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Comey what may

Credit: AP Photo
Tomorrow’s the big day: former FBI Director James Comey will testify about the ongoing investigation into the Trump administration’s ties to Russia. His opening statement is already public and there are five big revelations. Among them: Comey was pressured by Trump himself to drop the investigation into former NSA head Michael Flynn.
The Trump administration is quickly running out of friends in the intelligence community: former bestie James Clapper, once the Director of National Intelligence, said during a speaking appearance on Wednesday that Watergate pales in comparison to Trump’s ever-deepening Russia scandal.

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Eric Trump stands accused of funneling charity donations away from children’s cancer research and towards the Trump Organization.
The best twitter account on the internet might belong to publishers of the dictionary. 
Fans of one professional sports team are taking it upon themselves to host their own Pride Night since team owners refuse to hold their own.


-Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, artfully dodging any responsibility for protecting LGBTQ children enrolled in public schools.
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Kamala Harris


Earlier today I asked Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to assure the American people that special counsel Bob Mueller has the independence and ability to investigate Donald Trump and his campaign’s ties to the Russian government.
Rosenstein dodged my question again and again—and as I pressed him to assure the American people, the Republicans tried to shut me down, saying I needed to be more “courteous”.
This is hardly the first time the GOP has done this—let us not forget when they silenced my friend and colleague Elizabeth Warren for trying to read a letter from Coretta Scott King about Jeff Sessions.
Well here is the truth, STJEPAN: I will not be silenced. We will not be silenced. The American people, who deserve the truth, will not be silenced. Not when the faith and integrity of our democracy is at stake.
Make a contribution today to send a message that we will not be silenced. We will always fight to get to the truth.
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Like Senator Warren—and so many others—we will continue to persist and never give an inch when it comes to truth and accountability in our government.
Thanks for all you do.
Kamala Harris
U.S. Senator, California

"Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it in every generation."
- Coretta Scott King

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The Seven Habits of Tech-Savvy Teams

There's a reason—seven reasons—tech-savvy teams are able to do more with less:
  • They Write Well - Teams must be able to communicate effectively. From keeping emails short and informative, to using services like Hemingway and Grammarly, there are a ton of ways to improve your team's communication skills.
  • They Protect and Share How They Spend Their Digital Time - Identify the time of day that you’re most productive. Harness that window to get the most out of your days. Be vocal and transparent about how you’re using your time.
  • They Leverage The Right Tech, and Discard the Rest - Determine what tools you’ll need to complete a task, and then use only those tools.
  • They Are Each Competing Against Who They Were Yesterday - The other members of your team aren’t your competition. You are your competition.
  • They Abhor Negativity - Do we even need to explain this one? Pessimism is a cancer, and it must be vanquished.
  • They Measure, Record, And Reward - Have a written record of who gave which ideas, and reward the people with the best ones.
  • They Each Master Themselves - Tech-savvy teams start with health-savvy individuals. Master yourself, and your mind will be an asset to the team.

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LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com.
Top Stories• Abortion Clinic Closes That Was Cited by State for 44 Pages of Heath Code Violations
• President Trump Reappoints NIH Director Francis Collins Who Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research
• Olympic Track Star: “I Don’t Know Another Female Track Athlete Who Hasn’t Had an Abortion”
• Oregon Senate to Vote on Bill to Allow Starving Mentally Ill Patients to Death

More Pro-Life News
• Missouri Gov Calls Special Session to Stop St. Louis From Becoming a “Sanctuary City” for Abortion
• Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback Signs Pro-Life Bill That Will Save Babies From Abortion
• She Was an Abortion Clinic Staffer Who Joked About “Pieces of Children” But Quit When This Happened
• Abortion Almost Destroyed Her Until She Found Forgiveness in Christ: “It’s a Scarlet Letter I Never Thought I’d Wear”
• Abortionist Describes Seeing Body Parts of Aborted Babies: “I See a Head, Body and Limbs” 
• Abortionist Says: “I’ve Fallen in Love With the Work I Do”
• “Mom” Star Allison Janney Give Planned Parenthood Abortion Business a $250,000 Check
• Health Department Shuts Down Abortion Clinic After Finding Even More Health Violations
• Buzzfeed Web Site Celebrates Abortion, Calls Abortion “an Amazing Thing”
• Pro-Life Group Endorses Ed Gillespie in Virginia Gubernatorial Republican Primary
• Delaware Passes Bill Keeping Abortion Legal if Roe v.Wade is Overturned

Abortion Clinic Closes That Was Cited by State for 44 Pages of Heath Code Violations
The sign on the door says it all—the troubled Hillcrest abortion facility in Harrisburg is closed until further notice.
Cl ick to Read at LifeNews.com.
President Trump Reappoints NIH Director Francis Collins Who Supports Embryonic Stem Cell Research
President Donald Trump has decided to appoint the director of the National Institutes of Health even though pro-life advocates called on Francis Collins to be replaced.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Olympic Track Star: “I Don’t Know Another Female Track Athlete Who Hasn’t Had an Abortion”
Abortions are common among young female athletes, Olympic gold medalist Sanya Richards-Ross said in an interview this week.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Oregon Senate to Vote on Bill to Allow Starving Mentally Ill Patients to Death
Oregon Senate Bill 494, would allow the starving and dehydrating of patients who suffer from dementia or mental illness.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Missouri Gov Calls Special Session to Stop St. Louis From Becoming a “Sanctuary City” for Abortion
Missouri pro-life Gov. Eric Greitens promised to help protect unborn babies and moms from abortion, and he is working toward achieving that goal.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback Signs Pro-Life Bill That Will Save Babies From Abortion
Today, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed Senate Bill 83, the DISCLOSE ACT, into law.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com

She Was an Abortion Clinic Staffer Who Joked About “Pieces of Children” But Quit When This HappenedCatherine Adair describes her former self as “the most pro-choice feminist activist you’ve ever met”.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Abortion Almost Destroyed Her Until She Found Forgiveness in Christ: “It’s a Scarlet Letter I Never Thought I’d Wear”
It’s not every day that the truth about abortion is revealed in the pages of People magazine so it’s worth taking note when it happens.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

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Poslovni dnevnik

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Green Life: Daily Tips from Sierra magazine
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The Rad-Waste Trucks Are Rolling

Trucks carrying highly radioactive liquid waste have started their secret journeys from Chalk River, Ontario, across several states to a reprocessing facility in Aiken, South Carolina.

Although the Department of Energy will not disclose the routes for transporting this weapons-grade material, citizens' groups monitoring the process regard the most likely crossings from Canada as either the Peace Bridge in Buffalo or the Thousand Islands Bridge over the Saint Lawrence River.

Over the next four years, up to 250 shipments will take routes south from those points through metropolitan areas that could include Syracuse, New York; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Morgantown, West Virginia; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Columbia, South Carolina.

Read moreRead the rest.

Image courtesy fo the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

The June Sky: The ring nebula and aare electric-blue clouds.

Go Fly a Kite: Scientists are using kites for data about superstorms, rising waters, and dunes.

Live Long and Fail to Prosper: How do you study a flower with an 80-year lifespan?

Trump Moves to Kill Energy Star: Owner of inefficient hotels tries to kill popular energy-efficiency program.
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Jun 08, 2017 03:35 am | Dylan Jedlovec
Julie Jessmon, a student at the Avila Institute, reflects on her studies at the School of Spiritual Formation. She writes poetically about her experience in the program, particularly the course offered this summer titled, "Batman and the Theology of Christopher Nolan".

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