Plain white rice is pretty nutritionally empty, so if you want something a little healthier, stick to black or red rice. But there soon may be another option after Chinese scientists genetically engineered purple rice that is rich in antioxidants and may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Read more
Forged in Australia, the new Opus Outback pop-up camping trailer has tough construction, a slide-out kitchen and other features aimed at adventurers that aren't put off by dirt, mud and rock. Even if the ride to camp is tough, the Outback makes things easy and comfortable when you get there. Read more
Tree tents have proved pretty popular lately and the new Treble Hammock 2.0 looks like it may offer a more comfortable experience for those who want to use it to both lounge around and sleep. It also fits up to two people and can be kitted out with a bug screen and clamshell roof. Read more
In a world of big sedans and SUVs, the light, minimalist BAC Mono is a standout piece of art. As it turns out, it also makes an interesting canvas for a greater art project, with BAC brightening up its roadster with blue, red and yellow stripes to represent airflow along the length of the black body Read more
New Atlas looks at the main focusing modes you’re likely to find on your camera, and which one you should be using, and when. Knowing whether it’s best to be in single, continuous, or manual focusing mode will help you get the best results and more correctly-focused images. Read more
Peugeot's first three attempts at returning to the Dakar Rally were 13th in 2015, a win in 2016 and a 1-2-3 finish in 2017. How do you follow that up? The team has designed and built a radical much-wider car for next year's race, and will test it thoroughly in the Silk Way Rally in China next week. Read more
A bright torch and quality multitool are crucial parts of any camping kit. Tennessee-based Pyyros has taken a modular approach to its eponymous multitool, allowing different capabilities to be added to the lightweight aluminum body depending on the expedition at hand. Read more
At the Goodwood Festival of Speed in 2015, Aston Martin demonstrated the new track-only 820 hp Aston Martin Vulcan V12 and wowed everyone with the performance. Later today we'll see another even more radical version of the Vulcan on track at the 2017 Goodwood Festival of Speed. Read more
Boaty McBoatface, arguably the most famous scientific submersible in the world, has returned to port triumphant after completing its first Antarctic mission. During the expedition, the submarine tested its operational capabilities while gathering valuable scientific data at extreme depths. Read more
Researchers at Jilin University in China have created tiny, simple "robots" that are powered entirely by moisture. Made out of sheets of graphene oxide treated with a flash of light, the team made a four-legged bug bot that crawled and a claw that closed in response to changes in humidity. Read more
The beauty of WordPress is the ability to create an impressive website with very little technical know-how. This course will teach you to build a website with the assistance of free themes available online, and how to optimize WordPress sites to best suit your needs. By course's end, you'll be ready to build an awesome WordPress website all on your own. Read more
ZF Friedrichshafen is known for gearboxes, but it also creates drive units and active safety systems for manufacturers to slot into their cars. The Vision Zero Vehicle is designed to showcase all those technologies into the one neat package. Read more
A team of MIT engineers has potentially revolutionized the process of dialysis by creating a new membrane from graphene that is able to filter nanometer-sized molecules from solutions up to 10 times faster than current dialysis systems. Read more
Canon has given its smallest, lightest full-frame camera a much-needed overhaul. The new EOS 6D MkII maintains the enthusiast-focused feature set of its predecessor, but improves on all the important basic specs to offer a more capable, powerful entry point to the world of full-frame photography. Read more
Stanford University and have come up with a robotic gripper that's based on the sticky pads of the gecko. The difference is that instead of helping a lizard to stick to window panes, this gripper is designed to gently latch onto dead satellites and other debris. Read more
In the future, contaminated water may be made drinkable not through the addition of harsh chemicals, but by pouring in a bucket of swimming robots instead. Spherical microbots have been developed that swim around under their own power to catch and kill deadly bacteria before being easily removed. Read more
As Tuesday’s ransomware attack continues to spread, several security analysts are saying that this virus may not be ransomware after all, but is actually a cyberattack in disguise. Read more
While still not as plentiful as their aerial cousins, there are now several underwater drones that are either in development or production. And while almost all of the ones that we've seen so far can't go deeper than 100 m (328 ft), the new Blueye Pioneer can go down to 150 m (492 ft). Read more
Scientists have built an unprecedented 3D picture of inside the skull of the Neovenator salerii, finding that the carnivorous land dinosaur may have possessed a surprisingly sensitive snout for use in foraging, feeding and even wooing potential mates. Read more
The bovine world's answer to Brangelina, the Brangus cow, is a desirable species bred through the 20th century that has proven resistant to heat and humidity. These traits have led scientists to study the Brangus as they look to engineer a new type of cow capable of withstanding a warming planet. Read more
Online supermarket Ocado in the closing stages of a grocery delivery trial, where customers get their shopping delivered by a self-driving electric CargoPod. Developed by Oxbotica for the experiment, the vehicle uses sensors and software to make its way around without the need for GPS. Read more
IK Multimedia has updated its all-in-one audio and MIDI interface from 2013, giving the iRig Pro I/O volume control for headphone monitoring, MIDI thru for flexible routing options and the ability to charge connected devices. Read more
When it comes to foods that are a good source of probiotics, we often think of things like yogurt and dark chocolate. Beer, though? Not so much. That isn't the case with a new beer, however, created at the National University of Singapore. Read more
Scientists have created what they claim is "the world’s first machine to convert light directly into walking." It actually undulates more than walks, and could ultimately be used for applications such as the transportation of small objects within inaccessible spaces. Read more
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Grad Poreč sa pravom nosi titulu najposjećenijeg ljetovališta u Istri i Hrvatskoj. Nebrojeno puta je nagrađivan zbog svoje kvalitete i posjećenosti, a gradu i njegovim stanovnicima, najdraže su rijeke ljudi koje se zadovoljno slijevaju kroz njega svake godine. Obiluje bojama, zvukovima i mirisima, nesebično ih dijeleći sa svakim posjetiteljem, a ljeti skoro svaka njegova ulica pulsira životom, te je Poreč danas omiljena destinacija koju neizostavno pohode oni željni dobre zabave i raznolike ponude. Na duljini od skoro 37 kilometara Porečke rivijere utažiti će se gotovo svaka želja: prekrasne obale okupane toplim morem kriju usamljene plaže za one željne mediteranskog mira, bogata ponuda sportskih sadržaja zadovoljiti će svakog željnog aktivnog odmora, gotovo neizmjeran broj restorana i konoba oduševiti će svačije nepce, plodonosni vinogradi nadaleko su poznati po odličnim vinima, brojni noćni klubovi i barovi, te koncerti na otvorenom nude dobru zabavu do kasno u noć, stari i očuvani povijesni spomenici bezrezervno nude svoju mudrost, cijeli nizovi galerija diče se svojim osebujnim umjetninama, vrhunski smještaj u njegovim hotelima, kampovima, kamenim vilama i apartmanima zadovoljava svaki prohtjev pa i onih najprobirljivijih posjetitelja. Iz godine u godinu broj ljudi koji posjećuju i odsjedaju u Poreču se povećava time potvrđujući njegov i više nego zasluženi status najatraktivnije destinacije. Poreč je cestovnim prometom odlično povezan s ostatkom Istre i svim većim gradovima u okolici. Najbliža zračna luka nalazi se u nekoliko desetaka kilometara udaljenoj Puli. Pomorski promet dostupan je samo za turističke izlete duž istarske obale i u Veneciju, a najbliža željeznička pruga nalazi se u Pazinu, koji je sjedište Istarske županije. Od gastronomske ponude nikako nemojte propustiti slavne tartufe u jednom od brojnih restorana. Naravno, tu je još i bogata ponuda morskih specijaliteta, riba, školjki i rakova, a uz prilog uzmite šparoge ili domaće fuže (makaroni), a sve to valja dobro zaliti bijelom malvazijom ili crnim merlotom, odnosno teranom - sve proizvodima ovog dijela obale. Poreč i njegova okolica su zasigurno biser hrvatskog turizma, područje čijim plažama pripada nevjerovatnih 20 posto svih Plavih zastava u Hrvatskoj...koji svojim posjetiteljima nudi raznovrsne oblike odmora punog zabave i događanja...ukratko, Poreč je grad romantike, zabave, sporta, povijesti, kulture i mozaik iskustva!
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