subota, 24. lipnja 2017.

Trove of new horror species discovered in Australian abyss

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OnePlus 5: The best phone that saves you money
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The dirt-cheap Moto E4 wants to be your wallet's BFF
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'Baby Driver' star and director tell us how to drift like a pro
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Inside the drama-filled world of the YouTube breakup
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'The Batman' could have a touch of Hitchcock, director says
'The Batman' could have a touch of Hitchcock, director says
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Trove of new horror species discovered in Australian abyss
Trove of new horror species discovered in Australian abyss
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The Daily Signal
June 23, 2017
Happy Friday from Washington, where Senate Republicans' health care bill comes under scrutiny from their conservative wing as well as from Democrats. We've got reports on the proposal from Rachel del Guidice and Fred Lucas, and expert commentary from Ed Haislmaier, Bob Moffit, and Marie Fishpaw. Plus: Lucas on a study finding millions of noncitizens voted for president, Ryan T. Anderson on a court victory for those with religious convictions against same-sex marriage, and Genevieve Wood on what Trump could achieve by appointing certain judges. Have a great weekend.

How Trump Could Change the Country's Direction With These Court Vacancies

Before President Obama took office, only one of the 13 courts of appeals—the 9th Circuit—was considered liberal. Following Obama's two terms, nine of the 13 are now controlled by Democrat appointees.
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The Senate Health Care Bill Misses a Key Opportunity. Here's What Should Be Done.

It is critical that Congress maximize every opportunity to undo Obamacare's damage. The draft health care Senate bill released on Thursday misses important opportunities to move closer toward that objective.
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Circuit Court Win for Religious Freedom on Gay Marriage

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously on Thursday that a Mississippi law that protects religious liberty and the rights of conscience in light of the redefinition of marriage may go into effect.
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4 Conservative Senators Say They Can’t Vote for GOP’s Draft Health Care Bill

"Currently, for a variety of reasons, we are not ready to vote for this bill, but we are open to negotiation," say Republican Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Ted Cruz of Texas, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, and Mike Lee of Utah.
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Obama Says Health Bill Will 'Ruin' Medicaid. Here's Why the Program Needs Reform.

Research has shown that Medicaid has poorly served many of its recipients and that it has failed to vastly improve public health, despite the enormous amount of resources that have been poured into it.
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Trump: GOP Health Care Bill Needs 'a Little Negotiation'

"We'd love to have some Democrats' support, but they're obstructionists," says President Trump about the new GOP health care bill.
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Up to 5.7 Million Noncitizens Voted in Presidential Elections, Study Finds

Eighty-two percent of noncitizens who admitted to voting in a survey said "I definitely voted" for Obama.
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Maggie for NH
Bumping this email, Friends —
Senate Republicans’ version of Trumpcare gives enormous tax breaks to corporate special interests, all while defunding Planned Parenthood and undermining protections for people with pre-existing conditions.And, it guts Medicaid — a program that helps older Americans, pregnant women, and those living with disabilities get the care they need.Mitch McConnell knows that hard-working Americans like you will be hit hard by what’s in the bill, so he’s trying to push it through as quickly as he can, without giving you a chance to read it. There’s even talk about bringing it to a vote next week. We’re running out of time, so add your name to tell Senate Republicans NOT to pass Trumpcare.
Thank you,
Team Maggie

Friends, we just got a first look at the bill Senate Republicans have been working on in secret, and it's even worse than we expected.It defunds Planned Parenthood, makes even more cuts to Medicaid than the House bill, and undermines essential health benefits including maternity and prescription drug coverage.In short, it would rip lifesaving care away from millions of our families, friends, and neighbors.Add your name to tell the Senate NOT to pass this cruel bill and to protect access to the health care coverage millions of Americans rely on.We won't mince words: this bill would discriminate against women by allowing insurance companies to charge them more for their care, it would drive up premiums and out of pocket costs, and it would unfairly tax older Americans.We can still stop this bill from passing the Senate, but only if each and every one of us step up to the plate.Friends, the time to act is NOW. Please, sign the petition and let the Senate know that you do NOT support this horrendous health care plan. Lives are on the line here, Stjepan, so thank you for taking action.
— Team Maggie

Green Life: Daily Tips from Sierra magazine
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Yellowstone Grizzlies Delisted

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that grizzly bears in and around Yellowstone National Park are being delisted as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Management of grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem will now be transferred to the states of Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. Each state plans to open a limited hunting season on the bears.

Yellowstone grizzlies have made an impressive recovery from fewer than 150 bears when listed as threatened in 1975—including as few as 30 adult females—to around 700 today. It's a testament to the value of the Endangered Species Act and the ability of Homo sapiens to coexist with large carnivores.

"This achievement stands as one of America's great conservation successes; the culmination of decades of hard work and dedication on the part of state, tribal, federal, and private partners," Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke said in a statement announcing the decision to remove the protections that made the achievement possible.
Read moreEnvironmentalists say that it's way too soon.

Photo by LuCaAr/iStock

Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Delisted: Tell Secretary Zinke that the Greater Yellowstone grizzlies must continue to be protected and to stop these attacks on wildlife.
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[Breaking News] Stunning report leaked! Finance experts are furious that these terrifying facts are out 

This report is so shocking you'll be raging that no one
showed it to you before

If you have ever lain awake at night terrified for your family's future and wondering how you'll survive when your job is gone, you need to see this immediately.

It details one of the biggest and most under reported stories of the new century.

One that will rock the largest economy in the world to its knees. And only the people who heed this warning and follow these expert steps to safeguard their finances have a chance to survive. 

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I took the image below straight from the webpage, and as you can see, he's dead serious. Read this shocking report, here. 

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This financial collapse is setting up to happen right now, and no one is talking about it, except one market expert who wants to make sure you have everything you need to survive the coming fiscal storm.

He has discovered a solution to the coming apocalypse that even the biggest names in finance couldn't find for over a century, and he's sharing it with you today.

His website breaks it all down for you into six simple steps.

If you follow those steps, you could not only survive, but create the kind of sustainable legacy of wealth that could gold-plate your retirement and provide for your children's children, too. 

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This survival guide does not require trading stocks, options, or binaries… In fact, this solution is not linked to the stock market at all. However, it could make you so much cash that stock traders will be asking you for your secret.

Yes, it's a completely legal edge that millionaires and billionaires exploit every day to build massive wealth.

And it's so stunningly simple that your grandchildren could master it within a couple of hours to start building a sustainable cash pipeline…

That's no joke. That is a real spreadsheet sent to me from Legg, who only started using this bona fide financial weapon in the last week… And he's already put $2,700.00 in his account.

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If you follow the six steps to mastery, and adopt this simple one-button financial secretwhen the rest of the world finally realizes what's happening, you could be sitting behind a wall of cash that will withstand anything they could throw at you.

I urge you to go read the report for yourself, about a third of the way down this page.

And then take advantage of this unprecedented financial disclosure to protect your family, your retirement, and your lives from ruin. Once the mainstream media finally gets a hold of this, it will be too late.

Because as of right now, there are fewer than 500 spaces available to work with the creator of this cash-generating innovation, that is turning regular people from every walk of life into wealth-building machines.

You cannot afford to wait because experts from NY Times bestselling finance authors to Harvard PhDs agree this crash is inevitable.

Be prepared. Be safe. Be ready when it happens. Visit this page now and get started.

To your trading success,

Adrian Jones
"Next Generation Trading"

P.S. Just two days ago, the creator of this stunningly simple wealth-building method held a private, invitation-only event where he shared his secrets.

It was the only one of its kind, was not recorded, and only those "in the room" got the information.

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This is the only other way you will ever get this century-in-the-making financial powerhouse for yourself.

Read the special report, get the 6 steps to mastery, and the one-touch cash solution - all here.

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We’re reading through the GOP health care bill, and it’s a total disaster. There is no other way to put this: if there’s a chance you might get sick, get old, or have a family, this bill could impact you. The GOP plan raises costs, reduces coverage, rolls back protections, and destroys Medicaid as we know it. It’s not a health care plan at all. With a vote likely next week, we have to turn up the pressure on Republicans to drop this bill. Chip in $25 right now to help fund our ads and stop Republicans from destroying Obamacare.

What’s perhaps most despicable about this bill -- yes, even worse than what we’ve already mentioned -- are the massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, at the expense of programs like Medicaid that help middle-class and poor families.

It’s no wonder that Republicans tried so hard to hide this bill from the public. They should be ashamed for backing a bill that would strip health care from millions of Americans to give billionaires a tax break -- and we’re doing everything in our power to call them out before the vote.

Senate Democrats are fighting as hard as they can to stop the repeal bill and they urgently need backup from us before the vote. Chip in $25 right now to the fight to save Obamacare:

Right now, we are not only fighting for healthcare, but for who we are as a country - whether we’ll take care of each other or leave our fellow Americans to fend for themselves. This is a fight for our values, and we need your support now.

Thank you,


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NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council)
Tell the EPA: Protect Monarchs and Milkweed from Toxic Herbicides
Take Action
Monarch butterflies are disappearing. Take action to bring them back from the brink!
Thank you again for participating in our Monarch for Moms campaign last Mother's Day, and for your continued commitment to protecting monarch butterflies.

Now, in honor of National Pollinator Week, we need you to speak up again for these majestic creatures.

Earlier this year, the EPA re-approved the registration for Enlist Duo — a toxic herbicide combining glyphosate and 2,4-D that kills milkweed, the only food source for monarch butterfly caterpillars. So we sued.

As we fight in court, we need dedicated activists like you to help mobilize massive public pressure on EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to limit the use of glyphosate and other weed killers immediately, in light of the critical threat they pose to monarch butterflies.

Tell Administrator Pruitt to protect monarchs from toxic herbicides that are wiping out milkweed they need to survive.

Populations of the iconic monarch butterfly are plummeting and their annual migration to Mexico is in danger of collapse. In fact, the number of monarch butterflies has declined by more than 80% in the last 20 years. Scientists blame this dramatic decline, in part, on the overuse of dangerous herbicides like glyphosate by agrochemical giants like Dow and Monsanto.

Without strong EPA action, glyphosate will continue to wreak more destruction on monarchs — and we could lose their awe-inspiring migration forever. We need you to speak up for monarchs now.

NRDC, with help from members and activists like you, has been fighting to get the EPA to act to protect monarchs for years. And the fight just got more difficult.

President Trump is pushing an across-the-board rollback of environmental protections and has proposed slashing the EPA's budget by 31%. It's more critical than ever that we act now to compel Pruitt to do the right thing for our environment and for monarch butterflies!

Please send a message to Administrator Pruitt right away.

Thanks for all you do.

Rhea Suh
President, NRDC
Rhea Suh

P.S. Read more about the monarch's decline in this blog post by Sylvia Fallon, director of NRDC's wildlife conservation project.
The mission of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
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Jun 23, 2017
Maddow: GOP cuts to Medicaid are a threat to liberty
Rachel Maddow tells the history of ADAPT and the activism of disabled Americans and points out the leadership role these activists have taken in challenging the Republican plan to take Medicaid away from millions.
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Rand Paul: Insurance should be available for $1 a day
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., discusses the Senate GOP plan to overhaul health care, the Medicaid cuts proposed in the bill and his ideas for making health insurance affordable.
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Trump: There's no Comey tapes. Dems.: Prove it.
On Twitter, Pres. Trump now says he has 'no idea' whether there are tapes of his conversations with Comey. Democrats on the Hill want proof. Guest host Nicolle Wallace discusses with our panel.
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Paul Ryan's challenger: Ryan not listening, Trump untrustworthy
Wisconsin ironworker Randy Bryce will challenge Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan for re-election in 2018. If Bryce wins, it would be the third time since 1862 that a Speaker of the House has lost re-election. Lawrence O'Donnell talks to Randy Bryce.
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Economists spar over financial impact of Senate health bill
Voter data manipulated in 2016 hacks: report
Hayes: Trump’s tapes claim was 'a preposterous bluff'
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Could a judge's release of an ICE-detained illegal immigrant signal trouble for Texas's anti-sanctuary law? U.S. District Court Judge Orlando Garcia freed Julio Trujillo, who was held 76 days in Bexar County jail on a detainer requested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.Read more

FAIR's Government Relations Manager RJ Hauman talks with Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) about the Fair Representation Amendment. If enacted, it would amend the Constitution to ensure that only U.S. citizens are counted for purposes of apportioning House seats amongst the states.Listen Now

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In Texas, where violent crime has surged in unfenced border counties, property appraisers say a wall would spin up a virtuous cycle. Safer land is more valuable land, they note, and rising property values lay the groundwork for economic development. The legal kind. Read more

Stephens' latest column, "Only Mass Deportation Can Save America," is an 825-word assault on the majority of the American people, and poor and working class Americans in particular. It is also grossly dishonest. Read more

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced he will oppose the so-called "Safe Communities Act" (S 1305/H 3269) that many Massachusetts political observers regard as a sanctuary state bill. Read more

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The next blue-chip for pennies on the dollar

By Sean Bower
Hello ,

Imagine if you would’ve bought 100 shares McDonald’s (MCD) stock when it first went public…

You would’ve just cashed out $8 million dollars…

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On Al-Quds day, marchers also denounce US, UK, Saudis
Unveiling clock showing 8,411 days left for Israel, Iranians rage against Jewish state
Parliament speaker calls Israel ‘mother of terrorism’ as Islamic Republic parades missiles, rallies in support of Palestinians and against raft of enemies
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, left, meets with Saudi King Salman in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 23, 2017. (MENA via AP)
To end crisis, Arab states demand Qatar sever Iran ties
This file photo taken on December 6, 2016, shows Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani at a Gulf Cooperation Council summit in the Bahraini capital Manama. (AFP Photo/Stringer)
What Arab states are demanding of Qatar
Intelligence and Transport Minister Yisrael Katz speaking at the annual Herzliya Conference, June 21, 2017. (Hagai Frid/Herzliya Conference)
Minister calls on Riyadh to invite Netanyahu for peace talks

Iranian regime-linked media claims Israeli F16s are in Saudi Arabia
File: Israel Air Force F-16 fighter jets and a refueling plane fly in formation over Nevada during the United States Air Force's Red Flag exercise in August. (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Unsourced report, ridiculed in Israel, claims IAF forces sent to help prevent a palace coup against new Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Abbas said enraged by Kushner meet, refuses to halt pay even to worst terrorists
Ramallah reportedly accuses US delegation of being mouthpiece for Israel, rebuffs watered-down demand to stop paying 600 prisoners serving life terms
US presidential adviser Jared Kushner meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on June 21, 2017 (PA press office)
US President Donald Trump meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the Oval Office of the White House on May 3, 2017 in Washington, DC. (AFP/MANDEL NGAN)
Abbas defends payments to convicted terrorists as ‘social responsibility’
US President Donald J. Trump's special envoys Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, June 21, 2017. (Matty Stern/US Embassy Tel Aviv)
Analysis: Could Trump push a partial Mideast deal?
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, center, waves with the released Palestinian prisoners at his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Wednesday, Aug. 14 , 2013. (photo credit: AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)
Former Israeli generals warn against US bill slashing funds to PA

In ‘incredible feat,’ Canadian sniper kills IS fighter from 2 miles away
Iraqi forces take position as they advance towards Mosul's Old City on June 18, 2017, during the ongoing offensive to retake the last district still held by the Islamic State group. (AFP/Mohamed El-Shahed)
Breaking world record for confirmed kill, elite soldier said to thwart jihadist bomb attack on Iraqi troops

‘He’d drop everything to help his friends,’ say mourners as Otto Warmbier buried
At packed funeral, US Jewish student imprisoned in North Korea and released in a coma, remembered as ‘goofy’ guy who loved obscure rap music and thrift-store sweaters
The casket of Otto Warmbier is carried out from his funeral at Wyoming High School June 22, 2017 in Wyoming, Ohio. (Bill Pugliano/Getty Images/AFP)
American student Otto Warmbier, center, is escorted at the Supreme Court in Pyongyang, North Korea, March 16, 2016. (AP/Jon Chol Jin)
North Korea denies torturing US student Warmbier
The casket of Otto Warmbier is carried from Wyoming High School after his funeral, Thursday, June 22, 2017, in Wyoming, Ohio. (AP Photo/Bryan Woolston)
Thousands gather to mourn US Jewish student imprisoned in North Korea
File: A man walks past a television screen showing file footage of a North Korean missile launch at a railway station in Seoul, South Korea, on October 20, 2016. (AFP Photo/Jung Yeon-Je)
US official: North Korea conducted rocket engine test

A demonstrator holds a placard during a protest against the pro-Brexit outcome of the UK's referendum on the European Union, in central London on June 25, 2016. (AFP/JUSTIN TALLIS)
One year on, Brexit vote casts specter of anti-Semitism over UK Jews
For many well-intentioned voters who chose to leave the EU, the outcome has backfired in ways they could never have imagined

Ku Klux Klan opening new groups, still a threat in America – ADL
In this Friday, Dec. 2, 2016 photo, two masked Ku Klux Klansmen stand on a muddy dirt road during an interview near Pelham, N.C. The KKK and other white extremist groups don't like being called "white supremacists," a phrase that dates to the earliest days of white racist movements in the United States. (AP Photo/Jay Reeves)
New report says racist, anti-Semitic movement has 42 active groups, more than half formed or restarted over past 3 years

Ramadan Nights guide Shireen Mahajna bids tour participants to say goodbye to the sun prior to breaking the Ramadan fast on June 22, 2017. (Amanda Borschel-Dan/Times of Israel)
A Ramadan night on the town in Umm al-Fahm
REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK A guided tour of a northern Arab Israeli city offers a taste of culinary delights and culture — and coexistence
Abigail Treu
Intermarriage: It’s not about rabbis
ABIGAIL TREU The clash over performing weddings misses the fact that few people actually care what the rabbi thinks

Joshua Gerstein
To learn or to serve? A Haredi question
JOSHUA GERSTEIN He understands why the ultra-Orthodox protest the IDF from the inside — and explains clearly why they are mistaken

Jonathan Sacks
A lesson in conflict resolution
JONATHAN SACKS Force only deepens conflict, even when a miraculous pit swallows rebels, making it clear they were wrong (Korach)

Israelis take part in the first annual Gay Pride parade in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba, on June 22, 2017. (AFP/Menahem Kahana)
3,500 at first Beersheba gay pride parade; man arrested with knife
Two ultra-Orthodox men detained near event, later reportedly released as southern city holds LGBT march under tight security

Norbert Lammert, president of the German lower house,  gives a speech on June 22, 2017 at the Bundestag in Berlin. (AFP/ John MacDougall)
Germany votes to void thousands of post-Nazi convictions of gay men
Homosexuals who lived with criminal record under outdated law even after Third Reich to be compensated after new measure passes Bundestag

Illustrative photo of a swastika painted at Temple Ohawe Sholam in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. (Courtesy of Marty Cooper/Jewish Alliance for Greater Rhode Island via JTA)
State Department clearing out anti-Semitism monitor, drawing unease
With envoy post unfilled, 2 remaining staffers to be reassigned, though Foggy Bottom says it’s still committed to combating hatred; ADL, others call for special envoy to be reinstated

Illustrative photo of Alameda, California city hall (Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0)
‘Hitler vandalism’ on school is a quote from ‘The Office’
Northern California police say graffiti at elementary school not a hate crime, just a comedy reference

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell smiles as he leaves the chamber after announcing the release of the Republicans' healthcare bill which represents the party's long-awaited attempt to scuttle much of President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, June 22, 2017. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Republican Senate health bill decried by Reform movement
Complaints by GOP senators leave fate of proposal that would cut Medicaid, alter Obamacare unclear

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (R) and Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray gesture during the opening ceremony of the OAS 47th General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico, on June 19, 2017. (AFP/Pedro Pardo)
Mexican president denies spying on journalists with Israeli tech
Enrique Pena Nieto calls for swift probe into allegations his government used software to monitor human rights advocates

The Waze application is displayed on a smartphone in San Francisco, March 27, 2017.  (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)
Thousands of Israeli Wazers report roadkill incidents
New special feature in navigation app lets users mark where animals are killed to help find areas dangerous for wildlife

Handmaids at the beach in Tel Aviv, Israel, June 22, 2017. (Courtesy of HOT)
‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ invades streets of Tel Aviv
Women dressed as handmaids wander the city, to promote the hit show’s new run on Israeli cable-TV station HOT

T.J. Leaf reacts after being drafted 18th overall by the Indiana Pacers during the first round of the 2017 NBA Draft at Barclays Center on June 22, 2017 in New York City. (Mike Stobe/Getty Images/AFP)
Israel-born T.J. Leaf drafted by NBA’s Pacers in first round
UCLA power forward, whose father played 17 years for Maccabi Tel Aviv and Galil, picked 18th by Indiana, becoming third Israeli to join league

Hebrew Media Review
FRI, JUN 23, 3:08 PM
Police and medical personnel at the scene of a drive-by shooting in the coastal town of Bat Yam, February 27, 2017. (Moti Karelitz/Flash90)
Cops in the crosshairs
Weekend papers take aim at police — for raiding publishers, for planning new legal protections for officers, for contemplating a youth movement
Netanyahu approves Beit El settlement expansion project
Prime minister okays 300 units in the West Bank community north of Ramallah, fulfilling promise from 2012 to build new homes
Beit El residents protest outside the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem on June 19, 2017. (Courtesy)

Posing as environmentalists, Hezbollah digging in at border, Israel tells UN
UN envoy Danon, IDF intelligence chief demand action against Lebanese terror group’s violations along border
An installation of the Lebanese agricultural NGO 'Green without Borders' that the IDF says serves as an observation outpost for Hezbollah on the Israeli-Lebanese border, publicized on June 22, 2017. (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

After attacks, officials seek ‘unprecedented’ Damascus Gate security boost
Entrance way to Jerusalem’s Old City to get elevated observation sites, advanced technology, ministers say, decrying site as ‘symbol of Palestinian terror’
Israeli security forces standing guard outside Damascus Gate, in Jerusalem's Old City on June 22, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Police probe Breaking the Silence official who confessed to beating Palestinian
Justice minister had asked for investigation of left-wing NGO’s spokesman Dean Issacharoff, taped describing how he hit an unarmed protester
Screen capture from video in which Breaking the Silence spokesman Dean Issacharoff described how he beat a passive Palestinian protester in Hebron, filmed at a rally in April, 2017. (YouTube/hakolhayehudi)

Is Israel Hayom losing that loving feeling for Netanyahu?
For years, the free daily backed the PM, no matter what. It hasn’t abandoned him, but it’s giving him less coverage – and reporting prominently on a key rival
US billionaire businessman Sheldon Adelson with Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, August 12, 2007. (Flash90)

Trump publicly doubting that Russia meddled in election
US president at odds with his intel chiefs; questions why Obama administration didn’t put halt to hacking; slams ‘big Dem scam’
US President Donald Trump speaks at a rally on June 21, 2017, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (AFP PHOTO / Nicholas Kamm)

New legislation would increase Knesset to 140 seats
Bill by ultra-Orthodox MKs says workload necessitates 20 more parliamentarians
United Torah Judaism MK Uri Maklev in the Knesset on February 16, 2016. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Ultra-Orthodox pressure puts brakes on weekend train work
Netanyahu, Yisrael Katz and ultra-Orthodox ministers agree to ‘status quo’ on avoiding train repairs, construction over Shabbat
People wait for the bus near Hashalom train station by the Azrieli towers in Tel Aviv, September 22, 2016. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

London mosque rammer charged with ‘terrorism-related murder’
Darren Osborne accused of mowing down worshipers outside Finsbury Park Mosque, killing Makram Ali and injuring 11 others
Britain's Charles, Prince of Wales (3rd R) and Imam Mohammed Mahmoud (3rd L) visit floral tributes left close to the scene of the Finsbury Mosque attack in the Finsbury Park area of north London on June 21, 2017, following a car-ramming terror attack on pedestrians. (AFP PHOTO / POOL / John Nguyen)

Police mull manslaughter charges over cladding in London blaze
Outside material at Grenfell Tower failed safety tests, contributed to rapid spread of fire, started by faulty fridge, that killed 79
The charred remains of cladding are pictured on the outer walls of the burnt out shell of the Grenfell Tower block in north Kensington, west London on June 22, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / NIKLAS HALLE'N)

An empathy-building piece on why the Irish immigrated to England at London's Museum of Immigration and Diversity. (Ed Marshall/19 Princelet Street)
A year after Brexit vote, London museum pays tribute to living history with refugee installation
The townhouse at 19 Princelet St. has been a gateway for Huguenots, Irish, Jewish and Asian immigrants. Now, as London’s Museum of Immigration and Diversity, it is a testament to valuable newcomers
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The Croatia–Serbia border dispute refers to differing views held by Croatia and Serbia regarding their border in the area of the Danube River. While Serbia holds the opinion that the thalweg of the Danube valley and the centerline of the river represents the international border between the two countries, Croatia disagrees and claims that the international border lies along the boundaries of the cadastral municipalities located along the river—departing from the course at several points along a 140-kilometre (87 mi) section. The cadastre-based boundary reflects the course of the Danube which existed in the 19th century, before meandering and hydraulic engineering works altered its course. The area size of the territory in dispute is reported variously, up to 140 square kilometres (54 square miles). The dispute first arose in 1947, but was left unresolved during the existence of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It became a contentious issue after the breakup of Yugoslavia. Particular prominence was given to the dispute at the time of Croatia's accession to the European Union. As of September 2014 the dispute remains unresolved, and the line of control mostly corresponds to Serbia's claim.

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