srijeda, 21. lipnja 2017.

Bei allem, was wir tun, setzen wir auf Persönlichkeiten wie Sie. Machen Sie den nächsten Schritt in Richtung Zukunft und werden Sie unser neuer Kollege in den Bereichen Jahresabschlussprüfung, Buchhaltung und Rechnungslegung. Ob global agierende DAXKonzerne, international tätige Mittelständler oder schnell wachsende Start-ups – bei KPMG erwarten Sie namhafte Mandanten verschiedener Branchen. Damit Sie unsere Teams von Beginn an tatkräftig unterstützen können, legen wir besonderen Wert auf umfangreiche Schulungen in den ersten Wochen Ihrer Tätigkeit bei uns. Neben einem modernen Arbeitsplatz erwarten Sie auch vielfältige Sozialleistungen.

Happy first day of summer, y'all! ☀
We're crossing over to Queens to knock a few things off our bucket lists... but you can bet we'll be in town for Pride this weekend. 🌈
Calling our curly-haired sisters, Curl Fest 2017 is returning to Prospect Park next month! 💇
Are the boroughs not far enough to quench your wanderlust? We gotchu✈
If you've been in NYC for the past decade (and on the internet), you've def stumbled across Jeremiah's Vanishing New York– well he's unmasked himself! 😮
Summer bodies are so summer '16– we're going to be eating all the yummy treats we want. 😋 All of them.
FoodKick-off the summer right. 💯
Powered by FreshDirect, they’ll deliver fresh food & cold booze* right to your door in as little as an hour–like quick hacks, no-subscription meal kits, local produce, and wine to go with. 😋
Use the code SPOILEDNYC and take $25 off your first order of $50 or more** when you order right here💁
We Are Proud

Be prepared to see all the colors of the rainbow this weekend for a huge pride celebration!
From cheering at the march to pridefest, #LoveWins always!
Grab your rainbow flag, New Yorkers, and send the last week of Pride Month off with a bang!
Calling All Curly Girls!

Prospect Park is holding a Natural Curl Fest to celebrate ALL types of curly hair.
Whether you’re a kinky 4a curly-head or a wavy 2A, this event will cater to you and your luscious girls.
Can’t wait for the celebration!
Food Porn

Fresh mac & cheese rocks, obviously.
And pierogies are perhaps one of the raddest carb staples of food, ever.
A mac & cheese pierogi baby, that’s what.
Ooey, gooey, creamy, crispy. BRB, going to Baba’s Pierogies for a dozen of these bad boys.
See you there.
The Struggle is Real
Sponsored by:

We’ve all done it.
Held our cells a bit too closely to the gap on the subway, or dropped our phones clumsily on the busy sidewalks.
And because we treat our phones as if they were the asshole that ghosted us on that date last week (so rude), CellSavers is the knight in shining armor, or some sh*t like that, to make it all better.
Check them out, and save their info for when you spill half a bottle of cheap Pinot all over your not-so-waterproof touch screen.
Ya welcome.
Sugar, Butter, Flour!

We ranked 7 pies from “The Waitress Pie Book” from the least tasty to the most mouth-watering, so that your kitchen experiments go as well as possible.
But don’t worry, we won’t spoil everything. You’re just gonna have to buy the book, find an apron, and do it yourself.
It’ll be worth it though, promise!

Got ’em!
First thing, if you don’t know about Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York then look it up.
Second, the author of this astonishingly honest blog has revealed himself in true form.
Just in time for a book release.
We feel like we just found out who Gossip Girl was all over again.
Sponsored by:

Ready, set, travel!
Sick of spending every vacay in New York’s new adopted borough (Miami)?
Now you have a chance to catch a flight to places you’ve never even thought of going.
G Adventures is here to support all your adventurous tendencies no matter how outrageous they might be.
Explore like a tourist but do it like a local, which is clearly the best and only way to do it.
Summer '17

Come on New Yorkers, get off your lazy bum to venture out and have some fun this summer in Queens.
Maybe not your go-to hang out spot, but why not?
There's gonna be music, food, art festivals, and you're not gonna want to miss out.

*Wines & Spirits are sold by FreshDirect Wines & Spirits, an independently owned store with NY State License #1277181.
**Valid only for first-time FoodKick orders totaling $50 or more before taxes and delivery fees. $25 is taken off your order. Limit: one per customer/household. Expires on 11:59PM on 6/30/17. All standard customer terms and conditions apply. FoodKick reserves the right to cancel or modify the offer at any time. Void where prohibited. Offer is nontransferable.
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Maggie for NH
If anyone knows about close races, it’s you.
You helped elect Maggie Hassan to the Senate by just 1,017 votes — that’s a huge testament to your hard work and dedication to progressive values.Senators Heidi Heitkamp and Jon Tester also know what it’s like to have an election come down to the wire. In 2012 Heidi won by fewer than 3,000 votes, and last November Donald Trump won Jon Tester’s state of Montana by 21 points.Heidi and Jon are sure to face the same sort of high-stakes elections that you helped Maggie win, so they desperately need the same support that you showed her. Can you give $3 or more now to help re-elect Jon Tester and Heidi Heitkamp so that they can keep fighting for our shared values?If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will automatically be split between Jon Tester, Heidi Heitkamp, and Maggie Hassan.
Jon is a third-generation Montana farmer, a proud grandfather and a former schoolteacher. He knows what hard-working families need, and he fights for them every day in the Senate.Heidi is a former crime-fighting Attorney General who has battled drug dealers, protected senior citizens from scams, and worked to keep sexual predators off our streets. We need to keep her strong voice in Congress.With Washington Republicans working to strip away our rights – including access to affordable health care and funding for public education programs – we need to do everything we can to keep Jon and Heidi in the Senate fighting for our shared values.
Thanks for stepping up for Jon and Heidi like you did for Maggie,
— Team Maggie



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Contributions or gifts to Maggie for NH are not tax deductible.

Maggie for NH
PO Box 298
Concord, NH 03302 United States

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Best Kitchen Gadgets
We’re a group of regular folks who use—and really like—the products from our Makers.
I love making my own kombucha. It saves money and I can make exactly the recipes I want. This container makes brewing easy—and beautiful. It's an elegant addition to the counter and the spigot makes pouring a glass a snap.
Mortier Pilon -  Kombucha Brewing Jar
Shop Now

Food Huggers are a true life saver and they help me be less wasteful, too. The silicone huggers keep "extra" halves of onions, avocados, lemons, limes and more fresh for my next recipe.
Food Huggers -  Silicone Food Savers
Shop Now

I feel much better using these reusable silicone bags (instead of disposable ones). They're easy to clean and even dishwasher safe. I use them for lunches mainly, but now that it's summer I've been freezing fresh fruit in them to make a refreshing snack or drink.
stasher -  Silicone Storage Bags
Shop Now

I love making things from scratch and I hadn’t tried making my own butter until we found Kilner. It’s easy to whip up in just 10 minutes and tastes better than store-bought, too. To add an extra bit of flavor, you can infuse the butter with different herbs.
Kilner -  Butter Churner
Shop Now

The days I would reach for an aerosol spray can for cooking are, thankfully, long gone. This sprayer gives me a healthier choice. It sprays evenly and consistently without fuss.
Evo -  Oil Sprayer
Shop Now

As a lead designer at The Grommet, I appreciate everyday design. These kitchen towels have original prints that mix retro art with some wit. And their absorbent flour sack cotton makes them feel substantial when drying dishes, too.
The Coin Laundry -  Flour Sack Towels
Shop Now

This strainer handles everything you need to drain. It’s a bonus that it takes up less room in the cabinet than a traditional colander and it’s super easy to clean, too.
Snap'n Strain -  Clip-On Strainer
Shop Now

From crushing garlic to cutting through a package that’s just been delivered, these scissors do the trick. I count on AnySharp for a variety of jobs in the kitchen and around the house.
AnySharp -  5-in-1 Steel Scissors
Shop Now

I've always loved grilling, but never knew about the risks of traditional wire brushes. Brushtech’s no-bristle design means no worries about loose metal bristles in the food I make for myself or friends.
Brushtech -  Double Helix Grill Brush
Shop Now

There is nothing better for wrapping up expensive bakery bread and many smaller food items like sandwiches. Use cool water to rinse the wrap clean, and it lasts for a really long time.
Bee's Wrap -  All-Natural Food Wraps
Shop Now

My favorite water pitcher (and favorite gift to give) for dinner parties. It’s a beautiful, functional piece of art.
Blenko Glass Company -  Hand-blown Glassware
Shop Now

I never thought I would enjoy using measuring cups. These stack inside each other nicely and are machine washable. The best part is that they're flexible silicone, which makes pouring more precise.
iSi Flex-it -  Measuring Cups
Shop Now
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Brussels, 21 June 2017

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Dear MoveOn member,

When my son Leo was six months old, I started noticing that he wasn't hitting his milestones. One year later, I learned that he was born with cerebral palsy.In the years since Leo’s diagnosis, we have relied on the coverage Leo has received through Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act to access the vital services Leo needs to thrive and grow. If Republicans pass their health care repeal, which could be within weeks, our health care costs will go up—a lot. And not just for us—tens of millions of Americans and their families will be directly impacted by devastating cuts to Medicaid and by other provisions in the bill Senate Republicans are rushing to pass.
Please watch this two-minute video that Leo and I did with to meet my incredible son and hear our story. Share it far and wide, so people know exactly the kinds of kids and families who will suffer if Republicans pass their health care repeal.
Meet Leo
Not on Facebook, click here to watch it on YouTube.

Leo was born with cerebral palsy, and defining him by that and limiting his access to the health care he needs because of the way that he was born is the purest form of discrimination, in my mind. If we can’t afford health insurance, isn’t it the same thing as denying Leo coverage for a pre-existing condition?

There are over 23 million more Americans like me—people who could lose coverage under Trumpcare or no longer be able to afford it. That means tens of millions more who could see protections for pre-existing conditions denied. We all lose out if the Senate acts to take away our coverage and drive up our costs.

Watch this video and check out my son’s story. He loves to dress like Superman, but he needs more than his own superpowers—he needs everyone’s help to succeed. We are all in this together, so please share this video, because every senator needs to see the faces of those of us whose lives they could ruin with this bill before they vote on it, as soon as next week.

For my son and tens of millions more, we have to stop this bill in the Senate.

Thanks for reading.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?

Contributions to Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to Josip Tokic on June 21st, 2017. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here. Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Top Stories
• Court Dismisses Bogus Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood
• Pro-Life Advocate Karen Handel Who Took on Planned Parenthood Wins Congressional Election
• Catholic Church Stops Renting Building to Abortion Activists for Planned Parenthood Conference
• She Took the Abortion Pill But Her Baby Miraculously Survived: “God Had Other Plans”

More Pro-Life News
• A Hospital is Holding This Boy Hostage, Won’t Let His Parents Seek Treatment Elsewhere
• Catholic Fordham University Hosts Workshops With Euthanasia Group Promoting Assisted Suicide
• Outdoor Clothing Company Patagonia Funds Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
• Good News: Wounded Pro-Life Congressman Steve Scalise Is Getting Better
• Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam Signs Bill to Ban Late-Term Abortions on Unborn Children
• An Interview With an Assisted Suicide Doctor: A Surprising Look at Euthanasia
• Abortion Clinic Caught Arranging Abortions on 33-Week-Old Unborn Babies
• Woman’s Husband Forced Her to Have Three Abortions to Give Birth to a Boy
• Michelle Carter Found Guilty of Urging Her Boyfriend to Kill Himself: “Quit Putting It Off”
• New Book, The Trial of Kermit Gosnell, Describes Shocking Details About the Abortion Industry
• Irish Government’s New Committee is a First Step Towards Abortion

Court Dismisses Bogus Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood
In a huge victory, a California court today dismissed almost all of the criminal charges abortion activists filed against the pro-life advocates who recorded undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling the body parts from aborted babies.

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Pro-Life Advocate Karen Handel Who Took on Planned Parenthood Wins Congressional Election
The woman who took on Planned Parenthood and tried to stop the Komen Breast Cancer organization from funding the abortion business won a special congressional election last night.

Click to Read at
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

A Hospital is Holding This Boy Hostage, Won’t Let His Parents Seek Treatment Elsewhere
Ten month old Charlie Gard is very sick, but he has two awesome champions–his mom, Connie, and dad, Chris, without whom he most certainly would be dead.

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Catholic Fordham University Hosts Workshops With Euthanasia Group Promoting Assisted Suicide
Catholic pro-life advocate Patty Knap works hard to raise awareness about the growing push to legalize assisted suicide in the United States.

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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Outdoor Clothing Company Patagonia Funds Planned Parenthood Abortion BizAn outdoor clothing company known for touting environmental causes gave big donations to Planned Parenthood to support abortion and population control, its tax documents reveal.
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Good News: Wounded Pro-Life Congressman Steve Scalise Is Getting Better
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) continues to get better, according to MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

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Thank you for signing up for the HaYovel email list! We’re glad to have you in the HaYovel family.  We typically send out two emails each week. Throughout the month, expect to receive information and updates from our volunteer trips in Israel, exciting video releases from our media team, stunning photos showcasing the beauty and miracles of Israel, special discounts to merchandise in our online store and much, much more.You can also check us out on our blog and social media platforms where we post daily content from Israel. 
 We would love for you to be a part of what we are doing! At the bottom of each email we send are links to our website where you can find more information about how you can stand with Israel and change the world through volunteering or donating. We also would love to hear your feedback.You can always reply to the emails that we send ( and we’ll get back to you.If you’d like to opt out of receiving our emails, just click “unsubscribe” at any time, located at the bottom of each email we send out.Again, thank you for taking the time to join our list. We hope that you will enjoy everything we send and that it will be the beginning of many years working together to bless the Land and People of Israel.
The HaYovel Team


Copyright 2016 © HaYovel Inc. All rights reserved.
HaYovel - Serving Israel's Farmers
P.O. Box 19, Greenville, MO 63944

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Job Agent ID: 12396317, 2017-03-03 11:40:20