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27 national monuments are at risk of losing their protections and being opened up to drilling, mining, and fracking!
Friends, Trump recently released an executive order that puts nearly 30 beloved national monuments under threat — national treasures that range from the awe-inspiring Giant Sequoia in California, to the underwater Papahanaumokuakea monument in Hawaii, to the Grand Staircase-Escalante in Utah.This new careless action by Trump demands that the Department of Interior “review” dozens of our country’s national monuments, public lands, and waters — putting these incredible places at risk of losing their protections and being opened up to drilling, mining, and fracking.By potentially rolling back safeguards for currently-protected lands and waters, Trump has signaled yet again he is interested in carving up this beautiful country into as many corporate giveaways for the oil and gas industry as possible. But we won’t let this happen. It’s up to us to raise our voices and demand that the Interior Department protect national monuments and public lands and waters! That’s why I’m asking you to join Greenpeace and submit a public comment today to protect the country’s national monuments. Comments must be submitted before July 10, so don’t delay!!
Trump’s executive order requires a review of all national monuments 100,000 acres or larger created or expanded since 1996 under the Antiquities Act. In addition to being ecological wonders, many of these protected places hold strong cultural importance to local and Indigenous communities and provide important economic benefits in the form of tourism and outdoor recreation, all of which could be ruined by fossil fuel extraction.Leave it to Trump to take aim at an American tradition and principle that has bipartisan support and is beloved by communities across the country — our public lands, waters and monuments. But, even though Trump is attempting to jeopardize national treasures, the people who live, honor, work, and rely on these public lands and waters will ensure that he will not succeed. And I know you will do everything in your power to help stop Trump and his administration’s disastrous policies.
Take action and send the Interior Department a public comment today demanding it protects America’s national monuments and public lands and waters.
Thank you,
Diana Best
Senior Climate and Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace USA
P.S. The Department of Interior needs to listen to what the people want, not what Trump and greedy fossil fuel barons want. Submit your comment today demanding protection of America’s national monuments!
Paid for by Greenpeace
Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.
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LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, June 21, 2017
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Top Stories
• Senate Unveils New Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz, Repeal Obamacare
• Cecile Richards Comes Unglued After Senate Unveils Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood
• Trump Admin Strongly Opposes UN Resolution Supporting Abortion
• Susan G. Komen Affiliate Shutting Down, Saw Donations Drop After Funding Planned Parenthood
More Pro-Life News• Planned Parenthood Spent $734,760 Losing Congressional Race to It’s Foe Karen Handel
• Girl Dies After Operation Trying to Correct Her Disabilities So Her Mother Would Finally Love Her
• Hey Democrats: You Might Win More Elections If You’d Stop Killing Your Voters in the Womb
• Family Watches in Agony as Woman Taken By Ambulance From Planned Parenthood After Botched Abortion
• Mentally Ill Patients are Being “Executed” Under Dutch Euthanasia Law
• MSNBC Host Complains: Quit Calling Planned Parenthood an “Abortion Factory”
• “Catholic” Pro-Abortion Group Runs Ad Claiming Pro-Life Catholics “Discriminate” Against Women
• Cecile Richards Wants Trump to Visit a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic, So He Can be Lied To
• Horrible Mix-Up: Hospital Allegedly Gave Abortion Drug to Mom of Twins and One of Her Babies Dies
• Nonprofit WebSite GuideStar Calls Dozens of Pro-Life and Conservative Organizations “Hate Groups”
• 47 Groups Sign Letter Demanding End to Johnson Amendment So Churches Have Free Speech
• Premature Baby Born at 24 Weeks Weighed Just 1 Pound, But Now He’s Thriving
• Senate Unveils New Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz, Repeal Obamacare
• Cecile Richards Comes Unglued After Senate Unveils Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood
• Trump Admin Strongly Opposes UN Resolution Supporting Abortion
• Susan G. Komen Affiliate Shutting Down, Saw Donations Drop After Funding Planned Parenthood
More Pro-Life News• Planned Parenthood Spent $734,760 Losing Congressional Race to It’s Foe Karen Handel
• Girl Dies After Operation Trying to Correct Her Disabilities So Her Mother Would Finally Love Her
• Hey Democrats: You Might Win More Elections If You’d Stop Killing Your Voters in the Womb
• Family Watches in Agony as Woman Taken By Ambulance From Planned Parenthood After Botched Abortion
• Mentally Ill Patients are Being “Executed” Under Dutch Euthanasia Law
• MSNBC Host Complains: Quit Calling Planned Parenthood an “Abortion Factory”
• “Catholic” Pro-Abortion Group Runs Ad Claiming Pro-Life Catholics “Discriminate” Against Women
• Cecile Richards Wants Trump to Visit a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic, So He Can be Lied To
• Horrible Mix-Up: Hospital Allegedly Gave Abortion Drug to Mom of Twins and One of Her Babies Dies
• Nonprofit WebSite GuideStar Calls Dozens of Pro-Life and Conservative Organizations “Hate Groups”
• 47 Groups Sign Letter Demanding End to Johnson Amendment So Churches Have Free Speech
• Premature Baby Born at 24 Weeks Weighed Just 1 Pound, But Now He’s Thriving
Senate Unveils New Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz, Repeal Obamacare
Senate leaders today unveiled their new bill to repeal Obamacare and the legislation will defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
Cl ick to Read at LifeNews.com.
Senate leaders today unveiled their new bill to repeal Obamacare and the legislation will defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
Cl ick to Read at LifeNews.com.
Cecile Richards Comes Unglued After Senate Unveils Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood
Cecile Richards is coming unglued after the Senate today unveiled its legislation to defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.

Cecile Richards is coming unglued after the Senate today unveiled its legislation to defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
Trump Admin Strongly Opposes UN Resolution Supporting Abortion
In a huge change from the pro-abortion regime of Barack Obama, the Trump administration is taking pro-life values to the United Nations.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
In a huge change from the pro-abortion regime of Barack Obama, the Trump administration is taking pro-life values to the United Nations.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
Susan G. Komen Affiliate Shutting Down, Saw Donations Drop After Funding Planned Parenthood
The breast cancer foundation Susan G. Komen for the Cure continues to suffer after its highly-politicized decision to continue supporting the abortion chain Planned Parenthood several years ago.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
The breast cancer foundation Susan G. Komen for the Cure continues to suffer after its highly-politicized decision to continue supporting the abortion chain Planned Parenthood several years ago.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at news@lifenews.com about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.
Planned Parenthood Spent $734,760 Losing Congressional Race to It’s Foe Karen Handel
Money can’t buy everything. And, whether the media will report it or not, America’s largest abortion provider is proving to be a damning campaign financer.
Click to Read at LifeNews.comMoney can’t buy everything. And, whether the media will report it or not, America’s largest abortion provider is proving to be a damning campaign financer.
Girl Dies After Operation Trying to Correct Her Disabilities So Her Mother Would Finally Love Her
A Russian reality TV show took a heartbreaking turn when a girl with disabilities died on an operating table, hoping that fixing her deformities would make her mother love her.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com
A Russian reality TV show took a heartbreaking turn when a girl with disabilities died on an operating table, hoping that fixing her deformities would make her mother love her.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at news@lifenews.com about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.
Hey Democrats: You Might Win More Elections If You’d Stop Killing Your Voters in the WombDemocrats keep puzzling about why they are losing so many elections, but they do not seem to want to hear the answer that so many people are giving: abortion.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com.
Family Watches in Agony as Woman Taken By Ambulance From Planned Parenthood After Botched Abortion
As a man and a very young girl paced in the parking lot of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Bremerton, Washington, two ambulances and a fire unit responded to a medical emergency that appeared to involve their loved one.
Click to Read at LifeNews.co m.
As a man and a very young girl paced in the parking lot of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Bremerton, Washington, two ambulances and a fire unit responded to a medical emergency that appeared to involve their loved one.
Click to Read at LifeNews.co m.
“Catholic” Pro-Abortion Group Runs Ad Claiming Pro-Life Catholics “Discriminate” Against Women Cecile Richards Wants Trump to Visit a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic, So He Can be Lied To
Horrible Mix-Up: Hospital Allegedly Gave Abortion Drug to Mom of Twins and One of Her Babies Dies Nonprofit WebSite GuideStar Calls Dozens of Pro-Life and Conservative Organizations “Hate Groups” 47 Groups Sign Letter Demanding End to Johnson Amendment So Churches Have Free Speech Premature Baby Born at 24 Weeks Weighed Just 1 Pound, But Now He’s Thriving
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