srijeda, 28. lipnja 2017.


Listen in, get real with IRL from Mozilla’s new podcast about online life
Let’s get real

Sometimes we do stuff online that we would never do in person. Like dashing off comments we wouldn’t say to someone’s face. Or being reckless with our safety and our secrets. And signing away our rights without a glance at the fine print. But the fact is, online vs. offline is a false distinction. We only have one life, and we live it online and off.

Dive into the disconnect in our new podcast series called IRL, Internet slang for “In Real Life.” Host Veronica Belmont shares stories from the wilds of the Web and real talk about online issues that affect us every day. In the first episode, All Your Data Are Belong to Us, she talks with a private investigator, a data broker, a guy who claims his headphones secretly spied on him and more. What’s their take on your data privacy? Tune in and find out. 
What's a podcast?
If you’re new to podcasts, think of them like having a radio show on-demand. Most people listen shows from their mobile phones or computers. The world of podcasts is rich with news, opinions, human interest, creativity and just about any topic you can think of. Anyone and everyone can make a show to express themselves, pursue ideas and teach others—kind of like how the Internet works.
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43 games you can play with Google Home
43 games you can play with Google Home
Google Home isn't only for streaming music and controlling your smart home. It has tons of games you can enjoy solo or with a group of friends.
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43 games you can play with Google Home
43 games you can play with Google Home
Google Home isn't only for streaming music and controlling your smart home. It has tons of games you can enjoy solo or with a group of friends.
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Poslovni dnevnik

Osvajaju Sloveniju s više od 100 vozila i 220 ljudi

Cammeo Grupa, najveći domaći taksi prijevoznik sa 7 milijuna prevezenih putnika, kreće u novu razvojnu fazu kroz regionalno širenje svoje ...OPŠIRNIJE
"Utrošila sam svu svoju energiju i znanje pridonoseći stvaranju Zakona o izvanrednoj upravi Agrokora kojim je očuvano 85.000 radnih mjesta."
Martina Dalić, potpredsjednica Vlade


Superknjižara, eKupi i Took Book uspješno se nose s Amazonom

Bruxelles zaplašio farmaceute

Nakon uvođenja novog Fiata 500L počeo opći štrajk

KOMENTAR: Tehnologija ne može riješiti sve probleme, Pariški sporazum uvijek će biti potreban

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Ekonomski najpovoljniji posao od 1. 7. prihvaćati bez iznimke

Za dva dana počinje i službena primjena kriterija ekonomski najpovoljnije ponude koju, umjesto dosad prevladavajuće najniže cijene, državnim i javnim institucijama nalaže novi zakon ...OPŠIRNIJE

Kako poboljšati likvidnost i solventnost?

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Poslovni dnevnik 28. 06. 2017.

U novom Poslovnom dnevniku pročitajte o ulaganju u Villa Magdalenu, autohtonim hrvatskim proizvodima, kupnji knjiga putem interneta, energetskom tržištu u Crnoj Gori, ...
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Prijavite se za izlaganje na Farm Show-u!
Prijavite se za izlaganje na Farm Show-u!Već četvrtu godinu za redom na čepinskom Sportskom aerodromu kod Osijeka održava se sajam Farm Show u organizaciji Udruge prodavatelja poljoprivredne mehanizacije i opreme u RH. Sajam će se održati od 25.-27.08.2017. godine. Farm Show je specijalizirani međunarodni sajam na području Hrvatske s temom... Opširnije
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Conservation Comes Out of Its Shell

One of Rick Levak's earliest memories of Long Point—a sand spit jutting into Lake Eerie that is home to an Ontario Provincial Park, wildlife refuge, and hundreds of vacationers—was seeing the carcasses of smashed turtles that failed to make it across the Long Point causeway.

Built in 1921, locals constructed the 2-mile long road to the mainland to make access to the peninsula easier. But it also cut off the marshes of Big Creek National Wildlife Area from the Lake. That meant in the spring, snakes, salamanders, frogs, and especially turtles had to cross the busy causeway—now County Highway 59—to make it into and out of their breeding areas in marsh.

Read moreIn fact, by one estimate, 10,000 animals per year lost their life on the tiny stretch of highway

Photo courtesy of Long Point Causeway Improvement Project

Saving America's Broken Prairie: Scientists call the American prairie one of the most threatened ecosystems.

Trump Administration is the Greatest Threat the EPA Has Ever Faced: But if history repeats itself, a backlash is coming.

Your Own Private Wind Turbine:It worked for the solar industry! Domestic wind power is now a thing.
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Neprekidni pad već godinama prati broj svećenička zvanja

by Robert
Broj svećeničkih zvanja, prema podacima koje je nedavno objavio vatikanski Središnji crkveni ured za statistiku, nastavlja trend pada od 2012. godine. "Neprekidni pad već godinama prati broj svećenička zvanja", izjavio je Ured za statistiku, koji djeluje pod državnim tajništvom Vatikana, u dokumentu Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae na 500 stranica, a pokriva period do 2015. godine. Jedan … Continue reading Neprekidni pad već godinama prati broj svećenička zvanja
Robert | June 28, 2017 at 9:44 am | URL:

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Secrets of the Saints: The Forgotten Spiritual Power of Fasting

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Jun 28, 2017 03:35 am | Charlie McKinney
Most of us aren’t lucky enough to be personally mentored by a saint, but we can seek guidance through spiritual reading.

Jun 28, 2017 03:30 am | Fr. Bartunek
Why does Christ demand absolute allegiance? Is He mad? Father John Bartunek reflects on this coming Sunday's Gospel in an excerpt from his meditation book "The Better Part".

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    Federica Mogherini in Crans Montana on the eve of the Conference on Cyprus
    Federica Mogherini was in Crans Montana on Tuesday evening for the working dinner opening the new round of the Conference on Cyprus under UN auspices
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    The Daily Signal
    June 28, 2017
    Good morning from Washington, where Republicans haven't got much to show five months into the Trump administration. Here's how to get moving, Ed Feulner writes. Terrorism claims more victims in Europe and won't be stopped soon, an expert testifies before a House panel. Rachel del Guidice reports. A whistleblower tells Sharyl Attkisson how the Obama administration targeted him. Plus: Drew Gonshorowski on what the GOP health care bill would do to premiums, and Andrea Mrozek on how Canada punishes parents for not getting on the transgenderism bandwagon.

    Congress' Inaction on Trump's Agenda Costs America Nearly 1,000 Jobs Per Day

    More than five months into the new Congress and the new administration, precious little draining of the swamp has occurred, writes The Heritage Foundation's Ed Feulner.
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    Fast and Furious Whistleblower Says He Became an 'Enemy of the State'

    "We were essentially flooding the border region with firearms from the U.S. civilian market, and then tracking and tallying the results as they were used in crimes on both sides of the border," recalls federal agent John Dodson.
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    This New Law in Canada Could Remove Kids From Parents Who Reject Transgender Ideology

    Back in 2012 "gender identity and gender expression" were added to Ontario's Human Rights Code, making Ontario the first jurisdiction in North America to pass such a law.
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    GOP Health Care Bill Would Decrease Premiums Significantly

    In 2020, average premiums would be about 30 percent lower than under current law, and about 20 percent lower by 2026.
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    Terrorism Evolving and on the Rise in Europe, Expert Tells House Panel

    In Germany, "there was an eightfold increase in plots between 2015 and 2016, largely due to a surge in plots involving refugees," says The Heritage Foundation's Robin Simcox.
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    Were Confederate Generals Traitors?

    Did the South have a right to secede from the Union? If it did, we can't label Confederate generals as traitors.
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    Justice Thomas Calls Out the Supreme Court for Not Believing in the Second Amendment

    Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had stern words for his colleagues when the court declined to hear a case challenging California's handgun laws, saying that the jurists do not understand the importance of self-defense.
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