petak, 1. rujna 2017.

Путин предупредил об угрозе масштабного конфликта

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U.S.A. Pro-Life News Report

Thursday August 31, 2017

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Top Stories• Planned Parenthood Abortion Business Permanently Closes Another Clinic
• Late-Term Abortion Business That Kills Babies Through All 9 Months of Pregnancy Closes Down
. Feminist Asks for Donations for Hurricane Harvey Victims to Have Abortions
• Keith Olbermann Tweets Pro-Life Ed Secretary Betsy DeVos: “Hurricane Will Do Less Damage Than You Mother——“

More Pro-Life News
• Pro-Abortion “Women’s March” Wants Hurricane Harvey Donations to Go to Non-Whites
• Midwife Rides Inflatable Swan Through Hurricane Harvey Flooding to Help Deliver Baby
• Right-Handed or Left-Handed? Unborn Babies Show Handedness as Early as 10 Weeks
• Abortion Activists Dress Up as Early Feminists to Protest Pro-Life Event, But There’s One HUGE Problem
• Pro-Life Feminist: “I Lose All My Friends When I Talk About Why I Am Against Abortion”
• Scientists Conduct Grisly Experiments Modifying the DNA of Human Embryos 
• U.S. Kills 85% of Unborn Babies Diagnosed With Down Syndrome. Why?
• New Liberal Film “The Misogynists” Labels Trump Voters “Misanthropic Sociopaths”
• Teenager’s Assisted Suicide Sends Horrible Message That Being Disabled is “A Fate Worse Than Death”
• Court Allows Woman to Abort Her 24-Week-Old Unborn Baby Just Because He is Disabled
• Coerced Abortions: The Hidden Abuse of Women Feminists Won’t Address 

Planned Parenthood Abortion Business Permanently Closes Another Clinic
Another Planned Parenthood facility closed this week in Pennsylvania as the national abortion chain focuses more on abortion and politics and less on actual women’s health care.
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Late-Term Abortion Business That Kills Babies Through All 9 Months of Pregnancy Closes Down
Somehow, calling the 1-800-Got-Junk people seemed appropriate for Germantown Reproductive Health Services as it prepared for its permanent closure.
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Feminist Asks for Donations for Hurricane Harvey Victims to Have Abortions
As residents and first responders scramble to save lives in Texas, one feminist is concerned about something entirely different.

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Pro-Abortion “Women’s March” Wants Hurricane Harvey Donations to Go to Non-Whites
The Women’s March sent out a tweet Wednesday with recommendations for how people can help the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
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Midwife Rides Inflatable Swan Through Hurricane Harvey Flooding to Help Deliver Baby
It’s amazing the length that some people will go to help a mother and her unborn child.
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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Right-Handed or Left-Handed? Unborn Babies Show Handedness as Early as 10 WeeksWhile it used to be believed that you can’t tell which hand is dominant until a child reaches toddler years, it seems that it may be decided very early indeed.
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Abortion Activists Dress Up as Early Feminists to Protest Pro-Life Event, But There’s One HUGE Problem
In her latest desperate cry for attention, abortion enthusiast and former comedienne Lizz Winstead carried out a textbook definition of what the Left commonly decries as a grave sin: “cultural appropriation.”
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Kaufland nagradna igra 2017 uz Nestle za automobil CITROEN C4 Picasso
Kaufland nagradna igra 2017 uz Nestle proizvode 21.8.2017. godine i traje do 20.9.2017. godine (uključivo), a odnosi se na sve prodavaonice trgovačkog lanca Kaufland na području Republike Hrvatske. Nagradni fond uključuje: Glavna nagrada: 1 x Citroen C4 Picasso u vrijednosti od 138.824,75 kn (PDV uključen) Tjedne nagrade: ukupno 10 x Kaufland poklon bon, svaki u […]

S Ordinacijom do zdrave vode
Nagradna igra « S Ordinacijom do zdrave vode – za zdrav život » počinje 26.8.2017. u 00:00 sati i traje do 3.9.2017. do 23:59 sati Fond nagrada za nagradnu igru iznosi 5.800,00 kuna (uključen PDV), a nagrade su: 4 x EVA Fontaine 7L PLC filter; pojedinačne vrijednosti 1.450 kn (uključen PDV) Sudionici u nagradnoj igri […]

NTL nagradna igra 2017 u BAKMAZ, BOSO, GAVRANOVIĆ, PEMO, STUDENAC, METSS, TRGOSTIL i TRGOVINA KRK traje od 31.08.2017. do 25.10.2017 i ima samo jedno kolo. Nagrade Jedinična cijena broj dobitnika UKUPNO 1. nagrada: poklon bon za godišnji šoping u NTL-u ( 12 x bon od 2.000 kn) 24.000,00 kn x 9 – ukupno 216.000,00 kn […]

Osvoji mobitel na
Nagradna igra na traje od 28.08. do 04.09.2017. Zaigraj nagradnu igru, odgovori na tri kratka pitanja, pričekaj izvlačenje sretnih dobitnika i možeš osvojiti jedan od čak 7 pametnih telefona! Nagrade su 7 x Mobilni telefon ALCATEL POP 4+ 5,5″ 4G: CRNA Vrijednost jedne nagrade: 1.199,00 kn (PDV uključen) U nagradnoj igri mogu sudjelovati svi […]

Always nagradna igra: Nagrade po tvojoj mjeri
Always nagradna igra traje od 15.8.2017 do 15.9.2017. Nagrade su: 35 x torba za plažu 35 x šal 40 x torba 90x kozmetička torbica Nagradna igra vezana je uz kupovinu Always proizvoda. U nagradnoj igri mogu sudjelovati svi sudionici koji kupe bilo koja 2 pakiranja P&G robne marke Always higijenskih ili dnevnih uložaka na jednom […]

Velika nagradna igra Mesnica RAVLIĆ 2017
Nagradna igra održava se u mesnicama MI RAVLIĆ d.o.o. u razdoblju od 08.06.2017. godine do 06.09.2017. godine i ima samo jedno kolo. Fond nagrada sastoji se od: 1 X Apple iPhone 7 Black 128 GB, ukupne vrijednosti 8.298,00 kn (glavna nagrada), 1 X Sony PlayStation 4 1TB Pro+, ukupne vrijednosti 3.499,00 kn 1 X Tablet […]

Podravka: Škola počinje, Lino nagrađuje uz Čokolino!
Povratak u školu mnogim školarcima teško pada, no zato je Lino tu kako bi im to olakšao i školu učinio zabavnijom. Svim ljubiteljima Čokolina poklanja cool pernicu za školu, kako bi ih lik njihovog omiljenog medvjedića uveseljavao kroz sve školske zadatke. Ukupni nagradni fond uključuje 5.000 komada Lino pernice za školu. Kako do nagrade? Jednostavno […]

Coca Cola nagradna igra 2017: Shake & Take 2.0
Coca Cola nagradna igra 2017 započinje 15. svibnja 2017. godine u 00:00 sati i traje do 02. listopada 2017. godine u 16:00 sati. Svi dosadašnji dobitnici Coca-Cola nagradne igre se nalaze OVDJE Nagradni fond uključuje: 1 x Glazbeno putovanje u London (avio karta, smještaj), razgledavanje i karte za koncert – sve to za 2 osobe […]

Orangina nagradna igra 2017: Oranginu okreni, Piaggio pokreni
Orangina nagradna igra organizira se i provodi na cjelokupnom području Republike Hrvatske u HoReCa kanalu (hoteli, restorani, kafići – dalje u tekstu: ugostiteljski objekti) za sve potrošače proizvoda u periodu od 15.06. do 30.09.2017. godine U nagradnoj igri sudjeluje pakiranje Orangine, staklena bočica od 250 ml u HoReCa kanalu. Fond nagrada sastoji se od: 1. […]

Metss nagradna igra 2017: BILJEŽNICE KUPI,NAGRADE POKUPI
Metss nagradna igra 2017 traje od 21.08.2017. do 30.09.2017. i ima samo jedno kolo. Nagrade su: 1. nagrada: 4 TABLETA MILAN T2 8 Ingles 2. nagrada: 15 x SET za školu SAMPLE CASE look fluo silver 3. nagrada: 100x RUKSAK za slobodno vrijeme Pravo na sudjelovanje u Nagradnoj igri imaju sve fizičke osobe, državljani Republike […]

Plodine nagradna igra: Nova školska godina 2017/2018 s Plodinama
Nagradna igra Plodina traje od 17. kolovoza 2017. do 17. rujna 2017. na području Republike Hrvatske. Nagradni fond sastoji se od: 1. Skijanje, San Martino di Castrozza, od 14.12. do 17. 12. 2017., vrijednost 4.895,00 kn 2. LED TV Vivax Imago, vrijednost 3.499,00 kn 3. Prijenosno računalo NOT AC ES1-331-C49U, vrijednost 1.699,00 kn 4. Tablet […]

Crodux nagradna igra 2017: Crodux nagrađuje
Crodux nagradna igra 2017 održava se u svim maloprodajnim objektima CRODUX DERIVATI DVA d.o.o. u razdoblju od 15.06.2017. do 15.12.2017. do 24:00 h. Fond nagrada sastoji se od: GLAVNA NAGRADA (finalno 7. kolo): • 1 x automobil Volkswagen GOLF TDI Trendline HR, ukupne vrijednosti 168.071,40 kn • 1 x osnovno i kasko osiguranje u trajanju […]

Tefal nagradna igra u Elipso trgovinama
Tefal nagradna igra 2017 u Elipso trgovinama traje od 1.3.2017. godine do 31.12.2017. godine i ima samo jedno kolo. Nagradni fond uključuje: 1. 25 x Tefal GV9070 parna postaja 2. 25 x Tefal BL850D blender Tefal nagradna igra – kako sudjelovati? U nagradnoj igri mogu sudjelovati sve punljetne fizičke osobe sa stalnim boravištem u Republici Hrvatskoj koje […]

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Orthodox UnionOU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
Help for HoustonOrthodox Union and RCA
Thousands have already donated money, time and tefillot...what can you do to help the people of Houston right now?
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Help for Houston
Relief for the Jewish Community of Houston - Donate Now
Featured Articles
Listen: OU EVP Allen Fagin Discusses Relief Efforts in HoustonNachum Segal Network
OU Executive VP Allen Fagin and Rabbi Barry Gelman of UOS spoke with Nachum Segal about the needs of the Houston community and ongoing relief efforts.
Listen on Nachum Siegal
Listen:  OU EVP Allen Fagin Discusses Relief Efforts in Houston
Jewish Communities Mobilize to Help HoustonAriela Davis
Jewish communities across the world had been following the story in Houston and donating money to the cause but were anxiously trying to see how else they could help. Here was their chance to step in.
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Jewish Communities Mobilize to Help Houston
Rebbetzin of UOS writes about the Houston FloodGabi Gelman
The Rabbi and Rebbetzin of Houston's United Orthodox Synagogues experienced catastrophic flooding during the Memorial Day Storm of 2015. Now, as Houston is deluged by storms, the Gelmans are flooded again. Gabi Gelman tells their story here.
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Rebbetzin of UOS writes about the Houston Flood
Houston: A Community of Chesed; Thrice Flooded in Three YearsAriela Davis
Those families who had to throw out their valuables and rebuild twice in two years, found themselves looking at rebuilding a third time... yet, despite all they have lost, people shared messages of hope and gratefulness.
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Houston: A Community of Chesed; Thrice Flooded in Three Years
Kellogg's Expands their OU Kosher CertificationOU Kosher
OU Kosher certification will now include Kellogg's coveted Morning Foods products, including many cereals and nutri-grain bar products.
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Kellogg's Expands their OU Kosher Certification
It's Not Easy Being Miss LebanonRabbi Jack Abramowitz
“After communicating our decision with Lebanon’s Minister of Tourism, he decided that Hanna should be stripped of her title because her visit to Israel violates our country’s laws.”
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It's Not Easy Being Miss Lebanon
SUN, The Shidduch Crisis and How We Can HelpDavid Katzoff
Our frum leadership needs to find more ways to bring singles together in social settings instead of finding ways of keeping them apart.
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SUN, The Shidduch Crisis and How We Can Help
Two Types of HateBritain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Amalek attacked the Jews once and we must blot out their memory; Egypt enslaved us for generations and we may not reject them. What explains this dichotomy?
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Two Types of Hate
Words Can Never Hurt Me?Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
We can try to ignore insults to our emotions and feelings, and focus only on physical injury. The truth, however, is quite different.
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Words Can Never Hurt Me?
What's Love Got to Do with It?Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
For far too many of our young men, marriage isn’t “personal,” it’s more like a business transaction. That's a very real problem.
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What's Love Got to Do with It?
Listen: Shaking Hands with the Opposite Gender: Business as Usual or Yeherag Vaal Yaavor?Dovid Lichtenstein
The Headlines podcast discusses with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz whether a coed handshake in our society is a simple greeting or an expression of intimacy.
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Listen: Shaking Hands with the Opposite Gender: Business as Usual or Yeherag Vaal Yaavor?
Listen: Elul; Chiseling a Heart of Stone into TabletsRabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
If Elul is for teshuvah, then how is it different from the Ten Days of Repentance?
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Listen: Elul; Chiseling a Heart of Stone into Tablets
100 Brachot a DayOU Torah
OU Torah unveils a new miniseries on the obligation to recite 100 blessings each day. Get the details in this edition of The Torah Blog!
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100 Brachot a Day
Parshat Ki Tetzei: Mandated MemoryOU Press
A society that educates its young towards hatred, violence and murder must share responsibility, as a whole, for their crimes. In Amalek, the Torah confronts such a society and the resulting mandate is abundantly clear.
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Parshat Ki Tetzei: Mandated Memory
Team Yachad Wins CMEK Summer League ChampionshipYachad
“Together” was indeed the difference. Yachad lived up to the team’s name, with a well executed strategic plan that they carried out to perfection.
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Team Yachad Wins CMEK Summer League Championship
Shell Game: Women Can Wear What They LikeRabbi Jack Abramowitz
I’m more than happy to tell people the sources for the tzniyus laws but it’s up to them to decide what they want to wear.
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Shell Game: Women Can Wear What They Like
Savory Minute Steaks and
Try out this tasty and classic combination that's sure to be a crowd pleaser- even for your kids!
Get the recipe at
Savory Minute Steaks and Potatoes
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Parshat Ki Teitzei
September 1-2, 2017
11 Elul 5777
Isaiah 54:1 – 54:10
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StepStone Job Agent01.09.2017
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StepStone Deutschland GmbH,
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hammer Straße 19 | D-40219 Düsseldorf
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 64185
Geschäftsführer: Ralf Baumann, Dr. Sebastian Dettmers, Simone Reif
Job Agent ID: 7603819, 2014-11-25 22:32:27

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StepStone Job Agent01.09.2017
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Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft(Senior) Consultant (m/w) Digital & Customer Analytics 
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Capgemini Consulting
Capgemini ConsultingSenior Consultant / Manager (m/w) Digital Customer Experience & Service 
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BearingPoint GmbH
BearingPoint GmbHAnalyst (m/w) Digital Idea & Innovation Management 
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Werden Sie Teil unseres Erfolges - und bewerben Sie sich jetzt beim Top-Arbeitgeber! Nahezu überall in Deutschland bieten wir Top-Talenten und qualifizierten Kandidaten die Möglichkeit, interessante Aufgaben in unserem Unternehmen zu übernehmen. Um weiterhin erfolgreich wachsen zu können suchen wir Menschen wie Sie - zum Beispiel als Kundenberater/innen für unsere Bankfilialen.

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StepStone Deutschland GmbH,
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hammer Straße 19 | D-40219 Düsseldorf
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 64185
Geschäftsführer: Ralf Baumann, Dr. Sebastian Dettmers, Simone Reif
Job Agent ID: 12396317, 2017-03-03 11:40:20

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ECA: odlazimo i tužimo Hrvatsku za 22,5 mil. eura

Tvrtka European Coastal Airlines (ECA), koja je lani usred ljeta po nalogu Agencije za civilno zrakoplovstvo (CCAA) morala obustaviti ...OPŠIRNIJE
"Naš izvozni sektor vuče ekonomiju. on raste, i to ne samo turizam nego i realni izvoz, opipljivi, pa prvi put izvozimo više roba nego usluga."
Josip Tica, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb


"U Hrvatskoj nam nije problem konkurencija, nego regulativa, tržište nije potpuno otvoreno i s jednakim pravilima za sve"

Čipovi su neprodani, 'pacijent' još čeka spasonosni novac

Postojnska jama kupuje Certa Holding

KOMENTAR: Za dvije do tri godine Hrvatska bi zbog poteza Vlade mogla izgubiti IT industriju

Želite svladati vještine vođenja "teških" i konfliktnih zaposlenika? Prijavite se na PCZ-ov seminar

Velikima isplata do 40 posto duga, Konzumu BH novi kapital

Uz dodatnih 20-ak milijuna kuna za plaćanje starih dugova skupini mikro-dobavljača Agrokora, izvanredna je uprava koncerna dobila suglasnost i za 603 milijuna kuna namijenjenih ...OPŠIRNIJE

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Kad svakodnevno radite s ljudima, možete doživjeti i lijepe trenutke, kao nasmijano lice zadovoljnog klijenta koji cijeni vaš trud. Poslovni dnevnik Vam želi olakšati rad sa ljutim klijentima ...OPŠIRNIJE

Poslovni dnevnik 01./02. 9. 2017.

U novom Poslovnom dnevniku pročitajte o utjecaju većih naknada za OIE na poduzetnike, intervju s direktorom razvoja poslovanja Flixbusa, o berlinskom sajmu IFA, trgovačkom lancu Ribola, ...
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Zadanie publiczne współfinansowane przez Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP w ramach konkursu Dyplomacja Publiczna 2017 - komponent "Współpraca w dziedzinie dyplomacji publicznej 2017"
Szanowni Państwo,

dziś mija 78. rocznica wybuchu II wojny światowej. Warszawiaków zachęcamy do udziału w ceremonii złożenia kwiatów przy "Płycie pamięci poświęconej Polakom poległym w wojnie przeciwko hitleryzmowi", która znajduje się w Ogrodzie Saskim (ok. godz. 9.00). Zapraszamy!

Przygotowaliśmy dla Państwa także nowy numer naszego czasopisma. Poniżej krótki opis tego co znajdziemy w najnowszym wydaniu. Cały numer dostępny jest tu:
Drodzy Czytelnicy!

1 września to data bardzo ważna dla wszystkich Polaków. W związku z tym przygotowaliśmy dla Państwa numer szczególnie poświęcony wojennym, nie tylko wrześniowym, wspomnieniom. Znajdą Państwo tekst pani Teresy Sękowskiej-ffoulkes, w którym autorka przywołuje wojenne losy swojej rodziny, widziane oczami dziecka, jakim była. Uwadze Czytelników przedstawiamy również cały zbiór tekstów o wojennej tematyce - poezję i prozę - autorstwa pana Lecha Galickiego.

Zachęcamy do lektury również dwóch artykułów na temat obozów koncentracyjnych - jeden, dotyczący KL Ravensbrück, autorstwa Fundacji Cultura Memoriae, opisuje losy więźniarek Pawiaka, które trafiały do tego obozu, natomiast drugi, napisany przez panią Martę Kilich, przedstawia sprawę niewolniczej pracy więźniarek w KL Stutthof w latach 1943-44.

Zapraszamy również do lektury trzech tekstów Tȟašúŋke Witkó, w których autor komentuje sprawy aktualne, a także włącza swój głos w nurt wspomnień.

Oprócz informacji o aktualnych działaniach Reduty Dobrego Imienia, w bieżącym numerze znajdą też Państwo kolejne opowieści w ramach akcji #PowiedzmyNiemcomPrawdę, a wśród nich drugą część wojennych losów rodziny Murawskich.

Przypominamy, że w związku z rocznicą wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego po raz pierwszy przygotowaliśmy dla Państwa, dzięki uprzejmości i wielkiemu wkładowi pracy pana Piotra Stankiewicza, wydanie Reduty Online w formie pdf, zawierające teksty związane z Powstaniem Warszawskim i II wojną światową. Zachęcamy do pobierania i rozpowszechniania wśród znajomych, w formie elektronicznej lub papierowej. Numer ciągle jest dostępny pod linkami na pierwszej stronie "Reduty Online".

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