utorak, 29. kolovoza 2017.

Trump team, Netanyahu renew talks on US embassy move to Jerusalem

Dear friends,

Honestly, this is as bad as it gets.

In Yemen, every 10 minutes a child dies from malnutrition, 500,000 people have been hit by the worst cholera epidemic ever recorded -- and a savage Saudi bombing campaign is cutting off aid access.

It’s an apocalyptic scenario for these innocent people -- but we can help.

Most of us have never heard of this nightmare because Saudi Arabia has blocked foreign journalists from the country. They want to keep the impact of their campaign out of the headlines -- so that our governments can keep selling them tanks, missiles, and ammunition.

And it's working -- our leaders are turning a blind eye. But Avaaz is unique -- our money comes from ordinary citizens with no policy agenda. We can be a lifeline for Yemen's people:
  • Smuggling reporters into the country to expose what’s happening;
  • Going after donor countries to increase humanitarian funding, now;
  • Lobbying countries like Canada and the UK to stop supplying the weapons that make all this possible.
The sad truth is: if we don’t do this, no one will. 20 million(!) Yemenis desperately need aid -- chip in with one click and let's get to work:

Saudi Arabia’s devastating bombing campaign in Yemen is all about a power struggle with Iran. They say they're defending the ‘legitimate’ government against a group of rebels. But this isn't about democracy, it's about regional influence.

Innocent Yemeni civilians are the victims, much like their brothers and sisters in Syria, but without global attention. Yemen was already the poorest country in the region and now hospitals, schools, and entire neighbourhoods have been turned to rubble. The latest craziness is that Saudi Arabia is blocking fuel for UN planes ready to deliver humanitarian aid into the country! 

What might be worst is that the Saudis aren’t doing this alone. Many of our governments are making it possible by supplying weapons, military advice, and even boots on the ground. Trump just kicked off a $100 billion arms deal! For our leaders, Saudi friendship and oil seem more important than Yemeni lives.

We don’t have to be part of that. If enough of us donate below, we can show the people of Yemen that we are not our governments, that we care about the desperate situation they’re facing, and will fight to stop the bombing of innocent civilians. Some courageous groups are trying to make this work, but right now no one has got it done. Let’s come together urgently, before things get even worse:

We can cross our fingers that Yemen will somehow be saved. Or we can do what our community does best and rise up to speak for those who have no voice. Let’s not sit in silence.

With hope,
Danny, Rewan, Alice, Allison, Wissam, Nataliya, Ricken, and the entire Avaaz team

More information:

‘It’s a Slow Death’: The World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis (NY Times)

Yemen conflict: Cholera risk for more than a million children (BBC)

War, hunger and now cholera: Yemen’s crisis worsens (Washington Post)

In Yemen, a child dies every ten minutes from preventable causes (UNICEF)

The Big Problem with President Trump's Record Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia (Time)

Saudi Arabia’s expected military assault on Yemen will almost certainly cause mass starvation (VICE)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook orTwitter.

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Poslovni dnevnik

Novi ustroj inspektorata opet komplicira sustav

Najave kako će se ponovno objediniti inspekcijske službe kako bi se postiglo bolje efekte i tvrtke poštedjelo nekoordiniranih nadzora će ...OPŠIRNIJE
"Ako je biznis kao utakmica, onda mi zbog visoke kvalitete proizvoda igramo ligu prvaka. Borimo se za svoj dio kolača na svjetskom tržištu i uspješni smo."
Alojzije Šestan, Šestan-Busch Prelog, tvornica kaciga


Što je ključno u novim pravilnicima vezanim uz Zakon o javnoj nabavi (ZJN 2016)?

Rađa se najveći energetski servis, snage 225 gigavata

Mutni slovenski bogataši našli sigurnu oazu u Dubaiju

KOMENTAR: Regulatori i bankari pokušavaju još tvrdoglavije slijediti put vlastitih pogrešaka

Sezona je izvrsna, ali špica su proljeće i jesen

Strabag i slovensko-hrvatski  konzorcij u utrci za most

Samo dvije ponude stigle su na javni natječaj Hrvatskih cesta za nastavak radova na čiovskom mosta, pokazalo je jučerašnje otvaranje ponuda, čime se potvrđuje da se građevinari ...OPŠIRNIJE

Jednodnevni seminari jesen-zima 2017.

Seminari Poslovnog dnevnika obuhvaćaju širok spektar tema i vrhunskih predavača, te su zbog svoje kvalitete već prepoznati kao nezaobilazna potpora razvoju i širenju domaćeg ...OPŠIRNIJE

Poslovni dnevnik 30. 8. 2017.

U novom Poslovnom dnevniku pročitajte intervju s Milanom Bandićem, o tvrtki Sana delikatese, slovenskim poduzetnicima u Dubaiju, kineskim energetskim tvrtkama, ... 
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Agroklub.com, Kolovoz 2017 > [AgroLetter]
Dragi korisnici,
približili smo se rujnu kada će se ponovno zahuktati radovi na polju i njima krenuti moćni strojevi. Što se sve nudi u svijetu poljoprivredne mehanizacije pokazao nam je, pak, Farm Show u Osijeku. S obzirom da je ministar poljoprivrede Tomislav Tolušić obećao da će se brže rješavati zahtjevi za sufinanciranje kroz mjere Ruralnog razvoja (120 dana od natječaja do ugovora), možda je vrijeme za planiranje kupnje.
Nažalost, i ovaj su mjesec gorjele naše šume diljem Dalmacije. Pošumljavanje bi trebalo krenuti na jesen.
Informirajte se s nama i dalje!
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'Iran wants to use Syria and Lebanon as warfronts to eradicate Israel. This is something the UN should not accept'
Greeting Guterres, Netanyahu rips UN, says Iran turning Lebanon, Syria into warfronts against Israel
With secretary general by his side, PM accuses United Nations of bias against Israel and of allowing Iran to build missile sites and Hezbollah to smuggle arms
 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) welcoming UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, August 28, 2017.
United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres talks to the press after his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial museum in Jerusalem on August 28, 2017. (AFP Photo/Menahem Kahana)
UN chief in Jerusalem: Calls for Israel’s destruction are ‘modern anti-Semitism’
Israel Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon (l) and United Nations Secretary General António Guterres, upon his arrival in Israel, on August 27, 2017. (Shlomi Amsalem)
Facing pressure over ‘bias,’ UN chief lands in Israel
Russian-made, S-300 long-range missiles at the Fordo nuclear site in central Iran, August 28, 2016. (Screenshot/Press TV)
Iran says S-300 air defense system now ‘fully integrated’

Education Minister Naftali Bennett attends a committee meeting in the Knesset in Jerusalem on August 23, 2017 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
After Charlottesville, Diaspora minister says Israel can’t protect all Jews
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This file photo taken on February 24, 2017 shows Deputy Assistant to US President Donald Trump, Sebastian Gorka, speaking during the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. (AFP PHOTO / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / ALEX WONG)
Ousted Trump aide Gorka to work with Bannon at Breitbart
Demonstrators clash during a free speech rally Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017, in Berkeley, Calif. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson)
Black-clad anarchists storm Berkeley rally, assaulting 5
A screenshot of a neo-Nazi music and  memorabilia website allegedly owned by the interim police chief of Colbert, Oklahoma. (Screen capture: KXII News 12)
Oklahoma police chief resigns over alleged neo-Nazi ties

Biden says America must declare: Hatred of blacks, Jews, immigrants won’t be tolerated
Former vice president slams Trump for emboldening white supremacists
 US Vice President Joe Biden.  (JTA/Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Demonstrators gather at Peace, Love and Understanding gathering at San Francisco Civic Center on August 26, 2017 in San Francisco, California.  (Miikka Skaffari/FilmMagic)
San Francisco rabbis gather against bigotry after far-right rallies cancelled
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speaks during a television interview with Chris Wallace, the anchor of FOX News Sunday, in Washington, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Tillerson says Trump ‘speaks for himself’ on racial violence
Joey Gibson, organizer of cancelled Patriot Prayer far-right rally scheduled for San Fransisco, August 23, 2017. (Screen capture: Facebook video)
Ironic ‘Adopt-a Nazi’ fundraiser surpasses $150K goal

Israel should kidnap enemy fighters to use in prisoner swaps – negotiator
Lior Lotan, who was in charge of efforts to return IDF soldiers’ bodies held by Hamas, says in recording he wants to play ‘with a full hand’ in talks
 Lior Lotan speaking to Channel 2 television in 2011. (screen capture:Channel 2)
Simha (R) and Leah Goldin, whose during a press conference responding to statements by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman rejecting the possibility of a deal to return the remains of their son Hadar Goldin, killed during the 2014 Gaza War, from Gaza, August 27, 2017. (Screen capture: Channel 2)
Father of fallen soldier held in Gaza blasts ‘weak’ Liberman
Omar Al-Abed, in handcuffs, is brought to a courtroom for his trial at the Israel's Ofer military court near the West Bank city of Ramallah on August 17, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Military court convicts Halamish terrorist’s family for not turning him in
Israeli security forces at the scene of a terror attack in Yavneh, August 2, 2017. (Avi Dishi/Flash90)
Radicalized Yavneh stabber meticulously planned every aspect of attack – indictment

Houston residents living like ‘cavemen’ because of Harvey, Israeli consul says
Gilad Katz, head of Israel’s diplomatic mission in flooded city, says no indications that any Israelis are in danger from days-long downpour
 People walk through flooded streets in Houston on August 27, 2017. (AFP Photo/Thomas B. Shea)
Two people walk down a flooded section of Interstate 610 in floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey on Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017, in Houston, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Catastrophic floods strike Houston; thousands flee homes
A family evacuates their Meyerland home in Houston, August 27, 2017. (Mark Mulligan/Houston Chronicle via AP)
Houston Jewish community ‘impacted’ by Hurricane Harvey
Two kayakers try to beat the current pushing them down an overflowing Brays Bayou from Tropical Storm Harvey in Houston, Texas, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. (Mark Mulligan/Houston Chronicle via AP)
Texas floods spark increasing chaos, with more rain still to come

LIVE UPDATES Latest: Liberman says Hezbollah stashing weapons in houses along border
Israeli-founded US cancer treatment company sells for $11.9b
Defense minister says Israel must stop equating Palestinian terror prisoners with captive Israelis for purposes of swap
 Illustrative photo of cancer cells (Pixabay)

French authorities warn farmers of Jewish thieves ahead of Yom Kippur
Ultra Orthodox Jews perform the Kaparot ceremony on October 10, 2016, in the ultra-orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem. (Nati Shohat/Flash90) 
Municipal veterinary service says Jews and Muslims may try to steal chickens and sheep to use in ‘unauthorized sacrifices’ for holidays

Illustrative: A family enjoys a picnic in the grass, near the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Tur on April 8, 2016.  (Corinna Kern/FLASH90)
Surge of East Jerusalemites getting citizenship still leaves lion’s share in limbo
More Palestinians in Jerusalem became Israeli in 2017 than in the last 3 years combined, but a massive backlog remains; Supreme Court has ordered the Interior Ministry to explain why process takes so long

Israeli firm sees the spy agencies behind the sexy images
Illustration (iStock) 
Tel Aviv-based ClearSky tells tale of pretty women luring social media friends into networks of deceit in bids to steal data

Trump team, Netanyahu renew talks on US embassy move to Jerusalem
Hot-button issue was ‘brought up by both sides’ in discussions last week between the PM and US envoys Kushner and Greenblatt
 L-R: Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer, US President Donald Trump's Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt, White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategy Dina Powell and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman meet in Tel Aviv on August 24, 2017.  (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)

German killer nurse murdered ‘at least 90 patients’ – police
In this Feb. 26, 2015 photo former nurse Niels Hoegel., accused of multiple murder and attempted murder of patients, covering his face with a file at the district court in Oldenburg, Germany.  (Carmen Jaspersen/dpa via AP) 
Niels Hoegel would inject intensive-care patients with drug to cause heart failure and then attempt to revive them
Sam Eskenasi
There are no ‘minor’ anti-Semitic acts
SAM ESKENASI 7 reasons to not try sorting the “serious cases” of Jew hatred from those that are mere “annoyances”

Elie Weinstock
Judaism is built to last
ELIE WEINSTOCK When a changing reality conflicts with Jewish law, the Torah requires leaders to provide new answers

Naomi Chazan
Distorting the vision of a Jewish state
NAOMI CHAZAN An Israel that is willing to abandon Diaspora Jews for its own immediate political needs is a contradiction in terms

The Presidential Palace planned to be built near Ramallah, in a computer-generated image on the website of PECDAR, the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction.  (Screen capture)
Lavish PA presidential palace to be used as library
Fatah official says Abbas made decision to turn $13 million complex being built north of Ramallah into national library

Masoud Shojaei. (CC BY-4.0 Tasnim/Wikipedia)
Iran soccer captain barred from qualifier after playing Israeli club
Amid FIFA investigation, Iranian Football Federation denies move is punishment for Masoud Shojaei’s appearance in game against Maccabi Tel Aviv

Mohammad Ali Taheri, founder of a New Age version of Shiite Islam and a proponent of alternative medicine, who has been repeatedly sentenced to prison and death by Iranian courts. (YouTube screen capture)
Founder of New Age version of Shiite Islam sentenced to death in Iran
Mohammad Ali Taheri, 61, has been imprisoned since 2011 for blasphemy, is seen as threat to regime’s religious orthodoxy

Hebrew Media Review
MON, AUG 28, 2:31 PM
Palestinians walk on a street at the Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City during a power outage on June 11, 2017. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)
In a bad place
The plight of people in Gaza (and Yemen and Houston) takes center stage, but who in Gaza needs more help remains up for debate
Dogs and owners congregate at Tel Aviv's Ganei Yehoshua Park for the city's annual Dog Day, August 26, 2017. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)
Tel Aviv fetes four-legged friends with dog day afternoon
‘Kelaviv,’ the city’s annual Dog Day event, draws hundreds, featuring designer shampoos, health foods and more

State agrees to evacuate squatters from Hebron building
Attorney general acknowledges 15 settler families populated the Machpela House without having completed its purchase
 Israeli soldiers guard the Machpela House in the West Bank city Hebron, on July 26, 2017. (Hadas Parush/ Flash90)

Two million Muslims converge on Mecca for the hajj
Iranians return to Saudi Arabia to participate in Islam’s annual pilgrimage after skipping 2016 rite over deadly stampede
 Muslim pilgrims join one of the Hajj rituals on Mount Arafat near Mecca early on September 11, 2016. (AFP Photo/Ahmad Gharabli)
Related article: Rituals of the hajj

Lebanon finds remains believed to be soldiers kidnapped by IS
Hours after ceasefire begins on Syria border, Islamic State fighters who surrendered lead troops to site of bodies
 Relatives of Lebanese soldiers taken hostage by jihadists in 2014 sit inside a tent as they gather in downtown Beirut on August 27, 2017 awaiting news of their loved ones. (AFP PHOTO / ANWAR AMRO)

Chillent live onstage. (Courtesy Sruli Broocker)
Since finding God, band Chillent doesn’t need to get stewed to feel high
Born-again hasidic group cooks up a fusion of prayer and play in a stirring, melodic ramble perfect for the jam band palate

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