utorak, 1. kolovoza 2017.

Razgovor sa akademikom Josipom Pečarićem: Zabranjuju mi promocije i udaraju na moj rad i moju obitelj

Akademik Josip Pečarić (r.1948.) neprestano je na udaru, a poglavito u zadnje vrijeme. Sad mu je i neki načelnik Općine Tisno zabranio da u općinskim prostorijama održi predstavljanje svoje knjige „Dnevnik u znaku „Za dom spremni“! Meni su, u Varaždinu,  u vrijeme  komunizma, zabranili tribinu s prof. dr. Bogdanom Krizmanom samo zato što je pisao o ustašama! Kuda to vodi? A Pečarić nije bilo tko.  Rođen je u Kotoru i doktor je matematičkih znanosti, a osim što je redoviti član HAZU aktivan je i član  „The New York Academy of  Science“. Ako je suditi po objavljenim znanstvenim radovima sigurno je najplodniji hrvatski znanstvenik. Autor je niza zapaženih knjiga u kojima je obrađivao Jasenovac, Thompsona, sud u Haagu, „Za dom spremni“, itd.  Svojedobno  (2006.) objavio sam i knjigu s naslovom „Razgovori s Josipom  Pečarićem“. Tada mi je uz ostalo rekao da je na njega imao iznimni utjecaj Domovinski rat,  jer „kad imate agresiju na vašu zemlju morate se suprotstaviti – puškom ili perom. Ili niste čovjek!“
A on je, kao malo tko, neprestano u okršajima…,
– Gospodine Pečariću, stječe se dojam da iako ste među ostalim i član Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU),  iako uživate izniman ugled među intelektualcima u svijetu da imate jedino problema u Hrvatskoj? Kakvi su to problemi?

– Svi Hrvati koji se zauzimaju za suverenu ponosnu Hrvatsku imaju problema u njoj. Kada sam ja u pitanju dugo se to ogledalo u sustavnom prešućivanju svega što radim. To je išlo dotle da su u medijima prešućivane i međunarodne znanstvene konferencije u moju čast. Poslije poznate Peticije ZDS otvoreno su na udaru i moj rad i moja obitelj i moji suradnici. O toj “koordiniranoj kampanji” protiv mene nedavno su pisali Predsjednici i Premijeru i znanstvenici s 24. Međunarodne konferencije o transdisciplinarnom inžinjerstvu u Singapuru. O tome je pisao Hrvatski tjednik, 27. srpnja 2017., a tekst je prenjelo i nekoliko domoljubnih portala. Najbitniji problemi su spomenuti u toj Peticiji: važan projekt bio je zaustavljen bez razloga, dok je njegova kćer izgubila posao na Sveučilistu u Zagrebu, opet bez valjanog razloga. Skoro je godina dana kako je u Ministarstvu  odvjetnik  Zvonimir Hodak pokrenuo upravni nadzor zbog toga, već je treća vlada i iz Ministarstva nam daju za pravo, ali ništa se ne rješava zbog autonomije sveučilišta. Napominjem da Peticiju nisu pisale moje kolege matematičari. Na spomenutom projektu je 36 hrvatskih matematičara koji su očito kažnjeni zbog mene. Njihov odgovor na tu kaznu je slijedeći: odlučili su organizirati međunarodnu konferenciju povodom mog 70-og rođendana (MIA, Zagreb 2018.) od 4. do 8. 7. 2018. U znanstvenom odboru konferencije je 60-ak uglednih matematičara iz cijelog svijeta (Israel, USA,  Japan, France, Russia, Australia, Hungary, India, Czech RepublicSpainKazakhstan, Korea, Jordan, Italy, P. R. China, Germany, Poland, Georgia, Serbia, Iran, Romania, Pakistan, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Canada, Croatia) svi redom urednici ili glavni urednici u časopisima koji su na svjetskim listama. A već ranije su se i narugali HRZZ-u koja je pokušala spriječiti prvu međunarodnu matematičku konferenciju u Mostaru tako što su im se zahvali na financiranju radova s te konferencije (odobrena je bila u sklopu projekta a pritom je s priglupim komentarom uskraćeno financiranje odlazaka članova projekta na tu konferenciju).
– Tko su ti koji vam stvaraju probleme?

-Vjerojatno sam prvi krivac ja sam. Imam preko 1100 radova u znanstvenim časopisima, stvorio sam tri časopisa koji su u svjetskim bazama i mnogo toga što baš nije drago nekim kolegama. Tu im je krivac i izdavačka kuća „Element“ jer su im oni krivci za izdavanje tih časopisa (od tri časopisa iz moje problematike koja su na svjetskim listama – dva izdaje „Element“). Prljavi posao oko projekta „odradila“ je HRZZ (vidjeti moju knjigu „Pišem pisma, odgovora nema 1. / Navodna Hrvatska naklada za znanost“). Obrazloženje HRZZ-a je tako glupo da sam predlagao da ravnatelj bolnice u Vrapču procijeni to obrazloženje i moje odgovore i ustanovi tko je tu podoban za njegovu bolnicu – ja ili članovi Upravnog odbora HRZZ-a.
Naravno sigurno mnogima smeta ono što piše i u Hrvatskom tjedniku: „Zagrebački sveučilišni profesor akademik Josip Pečarić koji je u sklopu svog aktivizma posljednje desetljeće pokrenuo niz peticija o različitim društvenim temama…“ Što se tiče moje kćerke tu nisam jedini krivac. Naime ona je doktorirala i suradnica je prof. dr. sc. Miroslavu Tuđmanu i on je napisao jedno pismo u kojemu je pobrojao i dokazao kakvim se neistinama služe na Filozofskom fakultetu u napadima na njega i moju kćerku za koju kaže da je kolateralna žrtva napada na njega. Međutim, čini se da i tu ima hrvatskog jala. Kolegica koja je bila u komisiji je istog dana izabrana za višeg znanstvenog suradnika kada i moja kćerka, a mentor joj je bio profesor Boras, iako je magistrirala  kod prof. Tuđmana. A uvjeren sam kako Boras ima kompleks niže vrijednosti kada je u pitanju profesor Tuđman. Naime on je doktorirao kod profesora Tuđmana 15 godina nakon što se zaposlio na FF-u s 47 godina života. Dakle,  sve što je postigao u životu postigao je zahvaljujući  prof. Tuđmanu koji i slovi kao istinski znanstvenik na tom Zavodu. Naravno, kada je počela detuđmanizacija mladi znanstvenici su odlazili od Tuđmana. Moja kćerka nije! Zbog tog kompleksa prema svom mentoru Miroslavu Tuđmanu Boras pokušava (i uspijeva) zaposliti samo svoje suradnike na Zavodu, time ruši izvrsnost struke i u krajnjoj liniji ruši i samu opstojnost informacijske znanosti na FF-u.
 –  Kada su na čelu JAZU bili akademici Štampar, Novak ili Sirotković ni jedan se akademik nije žalio…
– Vjerojatno se u to vrijeme kada je Partija sudjelovala u izborima, tj. kada nepodobni nisu mogli biti redoviti članovi Akademije, takvih koji bi se žalili nije ni moglo biti u njoj. Međutim ovo što se dogodilo s ovom upravom vjerojatno je nešto najniže što se ikada dogodilo. Naime glavni tajnik Akademije je iskoristio izvješće o radu Akademije u Hrvatskom saboru da bi napao dva druga akademika. Pri tome mu nije bilo važno što su oni uradili već gdje je jedan rođen i gdje je studirao i je li drugi prije 50 godina bio član Partije.
Nije ni branio trećeg akademika od lažnih napada bivšeg ministra Jovanovića, već je bivšeg ministra uspoređivao s nobelovcima, vjerovali ili ne. A taj isti Glavni tajnik je još ranije onemogućio slanje obavijesti u Akademiji o predstavljanju moje knjige „Hrvatski genocid: napravili zečeve od Srba“, koju su predstavljali admiral Davor Domazet Loše i prof. Miroslav Tuđman (uzgred budi rečeno on je i general). Zapravo mislim da sam ovoj upravi priredio neugodnost još kod (ne)izbora prof. dr. sc. Iva Goldsteina za redovitog člana HAZU-a. Napominjem da je to bio prvi veći neuspjeh tadašnje vlasti (Josipović-Milanović). O svemu tome više možete neći u mojoj knjizi „Pišem pisma, odgovora nema 2. / Je li Akademiji važna znanost“.
– Kako tumačite činjenicu da Miroslav Krleža nije ni među 42 počasna člana HAZU, koliko ih ima ova institucija?Pa, kad smo već kod akademije, u vrijeme komunizma malo je tko mogao postati njezin član ako nije bio vezan uz Tita i partiju, odnosno NOB-e… Dok danas, kako se čini, malo tko može biti član HAZU ako je vezan uz Tuđmana i Domovinski rat!?
– Krleža je bio redoviti član akademije. A čini mi se da sve ovo što sam do sada rekao pokazuje koliko ste u pravu. Poznato je kako u vrijeme bivše države je bilo teško državotvornim Hrvatima postati redoviti član akademije. Međutim među izvanrednim članovima je bilo i takvih. Predsjednik Tuđman je razmišljao i o ukidanju JAZU i stvaranju nove akademije, ali je odustao od toga zbog ideje o pomirbi. Netko se tada sjetio i samo spojio redovite i izvanredne članove. Svi su postali redoviti članovi pa je i među njima bilo državotvornih Hrvata. Međutim treba ipak ponoviti kako je takva Akademija u slučaju (ne)izbora Goldsteina, kada je dobio najmanje glasova u povijesti izbora, bila je prva koja je zadala udarac tadašnjim ljevičarskim vlastima. Posebno moram istaknuti akademika Davorina Rudolfa koji je  kao Predsjednik Odbora za ljudska prava HAZU odmah reagirao na napade na mene. Napisao je pisma i Predsjedniku Akademije i Rektoru Borasu. Odgovore nije dobio! Rektor Boras ne odgovara ni na slične upite iz Ministarstva znanosti!
– Neprestano  se javljate domoljubnim komentarima, a takve su vam i knjige. Je li vas u tome recimo podržava Ministarstvo kulture, je li otkupljuju vaše knjige?
–Napisao sam preko 40 takvih knjiga, a Ministarstvo kulture je otkupilo 50 primjeraka jedne od njih.
–  A da li vas zovu na razne prijeme koje organizira državni vrh?
– Šalite li se? Mislim da im nije drago da ih netko poveže sa mnom.
– Što mislite, zbog čega jedan Pupovac „vlada“ Hrvatskom,  ili se to nama samo tako čini?
– Logično je da on vlada Hrvatsko jer ima i osobne zasluge u fašističkoj velikosrpskoj agresiji na Hrvatsku. Sjetite se samo one njegove laži iz vremena Domovinskog rata (po Dobrici Ćosiću laž je najviše pomogla Srbima u njihovoj povijesti) o prekrštavanju 11000 srpske djece. Tuđman je bio i ostao kriv zato što je unatoč željama svjetskih moćnika porazio i ponizio srpsku vojsku napravivši zečeve od njih kako je to sjajno primijetio Slobodan Milošević, a ja bio napadnut zbog knjige s takvim naslovom u HAZU. Zato današnja vlast mora svjetskim gazdama stalno pokazivati kako je nesretna zbog tog Tuđanovog „zločina“. A Pupovac je idealan za tako nešto, zar ne?
A zbog čega su zapostavljeni hrvatski branitelji, od kojih se dosad najmanje tri tisuće  ubilo?
– Pa i oni su itekako sudjelovali u „zločinu“, stvaranju  hrvatske države, zar ne?
 – Imaju li u ovoj Hrvatskoj ljudi poput vas svoju budućnost?
– Na takvo pitanje sam odgovorio još u vrijeme Račanove vladavine. Rekao sam: „Račan vlada državom čije ime ne voli, a ja živim u državi čije ime volim. Ipak je meni bolje!“
–  Nego, kako to da vas već nisu pokušali i uhititi, odnosno naći vam nešto da vas spreme onkraj brave? Možda smiješno pitanje?
–Niste prvi koji me to pitate. Obično kažem kako imam najboljeg mogućeg zaštitnika. Vjerovali ili ne to je J. B. Tito. On je rekao svojima“ „Akademike ne dirajte“. Zapravo mi je žao današnje Titoljubce. Njihovi očevi su u Titovo vrijeme mogli i ubijati ovakve državotvorne Hrvate, a ovi danas jadni ne mogu. Pa kako da vam ih ne bude žao, zar ne?
 – Često pišete i o Marku Perkoviću Thompsonu…U čemu je njegov „problem“?
– Da,  dvije knjige su o njemu, ali i u mnogim drugima sam pisao o Thompsonu. Sam Thompson je jednom rekao da sam ga više ja branio nego što je on branio sam sebe. Zato ću ovdje dati što je o Thompsonu napisala naša sjajna novinarka Karolina Vidović Krišto:
„Thompson nije samo domoljub, on je daleko više od toga. On je dragovoljac obrambenog Domovinskog rata.
Po profesiji je kantautor, pjevač i umjetnik. I kao takav njegov rad vrijedi onoliko koliko je umjetnički vrijedan i koliko je tražen. Međutim, on i u ovoj kategoriji nadmašuje ostale. Njegov rad, njegove pjesme i njegova umjetnost imaju i kulturno-obrazovnu vrijednost. On odgaja naraštaje u zdravom domoljublju i čestitosti. Mnogi nisu znali tko je bila Diva Grabovčeva, tko su bile Drinske mučenice. Mnogi dragovoljci koji teško podnose nepravde u društvu i blaćenje svoje države, utjehu su našli upravo u Thompsonovim stihovima.
On popularizira čestitost, hrabrost, ljubav, odanost – sve ono što mnogi njegovi kritičari pljuju, a rado bi u svome društvu imali ljude upravo s takvim vrlinama.“
Pripremate li neku novu knjigu, neki novi okršaj?
Što se tiče mog pisanja dovoljno je citirati što je o tome na nedavnom predstavljanju knjige prof. Tomca rekao veliki hrvatski domoljub biskup dr. Vlado Košić:
“Mislim da bi se čitava nacija tu trebala povesti za primjerom genijalnog akademika Josipa Pečarića koji je, poput pisama bivšem premijeru kojemu je predlagao da se tada zatočeni general Ante Gotovina kandidira za Nobelovu nagradu za mir, to isto sada pokrenuo za generala Slobodana Praljka, pišući pisma predsjednici Republike, predsjedniku Vlade i predsjedniku Hrvatskog sabora. Hrvati se nemaju zašto ispričavati i neprestano udarati u prsa, dok se istovremeno oni koji su nad Hrvatim počinili neizmjerno veća i brojnija zlodjela razmeću nekim svojim tjeranjem pravde, a da nisu ništa učinili da se distanciraju od tih zala. Zato mi se sviđa akademik Pečarić koji ima hrabrosti „okrenuti pilu naopako“, kako se to jednostavnim riječima kaže.”
Zapravo zadnja peticija koju spominje biskup Košić, a koju je i on potpisao zajedno s biskupom Pozaićem i akademikom Jelčićem i koju je potpisalo još 900 naših ljudi je i osnova nove knjige: ‘SRCE MOJE NIJE ZEMLJE ŠAKA’ / GENERALU PRALJKU NA DAR.
 Želite li još nešto dodati, poručiti?
Na izborima naši ljudi pokazuju da im je bliža suverenistička ponosna Hrvatska. Naši političari to samo znaju dobro iskoristiti za vlastite interese. Dokle će to biti tako – vidjet ćemo. Možda poslušaju jednu moju preporuku koju je svojevremeno u Bujici naveo Luka Podrug: „Pred izbore isključite televizore, a uključite mozak“. Jedino tada neće moći pobjeđivati sluge svjetskih moćnika i prestat će se ostvarivati jedna druga moja tvrdnja: „Kad gazda mijenja slugu, uvijek nađe boljeg slugu.“
Razgovarao:  MLADEN PAVKOVIĆ/Kamenjar.com

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LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com.
Top Stories
• The View Host: Christians “Get Caught Up” in the Abortion Issue But Jesus Didn’t Really Care
• Doctors Asked Parents of Boy With Same Condition as Charlie Gard: Do You Want to Just Let Him Die?
• Professor Who Wanted President Trump Shot and Killed Has Been Fired
• Rosie O’Donnell: Women Should Form Our Own Party if Democrats Back Pro-Lifers

More Pro-Life News
• Writer J.K. Rowling Falsely Claimed President Trump Snubbed a Disabled Boy, Waits Days to Retract
• Pregnant After a Brutal Rape and Encouraged to Abort, I Chose Life. Here’s What Happened to the Rapist
• Pro-Lifers are Working to Make Kentucky the First State to be Abortion Free
• Man Pushed His Pregnant Girlfriend Under a Bus Because She Refused to Have an Abortion 
• Mother Survives Open Heart Surgery While Giving Birth at the Same Time
• Blind Elderly Man Arrested for Trying to Stop Abortion Clinic Staffer From Stealing His Sign is Acquitted
• Fathers of Aborted Babies Experience Devastating Pain and Regret
• Why I Am an Atheist and Against Euthanasia
• Irish Health Minister Pushes Legalizing Abortion Even Before Citizens Vote on Referendum
• Attempts to Legalize Assisted Suicide Have Failed in Every State in 2017 So Far
• Abortionist Scheduled for Criminal Trial for Doing Illegal Abortions, Possessing Illegal Drugs

The View Host: Christians “Get Caught Up” in the Abortion Issue But Jesus Didn’t Really Care
Tuesday on ABC’s The View, the sole self-admitted pro-life Democrat on the panel, Sunny Hostin, urged her party to reclaim the moral party status from Republicans.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
Doctors Asked Parents of Boy With Same Condition as Charlie Gard: Do You Want to Just Let Him Die?
A Michigan family is fighting for care for their very sick infant son who has a disease similar to Charlie Gard’s.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Professor Who Wanted President Trump Shot and Killed Has Been Fired
Kevin Allred, a self-described “Beyonce Professor,” has been fired from Montclair State University in New Jersey before the start of the school year after saying on Twitter that he hopes someone would shoot President Donald Trump.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Rosie O’Donnell: Women Should Form Our Own Party if Democrats Back Pro-Lifers
It seems that nothing but complete and utter support for the killing of unborn babies in abortions is acceptable to Rosie O’Donnell.

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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at news@lifenews.com about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Writer J.K. Rowling Falsely Claimed President Trump Snubbed a Disabled Boy, Waits Days to Retract
Author J.K. Rowling has finally deleted tweets accusing President Donald Trump of ignoring a disabled child, three days after tweeting the “pants-on-fire” claim.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com

Pregnant After a Brutal Rape and Encouraged to Abort, I Chose Life. Here’s What Happened to the Rapist
The technical term is “survivors guilt”. It doesn’t sound especially technical, but I give it full points for accuracy.

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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at news@lifenews.com about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Pro-Lifers are Working to Make Kentucky the First State to be Abortion FreePro-life advocates hope to end abortion completely in Kentucky now that just one abortion clinic remains in the state.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

15-Year-Old Raped By Her Cousins Will Not Abort Her 8-Month-Old Unborn Baby
A 15-year-old teenager in India will not abort her unborn baby after enduring months of sexual abuse allegedly at the hands of her cousins.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

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Kanadyjski dziennik oskarża Polaków o Holocaust
Kanadyjski "The Globe and Mail" opublikował ARTYKUŁ, w którym autorka, Jillian Stirk wypowiada się głównie na temat zmian zachodzących w polskim systemie sądownictwa, pojawił się jednak także wątek Holokaustu oraz rzekomej polskiej winy, co wyraziła w następujących słowach:

Ale Polska posiada dziedzictwo flirtowania z autorytarnymi rządami i historię antysemityzmu. który pomógł utorować ścieżkę dla horrorów Holocaustu, niewygodnej prawdy, której aktualny rząd nie chce uznać.

Wysłaliśmy oficjalne pismo do redakcji 25 lipca, nie otrzymaliśmy żadnej odpowiedzi. Prosimy o Państwa wsparcie.
Tak jak przy poprzednich wezwaniach, poniżej znajdą Państwo treść wiadomości w języku angielskim oraz robocze tłumaczenie na język polski. Do wysłania wezwania prosimy użyć własnej skrzynki pocztowej, wklejając w wiadomość do odbiorców treść w języku angielskim.
Szanowna Pani Stead,

Wyrażamy zaniepokojenie wobec sugestii, że to Państwo Polskie było winne zbrodni Holocaustu, sugestii, która została opublikowana w artykule "Demokracja w Polsce jest zagrożona. Dlaczego milczymy?" autorstwa Jillian Stirk poprzez następujące słowa:
Ale Polska posiada dziedzictwo flirtowania z autorytarnymi rządami i historię antysemityzmu. który pomógł utorować ścieżkę dla horrorów Holocaustu, niewygodnej prawdy, której aktualny rząd nie chce uznać.

Tego rodzaju opinie, tak intensywnie eksponowane w światowych mediach, skupiają się na ukazaniu Polaków jako osobników kierujących się instynktami, prymitywów, dyszących nienawiścią do swoich żydowskich sąsiadów. I tylko ten prymitywizm, zdziczenie był ograniczeniem przed popełnieniem zbrodni większych od tych, jakich dokonali dobrze zorganizowani, poukładani „Naziści”, po prostu zainfekowani wirusem obłąkańczej ideologii.

Ta narracja, której osią jest oczywisty antypolonizm, jest obecnie niepisanym, obowiązującym kanonem, modnym salonowym „abc” dyskusji o Holocauście. Z trudem przebija się odmienna, nudna, znana i udokumentowana, mniej spektakularna wizja historii. Przykłady? Słabe „Pokłosie” jest szeroko znane, tymczasem nie gorszy film „Azyl”, z gwiazdorską obsadą, niekoniecznie. Dowodem choćby jest blokada emisji filmu „Azyl” we Francji i Niemczech – jego przesłanie nie pasuje do obrazu zezwierzęconego Polaka, który czyha na życie i majątek swego żydowskiego sąsiada. 

Rozwinięciem tej interpretacji jest forsowanie wizerunku dzisiejszych patriotów jako prymitywów, ksenofobów i antysemitów, którzy niczym swego czasu na Żydów dziś czyhają na „uchodźców”. 

Trzeba zwrócić uwagę na różnicę między sytuacją w innych krajach – takich jak Francja, Belgia, Holandia, Norwegia, Węgry – a sytuacją, w jakiej znaleźli się ludzie w Polsce, gdzie skala terroru ze strony niemieckiego okupanta była bez porównania większa. Mimo to nie znalazła się żadna instytucja reprezentująca społeczeństwo i Naród Polski, która poparła by politykę okupanta – jak to miało miejsce w pozostałych krajach europejskich, gdzie funkcjonowały kolaboracyjne rządy i formacje, w tym wojskowe (np. dywizje SS "Wiking", "Nordland", "Galizien", "Nederland", "Wallonien",  "Charlemagne", „La División Azul”). Co więcej Polacy czynnie przeciwstawiali się procesowi niemieckiego ludobójstwa poprzez aktywne działanie w instytucjonalnych formach prawnych i organizacyjnych powołanych w podziemiu wyłącznie w celu ratowania Żydów (Rada Ochrony Żydów - Żegota).

Tezy o własnej winie, nieoczywistej prawdzie, dobrze się sprzedają. W epoce tzw. postprawdy są modne i pożądane. Ich dystrybutorzy w publicystyce, kulturze, a nawet nauce, z łatwością znajdują wsparcie patronów z krajów mających na sumieniu rzeczywistą winę za Holocaust, pragnących rozmyć odpowiedzialność, zatrzeć różnicę między katem i ofiarą, zamydlić obraz przeszłości. 

Jako uzupełnienie zamieszczamy dane o Polakach - ofiarach II Wojny Światowej przedstawione przez Instytut Pamięci Narodowej w 2009 roku:

Ofiary wśród etnicznych Polaków - Okupacja Niemiecka - 2 770 000
Ofiary żydowskie - 2 700 000 do 2 900 000
Ofiary represji sowieckich - 150 000

Z poważaniem,

Odbiorca - adresy mailowe:

Tytuł wiadomości (jeden do wyboru, można użyć własnych zwrotów): 

I do protest! (Protestuję!)
German responsibility! (Niemiecka odpowiedzialność)
Holocaust made by Germany! (Holocaust zrobiony przez Niemcy!)

Treść wiadomości:
Dear Ms. Stead,
We are writing to express our concern about a sugesstion that the Polish State was responsible for the Holocaust, suggestion which was published in the article „Democracy is at stake in Poland. Why are we silent?” by Jillian Stirk through the following words: But Poland also has a legacy of flirting with authoritarian governments and a history of anti-Semitism, which helped pave the way for the horrors of the Holocaust, an uncomfortable truth the current government declines to acknowledge
This kind of opinion, so heavily emphasised in global media, focuses on portraying Poles as driven by their primitive instincts and burning with hatred towards their Jewish neighbours. And it is only because of this primitive and barbarian nature that they did not commit even greater crimes than the well-organised “Nazis”, who were simply infected with the virus of an insane ideology.
Rhetoric like that, which expresses obvious anti-Polonism, is now an unwritten, prevailing, norm, a fashionable thing to say in discussions about the Holocaust. It is difficult for the alternative, boring, known and documented, yet less-spectacular account to show. Examples? The rather poor “Pokłosie” (Aftermath) is widely known, while “Azyl” (The Zookeeper’s Wife), not an inferior film, with a star-studded cast, not necessarily so. This is because “Azyl” was not allowed to be released in France and Germany — its message does not match the portrayal of Poles as barbarians who were only waiting for an opportunity to kill, and take over the property of their Jewish neighbours.
This approach is further developed to portray contemporary patriots as primitive, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, and waiting to hurt “refugees”, just as they used to wait for an opportunity to attack Jews.
It is worth pointing out differences in the situations within other occupied countries during World War II, such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and Hungary, and that of Poland. Here, the scale of terror spread by the Nazi-German occupiers was incomparably greater. Despite this, there were no institutions representing Polish society and the Polish Nation which supported the occupier’s policy. This was unlike the case in many other occupied European countries, many of which had their collaborating governments and formations, including military forces (e.g. the SS "Wiking", "Nordland", "Galizien", "Nederland", "Wallonien", "Charlemagne", “La División Azul” divisions). Furthermore, the Polish nation actively opposed Nazi-German-orchestrated genocide by taking measures in institutional, legal and organisational forms established in the underground with the sole purpose of saving Jews (The Żegota Council to Aid Jews).
Claims about Poles’ own fault and “the not-so-obvious truth” sell well. In the so-called post-truth era, such claims are popular and sought-after. It is easy for those who make such claims in journalism, culture, or even science, to find support in countries which bear the actual responsibility for the Holocaust, and that want to lay at least some blame on others, to blur the distinction between the oppressor and the victim, and to distort the past.
As a complement we do attach data about Poles - victims of World War II provided by the Institute of National Remembrance in 2009:
Ethnic Poles Deaths - German Occupation - 2 770 000
Jewish Holocaust Deaths - 2 700 000 to 2 900 000
Victims of Soviet Repression - 150 000

We do protest!

Hans G. - kolejna rozprawa

Już jutro, 1 sierpnia, odbędzie się kolejna rozprawa w sprawie Hansa G. który chciał rozstrzelać Polaków i nazywał siebie hitlerowcem. Naruszał podstawowe zasady dotyczące prawa do wolności od mowy nienawiści (szczególnie od treści faszystowskich, hitlerowskich), do godności, do bycia niedyskryminowanym z powodu przekonań politycznych i pochodzenia narodowego.
Przed sądem zeznawać będą świadkowie strony pozwanej.

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Cash-strapped CPS ties itself to years of debt; new $500M loan will cost district $1.35B in long run

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Ziv Moyal's family leave their home in southern Israel, move in with relatives
Family of Amman embassy guard said fearing for safety after name leaks
Source says Jordan published Ziv Moyal’s identity, photo, in an attempt to ‘radicalize’ the situation, amid diplomatic dispute over shooting death of two at embassy compound
 Jordanian protesters wave national flags and chant slogans during a demonstration near the Israeli embassy in the capital Amman on July 28, 2017, calling for the shutting down the of the embassy, expelling the ambassador, and canceling the 1994 peace treaty with Israel. (AFP PHOTO / KHALIL MAZRAAWI)
A picture published in Jordan's al-Ghad newspaper shows the diplomatic ID of Israeli security guard Ziv Moyal (Courtesy)
Israeli guard in Amman embassy affair named as Ziv Moyal
Israeli security forces fire tear gas to disperse Palestinians after clashes broke out at the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem's Old City on July 27, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLI)
East Jerusalem residents charged for praising Temple Mount killers
King Abdullah II of Jordan, left, welcomes Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after his arrival at the Royal Palace in Amman, Jordan, in March, 2013. (AP Photo/ Raad Adayleh)
Jordan’s king calls Abbas after hospital visit

Austria sentences Hamas man to life for planning attacks in Israel
Militants from the military wing of the Hamas terror group take part in a parade against Israel in Gaza City on July 25, 2017. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams) 
Palestinian released in 2011 Shalit deal sought to enlist West Bank residents to carry out grenade attacks in Jerusalem

Netanyahu, Liberman urge pardon for Hebron shooter after sentence upheld
Defense minister asks Elor Azaria to forgo appeal, as lawyers receive 10-day extension to address Supreme Court; ministers line up to call for clemency
Former IDF Sgt. Elor Azaria sits in the courtroom at the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv on July 30, 2017. (Avshalom Sasoni/Flash90)
IDF Sgt. Elor Azaria, a soldier convicted of manslaughter for shooting an injured, disarmed Palestinian attacker in Hebron, seen during an appeal hearing at the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv,  July 30, 2017. (FLASH90)
As Azaria case roils politicians, IDF ethicist slams soft sentence
Yusri the father of Abdul Fatah al-Sharif watches on television the verdict of the trial of Israeli soldier Elor Azaria who killed their son, at their family home in the West Bank town of Hebron on January 4, 2017. AFP/HAZEM BADER)
Slain Palestinian assailant’s family surprised Azaria not exonerated
Former IDF Sgt. Elor Azaria is squeezed between his father, Charlie (R), and Likud MK Nava Boker, as they hug in the courtroom at the Kirya military base in Tel Aviv, on July 30, 2017. (Avshalom Sasoni/Flash90)
IDF chief to ‘seriously consider’ reduced sentence for Azaria

Pardon me?
Convicted soldier’s lawyer fat-shames IDF chief
Attorney Yoram Sheftel speaks during a press conference in Tel Aviv on March 1, 2016. (Flash90) 
After losing appeal for Elor Azaria, who was found guilty of killing disarmed Palestinian stabber, defense attorney goes on TV, ridicules army head’s appearance

LIVE UPDATES Latest: Venμs, Israel’s first environmental research satellite, set to launch Wednesday
Amnesty International issues call to action over Israelis held by Hamas
Jewish camp defends flying Palestinian flag, acknowledges ‘sadness, anger’ it caused; Israel set to launch ‘Venμs,’ its first environmental research satellite
 Palestinians celebrate after Palestinian prisoners end a hunger strike over their conditions in Israeli jails, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, May 27, 2017. (Flash90)

PA payments to prisoners, ‘martyr’ families now equal half its foreign aid
While it expects $693 million from donors, Ramallah’s 2017 budget allocates nearly $345 million for the contentious stipends
 Palestinians celebrate after Palestinian prisoners end a hunger strike over their conditions in Israeli jails, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, May 27, 2017. (Flash90)
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud AbbaPalestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas looks on during a meeting of the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank city of Ramallah, on July 25, 2017. (AFP/ABBAS MOMANI)s looks on during a meeting of the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank city of Ramallah on July 25, 2017. AFP/ABBAS MOMANI)
PA said to offer $20 million in subsidies to East Jerusalem
Police arrest a protester during clashes at the Old City of Jerusalem's Lions Gate on July 27, 2017. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Police arrest 33 suspected of instigating Temple Mount riots
Israeli security forces fire tear gas to disperse Palestinians after clashes broke out at the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem's Old City on July 27, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLI)
East Jerusalem residents charged for praising Temple Mount killers

Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III leads the Orthodox Easter ceremony of the "Holy Fire" as thousands gather in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City on April 15, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / GALI TIBBON)
Amid outcry, Church defends its sales of land in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Caesarea
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Kids4Peace and the two flags
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Naomi Chazan
At risk of being too personal
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Rabbi David Seidenberg (Courtesy of Seidenberg/via JTA)
How Tisha b’Av can help us understand the refugee experience
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Illustrative image of coins confiscated from a suspected antiquities thief's home in Beit Shemesh, December 2014 (photo credit: Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
East Jerusalem antiquity dealers arrested for tax fraud
Luxury cars, $200,000 and various items confiscated from 5 suspects following joint probe with US agencies

Cheryl Saban (left), Minister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman (center) and former Member of Knesset Shachiv Shanan (center, right) watch as FIDF National Board Member Haim Saban (center, left) breaks ground at the site of the new FIDF Druze Soldiers Heritage Center, July 2017 (Scally photography).
Haim Saban, wife fund Druze Soldiers Heritage Center in northern Israel
The new building will serve as a rest and recreation center for active-duty and discharged soldiers as well as a memorial for fallen Druze security personnel

Former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (C) flashes the sign for victory at the interior ministry's election headquarters in Tehran on April 12, 2017. (AFP/Atta Kenare)
Ex-Iranian president Ahmadinejad faces punishment over misused billions
Public prosecutor of Supreme Audit Court tells newspaper he doesn’t believe lost funds can be recovered

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. (Screen capture/YouTube)
North Carolina governor signs anti-BDS bill into law
Legislation requires divestment from companies that boycott Israel

A US Air Force B-1B bomber, left, flies with a South Korean fighter jet F-15K over the Korean Peninsula, South Korea, Sunday, July 30, 2017 (South Korea Defense Ministry via AP)
US says time for talk on N. Korea ‘is over’ after second ICBM test
UN envoy Haley says tough sanctions needed to curb Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions, as Washington and Seoul make show of force in South

A screen shot from an AFPTV video shows the road outside a hotel along the beach promenade where a stabbing attack took place in the Red Sea Resort of Hurghada on July 14, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / AFPTV / STRINGER)
Egypt officials: Red Sea resort knife attacker sent by IS
Abdel-Rahman Shaaban, who killed 3 tourists this month, was recruited by terror group through social media

Illustrative photo of cash. (Yossi Zamir/Flash90)
Private equity investment in Israel drops 67% in 2Q
$248 million, or 60% of total PE investments, was injected by foreign PE funds in Israeli firms, IVC report says

Hebrew Media Review
MON, JUL 31, 3:30 PM
Former IDF Sgt. Elor Azaria, who was convicted of manslaughter for shooting dead a supine, injured Palestinian attacker in 2016, waits before the start of his appeal sentencing hearing in the Kirya military base, Tel Aviv, July 30, 2017. (Avshalom Sasoni/Flash90)
A parting shot for the Hebron shooter?
Latest developments in Elor Azaria case dominate Hebrew press, with major papers siding with military judges who upheld his manslaughter conviction
Singing ‘hit, hit Zionists,’ thousands rally against Israel in Istanbul
Demonstrators wave Turkish and Palestinian flags; protest security measures around Temple Mount, removed by Israel last week
A general view shows protesters waving Turkish and Palestinian flags during a demonstration in Istanbul on July 30, 2017, to protest against measures taken by Israel in Jerusalem and to show solidarity with the Palestinians. (AFP PHOTO / YASIN AKGUL)

State witness in submarine graft case: PM’s lawyer was to get 20% cut
Miki Ganor reportedly tells investigators that David Shimron stood to make $9 million for ensuring certain clauses were included in defense deal
 David Shimron, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's personal lawyer, at a Likud press conference in Tel Aviv, February 1, 2015. (Flash90)

IDF upgrades siren system to pinpoint incoming rocket alerts
Warnings will be more tightly aimed, and talk to citizens in their own languages
 An IDF mobile siren that can be used in fields and areas (IDF Spokesperson Office)

The eight Jewish Supreme Court Justices, clockwise from top left: Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Stephen Breyer; Abe Fortas; Louis Brandeis; Benjamin Cardozo; Felix Frankfurter; Arthur Goldberg; Elena Kagan. (Photos of Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan by Steve Petteway, others by Harris & Ewing/ all from the Collection of the Supreme Court of the US)
The 8 Jewish justices who made the US Supreme Court jump
JUSTICES SERVED Author David Dalin’s new book explores the inner lives of trailblazing Members of the Tribe who helped mold the nation’s highest court

Minister seeks to strip citizenship of fugitive ex-MK
Aryeh Deri consults with AG on move against ex-Balad head Azmi Bishara, who fled Israel in 2007 amid allegations of spying for Hezbollah
 Former Israeli Arab Knesset member Azmi Bishara (Flash90)

Australian plane plot may have involved bomb or toxic gas — reports
Four men, reportedly of Lebanese origin, allegedly planned to carry ‘non-traditional’ device on board flight to Middle East inside meat grinder
 Police prepare to search for evidence at a block of flats in the Sydney suburb of Lakemba on July 31, 2017, after counter-terrorism raids across the city at the weekend. (AFP PHOTO / WILLIAM WEST)

Golda Tencer, standing, at a Shabbat dinner during the International Seminar in Yiddish Language and Culture, July 7, 2017. (Katarzyna Markusz/JTA)
Yiddish comes alive in Warsaw every summer
Now in its 15th year, the International Seminar in Yiddish Language and Culture brings students back to one of the language’s great centers

Saudi Arabia: Calls to ‘internationalize’ holy sites ‘declaration of war’
Riyadh accuses Qatar of keeping its citizens from hajj, but Doha says Saudi putting too many restrictions on Qatari pilgrims, as religion mixes into Gulf rift
 Muslim pilgrims from all around the world circle around the Kaaba at the Grand Mosque in the Saudi city of Mecca on on September 9, 2016, a day before the start of the annual hajj pilgrimage.  (AFP/Ahmad Gharabli)

A man walks under the Mobileye logo in Jerusalem, March 13, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) 
Mobileye says Intel purchase of shares delayed again
Deadline for Intel Corp. to buy Mobileye shares now pushed to August 11 even as most requirements seem to have been met

Repair the World volunteers assisting with food preparation at Masbia Soup Kitchen in Brooklyn. (Alli Lesovoy/via JTA)
How volunteering became outreach for millennials distanced from the Jewish community
Turned off by prayer and ritual, some young Jews find an unexpected connection to tradition in social justice

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The Times of Israel · 4 George Washington St. · Jerusalem 9418704 · Israel

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