“The pharmaceutical industry is getting away with murder.”That’s what Donald Trump said back in January.
Now, President Trump is writing an executive order that will keep medicine prices high and increase them abroad.Tell Congress: Reject Big Pharma’s capture of the White House and act now to drive down drug prices.
Sign the petition.A Big Pharma lobbyist is literally driving policy in the White House.And the Donald Trump who promised to make medications more affordable, ease Americans’ pain and take on the giant corporations is nowhere to be seen.Here’s how this translates into policy: Instead of lowering prices, a draft Trump executive order proposes to:
“The pharmaceutical industry is getting away with murder.”That’s what Donald Trump said back in January.
Now, President Trump is writing an executive order that will keep medicine prices high and increase them abroad.Tell Congress: Reject Big Pharma’s capture of the White House and act now to drive down drug prices.
Sign the petition.A Big Pharma lobbyist is literally driving policy in the White House.And the Donald Trump who promised to make medications more affordable, ease Americans’ pain and take on the giant corporations is nowhere to be seen.Here’s how this translates into policy: Instead of lowering prices, a draft Trump executive order proposes to:
- Lower safety standards.
- Narrow a policy that enables hospitals to purchase more affordable medicines.
- Beat up on developing countries to make them grant longer monopolies and pay more.
Making medications more costly for the world's poor won't make them more affordable in the United States, and it won't help Americans who are forced to choose between paying for their health care and paying their rent. There is nothing complicated about reducing drug prices. It just requires the will to take on Big Pharma.
Add your name to demand Congress and the Trump administration:
Add your name to demand Congress and the Trump administration:
- End monopolies and speed up competition. The government should authorize generic competition when prices on patented products are too high.
- Enable Medicare to negotiate (that move alone would save $16 billion a year).
- Prohibit spikes that see prices jump from one year to the next.
Americans of all political stripes are furious about corporations’ skyrocketing prices for lifesaving medicines. In polls, Republicans rate this a bigger concern than Obamacare.
Sign our petition telling Congress to act now to make medicines affordable.
If we work together, we can defeat Big Pharma’s political power.
Robert Weissman
President, Public Citizen
Sign our petition telling Congress to act now to make medicines affordable.
If we work together, we can defeat Big Pharma’s political power.
Robert Weissman
President, Public Citizen
It came down to the wire, but Jon Ossoff narrowly lost the special election in Georgia's sixth Congressional district.It's a disheartening loss to everyone who volunteered to help put another Democrat in Congress. The unforced errors by the party leadership and the campaign present an important learning opportunity for everyone who wants to kick Republicans out of power in 2018.We can't ignore the role that voter obstruction likely played in this election. The Republican candidate, Karen Handel, oversaw massive voter roll purges as Georgia Secretary of State. The additional barriers to voting put in place by Republicans like Handel likely dissuaded some of the voters we needed from participating.But once again, party leaders made more than their share of unforced errors. They refused to embrace the kind of progressive, populist message that motivates so many millennial voters and voters of color. And they spent too much time targeting wealthy white suburban voters, instead of prioritizing expanding the electorate to voters traditionally not included in the targeting model.Democrats need to do better. But they aren't going to make the necessary changes on their own. That's why Democracy for America members are working hard every day to uplift and support boldly progressive candidates who believe in both economic and racial justice -- and who know the value of real grassroots organizing. Can you chip in $3 or more right now to boost Democracy for America's electoral work and help us build the kind of truly reflective democracy we need right now? Most candidates do not have the luxury of lighting millions of dollars on fire by spending it on ads telling an uninspiring message. Defeating Republicans in districts that they have traditionally held requires doing something drastically different than establishment Democrats have done before -- specifically, running on a bold progressive vision and investing heavily in direct voter contact to expand the electorate.That's what it will take to win districts like this one in 2018 and take back the House. The same, tired centrist Democratic playbook that has come up short cycle after cycle will not suffice.Democracy for America members know that Democrats can't win everywhere if we keep relying on the same old consultants and likely voter models that have gotten us into this mess. That's why we're endorsing game-changers like Stacey Abrams -- who, before running for governor, was best known for a tremendous voter registration drive focused on communities of color.We also recognize how critical it is for progressives to build a wide and deep bench. That's why DFA endorses at every level, from Congress to city council -- and back up those endorsements with funding, training and field support.There's no quick fix to the situation Democrats have found ourselves in. It's going to take real, deep grassroots organizing to build the power we need to create the justice we wish to see in this country.DFA members are at work right now laying the groundwork for big progressive wins across the country, and they need your help. Can you chip in $3 or more today to support their organizing and help us build the truly progressive, bottom-up movement Democrats need to take back Congress?
Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America

Thanks for everything you've done to support Jon Ossoff and to resist Donald Trump.
- JimJim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America
Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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