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The district confirmed it was aware of the situation Thursday, providing a more detailed response Friday morning.
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Limbaugh quoted an article published in March by 'The Fiscal Times.'
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"Anyone who shows up will have to witness first-hand..."
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An openly gay councilwoman is...
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Though his comments got loud applause from the New Hampshire audience.
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Ctrl, Alt and Conquer: What It's Like to Be a Woman in IT
Wix | August 26th 2015 |
There been a lot of talk lately about women in the workplace. This got us thinking: what's it really like to be a woman working in a male-dominated field?
We sat down with Ronny & Irin from Wix's IT department to talk about what it's really like to be a woman working in tech. |
Harness Natural Light: Become a More Versatile Photographer Take amazing photos no matter where you are or what you're shooting — it all starts with an understanding of light. Hi, I'm professional photographer David H. Wells. Join me in my online Craftsy class, Dramatic Light From Day to Night, and learn how to turn the light that's available into all the light you need for impressive photographs.
During class, you'll learn to spot the best light in your setting and adjust your approach for the time of day. I'll teach you how to control shadows, creating impactful photos through composition. You'll also see which exposure is best for your light and how to make the most of light that's less than perfect. Plus, I'll share helpful flash and post–production techniques, so you can compensate when nature just won't cooperate.To begin, I'll explain how to evaluate light quality, so you know the unique opportunities and challenges different seasons and times of day present for your photography.
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Want to shoot at the perfect time, every time? With my "Wells Points" method you'll have a trustworthy approach on hand for terrific timing in all your photos. I'll guide you through the steps and simple math, before I show you how you can use the light you have to create dramatic contrast and striking silhouettes.
For photos with vivid visual interest, playing with shadows can lead to great results. Follow along as you find out how to capture very different photographs by placing yourself in different spots. You'll then discover the importance of experimentation — it can lead to some of your best photos ever!
When we move on, we'll focus on the key tone for setting your exposure: the all–important middle gray. I'll explain the difference between color and tone, so you can differentiate the two with ease. Plus, you'll get pointers for calibrating your camera, so that perfect shot will be closer than ever.
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Next, we'll talk about light that's less than ideal. I'll offer solutions for lots of situations, so you can make the most of any setting you're in. You'll learn to use contrast to create drama in flat light, and I'll guide you through using a tripod to gain the advantage in a difficult setting.
What about when natural light just isn't going to cut it? Then it's time to put your flash to use! I'll share detailed graphics that will show you the best way to use it both indoors and out.
For our final lesson, we'll focus on post–production steps for photos that don't turn out quite right on camera. Join Dramatic Light From Day to Night, and you'll see how to refine your photos in Adobe Lightroom as I demonstrate on my own work.
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I've built a career as a publication photographer and video–maker, but I'm no stranger to teaching. I've taught at Syracuse University, the Rochester Institute of Technology, the Maine Workshops and the Santa Fe Workshops, to name a few. I was also featured in Photo District News as a "Best Workshop Instructor."
In my photography, I specialize in photo–essays for publication and exhibition, using light and shadow to create dramatic visual narratives. Funding for these photo–essays comes from organizations like Nikon/NPPA, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the MacArthur Foundation. I've also shot some on assignment, working for publications like Life, National Geographic and New York Times Magazine, amongst others.
I'm excited to teach this Craftsy class and bring you a unique way to improve your photography. With Craftsy, you get lifetime access to your video lessons, so you can follow along at your own pace and revisit these techniques as often as you like.
Turn any light into the right light for dramatic photos, no matter when or where.
David H. Wells | Craftsy Instructor
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 |
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Standing Strong Through the Storm |
Standing Strong Through the Storm - August 26
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes…” Jeremiah 17:7-8
Trees were not plentiful in Israel and most grew by sources of water like an oasis or a stream. Jeremiah’s simile indicates a person with confidence in the Lord is like a deep-rooted tree by the stream (see Psalm 1) that is not afraid of heat.
Samuel Lamb is a well-known house church pastor in southern China in the city of Guangzhou. He spent time in prison for his faithas a young pastor on two occasions totaling almost twenty years. He was forced to work in a coal mine where the work was hard and dangerous. He is convinced that God’s protection is the only reason he survived.
Upon his release after the second imprisonment, he returned home to find out that his dear wife had just passed away. Now in his seventies, he threw himself fully into the ministry again opening an unregistered house church on the second and third storey of his home while the local police utilized the ground floor for their office. His congregation grew rapidly. He could pack in two hundred sitting shoulder-to-shoulder on the third floor where he preached and another two hundred listening via a speaker system on the second floor. Soon he had to have five services a week to get everyone in. Each person had to walk past the police to climb the stairs to his meeting.
He soon became the best-known unregistered house church pastor in China. United States President Ronald Regan sent him a monogrammed pen set. Billy and Ruth Graham visited the location with many photos taken.
Because of his refusal to register with the government Three Self Patriotic Movement Church, the authorities were constantly irritated. Unhappy with his boldness and the growth of his church, they harassed him repeatedly and often threatened to return him to prison. Each time this threat occurred, Samuel Lamb would hold up two fingers and say, “I’ve been to prison twice already. My bag is packed and I’m ready to go again!” Intimidation would not work against him as he had no fear and his trust was completely in the Lord. And each time the authorities would leave to consider what other tactics they could use against him.
Pastor Lamb continues his unofficial, growing church ministry to this day. He does not fear when the “heat” comes.
RESPONSE: Today I will trust completely in the Lord and rely on His wisdom when pressures arise.
PRAYER: Pray other Pastors in China will have the fearlessness and church growth of Samuel Lamb.
STANDING STRONG THROUGH THE STORM (SSTS) -A daily devotional message by Paul Estabrooks © 2010 Open Doors International. Used by permission
“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” Proverbs 10:25
Right now millions of Christians face persecution because of their faith in Christ. Register to receive theOpen Doors USA Weekly Prayer Alert email. Join alongside thousands of others praying for our brothers and sisters worldwide to stand strong in the midst of their struggles. Also learn more about countries where the persecution of Christians is most severe by visiting the Open Doors website today.
With the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is coming up on Saturday, ThinkProgress took a look at our nation’s levy system and found that amid widespread failure, one city is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Yesterday, cable news freaked out about the fluctuating stock market, encouraging panicked investing choices – but if some Republicans had their way, the fallout could have been much worse. And Elizabeth Warren may not be in the 2016 race, but she’s still pulling the strings…those stories and more, in our top news of the day: |
10 Years After Katrina, Will California’s Capital Be The Next New Orleans? |
A 2011 New York Times Magazine story sounded the alarm: “Scientists consider Sacramento — which sits at the confluence of the Sacramento and American Rivers and near the Delta — the most flood-prone city in the nation.” The article went on to note that experts fear an earthquake or violent Pacific superstorm could destroy the city’s levees and spur a megaflood that could wreak untold damage on California’s capital region. ...(read more) |
ThinkProgress | Center for American Progress Action Fund 1333 H ST NW | Washington, DC 20005 |
August 25, 2015 |
Stocks swoon into the close, Dow ends day down more than 200 points as surge evaporates.
Večernji list d.o.o., Oreškovićeva 6H/1, 10 000 Zagreb / Hrvatska, OIB: 92276133102 |
Zbog poznanstva s pokojnim nadbiskupom Antom Jurić nasjeo sam na priču njegova "rođaka" Antona Jurić koji sada stanuje u ulici Ivana Pavla II br.23 u Splitu kojemu sam vjerovao kao i nekada pokojnom nadbiskupu. Naime Anton Jurić kojemu sam vjerovao da će mi njegova prijateljica odvjetnica Vernea Caktaš isplatiti 60% odštete za saobraćajnu nesreću koja se dogodila između grada Milana i Torina na autostradi u Italiji. Naime po zapisniku karabinjera kriv je bio Stefano Basagni ( kombi se okrenuo na krov na brzoj cesti). Naš predmet naplate štete je vodila odvjetnica Iacona Donatela udana za Hrvata iz grada Tribunj i ona je bila jedina moja pravna zastupnica u Italiji. Naime čitalac mora znati da sve predmete u Italiji mogu voditi samo talijanski odvjetnici i nitko drugi. Da li su odvjetnica Vernea Caktaš i Anton Jurić naplatili štetu u moje ime to ne znam ali znam da je odvjetnica Vernea Caktaš napravila falsifikat s mojim falsificiranim potpisom koji se i sada nalazi na općinskom sudu u Splitu. Naime ja sam Antonu Jurić prodao moj automobil Opel Vectra ST-583 GH a koji se poslije saobračajne nesreće u Italiji nalazio u Opel servisu, otišli smo kod javnog bilježnika Slobodana Zlokić i bilježnik je napravio ugovor koji sam samo ja vlastoručno podpisao a Anton je dao supruginu osobnu kartu i rekao javnom bilježniku da će doći njegova supruga to podpisati, ( javni bilježnik Slobodan Zlokić mu je napomenuo da supruga obvezno dođe jer da nebi bilo kao zadnji put). Poslije sklopljenog ugovora predao sam Antonu Jurić prometnu, saobračajnu i ključeve automobila,ja sam na ime prodaje primio od Antona Jurić 12500 kuna a on je s ostalim dijelom od 17500 kuna trebao odnijeti u servis Opel Dalmacija, platiti štetu i preuzeti automobil. Prijateljski smo se razišli i skoro sam bio zaboravio na tu prodaju dok nisam od općinskog suda dobio poziv da dođem na sud jer me Anton tužio za posudbu od 32000 kuna?! Kako sam imao njegov broj mobitela više puta sam ga nazivao ali mi nije odgovarao, nakon više desetaka uzaludnih pokušaja da ga dobijem na telefon i da razgovaramo kao ljudi i da mi on kaže kada i gdje mi je posudio 32000 kuna, međutim u mojim silnim pokušajima vrijeme je prolazilo i kako nisam uspio doći do njega završili smo na sudu. Angažirao sam odvijetnika Tomislava Biuk i u samome startu primjetio sam da sudkinja Rubić sudi pristrano u korist Antona, jer ja sam od nje tražio da se podpis na falsifikatu vještači i usporedi s mojim podpisima na službenim dokumentima kao i podpisom kod javnog bilježnika Slobodan Zlokić, da na detektor laži pošalje mene, Antona Jurić i odvjetnicu Caktaš i to je bila bit u dokazivanju istine, međutim sudkinja je predmet rastezala i ignorirala moju zamolbu kao da je unaprijed znala kakvu će presudu donijeti. Kada mi nije pomogao usmeni razgovor s odvjetnikom Biuk da zatraži izuzeće sudkinje Rubić s toga predmeta, osobno sam joj to rekao u lice. Zbog nerviranja mi se dizao šećer i tlak i razvio se perianalni abces i operiran sam na Firulama, za to vrijeme kao i vrijeme oporavka moj odvjetnik Tomislav Biuk nije službeno zatražio izuzeće sudkinje Rubić s navedenog predmeta. Ne samo što nije zatražio izuzeće sudkinje Rubić nego nije na presudu napravio žalbu. Oporavkom od operacije došao sam pred gotov čin, pravomoćna presuda?! Da, meni je presuđeno što sam prodao skoro novi automobil za 30 000 kuna, a na ruke dobio 12500 kuna?! Presuda je glasila da Antonu Jurić moram vratiti 15 000 kuna a tužio me za 32000 kuna?! Poslije pravomočne presude mi se upisao na stan i ovršio me za 50 000 kuna tako da je on sada " zaradio 38000 kuna + 17 500 kuna koje je trebao platiti servisu Opel Dalmacija. Antone Jurić ne osuđujem te nego te žalim, žalim te jer si prodao dušu đavlu za 55500 kuna, ako se i pričeščuješ moraš znati da svaki put radiš svetogrđe, jer nisi priznao grijeh a primaš živo tijelo Isusa Krista. Da bi prestao raditi svetogrđe moraš od mene zatražiti oprost i vratiti ono što si nečasno uzeo. Osobno sam poznavao i družio se s sada pokojnim nadbiskupom Antom Jurić koji je čista suprotnost kriminalcu Antonu Jurić, zbog pokojnog nadbiskupa imao sam obzira prema Antonu Jurić koji sada živi u ulici Ivana Pavla i koji mi je rekao da je on rođak sada pokojnog nadbiskupa. Dragi oče nadbiskupe Ante, neka Vas Isus Krist, Vječni Svećenik primi u prostranstva svjetlosti i mira i nagradi za Vašu nesebičnu ljubav i velikodušno služenje Bogu, Crkvi i hrvatskom narodu. Nadbiskup Ante Jurić rođen je 17. svibnja 1922.u Vranjicu. Klasičnu gimnaziju završio u Splitu, a Katolički bogoslovni fakultet u Zagrebu. Zaređen je za svećenika 18. svibnja 1947. u Vranjicu. Od 1947. do 1953. godine bio je župnik u Desnama, a od 1953. do 1957. godine stariji prefekt i vicerektor u dijecezanskom sjemeništu Split. Od 1957. do 1963. godine rektor je dijecezanskog sjemeništa, a od 1968. do 1970. godine duhovnik u Bogoslovnom sjemeništu Split. Od 1970. do 1978. duhovnik je u dijecezanskom sjemeništu Split, a od 1978. do 1988. župnik, dekan i biskupski vikar u Makarskoj. Nadbiskupom je imenovan 10. rujna 1988., te je 16. listopada 1988. u konkatedrali sv. Petra u Splitu zaređen za dijecezanskog nadbiskupa, kada je i preuzeo službu ordinarija. Umirovljen je 17. lipnja 2000. godine. U ponedjeljak navečer, samo oko šest sati prije smrti blagopokojnog nadbiskupa Ante Jurića, čuo sam se s njime telefonskim putem. Mons. Jurić je, svježa glasa i vedra duha, u telefonskom razgovoru izrazio zadovoljstvo što je pokrenut kanonski proces o životu i kršćanskim krjepostima sluge Božjega kardinala Franje Kuharića te je spomenuo da planira doći do mene . No, Providnost je odredila drukčije. Taj dragi Pastir, u razdoblju od 90 godina života, 65 godina svećeništva i 24 godine biskupske službe, ostavio je dubok trag svoje prisutnosti među ljudima u različitim oblicima zajedništva. Mons. Ante Jurić izazivao je poštovanje kod ljudi dobre volje koji su se s njime susretali i koji su ga poznavali, jer su u njemu otkrivali čovjeka načelne jasnoće i odlučne zauzetosti za sve što je pravo, istinito i dobro.
Another pithy piece that skewers...
In the town of Cochran, GA, city officials decided to fly the Christian flag at city hall to promote a local Bible-reading marathon. But it wasn't long before the poltically correct police rode into town....
A message from one of our valued partners
A stock market plunge like the one we are seeing right now will have a direct effect on people’s IRA’s and 401(k)s.
Similar to the drip-drip-drip revelations about Clinton's email scandal...
"This would provide an incentive...to prioritize African American policy..."
"I was upset, I was shocked for that officer and also for all the patrons there."
Doctors gave her, at most, three weeks to live.
"I couldn't be anymore proud to know this man and what he did."
If the Black Lives Matter movement is really concerned about saving the lives of African Americans...
"There is probably no one in American politics today who has a better..."
Appearing on MSNBC’s Newsnation with Tamron Hall Monday...
Cruz listed what his "day one" agenda would be.
The segment began with video of a reporter's effort to determine whether Scott Walker would meet with the group.
Luis was displeased with the ostensible racial slight and began a social media movement called “Nude Awakening."
37-year-old Shapi Shakhshaev allegedly stabbed his wife, Fatima, to death at their home in Moscow.
“You have shown that in the face of terror, you can resist.”
“I don’t care what happens to the..."
"I want you to see what a true American hero looks like."
In a radio interview Friday, he said he wouldn’t stand for attacks against Christians.
“By playing politics with a critical national security issue, President Obama is cementing his well-earned legacy as the Divider in Chief.”
"As you know, I know how to build."
Another shocking video featuring a "cub of the caliphate."
It seems most politicians and many Americans come down on one or the other extreme.
By Ron Paul
I don't often write about immigration. But every now and then, I can't avoid the topic.
By Christine Flowers
While some seek to sugarcoat the honest to God truth, I'm just going to go ahead and be blunt.
By Guest Writer
We would do well to learn from this history, instead of dooming ourselves to repeat history’s mistakes.
By KrisAnne Hall
Larry Bell's book explains how profiteers of climate doom keep the money flowing.
By Paul Driessen
Neither the man nor the woman has the right to do that life harm of any sort, including killing it and removing it from its mother’s belly.
By FJ Rocca
The most pervasive political spectrum is loosely based on a left/right orientation, and attempts to place political models somewhere along the continuum.
By Richard Larsen
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Cut Maps - Laser Cut Maps |
What city speaks to you? Dan Linden’s laser cut maps turn landmarks and nature’s boundaries into urban art that can grace your wall or phone case. |
Shop Now |
Founder Archie Archambault hand-designs beautifully minimalistic city maps. Using simple circles, he depicts relative landmark sizes and distance. Archie intends to give a well-rounded, uncomplicated image of a city the way locals understand it, showing not only notable places but neighborhoods and districts as well. Each map is created by hand on a printing press. Ideal for people exploring a new city, these maps can also make a beautiful keepsake from the cities you’ve visited or called home. |
Cynthia |
Q: How long does it take to collect one of the room samples? |
Stephanie |
A: Great question! The samples take 5 minutes. Our pump automatically shuts off after 5 minutes so you can't over-sample and no stopwatch or counting of time is necessary. |
Steve |
Q: Is the flow rate on the pump set, or is it able to be calibrated (and how do you know what the rate is)? Also, is the lab owned/operated/affiliated with the company as well? |
Stephanie |
A: You would not be able to adjust the flow rate on the pumps. They are manufactured to specs required by the air sample cassettes. They pull at 15 liters per minute for 5 minutes giving a standard 75 liter sample. We have partnered with a third-party, nationally accredited (AIHA) laboratory who analyzes the samples. |
| When the power goes out, be ready. |
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