utorak, 20. lipnja 2017.


Poslovni dnevnik

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Krešimir Huljev, Direktor za strategiju Sunce koncerna


Milijun kuna za potporu najboljim projektima

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KOMENTAR: Ne brinite da će vam došljaci ukrasti plaže, već o lokalcima koji maste brk

Želite saznati kako upravljati likvidnošću? Prijavite se na seminar Segmentiranje tržišta i upravljanje likvidnošću 

U prodaju HEP-a tržište kapitala će vjerovati tek kad se dogodi

Financijaši s dosta skepse komentiraju nove, doduše neslužbene, Vladine najave o privatizaciji dok na Zagrebačkoj burzi daju oprezne izjave. Prema tvrdnjama ...OPŠIRNIJE

'Tražimo poduzetnike čije ideje mogu promijeniti svijet'

Drugi puta domaći poduzetnici, kao i svi koji se osjećaju poduzetno, imaju priliku uključiti se u paneuropsko natjecanje "Ideje iz Europe". Njegov je cilj iznjedriti najbolje ideje "koje ...OPŠIRNIJE

Poslovni dnevnik 21./22. 06. 2017.

U novom Poslovnom dnevniku pročitajte poseban prilog Pametni graodovi, o natječaju Ideje iz Europe, Vinariji Galić, stanju narudžbi u hrvatskim škverovima, ...
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                             Respected friends,

Tonight, Democrats contested congressional districts in Georgia and South Carolina that Republicans have consistently won by over 20 points -- and turned both into neck and neck races.The Republican chattering class is trying to demoralize us, tell us we're silly, and tell the Resistance to stop resisting. Trump Tweeted an insult tonight -- saying we can't beat him. Seriously? We just went into the safest Republican districts and nearly beat them!Republicans who won by 1, 3, 5, or 7 points in 2016 are kinda toast in 2018. And we're going to make sure those who won by 10 or 15 points go down in flames too.The PCCC is training 300 federal and state candidates next month -- and doing polling, ads, and local events in vulnerable Republican districts to EXPAND THE MAP and win back the House in 2018. Help win back the House in 2018. Donate $3 here. (Help us move faster by donating $6.) As MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell put it tonight: If you are a Republican member of Congress who won by less than 20 points in 2016, be afraid. And we'll make one thing very clear to the Democratic establishment: The best way for Democrats to maximize gains in 2018 -- especially in purple and red districts -- is to harness the power of the Resistance and field candidates who proudly challenge power on behalf of the little guy. Let's do this together. Please chip in to help us train candidates -- and run polls, ads, and activism in the districts of vulnerable Republicans. Let's TAKE BACK THE HOUSE in 2018.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Adam Green, PCCC co-founder

Want to support the Warren wing? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "When PCCC members donate millions in small-dollar donations and make millions of phone calls for progressive candidates, leaders in Washington, they take notice." Chip in $3 here.                         

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Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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June 20, 2017
Republican Karen Handel has won a nationally watched congressional election in Georgia and avoided a major upset, defeating Democrat Jon Ossoff after the most expensive House campaign in U.S. history.


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Democracy Dies in Darkness
News AlertTue., Jun. 20, 2017 10:16 p.m.
Republican Karen Handel is projected to win Ga. House seat, potentially steadying Trump’s agenda and his presidency
Handel bested Democrat Jon Ossoff in Tuesday’s special election, the Associated Press projected, a victory that will keep Georgia’s 6th Congressional District in Republican hands after a grueling, four-month campaign that was the most expensive in House history. But even as the GOP celebrated, the hard-fought victory underscored Trump's lingering problems for GOP incumbents in 2018.Handel will fill the seat vacated by Tom Price, who joined Trump’s Cabinet this year as health and human services secretary.
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