četvrtak, 16. lipnja 2016.

On the anniversary of DACA, it’s worth checking out these stories of DACA recipients who are doing so much to inspire

The White House, Washington
Four years ago today, I stood with my colleagues in the White House Rose Garden watching President Obama announce a new action to make our immigration policies smarter and more representative of our values as a nation.
President Barack Obama delivers remarks on the Department of Homeland Security’s immigration announcement in the Rose Garden of the White House, June 15, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Sonya N. Hebert)
This action, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, establishes an avenue for young people who were brought to the United States as children to request temporary relief from deportation on a case-by-case basis if they can demonstrate that they meet several criteria. As the President said that day, the young people impacted by his announcement "are Americans in their hearts, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper." We knew standing there that DACA would be impactful, both for the people who would come forward, and for the rest of us who are their families, friends and neighbors. Even so, the impact DACA recipients have had on their families, communities, and our nation can only be described as extraordinary.They are students, educators, doctors, and lawyers; close to 730,000 DACA recipients are aspiring Americans, each with a unique story. On the anniversary of DACA, it’s worth checking out these stories of DACA recipients who are doing so much to inspire. They know, perhaps better than anyone, that for all of its impact, DACA is not a permanent solution to our nation’s immigration problems. Far from it. We still need Congress to do its job and fix our immigration system. But the promise I see in the eyes of DACA recipients I meet renews my hope in what’s possible, and offers a glimpse of what we might achieve for the country when we finally achieve legislative reform. I think of David Uriona, who graduated from Cornell University in 2014 with a degree in Biology and Society and joined Teach for America. As David said, "It was important for me to give back to my community and to connect with kids who needed to see someone like them; to make sure that these kids who were in similar situations knew that they could achieve their dreams."
There are so many stories of the positive impact these individuals are having in their communities and in their country. I encourage you to take a moment and savor these stories to learn more about how much has changed and how much is possible.
Cecilia Muñoz
Director of the Domestic Policy Council
The White House
Visit WhiteHouse.gov

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In the 06/16/2016 edition:

Michelle Obama Tells Oprah All Men Need To “Be Better” …Liberal Double-Standard

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VID: Dems Interrupt Minute of Silence for Orlando Victims Cause of Their Gun Control Agenda

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By AM on Jun 15, 2016 06:28 am

Somali Muslim OPENS FIRE, TAKES HOSTAGES at Wal-Mart in Texas

By AM on Jun 15, 2016 05:39 am



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Organizing for Action
Stjepan --

Yesterday, stretching into the early hours of this morning, 38 senators took to the floor of the Senate for 15 hours demanding that something be done in Congress to stop the epidemic of gun violence in this country.They won. In the coming days, the Senate will vote on important steps like expanding background checks, and closing the so called "Terror Gap" loophole, which would prevent someone on the FBI's terror watch list from purchasing a deadly firearm. Say you stand with these kinds of common-sense solutions to gun violence.The conversation around preventing gun violence is changing. Senators who vote with the gun lobby are under increasing pressure, and these votes will put them on the record.There's more that can be done. Our public health researchers shouldn't be prevented from researching how best to prevent these tragedies. Weapons of war shouldn't be allowed on our streets or in our communities. No law will prevent every tragedy, but if we can prevent even one, we should act. Doing nothing is not an option. Speak up now:




Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Nate Silver: “Of Course Trump Can Win”

This just FLOORED us. The reality is Trump could be our President.

That’s why President Obama asked you to fight back:

"We can't wait a second longer." -President Obama 6/7/16

President Obama is right. It’s time for grassroots supporters to step up and STOP Trump and the Republicans.

Our Mid-Month Deadline hits in just 10 hours -- will you pitch in $1?


Stjepan, the cost for prescription drugs is out of control. In 2014, over 35 million Americans did not fill a necessary prescription because they could not afford to. And drug costs continue to soar.This issue is so critical that both Hillary Clinton’s and Bernie Sanders’ campaigns addressed how Big Pharma’s price-gouging negatively affects the health of seniors and working Americans. Each campaign shared plans to lower costs and rein in drug company abuses.Between now and the end of the month, the Democratic Platform Committee is seeking input on this year’s Party Platform. As Democrats start gearing up for the general election, the Party must strengthen its fight against pharmaceutical price gouging.Tell the Democratic Platform Committee: Take a stand against big drug companies abusing hardworking Americans and senior citizens.Daily Kos is proud to be part of a coalition calling on the Democratic Platform Committee to endorse a number of innovative cost-saving measures, so that Americans can easily access the medication they need.These measures include ending tax breaks for drug company advertising, higher Medicare rebates for prescriptions, more generic brands for expensive medications, penalties for drug companies who excessively hike prices every year, and more. Sign our petition to the Democratic Platform Committee and demand that they fight to lower the cost of prescription drugs.
Keep fighting,
Irna Landrum, Daily Kos

Stjepan, the descriptions of Trump’s rally in Greensboro earlier this week are horrifying: A crowd chanting, “Build that wall!” An audience refusing to clap for a call for unity with the LGBT community. A group of six men following a protester out of the venue to intimidate him. Confederate flags everywhere. A vendor selling t-shirts that say “Trump that Bitch.”This isn’t just politics as usual. Donald Trump isn’t just any Republican nominee -- he’s inciting violence, and his rallies are hotbeds of anger and resentment. And if this is how he runs his campaign -- imagine how he’d run our country. This is what we’re dealing with. Trump is a toxic threat to the very values we stand for. Make your first donation of 2016 today by chipping in $5 and say you’re ready to make sure he’ll never, ever be our president:

Thank you, Stjepan -- we’re in this together. 


Christina Reynolds
Deputy Communications Director
Hillary for America


Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee. This is the only team that can stop him -- chip in $5 to help take Trump on:

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