Free Sacred Heart Image & Novena Prayer Card

“The names of those who promote this devotion
will be written in My Heart, never to be blotted out.”
– Our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
will be written in My Heart, never to be blotted out.”
– Our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
This is your beautiful and irresistible novena card to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, along with a very special photo of the Sacred Heart. This photo will be uniquely yours once you write your name across the image of His Sacred Heart.
When you do this, it symbolizes what happens in a very real way when you promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Promise #11 made by Our Lord Himself specifies that YOUR NAME will be written in His heart — never to be blotted out!
Do you have difficulties and anxieties? Do you sometimes worry about the future? Well, Our Lord came to give you comfort and consolation; as well as a sure way to find peace. Just look into His eyes in this unique photo. Then read, slowly and prayerfully, all 12 promises He is making to you. Then, look into His eyes again.
Already, you will feel the graces of His Most Sacred Heart — your refuge and your ocean of Mercy.
Dear Mr. Tokic,
We live in times when we really need to be BOLD Catholics.
Are you bold enough to take Our Lord at His Word – and ask Him anything, knowing full well that He will answer you?
This kind of boldness takes trust, a blind confidence, in His Sacred and Loving Heart.
And Stjepan, I know how difficult it can be to trust. We’ve all been hurt, disappointed, broken by the different people and events in our lives. It is a valley of tears, after all.
So what does the Divine Physician offer us to heal all the brokenness and pain?
His Holy Word, the Scriptures, which act as a balm to our souls.
Take some of His most comforting promises, wrap them up into a prayer, and you will have:
Today my dear friend, I invite you to pray this novena with me.
“Yes, My Lord, I believe! I believe that You have triumphed over the darkness and despair in my soul. I know you want to shine your Holy Light there. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.”
Now, you may ask, how DARE we call this novena “IRRESISTIBLE,” as if to say that Our Lord cannot RESIST answering it...
…that is because this novena uses His own words; this novena uses His own Scriptural assurances that if we ask, WE SHALL RECEIVE; if we seek, WE SHALL FIND; if we knock, IT SHALL BE OPENED.
And what He promises, HE DELIVERS!
So, boldly click right here and request your FREE novena prayer card and we will send you two of them, one for you and one to give a friend! We will also send you a most amazing picture of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.
This image of Christ is truly amazing. Just gazing into His eyes will fill you with the confidence you need to ask Him for anything…
…and you can write your name on His Sacred Heart (on the picture).
So here is my suggestion to you: Write your name on His Sacred Heart on the picture and keep the image on your night stand as a reminder; and every time you look at it, renew your desire to always be in His Heart.
I am so blessed to have you as a friend! I thank God for you every day and ask Him to watch over you as you journey through this valley of tears.
Remember: you are never alone. Our Lord cannot “resist” walking along beside you. So click here for your Free Novena prayer cards and Image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,
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