srijeda, 21. lipnja 2017.

Toad&Co and the Sierra Club are teaming up to present a limited-time offer

Use Choice for Change

Toad&Co and the Sierra Club are teaming up to present a limited-time offer: 10% off sustainable outdoor clothing, and 10% of sales will be given back to the Sierra Club! You save, Toad&Co gives. But hurry, it only lasts through July 14th! Equally ready for the rigors of the trail, the atmosphere of the tavern, and every stop in between, Toad&Co's apparel is also sustainably produced. Committed to making garments with a reduced environmental impact, their "Wear it out or pass it on" motto is featured on every garment tag, with care instructions and suggestions to wear more, wash less, and help reduce energy usage--meaning you're getting more use out of your clothes and helping to keep them out of the landfill. Get outfitted for adventure while helping to support the Sierra Club's critical work, including protecting our lands, air, water, and climate.
Use code SIERRA at checkout for 10% off.

Shop now
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2101 Webster St., Suite 1300, Oakland, CA 94612

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European Union strengthens engagement with Afghanistan through the appointment of a Special Envoy
European Union strengthens engagement with Afghanistan through the appointment of a Special Envoy
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European External Action Service
EEAS Building, 9A Rond Point Schuman - 1000 Brussels
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Twilio | Webinar
with Chris Book, Marketing Manager at Twilio Europe
Thursday, June 29th, 2017 11 am GMT

Consumers now expect excellent customer experience when it comes to communications, and those expectations have been set by software-first companies. With Twilio, businesses can easily add quality, real-time customer communications to their applications.

In this webinar you will learn:
- best practice on building messaging and voice into your systems
- The building blocks of Twilio
- Customer success stories
- Why we believe building on APIs is better than buying off the shelf software
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Green Life: Daily Tips from Sierra magazine
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Eat, Sleep, and Play: A Recipe for a Happy, Outdoorsy Dad

Over the past couple of weeks, my husband Thomas and our four young ones adventured in Iceland, which gave us the opportunity to test out plenty of fuel and gear.  On Vatnajökull, the largest glacier in Europe, my 10-month-old baby fell asleep against my chest as we ascended a steep snowbank via snow machine. Behind us, Thomas followed closely on his machine, our son's arms wrapped tightly around his dad's waist. Everyone—even our finicky four-year-old and 11-year-old—smiled through the mist.
Read moreThat's at least partially because this list managed to keep us all warm, dry, rested, and fed.

Photo courtesy of Lola Akinmade Akerstro

The July/August issue of Sierra magazine Is Now Online: Read about a trip to Great Smoky Mountain National Park, one of the few places in the U.S. to see synchronous fireflies and more.

Patricia Schuba Is Cleaning Up Missouri: Patricia Schuba fought a coal-ash dump in Missouri. Now she's running for office.

Alaska's Incredible Shrinking Village: Rising seas are claiming Shishmaref and its Native culture of self-sufficiency.

Stockholm Explores Biochar Solution to Carbon Reductions: Leaves and lawn trimmings are key to a process for generating thermal energy.
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Jun 21, 2017 03:35 am | Charlie McKinney
In the name of the Father, Christ sends His disciples into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit to make known the mercies of God.

Jun 21, 2017 03:30 am | Fr. Bartunek
Why does Christ command us not to fear? Father John Bartunek reflects on this coming Sunday's gospel, an excerpt from his book "The Better Part".

Jun 20, 2017 03:47 pm | Vicki Burbach
Please join our Book Club as we read one of the great treasures of Catholic thought - "The Lord" by Romano Guardini.

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Hrvatsko-iranski gospodarski forum

Pozivamo vas na Hrvatsko-iranski gospodarski forum koji će se održati 27. lipnja u 12 sati u dvorani Panorama u hotelu Westin Zagreb. Iransko poslovno izaslanstvo predvodit će Nj. E. Ali Rabiei, ministar zadruga, rada i socijalnih poslova Islamske Republike Iran. Održat će se i individualni razgovori predstavnika hrvatskih i iranskih tvrtki iz područja petrokemijske industrije, poljoprivrede, željezničke industrije, farmacije, metalne industrije, elektroenergetike i brodskog prijevoza.

ŽK Osijek

Predstavljanje inovativnoga geolokacijskog oglašavanja u sustavima prijevoza

U ŽK Osijek će se u utorak, 27. lipnja, u 10 sati predstaviti inovacija This time, audio/video geolokacijsko oglašavanje u sustavima prijevoza. Prezentacija se održava u suradnji s tvrtkama Gradski prijevoz d. o. o. i This time d. o. o. iz Osijeka, a namijenjena je prijevoznicima u putničkom prometu te tvrtkama zainteresiranima za dodatno reklamiranje svojih proizvoda putem novog sustava oglašavanja, čije se ciljane skupine nalaze u vozilima.

Radionica o izvorima financiranja poduzetničkih razvojnih planova

Pozivamo vas na radionicu koja će se održati u četvrtak, 29. lipnja, od 10 do 13 sati u ŽK Osijek, na adresi Europske avenije 13. Radionicu organizira ŽK Osijek, u suradnji s Baranjskom razvojnom agencijom grada Belog Manastira. Cilj je upoznati poduzetnike s otvorenim natječajima i onima koji će biti otvoreni do kraja 2017. godine, a koji se financiraju iz sredstava Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova (ESIF).

ŽK Pula

Predavanje Udruge hrvatskih laboratorija CROLAB

Predavanje Udruge hrvatskih laboratorija CROLAB održat će se u četvrtak, 29. lipnja, u 13 sati u ŽK Pula. Na predavanju koje će moderirati Štefica Cerjan Stefanović, bit će riječi o položaju laboratorija i inspekcijskih tijela na tržištu Hrvatske i EU, o ulozi Crolaba u pripremi laboratorija i inspekcijskih te certifikacijskih tijela za akreditaciju. Pritom će se predstaviti i neki od laboratorija koji djeluju na području Istarske županije - Zavod za javno zdravstvo Istarske županije, Vinarski laboratorij te Holcim (Hrvatska) d. o. o. Koromačno.

ŽK Split

Informativna radionica iz Programa ruralnog razvoja 2014. - 2020.

U petak, 23. lipnja u 11 sati održat će se u ŽK Split radionica o provedbi Podmjere 3.1. Potpore za novo sudjelovanje u sustavima kvalitete - provedba tipa operacije 3.1.1. Potpora za sudjelovanje poljoprivrednika u sustavima kvalitete za poljoprivredne i prehrambene proizvode i u sustavu ekološke poljoprivredne proizvodnje iz Programa ruralnog razvoja RH za razdoblje 2014. – 2020. Zahtjevi za potporu mogu se početi popunjavati i podnositi u Agronetu od 17. srpnja do 18. rujna.

Zajednička sjednica Strukovne grupacije obnovljivih izvora energije i energetske učinkovitosti i Strukovne grupacije energetike

U utorak, 27. lipnja, u 10 sati Strukovna grupacije energetike i Strukovna grupacija obnovljivih izvora energije i energetske učinkovitosti pri ŽK Split održat će svoju zajedničku sjednicu. Uz izbor predsjednika i zamjenika predsjednika Strukovne grupacije energetike, na sjednici će biti riječi o aktualnostima u djelatnostima poput višenamjenskih projekata u slivu rijeke Cetine i EU projektima na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije.
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The Daily Signal
June 21, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where the results of yesterday's House race in Georgia have Democrats and Republicans prognosticating about President Trump’s strength. Rachel del Guidice covers that as well as House Speaker Paul Ryan’s vow to fix the tax code this year. The White House has its own to-do list for Congress before summer break, Fred Lucas reports, and also basks in praise from Ukraine’s president. Plus: Kevin Mooney on an LGBT group's clout in setting transgender policy in schools, and Jarrett Stepman on the left’s problem with the Panama Canal.

This School District Partners With LGBT Advocacy Group to Impose Transgender Policy

After his football player son told him a "young lady" was in the boys' locker room, a dad began looking into his son's school's transgender policy.
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Heavily Funded Democrat Falls Short as Georgia House Seat Stays Republican

Pundits had cast the race in Georgia's 6th Congressional District as a referendum on the Trump administration and a bellwether for the balance of power in Congress nearly a year and a half before the midterm elections.
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Liberals Mock Trump for Taking Pride in the Panama Canal

President Trump was undeniably correct that "we," as in the United States, built the Panama Canal. It's an achievement every American should be proud of.
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White House Pushes Trump Priorities Before Congressional Recess

Some Republicans are calling for a shortened recess this summer in order for Congress to accomplish more. "That's going to be up to the House and the Senate to determine their recess," says White House press secretary Sean Spicer.
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Ryan Shares Vision for Tax Reform, Pledges Action in 2017

"We will consolidate the existing seven [tax] brackets into three, double the standard deduction, and simplify things to the point that you can do your taxes on a form the size of a postcard," says House Speaker Paul Ryan.
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Ukrainian President Credits US Help in Defense Against Russia

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says the United States has been a "co-sponsor of this story of success" in helping his country fight for freedom against Russian aggression.
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How Hip-Hop Is Teaching High Schoolers About the Free Market

Among important economic titles set to HipHoponomics music are "Free Enterprise System," "New Deal or Raw Deal?," "What’s Up With the Fed?," "The 20s Were The Good Dayz," and "Demand & Supply Bars."
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Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit!
Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit

Nike VaporMax predstavlja novu eru Nike inovacija. Promjenio je filozofiju Air modela, govori njegov dizajner Zachary Elder. VaporMax je postigao osjećaj "trčanja po zraku".Posebnost ovog modela je zračni jastuk koji je ugrađen direktno na gornji dio tenisice, bez sredine, te tako omogućuje korisniku posve novo iskustvo Air modela.Od sada, Nike Air VaporMax Flyknit modele pronađite u Shooster shopovima
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