srijeda, 14. lipnja 2017.

Natural Products and Climate Action

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Jun 14, 2017 03:35 am | Charlie McKinney
Learn more about love and kinds deeds from Fr. Lawrence Lovasik, author of the bestselling book "The Hidden Power of Kindness."

Jun 14, 2017 03:30 am | Fr. Bartunek
How do we know that Jesus is truly giving us His Body and Blood in Holy Communion? Find out when Father John Bartunek reflects on this coming Sunday's Gospel, an excerpt from his book "The Better Part".

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The Daily Signal
June 14, 2017
Good morning from Washington, where Attorney General Jeff Sessions refuses to lay down for Democrats trying to paint him and President Trump as tools of the Russians. We've got Fred Lucas' takeaways from an often testy Senate hearing. Despite liberals' lawsuits, the Constitution treats all presidents the same, John-Michael Seibler writes. Why do some Christians want an apology from Bernie Sanders? Rachel del Guidice reports. Plus: Dennis Prager on the phony anti-Semitism charge against Trump, and Walter Williams on the "progressive" makeover of history. Speaking of which, it's Flag Day—and the Army turns 242.

7 Takeaways From Jeff Sessions' Senate Testimony on the Russia Probe

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in testimony before a Senate committee, called it "an appalling and detestable lie" for Democrats to suggest he would collude with Russians to undermine the U.S. presidential election.
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Democrats' Suit Claims Constitution Means One Thing for Obama, but Another for Trump

Now that Trump is president, CREW argues, many business activities of the Trump Organization that had been lawful are now unconstitutional. Yet Obama earned over $10 million from book sales while president, and CREW never sued him.
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50,000 Ask Bernie Sanders to Apologize for Attack on Trump Nominee's Faith

"I think what we saw from Bernie Sanders last week was just a blatant display of religious bigotry and intolerance," says Family Research Council's Tony Perkins.
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The Left Was Wrong: Trump Did Not Produce Anti-Semitic Hysteria

It was all a lie. That's why you hardly hear anything now about an alleged wave of racism or anti-Semitism in the country.
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Making the VA Accountable Again

This bill would expand the power of the VA secretary to reprimand and fire bureaucrats who are guilty of misconduct.
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The Left Is Trying to Rewrite American History. We Must Stop Them.

Removing statues of Confederates and renaming buildings are just a small part of the true agenda of America's leftists.
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The Independent
London fire: Met Police confirm six deaths in Grenfell Tower block blaze
At least six people have died in the fire at Grenfell Tower in London, the Metropolitan Police has confirmed, warning that the number of fatalities is expected to rise.
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ŽK Rijeka

Sjednica Strukovne skupine prehrambene industrije i autohtonih proizvoda ŽK Rijeka

U utorak, 20. lipnja, u ŽK Rijeka održat će se sjednica Strukovne skupine prehrambene industrije i autohtonih proizvoda, u 10 sati. Na sjednici će biti predstavljene potpore za ulaganje u poljoprivredna gospodarstva i ulaganja u preradu, marketing i/ili razvoj poljoprivrednih proizvoda.

Sjednica Udruženja marina

Udruženje marina pri ŽK Rijeka održat će sjednicu 20. lipnja u 12 sati u ŽK Rijeka. Na sjednici će marine izvijestiti o provedenim pripremama za sezonu. U nastavku će se razmatrati problematika statusa marina kao carinskih skladišta. Nina Perko iz Ministarstva mora, prometa i infrastrukture predstavit će smjernice donošenja novog Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama. Projekt DELICROMAR prezentirat će dr. sc. Adriana Vincenca Padovan iz Jadranskog zavoda pri HAZU.

Sjednica Strukovne skupine komunalnoga gospodarstva i Strukovne skupine gospodarenja otpadom i zaštite okoliša ŽK Rijeka

U srijedu, 21. lipnja, u 11 sati u ŽK Rijeka, održat će se zajednička sjednica Strukovne skupine komunalnoga gospodarstva i Strukovne skupine gospodarenja otpadom i zaštite okoliša ŽK Rijeka. Na sjednici će se raspravljati o primjeni Uredbe o gospodarenju komunalnim otpadom koja je usvojena na 38. sjednici Vlade RH. Predstavit će se i Izvješće o daljnjem radu Županijskog centra za gospodarenje otpadom na Marišćini.

ŽK Split

Hrvatsko-slovački gospodarski forum

ŽK Split, u suradnji s Veleposlanstvom Slovačke Republike, organizira Hrvatsko-slovački gospodarski forum koji će se održati u srijedu, 21. lipnja, u 9 sati. Na Forumu će biti predstavljena gospodarstva Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i Slovačke Republike, nakon čega slijede poslovni razgovori između hrvatskih i slovačkih tvrtki. Slovačko izaslanstvo ima oko 15 tvrtki većinom iz sektora informacijskih tehnologija.

Osnivanje Strukovne grupacije prehrambeno-prerađivačke industrije pri ŽK Split

Plenarna sjednica Strukovne grupacije prehrambeno-prerađivačke industrije pri ŽK Split održat će se u ponedjeljak, 19. lipnja, u 9 sati. Na dnevnom su redu prijedlog i usvajanje Poslovnika o radu, izbor radnih tijela, predsjednika i zamjenika te plan aktivnosti u tekućoj godini. Grupacija se osniva na inicijativu više članica HGK zbog iskazane potrebe za udruživanjem, kako bi članice mogle lakše sagledati i rješavati probleme u poslovanju, predlaganju mjera za njihovo otklanjanje, unapređenju poslovanja te u promicanju zajedničkih interesa.

ŽK Sisak

Poziv na radionicu za potencijalne korisnike Podmjera 4.1. i 4.2. Programa ruralnog razvoja RH

HGK organizira informativnu radionicu za potencijalne korisnike Podmjere 4.1. – Potpora za ulaganja u poljoprivredna gospodarstva i Podmjere 4.2. – Ulaganja u preradu, marketing i/ili razvoj poljoprivrednih proizvoda, iz Programa ruralnog razvoja RH 2014. – 2020. Radionica će se održati u ponedjeljak, 19. lipnja, u 11 sati u ŽK Sisak. Predavačica na radionici je Žaklina Jurišić, pomoćnica direktorice Sektora za poljoprivredu, prehrambenu industriju i šumarstvo HGK.
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Hold Tight to Your Anger
Hold Tight to Your Anger

On June 1, President Trump stood in the Rose Garden and announced he will withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. As Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune writes, "Even for a president whose administration has quickly earned a reputation for reckless and morally bankrupt policies, this appalling decision stands out."

Read Brune's take on what Trump's announcement means for climate action and where we go from here.

Stand With Paris!
Stand With Paris!

The president may have pulled out of the Paris accord, but Americans are more committed to climate action than ever. Since Trump's announcement, more than 1,200 businesses, colleges, cities, and states have publicly confirmed their commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Now is the time for each of us to step up and let the rest of the world know we still support climate action and the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Declare "I am still in."

How to Get Your Town to Recycle
How to Get Your Town to Recycle

If you live in a small town that doesn't recycle or has stopped its recycling program, you might be wondering why—and what you can do about it.

Mr. Green lays out your options.

Your Daily Crazy Antidote
Your Daily Antidote for Stress

Anyone following the news or social media these days is getting more than their fill of stress. What if you could count on just one email each weekday that would leave you feeling better about the world? The Sierra Club's Daily Ray of Hope is that email. One beautiful nature photo. A few wise words. That's it.

Subscribe here.

Photo of an Anna's humminbird (Calypte anna) taken at Morro Bay, California by photographer Rich Miller.

Live It Up in a Lodge
Live It Up in a Lodge

If you're looking to combine a rugged wilderness setting with the amenities of home, Sierra Club lodge adventures are for you. Fill your days with guided tours, day hikes, and cultural discovery. Then retire each night to a warm bed after a hearty meal and good company. Some trips take place at the Sierra Club's own Clair Tappaan Lodge in the High Sierra, while others are set in comfy cabins, guest houses, or quaint hotels.

Check out all of our lodge trips and find the one for you.

Trump's 10 Worst Environmental Cuts
Trump's 10 Worst Environmental Cuts

President Trump's proposed budget includes severe cuts to a wide range of environmental programs that would result in dirtier air and water, a halting of climate research, a downsized EPA, and deeper pockets for fossil fuel fat cats. Clearly, this administration's priorities lie with the one percent rather than the 99. No wonder a majority of Americans oppose the cuts.

The Sierra Club's Mary Anne Hitt lists 10 of Trump's worst cuts.

Turn Love Into Action This Father's Day
Turn Love Into Action This Father's Day

When President Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement—a deal that took years to negotiate and was signed by 195 nations—he unequivocally put the financial interests of the fossil fuel industry over the health and long-term security of our kids. "On Father's Day, that fact ought to fill me with despair," says Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune. "Instead, it leaves me with a heightened sense of responsibility and commitment."

Read on and find out why.

5 Ways to Get a Great Camping Spot
5 Ways to Get a Great Camping Spot

The world getting a little too nuts for you? If you just want to get away from it all for a few days, you can't beat a camping trip. But how do you find that perfect spot to pitch your tent?

Here are five easy ways to go about it.

Natural Products and Climate Action
Get Your Free Hat

Get a free Team Sierra hat when you raise $100 with our One-to-Five campaign by June 30.

Here's how: sign up, create a page, and be the one to ask five friends to donate!

Natural Products and Climate Action
Natural Products and Climate Action

Natural-product brands have long been at the vanguard of corporate social responsibility. Now, rather than waiting for governmental action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, several natural-product companies have banded together to devise a three-year initiative.

Learn more about the Climate Collaborative.

Business Leaders: Don't Legitimize Trump's Actions
Business Leaders: Don't Legitimize Trump's Actions

Many business leaders who joined President Trump's Business Advisory Council defended their decision by claiming they could help shape the president's views on issues like climate disruption. But after Trump chose to ignore the science and announced that the United States would pull out of the Paris Agreement, SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger both resigned from the council. Others should follow their lead.

Tell business leaders it's time to leave Trump's Business Advisory Council.

Border Walls Stop Everything But Humans
Border Walls Stop Everything but Humans

A border wall is useful at keeping out almost every animal but one: humans. That's the conclusion of a recent article published in the journal Bioscience. "It's the worst of all worlds," says Jamie McCallum, a scientist from the UK who studies the effects of border walls on wildlife.

Read about how border walls hurt wildlife without stopping humans.

5 Fine-Feathered Fathers
5 Fine-Feathered Fathers

Dads in the animal world can't always be counted on to do their fair share of parenting. These birds are an exception. Whether their offspring need to hitch a ride or simply require some fatherly guidance, these proud plumed pops have it covered.

See which five birds most deserve a Father's Day card.

We Can't Let Them Get Away With This
Protect Our Public Lands

The threat to unravel protections for Utah's Bears Ears National Monument is one step closer to reality. After a rushed review, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced yesterday that he recommends eliminating protections for portions of Bears Ears. An attack on one national monument is an attack on all of our public lands. If portions of Bears Ears are removed from protection, what does that portend for the other two-dozen national monuments under review—and by extension our national parks, wildlife refuges, and other public lands and waters?

Take action and tell your members of Congress to stand up for our public lands.

If It Works, He'll Break It
Mayor's to Trump: We're Still In

Huge numbers of institutions, associations, and governing bodies are ignoring President Trump's announced U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate accord and declaring, "We are still in." At this writing, nine states, 177 cities, and 271 colleges and universities representing more than 120 million Americans have declared their commitment to ensuring that the United States remains a leader in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions. "Maybe it's because—as polls show—Americans have a sentimental concern about leaving an inhabitable planet for their children," writes Sierra senior editor Paul Rauber.

Read more of Rauber's analysis.

10 Ways to Resist Trump's Paris Withdrawal
10 Ways to Resist Trump's Paris Withdrawal

President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement is a colossal, historic mistake, but that doesn't mean we must let him stop progress on climate action and clean energy growth.

Here are 10 easy ways you can resist.

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"When this next financial bubble bursts it could make the
crash of '29 look like a Sunday school picnic…Here's how
to become wealthy BEFORE it explodes"

I believe we are on the verge of what could be a total collapse of the economy and no one is telling you about it.

I'm talking about the $555 trillion-dollar world-wide derivatives bubble.

It's a giant global roulette game just waiting to implode.

The six biggest banks in the US alone have more than 247 trillion in risk exposure to derivatives.

That's more than 10x the total US national debt.

It's a ticking time bomb.

And all it would take is for one mistake, one thing to go wrong, and it could collapse everything.
  • The banks couldn't cover it.
  • The Fed couldn't cover it.
  • The Treasury couldn't cover it.
Whatever money you have now, your home and any other assets under bank loans, could be confiscated by the banks in a last-ditch attempt to save themselves, like rats off a sinking ship.

It's not a matter of 'if' it happens, but 'when.'

And any credible economist will tell you I'm right. They've been warning us for a while. We just haven't paid attention.

Here's how to get money fast and protect it before it explodes.

Investor Warren Buffet called it, "…weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal."

US national defense and intelligence advisor Jim Rickards says, "banks will close, as will exchanges. Money-market funds will be inaccessible. Forget trying to get your hands on your money."

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says, "…This is brand new. They are over their heads and out of their league. They don't know what they are doing. They are making panic decisions trying to keep the Ponzi alive."

And it's not just the derivatives market that's about to implode…

Click display images to see chart

Fortunately, there is a solution…

Learn about it here.

One that could not only protect your family's financial future, but help you generate a six-figure income in a very short time.

The only way to ensure you don't lose everything, is to buy gold.

Gold is the only asset the banks can't touch.

They can take your money, seize your assets, and make life a living hell for you when this all collapses, but gold is safe.

The trouble is, at $1,266.70 per ounce, to invest in gold is way out of the reach of the average person.

So how are you going to get it?

For this you're going to need a lot of cash right away. Because this bomb shell could go off at any time.

There is a way - perhaps the only way. 

 It's low risk, unlike other investment types.

 It requires no special degree or education to do.

 It requires only $100 to start.

 You take your cash out right away so it's never tied up.

 It doesn't need a stable economy to make cash. When one currency is weak and another is strong, there is money to be made.

I'm talking about the Foreign Exchange Market. FOREX. 

It's something YOU could easily do.

And thanks to a friend of mine who's an expert trader, you could raise the cash you need to buy gold in a very short period of time, with a new system he created.

Here's how to get the protection you need.

I'm talking about a chance to earn $945.00 or more per trade, even if you are a complete newbie.

Take a look at this statement. 

Click display images to see chart

This is a potential $37,814.00 part-time monthly income taking just two or three trades per day. Almost a half million in your first year.

This is something you could easily do in a few minutes a day even if you're a complete newbie to trading, using this powerful trading system.
  • You take trades in seconds, with the push of one button, so it doesn't suck up your time.
  • Your trades can be automatically managed by a powerful tool that calculates the optimal entry and exit for every trade so your risk is always minimized.
  • You can trade it straight off your smartphone or Apple smart watch, so you can earn cash even while you're on the go.
Now, I'm not sure how long the Fed is going to be able to keep propping up this giant bubble with their over-inflated, phony money system.

But you need to start to prepare now.

If you wait, you could lose everything.

Making cash fast and converting it to gold is the only safe way to protect yourself and your family.

All the information is right here on this page.

I will warn you…

This rapid wealth-building strategy won't be around long.

There are a very limited number of copies available.

If you want to take advantage of it, you need to ACT NOW.

If you wait, it could disappear, leaving you without a solution.

Now you know where we're headed.

It's time to decide whether to do nothing and face the inevitable consequences, or build real wealth they can't take away from you, quickly.

Get your copy of this money-making strategy right here.


Adrian Jones
"Next Generation Trading"

P.S. The current uncertainty about US leadership and the fate of the financial markets is going to create some very lucrative opportunities for a small number of Forex traders over the next few months. Find out how you could capitalize on those and earn gains as much as 4,409% in just 21 days!

Information, charts or examples contained in this email is for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to purchase or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice. No employee or persons associated with us is registered or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we have a material link to the product or service mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of compensation or remuneration.

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Jun 14, 2017
Congressman Steve Scalise shot at Alexandria, Va. baseball park
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was among at least two people shot Wednesday morning during a GOP baseball practice at an Alexandria, Virginia, ball field, NBC News confirmed.
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Sen. Rand Paul recounts Alexandria shooting
Senator Rand Paul discusses what he experienced at the baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia where the shooting occurred.
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Rep. Mo Brooks Outlines Alexandria Shooting
Representative Mo Brooks was at the baseball field when the shooting occurred. He outlines what he witnessed.
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Morning Joe: Sessions' testimony 'more anger than substance'
There was plenty he 'couldn't recall' on Tuesday, but a defiant Jeff Sessions insists he had nothing to do with Russia's role in the presidential election. The panel breaks down Sessions' hearing.
Watch Now
Senator Kamala Harris persists again
White House: Trump has the right to fire Special Counsel Mueller
Schumer: GOP is ashamed of their health bill
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