
Is the Giant Sequoia National Monument Next on the Hit List?
Sequoiadendron giganteum. That's the scientific name for the giant sequoia: the mammoth trees found in California's Sierra Nevada that are the largest organisms on Earth, and among the longest-lived.
Biologists estimate that about half of all sequoias live in Giant Sequoia National Monument, a 328,000-acre preserve in the Southern Sierra Nevada established by President Clinton in 2000.
Photo BlueJayPhoto

Tell Our National Parks and Monuments Why You Love Them: Tell us a little bit about some place that is meaningful to you. Where it is, what you experienced there, why you remember it so fondly.

The Summer 2017 Jewish Action is now available online.
Read it now!
A Business of Her Own The quintessential Jewish woman of the past most likely did stir pots, roll pastry dough and haggle with vendors—but she was also a formidable force in the business world. More >
Up Close with Children’s Author Bracha Goetz A Harvard graduate who just came out with her thirty-third book discusses her decades-long career as a writer of Jewish children’s books. More >
What’s on Your Child’s Summer Reading List? Educators offer their recommendations on the best books out there. More >
Growing up in the Public Eye: Children of Rabbis For rabbinic children, growing up in the limelight helped shape their worldview, their self-image and their lives. More >
Simply Elegant Summertime Meals These easy, elegant dishes are perfect as family fare and fabulous enough for guests. More >
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Customs for the Rebbe’s yahrtzeit, based on a letter he wrote before the previous rebbe’s first yahrtzeit.
Following the established custom, Joseph composed a lengthy letter to the Rebbe.
By Elchonon Isaacs
Their first meeting, which was supposed to be just an introductory encounter, lasted seven hours, and went well into the night
By Inna Rogatchi
The Torah contains a complex code of purity laws. Why are Jews not careful about these laws nowadays?
by Yehuda Shurpin
How scrupulous is too scrupulous? At what point does religious observance start to become neurotic?
By Aron Moss
The Jewish People are “a wise and understanding people.” Nevertheless, each year, Jews from all walks of life gather to commemorate the Rebbe’s passing. Clearly, then, we are not celebrating the past, but rather, something very real, in the present.
Something spiritual on parshat Chukat.
By Yehuda Stern
Although the ashes of the red heifer purify the impure individual, the Kohen becomes impure when performing it. Here’s the fascinating lesson.
By Chana Weisberg
The lesson of Miriam’s well is clear. The Yiddishe mama has a particular role to play in Jewish life.
By Lazer Gurkow
For an informed reading of Judges 11:1–33
By Mendel Dubov
Many would be tempted to wallow in self-pity or anger. But the couple has heroically risen to the challenge.
By Miriam Karp
Archival videos contextualize creative readings of Holocaust-era journal.
By Eli Rubin
Honoring the multigenerational impact of a thriving campus center.
By Eric Berger, Chabad.edu
Easing some of the challenges of a growing commuter neighborhood.
By Karen Schwartz
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Good morning from Washington, where the Supreme Court hands down a win for religious liberty against government power, and agrees to hear the appeal of a Christian baker who risks his livelihood because he won't make cakes for same-sex marriages. Elizabeth Slattery and Ken McIntyre have the facts, respectively. Victims of Obamacare meet with the vice president, and Fred Lucas shares one moving story. Plus: Ed Haislmaier on the thorny question of "continuous" health coverage, John Malcolm on the high court and the travel ban, and Jarrett Stepman on what boosting the minimum wage really does. |

By deciding to hear the appeal of a Colorado baker, the Supreme Court could make its first ruling next year on whether government may coerce some Christians, Jews, and Muslims to use their creative gifts to celebrate same-sex marriage.
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The findings of a new report suggest that low-income workers are being hurt, not helped, by Seattle's minimum wage hike.
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Marjorie Weer, whose story was first featured by The Daily Signal in February, traveled to Washington to be part of Vice President Pence's listening session with "victims of Obamacare."
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The court tipped its hand, indicating that it is likely to side with the administration and uphold the traditional deference that it has accorded the other branches of government when it comes to immigration and national security issues.
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The combination of two Obamacare mandates—requiring insurers to accept all applicants and prohibiting them from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions—created a perverse incentive for people to delay obtaining health insurance coverage until they need medical care, and to drop coverage once they have been treated.
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In its ruling, the court recognized that churches do not have to give up their religious identity in order to compete with secular organizations for state funds.
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"We are generally encouraged by GuideStar's decision to remove the labeling of nonprofit webpages like ours based on characterizations made by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a bitterly partisan political organization that has been linked in federal court to a domestic terrorist shooting," says Family Research Council's Jerry Boykin, a retired Army general.
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We all understand that healthcare in the United States is complicated. Why is it that every other industrialized country has a universal healthcare system while the US has yet to find a solution that works for the many? Why is it that we spend far more per capita on healthcare but still leave millions without any coverage?
This past week, the Senate began debating the American Health Care Act (AHCA) with a vote on that bill expected to take place later this week. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 14 million more people would be uninsured in 2018 under the new plan than under current law; and by 2026 the number of uninsured would reach 51 million Americans. While the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has made strides to cover more Americans, it is estimated that 28 million would still not have health insurance in 2026. Either way, we have a long way to go.
Many believe that it is time to explore other options when it comes to how we provide healthcare in the United States. In a joint effort, National Nurses United and The Sanders Institute have published a paper that speaks to the current state of healthcare in the US and explores the option of a Medicare-for-all single payer system.
Thank you for staying engaged,
The Sanders Institute
Quo Vadis Croatia Otkaži pretplatu
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Danas preporučamo članak obljavljen na uvijek dobrom blogu Konzervativac, koji govori o novom 'pravu' koje je zahvatilo Zapadni svijeti i kad-tad će se pojaviti i u našem političkom diskursu. Davne je 1926. godine G.K. Chesterton napisao da će „sljedeća velika hereza biti napad na moral, posebice na spolni moral“. I bio je u pravu: u … Continue reading Još jedan znak civilizacije u propadanju
Be the first to purchase the 5-star luxury suites that have just come onto the market at our premiere Resort on Boa Vista Island. Sitting on the stunning Santa Monica beach in Cape Verde, White Sands Hotel & Spa will be a prestigious destination and now there’s a perfect chance to invest before anyone else.
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Spieszymy z najnowszymi informacjami o podejmowanych przez nas obecnie pracach. Po publikacji stanowiska naukowców polskich wobec działalności Jana Grabowskiego, w mediach międzynarodowych pojawiły się kolejne komentarze. Już wcześniej informowaliśmy, że w obronie Jana Grabowskiego stanęli: Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów w Warszawie i Gazeta Wyborcza. Także instytut Yad Vashem wystosował do Uniwersytetu w Ottawie list popierający z podpisami 180 humanistów, a media zachodnie w opisywaniu całej sytuacji posłużyły się depeszą Associated Press zredagowaną przez Vanessę Gerę, współpracującą m.in. z Times of Israel.
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Jednocześnie bardzo dziękujemy za słowa wsparcia, które docierają do nas różnymi kanałami w związku z tą interwencją.
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How to bust out of modern-day "Debtors Prison," turn your existing debt to dust, and declare your independence in the next year or less with $1,550.00 a day in earnings
Get your personal guide to $100,000.00 income in the next year here.
Unless you walked into your dealership and paid cash on the barrelhead for the new car of your choice without looking at the sticker price, you are in Debtors Prison.
The same thing is true for your house, your kid's college education, maybe even your last holiday trip. Every single thing in your life is set up by unseen forces to keep you shackled to debt…
Luckily, you are not doomed to keep repeating this mistake. Keep reading and you could breathe the fresh, debt-free air sooner than you think. See how people just like you are already putting thousands in "extra money" away every week with this "one touch" secret.
You do not have to live paycheck to paycheck, and with what you are about to see, you could stop worrying about money ever again.
One man has not only broken out of the debt cycle for good, he's making a mint, with$1,550.00 a day in earnings, andhe is giving you everything you need to do it too.
Break free of modern day debtors prison
Let me demonstrate with a situation we've all been in. You need to purchase a new car, so you do your homework, read Consumer Reports, check miles per gallon, resale value, and finally head to the dealership, ready to "buy your car."
Except as one finance expert points out, you're lucky if you, "own" 1/77 of that car when you drive it off the lot."
Is it any wonder you feel like everything is rigged against you?
The road map to freedom is in this controversial report.
Russ Horn has helped more than 5,000 people get the tools they needed to take total control of their financial destiny.
Where you have…
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And you make cash every day without "traditional" investments like stocks, bonds, futures, or options…
These are real charts and comments from just a few of Russ's Forex Equinox members…
These are just a few of the thousands of comments pouring in from Russ's latest crop of successful traders.
Russ's plan for them, and for you if you have the guts to break out, is to get everything you need to make a six-figure income - exclusively from his innovative wealth-building method - in the next year. [See the plan, here.]
How would your life change if you didn't need to punch a clock, collect a paycheck, or take on another debt in your life?
Because you could turn a small investment into $1,550.00 a day, every day you trade… And that adds up to a lot of cash…
$6,200.00 a week $310,000.00 a year
How fast could you break out and live free with that kind of consistent income?
That's how Russ Horn has lived for the last 15 years, and that is the freedom he wants you to experience, too.
Go see his stunning wealth solution… And how he plans to get you there too.
And get your six steps to mastery - free right on the page.
To your trading success,
Adrian Jones "Next Generation Trading"
P.S. Last week Russ held a private, VIP-only event where he unveiled his incredible discovery and how anyone could use it to make gains like these regularly…
See how fast you could double, triple, or even make 5X your cash per trade from this $5.1 trillion cash cow in only minutes a day, right here.
================================= Information, charts or examples contained in this email is for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or an endorsement to purchase or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot give any kind of financial advice. No employee or persons associated with us is registered or authorized to give financial advice. We do not trade on anyone's behalf, and we do not recommend or receive any payments from any broker. On certain occasions, we have a material link to the product or service mentioned in the email. This may be in the form of compensation or remuneration. =================================
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"We all retain pieces of the roles we inhabit — we are nothing if not the sum of our past selves — but time demands that we reorder our priorities and definitions." - HubSpot's Tyler Littwin on navigating professional and personal roles.
1) What We Learned From Spending $100k On Facebook Ads
Read this if: You've got ad budget but don't know how to spend it.
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Read this if: You need a good playlist to help you get the wheels turning.
Read this if: You messed up.
Read this if: You want to find out if you're more of a Liz Lemon or more of a Don Drapper.
Carly Stec, Editor - HubSpot Marketing Blog
This newsletter was hand curated while listening to: Only Want to Be With You - Hootie & The Blowfish, May I Have This Dance [Remix] - Chance the Rapper and Francis & The Lights, Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys, and Summer Girls - LFO.
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White House issues ominous warning to Syria |
On Monday night, the WH put out an ominous and unexpected warning to Syria concerning another possible chemical weapons attack. NBC News' Jeremy Bash joins Morning Joe to discuss. |
Fmr. GOP congressman: Why I changed my mind on Obamacare |
Lawrence O'Donnell talks to Ezra Klein about the "catastrophic" CBO report – which estimates 22 million people would lose health care coverage – and GOP Rep. David Jolly shares his personal story of what happened when he found himself unemployed and uninsured. |
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