subota, 20. svibnja 2017.

Ex NASA Scientist Says Large Spherical UFOs Are “Proliferating” Within The Rings Of Saturn

A NASA study using recently declassified US government data has shown how high-altitude nuclear tests altered the weather – not on Earth, but in space. According to the space agency, the explosions changed the planet's magnetic field and even produced artificial aurorae near the equator.   Read more
Some smart people are investing big time and money into computers that can read your thoughts as they are conceived. Here we take a look at the current state of these brain-computer interfaces, and the challenges that remain in getting them inside our heads.   Read more
Ahead of the annual Carroll Shelby Tribute & Car Show​, Shelby American has unveiled two new vehicles. The Mustang Super Snake wide body and F-150 Super Snake are both predictably brash, not to mention absurdly powerful, thanks to hulking great V8 engines shoehorned under their respective hoods.   Read more
​Dutch manufacturer VanMoof has already seen some success with its Electrified S e-bike. Now, much of that model's technology has been upgraded and repackaged in a nimbler, more compact bike, designed for use in the world's largest cities. It's time to meet the Electrified X.   Read more
The Sony A9 is being pitched against high-end fast-shooting DSLRs, but how does it really compare? Here we look at the key specifications and features of Sony's new mirrorless camera to see how it stacks up against the Canon 1DX Mark II flagship DSLR.   Read more
My job is a good one: I get to drive lots of exciting cars and many inspire great affection. But in all honesty, no test car has ever truly made me fall deeply, madly in love. Until now. I love the Kia Sportage GT Line Diesel.​   Read more
Renault, Qualcomm Technologies and sustainable transportation company Vedecom recently demonstrated a dynamic wireless electric vehicle charging (DEVC) system – it lets electric cars draw power from the road, as they're in motion.   Read more
The HTC U11 and LG G6 are premium phones with similar price points. However, the two flagships have several distinctions when it comes to specs and features. Here's how the new squeezable U11 compares to the slim-bezeled LG G6.   Read more
Skoda has been slowly driving more upmarket from its entry-level roots and expanded the number of models on offer. Joining the lineup is the Karoq compact SUV, which is built on the same underpinnings as the VW Tiguan and which Skoda is hoping will succeed where the oddball Yeti failed.   Read more
Thanks to new research from MIT and ETH Zurich, it may soon be possible for camera drones to autonomously follow along with an actor, keeping their face framed "just right" the whole time – while also avoiding hitting any obstacles.   Read more
You're working on a big project. One that will take a lot of time and effort. How do you organize yourself to ensure you're meeting all the right deadlines and staying on track? The answer is Aeon Timeline 2. This timeline tool is ideal for a wide variety of projects, and will help you manage your workload efficiently. Want to get ahead in your career? Here's your ticket.   Read more
As many cities around the world become greener with plant-clad towers, vertical gardens and tree-filled urban developments, ​​a recent study has revealed that during heat waves, trees in a city can actually contribute to higher levels of air pollution.   Read more
Where most "smart clothes" generally function like wearable fitness trackers, researchers in Canada have focused instead on creating a smart T-shirt with the potential to help diagnose respiratory illnesses or monitor such conditions in real-time.   Read more
While common sense would suggest that the visual presentation of lower-powered mobile VR headsets will always lag behind that of powerful PC-based VR, Google has a new tool that it says can deliver desktop-level graphics – and beyond – on mobile VR headsets.  Read more
​​The undisclosed emissions spewing from Volkswagen vehicles may be more of a rule than an exception, with a comprehensive new study published this week finding that real-world emissions from diesel vehicles has been underestimated by as much as 50 percent.   Read more
Paris is getting an e-scooter rental plan that will make navigating its crowded streets a little easier and a little greener.​ A fleet of 600 Gogoro scooters in stations across the city will be available for rent to subscribed users, offering accessible zero-emission personal transportation.   Read more
​Volvo Trucks has teamed with Swedish waste management company Renova to test an autonomous refuse truck in the wild. The self-driving garbage truck can navigate urban roadways as an operator walks alongside to feed it bins for garbage collection.   Read more
Americans keen to get their hands on Mercedes-Benz Energy's energy storage units for the home have been left wanting since the product was unveiled last year. Having announced their rollout in the UK last month, Mercedes-Benz Energy has now teamed with Vivint Solar to put them in Californian homes.   Read more


People who’ve followed my multi-million dollar career in the book business often ask me where I get my ideas from. That’s especially true for those people who knew me back in the day when my family and I were getting evicted from our home and lost our last automobile to the repo man.My standard answer is I see ideas EVERYWHERE because I’m always looking for them (remember the ancient wisdom to “seek and ye shall find”?).I don’t watch a lot of television but I kept seeing ads featuring a popular comedian, who’s one of my favorites. He was selling an over-the-counter medication to relieve heartburn and acid reflux (gerd). Now I don’t have those conditions but the overwhelming frequency that I saw those ads told me a lot of other people must suffer with them. When I used some of my ninja Amazon search strategies I discovered that, at the time, there weren’t a lot of “information products” to show people how to treat heartburn and acid reflux naturally.It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that a simple eBook with natural remedies for heartburn and acid reflux might pump up my bank account with a few extra bucks every month.Now it’s important to understand that I didn’t know anything about heartburn or acid reflux. But I could put myself in the position of someone who suffered regularly from that condition and ask myself what kind of information would I like to have to cure that awful feeling.In just a few hours, with a little surfing on the web, I came up with a (very) rough outline for the book. Then I created some simple specifications and found a freelance writer, who is a certified nutritionist, to write it. Next, I turned it over to a freelance editor (since I flunked English in college I’m probably not the right one to be editing :-) At the same time, I asked my long-time freelance designer to create an attractive cover for me. In about 30 days I had uploaded an eBook version of the finished product and within a few weeks of that I had rocketed to the top of the category at Amazon.All told I invested less than $750 and ten hours of my time. To date I’ve earned about $13,800. Any way you look at it, it’s been a fantastic payback. I made about $1,380 an hour for my ten hours of work. And I’ve enjoyed an astronomical return on my investment.But the bigger part of this story is that I’m likely to be earning money from this book twenty years from now. Why? Because it’s evergreen material. In other words, the information will be as good tomorrow as it is today – heartburn is likely to be around as long as humans inhabit the earth. When you’re looking to fund your lifestyle (which is what I’m all about) you’re looking for a good source of income. But you’re also looking for a long-term source of income. The right evergreen book can provide some of that income, and the really good news is that you can outsource (usually for peanuts) the entire process.

For more on my simple process for creating income from books, see the information I’ve prepared for you here…

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Jövő héten Budapestre érkezik a házasság és család témában jártas szakemberek legjava. Amerikai, afrikai, európai és hazai politikusok mellett itt lesznek a CitizenGO munkatársai szerte a világból, az AnyaApaGyerekek szervezői Európa több országából és az Egy közülünk kezdeményezés elindítói is. Találkozhat Zelka Markic-csal, aki annak idején Horvátországban népszavazást kezdeményezett a házasság definiálására (sikerrel is járt), vagy Ludovine de la Rochere-rel, aki százezreket mozgósított Párizs utcáin az azonos neműek örökbefogadási jogának bevezetésére reagálva. Meghallgathatja Martin Luther King unokahúgát és Habsburg Christiana főherceg asszonyt arról, hogy ők hogyan látják Európa és a világ jelenlegi alakulását.Hosszan sorolhatnám még a nevesebbnél nevesebb előadókat, de inkább csak annyit mondok: tartson velünk május 26-án és 27-én Budapesten a Kongresszusi Központban vagy 27-én a Várkert Bazárban!Ingyenes, soha vissza nem térő alkalom, hogy első kézből kapjon információt a legszínvonalasabb előadóktól!A CitizenGO és az Emberi Méltóság Központ standjainál személyesen is találkozhat Zaymus Eszterrel és velem, Frivaldszky Edittel, illetve a CitizenGO számos további munkatársával és önkéntesével is. Megtudhatja, hogy kik is dolgozunk a CitizenGO online felülete mögött. Itt lesz még Magdalena Korzekwa, aki Lengyelországban százezreket mozgósít hétről-hétre a CitizenGO leveleken keresztül, Alvaro Zulueta, akinek nevét az adománygyűjtő leveleinkből ismerheti, és Ignacio Arsuaga, a CitizenGO vezetője is.A CitizenGO munkatársai is fel fognak tűnni a színpadon a következő helyszíneken és időpontokban:Családok Világkongresszusa, Kongresszusi KözpontMájus 26. péntek 11:20 Nyitó előadások /Ignacio Arsuaga, a CitizenGO elnöke/Május 26. péntek 13:00-14:00 Szekció I. Egyház és Közösség /Magdalena Korzekwa, a CitizenGO lengyelországi munkatársa/Május 26. péntek 14:15-15:15 Szekció IV. Vezetőképző (családbarát üzenetek a fiataloknak) /Frivaldszky Edit, a CitizenGO magyarországi munkatársa és Caroline Craddock, a CitizenGO amerikai munkatársa/Május 27. szombat 10:50-11:50 Fiatalok és a családbarát gondolkodás/Zaymus Eszter, a CitizenGO magyarországi munkatársa és Caroline Craddock, a CitizenGO amerikai munkatársa/Egy Közülünk Európai Életvédő Fórum, Várkert BazárMájus 27. szombat 15:00-16:00  Kerekasztal II. – “Új európai forgatókönyv” Az "Egy Közülünk" szerepe /Frivaldszky Edit, a CitizenGO magyarországi munkatársa/

Amennyiben részt szeretne venni a Családok Világkongresszusán és/vagy az Egy Közülünk Európai Életvédő Fórumon, arra kérjük, jelentkezési szándékát e-mail címre küldött levélben hétfőig jelezze.
(A levél tárgya a Családok Világtalálkozója legyen.)
Jelentkezése ezzel még nem fejeződik be, válaszlevélben fog tőlünk kapni egy regisztrációs linket, amin keresztül jelentkezni tud a programokra.

Várjuk szeretettel:
Frivaldszky Edit, Zaymus Eszter és a CitizenGO egész csapata

U.i.: Ne feledje:
Családok Világkongresszusa
Május 26-27. péntek-szombat
Budapesti Kongresszusi Központ

Válogatás az előadások és a kerekasztalok témáiból:
Hogyan jussunk túl a válságon, amely alapvető intézményünket, a családot fenyegeti?
Boldog családok, egészséges gazdaság
Minden emberi élet szentsége és méltósága a fogantatástól a természetes halálig
Miként ábrázolja a média a családot?
Fiatalok és a családbarát gondolkodás
Anyaság és Apaság
A családok hirdetését célzó kommunikációs képzés


Egy Közülünk Európai Életvédő Fórum
Május 27. szombat
Várkert Bazár

Válogatás az előadások és a kerekasztalok témáiból:
Új világrend térnyerése.
Az élet és az anyaság védelme. Várandós tanácsadás a jövőért.
“In vitro megtermékenyítés”. Etikai kérdések. Legjobb neurotechnológiai gyakorlatok az egészségügyben.
Az Élet kommunikációja: első jó hír – az élet.
“Új európai tendenciák.” Az Egy Közülünk szerepe a jelen helyzetben.

Tánc a családokért
Uptofaith Flashmob
 Május 24. szerda 17:00
Hősök tere

Szeretne egy jót táncolni családokkal, fiatalokkal, felnőttekkel, gyerekekkel együtt?
Jöjjön el a Hősök terére szerda délután fél 5-re, és legyen részese egy nagyszabású flashmobnak!
Ha nem budapesti, akkor családjával, barátaival együtt otthonról is csatlakozhat a nemzetközi produkcióhoz!
 Rakjuk ki együtt a "Család"="Family" szót az ország minél több pontján és a Hősök terén minél látványosabban!
A koreográfiát ezen a linken keresztül gyakorolhatja be:
Ha úgy dönt, hogy csatlakozik, jelentkezzen ezen az oldalon keresztül:


Családi fesztivál
Május 28. vasárnap (Gyermeknap) 10:00-18:00
Andrássy út 
Az év legcsaládibb vasárnapja lesz május 28-án, melynek ingyenes programjain fantasztikus Süti sütőversennyel, interaktív játékokkal, koncertekkel, hangszersimogatóval és egy izgalmas flash mobbal találkozhatunk az Andrássy úton.
Lesz kutyaörökbefogadás, 360 fokos videó vetítés, óriásbábok és elektromosautót is lehet majd vezetni.
Bújj, bújj zöld ág flashmob
Kolompos Együttes
Palya Bea
Marót Viki és a Nova Kultúr Zenekar
Virtuózok produkció
Magyar Rádió Gyermekkórusa


A aktív polgárok közössége, akik célul tűzték ki az emberi élet, a család és a szabadság védelmét világszerte. Ha szeretne többet megtudni a CitizenGO-ról, kattintson ide vagy kövessen minket a Facebookon vagy Twitteren.
Ezt az üzenetet kapja. Ha szeretne leiratkozni a levelezőlistáról, kattintson ide.
Amennyiben kapcsolatba szeretne lépni velünk ne erre az e-mailre válaszoljon, hanem a oldalon keresztül keressen minket!

Hey Changemaker!

Don't be selective in your self love; you shouldn't have to choose which parts of yourself you love, just love everything that makes you YOU! - The Universe

Here's what's hot on CE today:

Yale Study Reveals 1 in 3 Drugs Have Safety Issues Even After FDA Approval
Here's why the FDA's drug approval process is ineffective and corrupt.

Urban Abundance – 1/2-Acre Urban Property Transformed Into Organic Veggie Gardens
Here's why self sufficiency is important and how we can learn to grow our own food.

Ex NASA Scientist Says  Large Spherical UFOs Are “Proliferating” Within The Rings Of Saturn
Watch this video to find out more about what's going on regarding Saturn.

School Bullying Is Down. Why Don’t Students Believe It?
Here's why bullying has little to do with the victim and more to do with the bully.

Johnson & Johnson Just Paid Millions To Another Woman With Ovarian Cancer Linked To Baby Powder
Here's why this corporate giant's talc-based products are so dangerous.

Swedish Prosecutor Drops Rape Case Against Julian Assange
Here's why Sweden just revoked its arrest warrant for Wikileaks' founder Assange.

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Peace & Keep Exploring!
Joe Martino
Joe Martino is the creator of Collective Evolution and is passionate about playing a role in changing the world.

After leaving college, he changed paths, and focused on learning about what people felt needed to be transformed in our world. Through that, Collective Evolution was born. CE is an organization for people who want to change the world; it's for people who are looking for something beyond everyday life.

You can check out Joe's TEDx talk here.
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Trump receives royal welcome, honors from Saudi leader
King Salman bestows US president with country’s highest civilian medal as entourage is greeted with pomp and circumstance
 US President Donald Trump (C) receives the Order of Abdulaziz al-Saud medal from Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (R) at the Saudi Royal Court in Riyadh on May 20, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGAN)
US President Donald Trump, accompanied by first lady Melania Trump, smiles at Saudi King Salman, left, upon his arrival at a welcome ceremony at the Royal Terminal of King Khalid International Airport, Saturday, May 20, 2017, in Riyadh.  (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Melania Trump skips headscarf as she arrives in Saudi Arabia
US President Donald Trump waves as he walks towards Marine One while departing the White House on May 17, 2017 in Washington, DC en route to Connecticut.  (Olivier Douliery / AFP)
Trump to tell Muslims on first foreign trip: Drive out terrorists
A giant billboard bearing portraits of US President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's King Salman, is seen on a main road in Riyadh, on May 19, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / GIUSEPPE CACACE)
Saudi Arabia looks to assert regional role with Trump summit

Report: Trump to offer 6-12 months of peace talks, without settlement freeze
Arabic newspaper claims US leader will present Israelis and Palestinians with new approach during visit this week; Abbas said ready to agree
 US President Donald Trump and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas speak in the Roosevelt Room during a joint statement at the White House in Washington, DC, on May 3, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / NICHOLAS KAMM)
Israeli MK Tzipi Livni (L) speaks with Palestinian Authority president  Mahmoud Abbas during the opening session of the World Economic Forum held in the Dead Sea resort of Shuneh in Jordan on May 20, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / Khalil MAZRAAWI)
Erekat, Livni optimistic about Trump’s push for peace
A poster welcoming US President Donald Trump ahead of his visit to Israel seen in Jerusalem on May 19, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Trump’s popularity sinks among Israeli Jews
Stephen Miller, White House senior adviser for policy, at a county sheriff listening session with President Donald Trump in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Feb. 7, 2017. (JTA/Andrew Harrer – Pool/Getty Images)
Controversial WH adviser reportedly writing Trump’s speech on Islam

'Their first question was: ‘What is going on? What is this?’ defense official says
‘Horrified’ Israeli intel officials ‘were shouting at US counterparts’ over Trump leak
Foreign Policy reports tense meetings between sides after president revealed classified info to Russians
 This handout photo released by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shows President Donald Trump meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, May 10, 2017. (Russian Foreign Ministry via AP)
White House legal team said to be researching impeachment
Russian officials ‘boasted of their ability to influence Trump through Flynn’

'For how long will you burn Jewish souls in the crematoria of Auschwitz in the army of destruction?'
Ultra-Orthodox protesters compare top IDF official to Hitler, army service to Auschwitz
Police launch probe into extremists’ actions; chief-of-staff expresses ‘revulsion’; defense minister calls behavior ‘intolerable’
Moti Almoz (Abir Sultan/Flash90)

Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty on a donkey in Haiti before the outbreak of World War II. (Courtesy/Memorial Society)
The unbelievable heroic story of Ireland’s overlooked ‘Oscar Schindler’
Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty was wanted for saving hundreds of Jews in Rome during elaborate disguised operations that earned him the name ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’
UKIP logo
UKIP suspends candidate who justified Holocaust
This photo taken on November 21, 2016 at the Bubb Kuyper auction house in Haarlem shows a rare handwritten poem by Anne Frank, penned shortly before she went into hiding from the Nazis, addressed to "Cri-Cri" or Christiane van Maarsen, signed by the Jewish teenager and dated March 28, 1942. (AFP PHOTO/Maude BRULARD)
Auction of Anne Frank poem will finance Holocaust memorial
Weathered Jewish gravestones above the tomb of Nathan, Rabbi Nachman‘s disciple, Bratslav, Ukraine, May 10, 2017. (Sue Surkve
Swastikas painted on synagogue, rabbi’s headstone smashed in Ukraine

Rouhani declared big winner in Iranian elections
State TV says incumbent has won second term with 57% of vote, beating hardline rival Ebrahim Raisi who received only 38%
By AFP and AP
 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani gestures during a campaign rally in the northwestern city of Ardabil on May 17, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / Behrouz MEHRI)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani casts his ballot for the presidential elections at a polling station in Tehran on May 19, 2017. (AFP Photo/Behrouz Mehri)
Russia, EU congratulate Iran’s Rouhani on re-election
US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis stands in front of a map of the Middle East during a press briefing at the Pentagon on May 19, 2017. (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb)
Mattis: Convoy hit by coalition in Syria likely ‘Iranian-directed’
In this May 10, 2017 photo, supporters of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hold his posters for May 19 presidential election in downtown Tehran, Iran. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)
Analysis: From our archives: With a non-reforming ‘reformist’ and a supreme vetter, Iran fakes democracy

Despite dangerous route through Hawara, Itamar residents won’t use safer bypass
Settlers determined not to take 30 minute detour around Palestinian flashpoint town, even after driver comes under attack and opens fire there, killing a Palestinian
A car drives by the street where a group of Palestinians attacked an Israeli settler, who fired back, killing one person and wounding another, in Hawara, in the northern West Bank on May 19, 2017. (Judah Ari Gross/Times of Israel)
Israeli security forces at the Qalandiya checkpoint near Ramallah, on November 22, 2016 (Flash90)
Police arrest knife-wielding 14-year-old girl in West Bank
Palestinian demonstrators run for cover during clashes with Israeli forces during a protest in the West Bank village of Bait Djan, near the city of Nablus, on May 19, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / JAAFAR ASHTIYEH)
Hundreds of Palestinians riot in West Bank, Gaza
Palestinian cleric Imad Hamatu speaks on PA television. (Screen capture MEMRI)
Palestinian cleric says US, Israel try to control Arabs’ mood with drugs
Gary Rosenblatt
4 writers wrestle with their Israel
GARY ROSENBLATT As ’67 War anniversary nears, authors measure the distance between the Jewish state and the diaspora.

Amir Avivi
Trump and the New State solution
AMIR AVIVI The right place for a contiguous Palestinian political entity is in the Sinai Peninsula

A view of the Kremlin from the Moscow River, in Moscow, Russia (photo credit: Pavel Kazachkov/Wikimedia Commons/File)
Russian court orders a 2nd Chabad rabbi deported this year
Judge in Moscow says Yosef Khersonsky illicitly set up ‘a for-profit foreign entity’

Kevin Pillar of the Toronto Blue Jays makes  a diving catch on a line drive on August 3, 2016 in Houston, Texas.  (Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images/via JTA)
Jewish baseball player suspended for homophobic slur
In apology, Blue Jays’ Kevin Pillar says incident will be ‘example of how words can really offend a lot of people’

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi on May 4, 2014. (photo credit: AFP/STR)
Food cart shut down? Ask Egypt’s president
El-Sissi uses TV appearances to project image as tough leader, but also as a ‘regular guy’ in touch with the public

In this April 14, 2016 file photo, actor Jesse Eisenberg accepts the Male Star of the Year award during the CinemaCon 2016 Big Screen Achievement Awards n Las Vegas. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)
Eisenberg to play Marcel Marceau in WWII film
Movie by Venezuelan Jewish filmmaker Jonathan Jakubowicz tells the story of mime who saved Jewish orphans during the war

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., Feb. 23, 2017. (JTA/Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Do Israel’s traffic cops have a friend in Sheriff David Clarke?
US official, who has ties to far-right organizations in America, decorates his uniform with pin from Jewish state

Illustrative: Palestinians watch dogs fight during the first dog show in Gaza City, on February 5, 2016, organised by dog owners in the Gaza Strip. (Mohammed Abed/AFP)
Hamas bans dog walking in some parts of Gaza
Prohibition ostensibly intended to protect fearful women and children, but canine lovers say animals going crazy at home

Culture Minister Miri Regev wearing a dress featuring the old city of Jerusalem in Cannes on May 17, 2017 (AFP PHOTO / Antonin THUILLIER)
Regev’s Cannes Jerusalem dress sparks meme frenzy
Minister dismisses critics who panned her dress at film fest featuring Temple Mount: ‘Jerusalem is not a provocation’
Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov and her mother Sylva Zalmanson at the airport from which the filmmakers parents tried to make their escape. (Courtesy/Franz Koch/ Israel Broadcasting Authority)
Israeli filmmaker chronicles parents’ failed attempt to hijack a Soviet plane
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov’s new documentary ‘Operation Wedding’ uncovers overlooked chapter in Soviet Jews’ fight for freedom

Orthodox Union asks women clergy to change their titles
Move follows February ruling by umbrella group that bars females from serving in positions of spiritual authority
 Yeshivat Maharat graduates at their ordination ceremony at Ramaz High School in New York City, June 16, 2013 (photo credit: Joe Winkler/JTA)

Petition urges Trump to demand return of fallen IDF soldiers’ bodies
Families will deliver appeal to US Consulate ahead of president’s arrival, calling on him not to restart peace talks before remains given back
 IDF soldiers Oron Shaul (left) and Hadar Goldin (right) (Flash90)

Olmert attorney caught with classified material from jailed former PM — report
Authorities investigating imprisoned ex-premier’s handling of secret information as he writes memoir from his cell; Olmert denies wrongdoing
 Former prime minister Ehud Olmert addresses Israelis in a video released hours before he was slated to begin serving out his prison sentence, on Monday, February 2, 2016. (screen capture: YouTube)

View of Lebanon as seen from the Israeli side of the border, November 10, 2016. (Doron Horowitz/FLASH90) 
Hezbollah says it caught Iraqi man spying for Israel in Lebanon
Local media reports say agent was tasked with providing info on Lebanese army and enlisting other spies

Former US Rep. Anthony Weiner leaves Federal court, Friday, May 19, 2017, in New York (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) 
Anthony Weiner pleads guilty to sexting charge
Ex-congressman admits transferring obscene material to a minor: ‘I have a sickness, but I do not have an excuse’
By AP and JTA

Prominent Connecticut rabbi to pay $20m. for alleged sex abuse
Jury order comes following civil lawsuit in which yeshiva student claimed to have been molested, raped by Daniel Greer over a period of 3 years
 Rabbi Daniel Greer (JTA/YouTube screenshot)

Idra Novey, author of 'Ways to Disappear.' (Donata Zanotti)
The award-winning novel that appeared out of nowhere
INTERVIEW Acclaimed translator Idra Novey’s debut book ‘Ways to Disappear’ is a five-year secret project turned Sami Rohr Prize winner
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Dear ,
Tell your Senators: Save the EPA from Trump and his Big Oil cronies!

Donald Trump is about to propose more massive cuts to the EPA.His cuts would target water protections, support for state environmental programs, and the Superfund cleanup program.Congress still has to sign off on these cuts -- so we need your help to stop them!Tell the Senate: Don’t gut the EPA!These cuts are part of a broad effort to strip the EPA of its power to protect us from air pollution, water pollution, and climate change. The impacts on public health and the environment would be devastating.What’s more, this is a signal to Big Oil that Trump will give it whatever it wants.With enough pressure from people like you, the Senate will reject Trump’s plan. This is a fight we can win -- but we need you to speak up!
Tell your Senators: Stop Trump from cutting our critical environmental protections!The EPA isn’t the only agency on the chopping block. Trump is expected to release a new plan to slash our renewable energy programs any day now.Thanks to pressure from people like you, the Senate rejected Trump’s last proposal to destroy the EPA. Now, we need your help to keep the pressure on. 
Help save the EPA from Trump and his Big Oil cronies -- write to your Senators today!
Standing with you,
Ben Schreiber,
Senior political strategist,
Friends of the Earth

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