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2017 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten 

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We have three Senate women running for re-election in states Donald Trump won.
But here's the good news: He's not as popular in those states as he was in November.
In Michigan: 
48% disapprove of Trump
Our candidate: Sen. Debbie Stabenow
[EPIC MRA, 2/08/17]

In Wisconsin: 
47% disapprove of Trump
Our candidate: Sen. Tammy Baldwin
[Marquette Law School, 3/22/17]

In Missouri:
43% disapprove of Trump
Our candidate: Sen. Claire McCaskill
[Remington Research, 2/07/17]

These three women are all facing tough elections, so we need to make sure they return to the Senate where they belong.
Make a donation to EMILY's List to help these women win.


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June 7, 2017
By Greg Ryan / In all, 13 Massachusetts companies made the list, but the state didn't perform as well as last year: Just six of the firms jumped in the rankings, half the number that saw increases in 2016. While all but one of the 13 Massachusetts-based companies rose on the 2016, this year was more mixed.
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I have been talking about this amazing class run by Jon and Missy Butcher for a few days now. Over these days, we ended up collecting some questions. 
Here are the questions asked by our community:
1:06 — How did you (Jon and Missy) create Lifebook?
3:03 — How do you accomplish traveling to another part of the world for months at a time, and still manage your children’s education? (Jon’s insights on this is mind-blowing.)
7:30 — What are the high-leverage strategies to stay fit, healthy and maintain a high level of vitality? (Bonus: Missy shares one of her recipes for a “green smoothie.”)
13:31 — You regularly mention that your love relationship (between Jon and Missy) is the “foundation of your life?” What do you mean by this? And what are your tips for building a strong love relationship?
15:05 — How can you optimize your time between your role as a parent, your career, and still give yourself your own personal time?
18:36 — How do you go about setting your goals if you don’t even know where to start?
21:40 — Who inspires you? What are your favorite books or resources?
24:30 — What do you recommend for a powerful morning routine?
25:50 — What are some of the things you struggle with? (Jon shares a gem of wisdom about how we should all be investing our time, money and effort.)
29:40 — How did you meet? Was it love at first sight or did your love develop over time?
Love. Ajit
Ajit signoff new
Ajit Nawalkha
Co-Founder, Evercoach

PS: Ideas like Lifebook have helped me create the life I wanted. I get to travel the world, impact thousands of lives, coach some of the most extraordinary entrepreneurs, be in a exciting, lively relationship with an amazing soul, party with friends and create things I love.
PPS: I haven't had a chance to share some of my life with you. You can see them live in action on my Instagram or Facebook.
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Hey friends,
In just a few hours you can learn how you can achieve financial freedom without being on a budget... don't miss this opportunity, join the online training with my good friend Stuart Pocock today!Click here to register now >>> Learn the 5 pieces of the puzzle to becoming financially free and how you can achieve your biggest goals in life...Learn how a shift in how your money is distributed between discretionary and non-discretionary expenses can help save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars... join us later to find out more!He’ll also be sharing a done-for-you business model. Just plug into this system and begin generating income.Grab this opportunity now, click the link above to join us.
See you there!
Live your true life adventure,
P.S. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready to take notes during the training. You will want to capture the tips shared that can benefit you hundreds, even thousands of dollars a month.
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Trump Is Sending a Murderer to Do a Diplomat’s Job
Trump just put Michael D’Andrea—the man who invented so-called “signature drone strikes”—to head up intelligence operations in Iran. 
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H.R. McMaster and the Blindness of American Hubris
Trump’s national security adviser understands the limits of military triumphalism. But can he change US policy?
Join the Activists and Companies Planning a Big Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality
Mark July 12 on your calendar and join the fight to save the Internet. 
Worried About Election Hacking? There’s Fix for That
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Someone who Wears Pants profile pictureSomeone who Wears Pants commented on a reply to this idea:

That looks like a great film, but I haven't gotten around to it. It's on Amazon Prime, though, so I should be able to tackle it with Wifey soon.
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Update from Public Citizen

Respected friends,

We have only 70 days before Trump can start renegotiation of NAFTA and we need to keep up the pressure.
In July, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), which will lead the talks, must reveal a detailed plan.
USTR just requested public comments on what NAFTA renegotiation goals should be. And hundreds of corporate lobbyists will demand NAFTA become even worse for working people and the environment.But thousands of comments from people like you can swamp the corporate demand that NAFTA become TPP 2.0.
Fill out this form to submit a comment to the USTR.We figured out a way to make it easy for you to get your views submitted and beat the corporate lobbyists at their own game.You signed the petition to Trump's top trade negotiator, but this is an even more impactful way to reach him. Legally, he must review these comments.
And having a flood of public comments also sends a powerful message that We the People are watching this NAFTA business closely.Tell the USTR what the criteria must be for a deal that actually benefits working families.Corporate advisors have already been consulted once about NAFTA renegotiations and now they plan to dominate this public comment process. They want to rig the rules in their favor like they did with NAFTA the first time around.The public, civil society and Congress are being kept in the dark. But that does not stop us from forcing our voices into the process. Think of sending in these comments as citizen surround sound so that we can't be ignored. This is why we need to flood their system with comments demanding a deal that puts people before corporations.

Melanie Foley
Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch
Public Citizen employees are members of SEIU Local 500. We support the right of workers in the United States and around the world to organize freely. Union Yes!
© 2017 Public Citizen • 215 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, 3rd Floor / Washington, D.C. 20003 • Unsubscribe

A Strategic Approach to Resilience in the EU's External Action
Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council "A Strategic Approach to Resilience in the EU's External Action"
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Kedves !
Örömmel adunk hírt róla, hogy ma délelőtt átadtuk az AnyaApaGyerekek európai polgári kezdeményezés Magyarországon összegyűjtött aláírásait a Nemzeti Választási Irodában                                                        

Itthon nagyjából 55 000 ember csatlakozott a családvédő kezdeményezéshez, Európában pedig több mint 1 millióan! A szükséges minimum határt 7 ország helyett 14 országban léptük át, így Magyarország mellett Bulgária, Horvátország, Ciprus, Finnország, Görögország, Franciaország, Németország, Lettország, Litvánia, Lengyelország, Románia, Szlovénia és Szlovákia is teljesítette ezt a feltételt. A magyar szervezőcsapathoz a házasság és a család védelmében közel 16 000 online és 39000 papír alapú támogató nyilatkozat jutott el, Kisvárdától Mosonmagyaróvárig, Csepeltől Mórahalomig, az egész országból érkeztek a kitöltött ívek, de még Hawairól is kaptunk magyar aláírásokat. Messzire ment a híre kezdeményezésünknek! 

Az AnyaApaGyerekek szervezői nevében, a kezdeményezés polgári bizottságának elnökeként köszönöm szépen támogatását, aláírását és mindazokat a lépéseket, amiket a kezdeményezés sikere érdekében az elmúlt másfél évben tett a házasság és a család védelmében. Egy óriási Európán átívelő összefogás eredménye ez az 1 millió aláírás, aminek mindannyian részesei vagyunk.
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AnyaApaGyerekek európai polgári kezdeményezés
polgári bizottságának elnöke

A aktív polgárok közössége, akik célul tűzték ki az emberi élet, a család és a szabadság védelmét világszerte. Ha szeretne többet megtudni a CitizenGO-ról, kattintson ide vagy kövessen minket a Facebookon vagy Twitteren.Ezt az üzenetet kapja. Ha szeretne leiratkozni a levelezőlistáról, kattintson ide.Amennyiben kapcsolatba szeretne lépni velünk ne erre az e-mailre válaszoljon, hanem a oldalon keresztül keressen minket!

Dear Subscriber,  
We've been telling you about The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposeddocuseries for the last week, and we've had an incredible response from our fans and followers. Best of all, it's an entirely complimentary event and it starts in only a few hours from now.If you or your friends or family are not yet registered, it's easy to save your spot here now.
Episode 1 goes live at 9 PM EST and will be replaced by Episode 2 tomorrow at the same time.

In this series, you'll discover what The Sacred Plant is [hint: it is so controversial that email service providers will put this communication in spam just for using it!] and learn how it’s helping people to prevent and even treat 23+ diseases.
And remember, this docuseries is not just about research and scientific breakthroughs… it’s also about the real people and their first-hand stories.
Take Patricia, for instance. You’ll meet her in Episode 1. She’s an academic scholar at a prestigious University who is suffering from terminal lung cancer.
“It’s not a very good type of cancer to have,” she says.
She also has metastases in her brain.
So what treatments does Patricia undergo? How do they work? What happens to her?
You’ll follow her story throughout the docuseries. And it’s a fascinating journey filled with raw emotion and important lessons. In Episode 2, you’ll meet Felicia who suffers from PTSD and chronic pain from degenerative disc disease. She has no discs between her L5 and S1 vertebra.She is dependent on a steady diet of Vicodin, Valium, and Xanax. So what does she try as an alternative? And does it actually help her?During the series, you’ll meet 18 different patients and survivors, including a former NFL player, who was an opioid addict; 10-year-old Emily, who suffers from up to 100 seizures a day; and many more.These stories are shocking, maddening… and ultimately inspiring. They give us hope. Hope for ourselves, hope for our loved ones, hope for a better future for our children.Because The Sacred Plant has helped each of these people live longer, healthier, happier lives. And TONIGHT at 9:00pm Eastern, the first episode airs and you’ll begin to meet some of these people and hear their stories.

By the way, this series is the largest documentary of its kind ever produced about The Sacred Plant, and it’s an absolute must see.

29 top health experts (including yours truly) and 18 survivors have contributed so that you have accurate and thorough information to make your own decision.

We can’t wait for you to see what’s in store!

Best regards,
The GreenMedInfo Team

P.S. Our founder Sayer Ji is one of the featured experts. Go here to watch at no cost.
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