četvrtak, 12. siječnja 2017.

Potpišite peticiju kojom tražimo otvaranje Yazade:

Stigla je nova zima i kod nas se temperatura spustila ispod nule. A ove godine je čak i u Dubrovniku pao snijeg. I dok se nakon hladnog dana vraćamo u toplinu doma, na tisuće osoba ove zime nemaju istu mogućnost. Tisuće Jezida živi u improviziranim skloništima planine Sinjar. Suočeni s pokoljima samozvane Islamske države pobjegli su tamo kako bi sačuvali živu glavu. Uz prognanike na Sinjaru se nalazi stotine djevojaka i žena koje su IS-ovim vojnicima služile kao seksualne ropkinje.   Do prije dva tjedna o svima njima brinula je neprofitna organizacija Yazada, koja je iz svog humanitarnog centra u gradu Dohuku dostavljala potrebnu pomoć u planine Sinjara. Međutim,  u ponedjeljak, 2. siječnja 2017., naoružane kurdske sigurnosne snage, ušle u urede Yazade i prisilno ih zatvorili. Zgrade su zapečatili i obustavili sve projekte uključujući distribuciju hrane i osnovnih potrepština izbjeglicama. http://citizengo.org/hr/pr/obustavite-zatvaranje-medunarodne-jezidske-organizacije-yazada Direktor kurdskih sigurnosnih službi u Dohuku izjavio je kako nije znao za operaciju, ali nije ponovo otvorio Yazadu. Akram Jamo, direktor ureda za kontrolu neprofitnih organizacija u Kurdistanu rekao je kako je Yazadi istekla dozvola za rad. Međutim, na internetskoj stranici Yazada nalazi se važeća potvrda o dozvoli za rad. I dok se traže novi razlozi (iz tko zna kojih pobuda) zbog kojih Yazada i dalje ostaje zatvorena, dan po dan biliže smo novoj humanitarnoj katastrofi.
Potpišite peticiju: http://citizengo.org/hr/pr/obustavite-zatvaranje-medunarodne-jezidske-organizacije-yazada
Peticija je adresirana na predstavnike kurdsko – iračke regionalne vlade u Briselu (g. Delavar Ajgeiy) i Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu (g. Karwan Jamal Tahir), s ciljem hitnog otvaranja YAZADE kako bi mogla čim prije nastaviti sa svojim radom.
Ana Marija i cijeli CitizenGO tim
Nakon što potpišete peticiju, podjelite je na Facebooku kako bi omogućili i drugima da se uključe u ovu akciju: http://citizengo.org/hr/pr/obustavite-zatvaranje-medunarodne-jezidske-organizacije-yazada
CitizenGO.org je zajednica aktivnih građana koji žele štititi život, obitelj i temeljna ljudska prava diljem svijeta. Ako želite saznati više o nama kliknite ovdje ili nas slijedite na Facebooku ili Twitteru.  Ova je poruka upućena na adresu tokic.stjepan719@gmail.com. Ako ne želite primati naše obavijesti, kliknite ovdje.

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Take a quick moment and RSVP to join the global webcast party to celebrate our first Functional Forum in London, with host Dr. Rangan Chatejee and our Co-Founder, James Maskell.
Respected friends, earlier this week, we held one of the most powerful Functional Forums we have ever hosted, focused on the Evolution of Oncology and innovative ways to prevent cancer and encourage rapid remission. Next week, our London Forum takes the stage - bringing the Forum to Europe. That event, hosted by our Co-Founder, James Maskell, and Dr. Rangan Chaterjee, a pioneer in the field of progressive medicine, is already sold out, but please help us celebrate by joining in live, via webcast.This event will focus on Mental Health from all aspects of Healthcare. With three speakers from an NHS setting, it promises to be groundbreaking and informative, and we welcome our entire community to join us virtually.If you are thinking of making the trip to join us live, in Boulder, for February's Forum, definitely act fast. There are a limited number of tickets for the event, and it is surely worth the trip.Our main keynote will be Dr. Izabella Wentz, a gifted practitioner and the New York Times bestselling author of "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause."Dr. Wentz will be talking about new thyroid disease treatments and her upcoming docuseries: The Thyroid Secret. With 1 out of 3 Americans affected, and over 60% of them not knowing they even have thyroid disease, this is truly an epidemic of global proportions.We are thrilled to have Dr. Wentz taking the stage and look forward to having many leaders in healthcare with us live, in the room. We hope you'll make the trip to join us. Just click here to register.  If you would like to share your unique message with our growing global community, please enter your video and apply to share your 5 minutes at one of our upcoming live Functional Forum Events by recording your video, uploading it to YouTube and then entering the contest hereClick here to check out some great examples of the "Future of Functional in 5"
Watch now.
Be sure to check out our sponsors who make the Functional Forum possible... We only accept sponsors who have a system, technology, or service that have the potential to radically transform your practice. Click the links below, and sign up for their free offers and information.Nudge Coach - Imagine having your own app that empowers your patients to focus on lifestyle change in-between visits. Customize what you want your patients tracking and monitor compliance in real-time. Seamlessly incorporate health apps, wearables and devices into patient care. Provide feedback in the app and ensure that every patient feels supported by your practice 24.7.365. Take your patient experience beyond the clinic with Nudge Coach.Iggbo - Rapidly improve your patient's compliance to prescribed lab tests. Mobile phlebotomists can be booked to your office, patient's home or office. (No extra cost to the patient or the practitioner for many labs.) Freedom Practice Coaching - Best in category physician coaching program. Develop proven models for patient acquisition and team interaction. Apply for free 2-day bootcamp in San Antonio for Functional Forum watchers. Fullscript - Full professional supplement dispensary with no overhead. Automated compliance support on e-prescriptions. Best in category user experience for patient and doctor.
To your highest success,
The Evolution of Medicine Team
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Evolution of Medicine 144 N. 7th st #407 Brooklyn, New York 11249 United States

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