subota, 3. lipnja 2017.

Poglavar Družbe Isusove: Stvorili smo simbolične figure poput đavla kako bi pojasnili zlo

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Poglavar Družbe Isusove: Stvorili smo simbolične figure poput đavla kako bi pojasnili zlo

by Robert
Kršćani su "oblikovali" đavla kako bi objasnili što je zlo, istaknuo je generalni poglavar Družbe Isusove, otac Arturo Sosa Abascal, u intervjuu za španjolski dnevnik El Mundo. Kršćani vjeruju da smo stvoreni na sliku i priliku Božju, i Bog je slobodan, ali uvijek odabire činiti dobro jer je On u cijelosti dobro. Stvorili smo simbolične … Continue reading Poglavar Družbe Isusove: Stvorili smo simbolične figure poput đavla kako bi pojasnili zlo

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Barley, brewing and beer are all old and well known traditions, which anybody can use. Nevertheless the European Patent Office (EPO) has granted patents to Heineken and Carlsberg for regularly bred barley. With the patent these transnational corporations own the barley from the seed to the pint of beer. Not only is it outrageous these greedy corporations want to own a tradition that has been around for thousands of years, but in granting the patent, the EPO is in breach of EU law. Not only, for every patent they approve, they get paid.We have a good chance to stop the patent on barley and to stop such patents from ever being granted. The EU already gave in to people’s pressure last year when more than 570.000 Europeans signed our petition, and declared that patents cannot be granted for plants and animals, unless they’re genetically modified. It’s now up to the member states of the European Patent Organisation to order their Office to act in accordance with the law. On Wednesday, we have another opportunity. Together with over 30 environmental organisations [2], we will raise our voices in protest and file a legal objection against patents on barley held by Carlsberg and Heineken. We will claim barley back - and take this chance to urge Member States to stop the EPO from breaching EU law.In 5 days we will deliver our objections to the European Patent Office in Munich, driving up in a traditional Bavarian beer wagon with six Shire horses and brass music. Sign our petition and show the decision makers: We’re many, we’re from all over Europe and we will not stop unless the EPO drops the patent.
Say “No” to patents on barley, brewery and beer
In recent years the European Patent Office has continued to grant patents covering food plants, such as tomatoes, broccoli, melons and, most recently, barley. The scope of such patents is huge: in this case, it covers the barley, the brewing process and the beer itself. In addition, the patent covers all barley plants with the same traits, independently of how they were bred. This means that brewing companies profit twice over – by selling the barley seeds to the farmers, buying the harvested barley from them and selling the beer to consumers. They have the control the entire way -- from the field to the pub. At the same time, the patent gives them the right to prevent other breeders from breeding better barley and allows them to extend their market dominance – to the detriment of farmers, breeders, other breweries and consumers.The patents granted to Carlsberg and Heineken show just how industry and the EPO are able to exploit grey areas in patent law to avoid the existing prohibitions and benefit from it. [3] The EPO has a yearly income of one billion Euro from fees and earns with each patent granted [4] and the companies cement their dominance on the market.With our objections we will struggle directly against two multinational breweries in one single case. The EPO is required to answer our legal objections with a detailed reasoning for their decision. Our petition will also demand that governments in Europe order the EPO to comply with current regulation. They’re meeting at the end of the month in the Hague and we know this topics already on their agenda.Now it’s up to us to show them: We observe the encouraging signs coming from the EU, but we also know, that the Patent Office needs to change their practice.
We say No to patents on barley, brewery and beer
With the beer wagon we will submit our legal objection against Carlsberg and Heineken. We will also deliver our messages to all European governments being part of the European Patent Organisation.
Thank you,Martin (London/Berlin), Joerg (Lübeck), Olga (Bologna), Julia (Warsaw), Virginia (Madrid), and the rest of us at WeMove.EU
[1] EU plus Albania, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, San Marino, Turkey.
[2]Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL), Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Umweltbeauftragten der Gliedkirchen der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (AGU), Arche Noah, Bioland, Bündnis gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft, Bund Naturschutz Bayern (BN), Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN), Campact, Die freien Bäcker, Evangelischer Dienst auf dem Land in der EKD (EDL), Erzeugergemeinschaft für ökologische Braurohstoffe (EZÖB), Erzeugergemeinschaft Bördeland und Diemetal, FIAN, GAIA Portugal, Gäa e.V.- Vereinigung ökologischer Landbau, Gen-ethisches Netzwerk (GeN), IG Nachbau, Katholische Landvolkbewegung (KLB), Kein Patent auf Leben!, No patents on seeds!, NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark, Plataforma transgenicos for a Portugal, ProSpecie Rara Schweiz, Sambucus, Save our seeds!, Slow Food Deutschland, Swissaid, Umweltinstitut München, Verband Katholisches Landvolk (VKL), Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau Österreich, WeMove.EU, Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft, Zivilcourage Rosenheim.
[3] The patents held by these brewing companies (EP2384110 and EP2373154) are not based on inventions, but only on random mutations in the genome of the barley. The so-called „invention“ is based on random mutations in the genome of the barley commonly used in conventional breeding. Another patent held by the companies claims the use of plants for any further breeding (EP2575433). The use of the barley is supposed to make the brewing process somewhat simpler and cheaper as well as ensuring that the beer keeps for longer.
WeMove.EU is a citizens’ movement, campaigning for a better Europe; for a European Union committed to social and economic justice, environmental sustainability and citizen-led democracy. We are people from all walks of life, who call Europe our home whether we were born in Europe or elsewhere. To unsubscribe from WeMove.EU, please click here.
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