Being a good dad is hard work. As fathers and men who have children in our lives, we work hard to make sure the kids we love have strong values and that they treat others the way they would like to be treated—with compassion, dignity, and respect. We want our kids to live in a world where men and women are truly equal and are treated as such.We try to set that example for them, and when we think of who is teaching our kids at school, who is representing them in Congress, or serving as their president, we want more than anything for these individuals to be role models. They should have good judgment, integrity, and temperament so they can also set an example of what it means to be a good person. And of course, they should support gender equality. That's why as Men for Choice, we won't vote for Donald Trump this fall. This Father's Day, will you add your name to our open letter to say you stand with the #MenForChoice against the hatred, bigotry and misogyny of Donald Trump? Donald Trump is a bully who has made it his job to demean and belittle women at every turn. He calls women "bimbos," "dogs," and "pigs." He said that a woman who exercises her constitutional right to control her own life should be punished. He has told women they wouldn't have a job if they weren't "beautiful." And who can forget when he attacked Megyn Kelly and said she had "blood coming out of her 'wherever.'" He's awful. As a society, we cannot reward a misogynist with a vote for president.When our leaders treat women as less than equal, and enact policies that perpetuate gender inequality, that hurts all of us. We need a president who will fight for reproductive freedom so our entire families can get ahead. We need a president who will fight for paid family leave and against pregnancy discrimination. We don't need someone like Donald Trump, a man who refuses to support policies that help women and families succeed, and behaves more like a schoolyard bully than President of the United States. His behavior and policies have no place in our country, especially not the White House. And like with the schoolyard bully, we all need to stand up to him. As Men for Choice, we believe women should live in a world where they have the right to make their own decisions not only about healthcare, every aspect of their lives—without interference. We believe that women are full partners in society, and we support policies that will make our belief a reality in this society. Our leaders should do the same. Donald Trump is not a statesman or a leader. He is a vulgar bully who is completely unfit to be President of the United States. Click here to sign on to our open letter denouncing Trump as an influence on our kids and pledge NOT to vote for him for president. Our votes mean something to us and to our children's future. We will not throw them away on someone so ill-suited to the presidency, but more than that, how could we look our kids in the eye and tell them we voted for Donald Trump. He is wrong for their future, and he is wrong for America. We won't vote Trump, and we hope you'll join us against him.
Thank you for all you do for reproductive freedom and the future we strive to create for our children.
 Joel Foster Political Director, NARAL Pro-Choice America
Signed by: US Senator Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut US Rep. Patrick Murphy (FL), Candidate for U.S. Senate US Rep. Chris Van Hollen (MD), Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, Candidate for U.S. Senate Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander, Candidate for U.S. Senate US Rep. Keith Ellison, (MN-05) US Rep. Derek Kilmer, (WA-06) US Rep. Tim Ryan, (OH-13) US Rep. Adam Smith (WA-09) Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, New York State Raja Krishnamoorthi, Candidate for Congress (IL-08) State Rep. Bill Otto, Candidate for Congress (MO-02) State Rep. Steve Santarsiero, Candidate for Congress (PA-08) State Sen. Martin Quezada, Arizona State Sen. Jim Ananich, Michigan State Sen. Curtis Hertel, Michigan State Sen. Richard “Tick” Segerblom, Nevada State Sen. Adam Ebbin, Virginia State Sen. Chris Larson, Wisconsin State Rep. Virgil Fludd, Georgia State Rep. Michael Butler, Missouri State Rep. Randy Dunn, Missouri State Rep. Nicholas J. Celebrezze, Ohio State Rep. Dan Frankel, Pennsylvania State Rep. James E. Smith, Jr., South Carolina State Rep. Mandela Barnes, Wisconsin Etan Fraser, NARAL Pro-Choice America Board Steve Kerrigan, NARAL Pro-Choice America Board Sachin K. Chheda, NARAL Pro-Choice America Board
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