jedna od tema bit će proširenje tog, kako se obično kaže, “elitnog kluba” koji danas okuplja 35 najrazvijenijih država svijeta, uključujući i većinu članica EU.  OPŠIRNIJE
"Arbitraža prije konačne ocjene Studije utjecaja na okoliš u najblažu ruku možemo reći je svojevrsni pritisak i na administraciju i na Hrvatsku"
Mato Franković, gradonačelnik Dubrovnika


Pevec glavni u Solidumu uz jedan uvjet

Obećanih 50.000 radnih mjesta s prosječnom plaćom od 100.000 dolara privuklo pozornost

Prva inovacijska mreža u Hrvatskoj koja uspješno radi

KOMENTAR: Prva inovacijska mreža u Hrvatskoj koja uspješno radi

Želite svladati vještine vođenja "teških" i konfliktnih zaposlenika? Prijavite se na PCZ-ov seminar

LNG Hrvatska oglasio potragu za partnerima

LNG Hrvatska objavila je javne natječaje kojim počinje potragu za partnerima u gradnji pristrana i plinovoda, te za nabavu “plutajuće jedinice za prihvat, skladištenje i uplinjavanje”, tzv. FSRU broda. OPŠIRNIJE

2. konferencija: Osobni i profesionalni razvoj - alati, metode i tehnike

Konferencija je namijenjen svima poslovnim ljudima koji se žele osobno i profesionalno razvijati, te stručnjacima u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima, direktorima i ...OPŠIRNIJE

Poslovni dnevnik 11. 9. 2017.

U novom Poslovnom dnevniku pročitajte o sastanku Vijeća OECD-a, LNG Hrvatska oglasio potragu za partnerima, imamo najmanje prekida školovanja u Europi, Pevec glavni u Solidumu uz jedan uvjet, niske kamate u 2,5 godine uvećale broj fondova za 20%...
Pretplati se
Večernji list d.o.o.Oreškovićeva 6H/1, 10 000 Zagreb / Hrvatska, OIB: 92276133102
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“An Act of God”: San Antonio Theatre Mocks God 

Respected friends,
     I regret to inform you that the devil is again showing his ugly head…
     According to press reports, the play An Act of God is a rewrite of the Ten Commandments. The renowned actor John Stillwaggon impersonates God. The play has shown before on Broadway and our protest petition helped to stifle attendance to it.
     However, the devil never gives up in his raging blasphemies against his Creator. 
     We ask you to join us again as this blasphemous play is scheduled to show at the Sheldon Vexler Theatre in San Antonio.
     It is a blasphemous mockery from beginning to end. An outrage!
     But of course theatre critics bray in approval at such bold blaspheming.
  • ‘‘There aren’t many lies you can tell about God that organized religion hasn’t told already: He is loving; He rewards the faithful; He is a He; and the biggest crock of all—that He exists.” “…blithely blasphemous…” Time Out New York
  • ‘‘DELIRIOUSLY, DIVINELY FUNNY! [the actor] IS PERFECTION! If God were really as adorable and funny as [the actor], perhaps many more of us would be minding our morals, rapaciously atoning for our sins and generally doing unto others as we would like to be done unto, all in the hopes of a breezy welcome at the pearly gates.” …gushes The New York Times
  • “WICKEDLY IRREVERENT!” shouts the Hollywood Reporter
Catholic America and friends of God…
     Here is a selection from the play… 
     Advisory: this is SHOCKING!
  • In his new Second Commandment: “Thou shalt not tell others whom to fornicate.” “Yes, I mean the gays.” 
  • To explain his new Second Commandment, “God” then tells that, in the beginning, he actually did make Adam and Steve. And the serpent was gay… And to punish Steve with “the harshest punishment possible: Transforming thee from carefree young [homosexual] lovers living in the heart of everything, to a married couple with kids stuck in the suburbs,” “God” had to perform a sex-change operation on Steve.
  • “God finally admits that he allows human suffering because “I’m a jealous, petty, sexist, racist, mass-murdering narcissist” — just like the human beings He created in His image. “You are my best creation,” he reminds us, “and I’m your worst.” 
     I tell you, the World is really pushing it. 
     And did you know that according to serious statistics, the amount of natural disasters around the world have increased dramatically in the past 30 years? 
     And what about the chaos sinful mankind is racing towards?
     It is really scary. 
     But when you read what they are doing in this play, An Act of God, you begin to understand what is going on… 
     Here are a few more…
  • And God has low self-esteem and certainly doesn’t think He’s perfect. Abraham’s test of his love of God by obediently beginning to sacrifice his son in prefigure to God offering His Son in sacrifice is commented on by “God”: “It was only then that I first began to consider the possibility that there was something seriously wrong with me.”  
  • And God is indifferent: “Gay, straight, bisexual, transgender; thou art all equally smite-able in my eyes.” 
  • And it seems “God” had the angel Gabriel give us the Muslim Koran. God notes that the angel “doesn’t just do the Bible,” but also “dictated the words of the Quran to Muhammed. (Don’t think that playwrights finally give equal offense to Islam. “God” continues: “That, of course, was the beginning of Islam, and at the request of the producers, that is the last you’ll be hearing about Islam tonight.”)
     We cannot print most of the samples of mockery and blasphemy.
     I don’t know about you, but this reminds me of those people who were mocking God before the great flood, in the time of Noah.  
     This is biblical!
     But what is most important is that we don’t allow ourselves to get used to blasphemy. 
     And that we continue to offer our own reparation for these blasphemies. In our hearts. 
     Please defend the honor of the One, True God. 
     And may the one, true God bless you in this life and the next for showing your love of Him and His Holy Name! …such is my prayer for you!
God bless!
Thank you.
 Robert E. Ritchie
 Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima

A local battle over the safety of Monsanto's Roundup has led to a big win for public health -- but the fight isn’t over yet.

Monsanto sued California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment after the office announced it was preparing to list glyphosate -- Roundup's active ingredient -- as a substance known to cause cancer.1

We celebrated when a judge dismissed Monsanto’s case, allowing California to require cancer warnings on Roundup labels.2 But now we need to keep up the momentum, because Monsanto is not going to back down in similar battles across the country.

Donate today and help ban Roundup in communities across the country.

We’ve already delivered more than 20,000 petitions to the Environmental Protection Agency urging it to ban Roundup unless and until it can be proven safe.

The EPA is still reviewing Roundup's safety, but from big cities like Portland, Ore., to smaller Midwestern hubs like Dubuque, Iowa, communities have already taken big steps to ban or limit Roundup in public places.3,4

We're doing everything we can to protect our communities from toxic Roundup. Can you pitch in?

It's absurd that a weed killer -- designed to make our lives more convenient and food production more efficient -- should be allowed to put public health at risk.

We can't wait another day to act: Roundup's use is on the rise and the weed-killer is making its way into more and more of our food, air and water.5,6

We don't take corporate contributions -- we depend on people like you to support our work. Can you contribute?

Thank you,

Andre Delattre
U.S. PIRG Executive Director

1. Karl Plume, "Monsanto sues to keep herbicide off California list of carcinogens," Reuters, January 21, 2016.
2. Ibid.
3. "Integrated Pest Management Program," Portland Parks & Recreation, June 29, 2016.
4. "Integrated Pest Management," The City of Dubuque, June 21, 2016.
5. Majewski MS, Coupe RH, Foreman WT and Capel PD, "Pesticides in Mississippi air and rain: a comparison between 1995 and 2007," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, June 2014.
6. Carey Gillam, "FDA Tests Confirm Oatmeal, Baby Foods Contain Residues of Monsanto Weed Killer," Huffington Post, September 30, 2016.

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This is LIFE CHANGING information you won't want to miss!!!
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