nedjelja, 22. siječnja 2017.

Oświadczenie Reduty Dobrego Imienia – Polskiej Ligi przeciw Zniesławieniom w sprawie książki Marcina Łuszczyny – „Mała zbrodnia – polskie obozy koncentracyjne” i artykułu w Newsweeku na jej temat

Welcome to the relaunch of this blog, formerly known as Wine with Dinner, over a year after I suspended posting due to the birth of my twin boys. All is well, and I am hoping that as the kids get bigger I will be able to find a bit of time to post periodically about wine, spirits, food, and anything else appropriate that comes along. In addition to checking the site and subscribing to its feed, you can now get updates on Twitter London: 1kg of kulen costs 600kn, while 1kg of bacon is 250kn Since Croatia joined the European Union, Tomislav Galović from Slavonski Brod has sold 600 kilograms of his kulens at the cost of 600kn/kg on the famous London market of known products and brands.My obligation is to promote a love towards Slavonia and use every opportunity in my extensive travels throughout Europe to speak of Slavonia, our local products and I tend to maximize the use of marketing. My whole life philosophy is tied with the production of kulen as a part of Croatian and Slavonian cultural identity. When I patented Slavonian Kulen 15 years ago, many were surprised that the promotion was held in Mimar museum. To them I replied that kulen is an artistic product and that the whole story of the production of kulena is an art, from the way that my farmers feed pigs with our slavonia food, through the production studio, to the sale in my stores

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Oświadczenie RDI w sprawie książki wyd. Znak o "polskich obozach koncentracyjnych"
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Oświadczenie Reduty Dobrego Imienia – Polskiej Ligi przeciw Zniesławieniom w sprawie książki Marcina Łuszczyny – „Mała zbrodnia – polskie obozy koncentracyjne” i artykułu w Newsweeku na jej temat.
W ostatnim czasie ukazała się na rynku nakładem wydawnictwa Znak książka Marka Łuszczyny pod tytułem „Mała zbrodnia – polskie obozy koncentracyjne”.

W dniu. 21.01.2017 na łamach internetowej wersji Newsweek Polska opublikowano omówienie tej pozycji, autorstwa Pauli Szewczyk.
Zarówno książka jak i jej omówienie poświęcone są znanej historykom i zainteresowanej opinii publicznej sprawie istniejących na terenie PRL, zdominowanej i okupowanej przez Związek Sowiecki, komunistycznych obozów pracy przymusowej, w których komuniści przetrzymywali osoby podejrzane o działania lub tylko zamiary działań przeciwko „władzy ludowej”. Znane są przypadki śmierci osób uwięzionych w tych obozach, a także nazwiska sprawców, przede wszystkim sadystycznego komendanta jednego z tych obozów, Salomona Morela, który znalazł schronienie przed polskim wymiarem sprawiedliwości w Izraelu. Państwo to odmówiło w latach 90 wydania go Polsce.

Fakty te są od dawna znane i udokumentowane. Książka Łuszczyny musi zatem opierać się na publicznie dostępnych dokumentach IPN. Jednakże tytuł książki mówi o „polskich obozach koncentracyjnych” w odniesieniu do tych właśnie założonych przez sowieckiego okupanta obozów. Określenie „polski obóz koncentracyjny” w stosunku do tych ośrodków prześladowań obywateli polskich przez komunistyczny reżim jest taką samą obelgą w stosunku do narodu polskiego, jaki używanie tego określenia w stosunku do niemieckich obozów koncentracyjnych

.Dodatkowo artykuł w Newsweeku i książka pojawiają się w momencie poruszenia obywatelskiego w sprawie skandalicznego zachowania niemieckiej telewizji ZDF w sprawie wykonania wyroku polskiego sądu – przeprosin więźnia Auschwitz za użycie określenia „polski obóz koncentracyjny”.

W konsekwencji pojawienia się książki i artykułu w Newsweeku przeciętny, niezorientowany w temacie odbiorca informacji doznaje dysonansu – z jednej strony rząd polski i obywatele żądają zakazu używania określenia „polski obóz koncentracyjny”, a z drugiej strony renomowane wydawnictwo i tygodnik używają tego określenia w stosunku do obozów, które powstały na ziemi polskiej już po II wojnie światowej, założone przez NKWD lub organy represji PRL. Efektem tego jest dezinformacja (lub po prostu – kłamstwo oświęcimskie) pojawiająca się w przestrzeni publicznej.

W Sejmie trwają prace nad ustawą – nowelizacją ustawy o IPN, w której przewidziano kary za użycie sformułowania „polski obóz koncentracyjny” lub podobnych w odniesieniu do obozów stworzonych przez Niemców podczas II wojny światowej. Z kalendarza prac Sejmu wynikało, że najprawdopodobniej prawo to zaczęłoby obowiązywać na początku stycznia br. Kalendarz prac Sejmu został jednak zaburzony przez wydarzenia z 16-17.12 ub.r. co w konsekwencji spowodowało brak prawa karzącego za użycie sformułowania „polski obóz koncentracyjny” i akcja protestacyjna przeciw książce Łuszczyny ma w tej chwili wymiar tylko medialny, a nie prawnokarny.

Ta operacja dezinformacyjna ma jeszcze dodatkowy aspekt – wroga unitarności państwa polskiego organizacja Ruch Autonomii Śląska od lat używa tego sformułowania, oskarżając wszystkich Polaków o zbrodnie popełnione przez komunistów na Ślązakach w okresie po zakończeniu II wojny światowej.

Artykuł Newsweeka, jak i książka Łuszczyny stają się przeciwwagą dla polskiej akcji przypominającej Niemcom, kto założył Auschwitz i inne niemieckie obozy. Niechybnie zostanie to wykorzystane przez wrogą Polsce propagandę, przede wszystkim niemiecką.

Akcja Newsweeka i książka Łuszczyny zagrażają bezpieczeństwu informacyjnemu kraju i osłabia w wymiarze międzynarodowym pozycję Polski i godzi w interesy polityczne państwa.

Reduta Dobrego Imienia – Polska Liga przeciw Zniesławieniom

Warszawa 22.01.2017 

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Thank you for RSVPing for our telephone town hall with Senator Bernie Sanders. I’m sorry you weren’t able to make it.
We were delighted with the response. More than 6,000 Friends of the Earth members like you joined the call. 
You can listen to a recording of the event by clicking here. Feel free to share it with your friends and family.
You are a crucial part of the Friends of the Earth community. When you support our work, you’re fueling the fight to protect our planet under President Trump. But we need your help to keep this important work going. 

Thanks again for participating in the telephone town hall.

Peter Stocker,
Vice president of membership and development,
Friends of the Earth

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STJEPAN, the numbers sadly speak for themselves:
  • There were 385 mass shootings in 2O16 -- an average of more than one a day
  • Guns kill roughly as many Americans as car accidents
  • 37,OOO Americans lost their lives to guns in 2O16
Trump is in the Oval Office and the Gun Lobby is more powerful than ever before.

It won’t be an easy fight. But we can’t turn our backs on the families who have lost loved ones from gun violence. We can’t stop fighting to make our communities safe.

If you agree that we must keep fighting, let us know today:

Thank you for fighting,
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The Alliance for Gun Responsibility
The Alliance for Gun Responsibility
PO Box 21712
Seattle, WA 98111

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On Friday, we faced the unbelievable reality of President Donald Trump. On Saturday, we witnessed the amazing resistance.

Donald Trump becoming president is a disaster for our country -- and millions of people face an immediate and serious threat. He's filling his cabinet with billionaires, bigots, and bullies to help him carry out his terrible vision for our country.

It's time to mobilize. On Saturday, millions of people around the country and the world, including many DFA members, did just that. The Women's Marches were a powerful example of our resistance to Trump and his agenda. Now it's time to continue the momentum and plan our next steps.

Democracy for America is a people-powered organization. Your feedback will help determine how DFA organizes to protect our neighbors, our rights, and our country from Trump. What are you willing to do to stop Trump? What concerns are at the top of your list?

Please click here to take this short DFA member survey and tell us what you think right now -- it should only take a few minutes. Your quick responses will help Democracy for America prioritize what our members work together to achieve in the critical weeks and months to come.

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us.

- The DFA Team

Paid for by Democracy for America, and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Kamala Harris


U subotu, bio sam ponosan da se pridruže s milijunima svojih sestara u Kaliforniji i diljem zemlje na ožujak, a čine je jasno da imamo snage da se unaprijed dnevni red ukorijenjen u jednakosti, pravde i tolerancije za sve. Bio je izuzetan dan u kojem milijuni žena dokazala da se ne može odbaciti ili otpisati na marginama. Imao sam privilegiju nakratko razgovarati s više od pola milijuna ljudi koji su došli u Washington DC za ožujak. Evo što sam im rekao: dok oni svibanj imati uzeti kuću, Senat i Bijelu kuću, oni nisu i ne mogu oduzeti našu moć.
Imamo moć
Imamo moć da zaustavi ovu upravu od ciljanja zajednice boje i deportacija milijune ljudi koji su poznati nijedan drugi dom od SAD-a.
Imamo snage kako bi stvorili više savršeno jedinstvo u kojem se zakon na kraju garantira jednaku plaću za jednak rad, bez obzira na svoj spol ili rasu.
Imamo snage za obranu reproduktivnih prava žena i milijune žena koje će ostati bez brige, ako Planirano roditeljstvo je defunded od strane republikanaca.Imamo moć da spasi Zakon o pristupačne skrbi i naš društveni ugovor iz politike koja će ostaviti milijune ljudi bez pristupa kvalitetu i pristupačne zdravstvenog osiguranja.
Daj pet
Jučer je bio početak pokreta, gdje milijuni žena (i muškaraca) su ustali na izazov zastupnike u Washingtonu koji pokušavaju nas odvesti natrag. Ovaj pokret zna da se luk svemira je spor, ali to se savija prema pravdi - i to je sada naša odgovornost nastaviti naš rad i saviti ga sami.
Zapamtite da je vaš glas je svoju moć. Ne možete utjecati na promjenu ako sjedite na marginama čekaju da netko drugi riješi probleme s kojima se susreće svoju zajednicu. Bilo da su mogli sudjelovati u povorci jučer ili ne, morate da kopaju duboko iz ovdje na van da se vlasništvo nad budućnost ispred nas.
Ženska prava su ljudska prava
Mi smo jači kad smo podići naše glasove zajedno - i to je upravo ono što smo učinili jučer. Kada ljudi svih uzrasta, boja, religija i pozadina dolaze zajedno, ujedinjeni u našoj kolektivnoj borbi za pravdu, ne postoji ništa što se ne može ostvariti.
Neka je jučer početak. Ostanite uključeni - i mi ćemo pobijediti ovu borbu na kraju. Hvala ti.
- Kamala

Plaćaju KAMALA HARRIS za Senat

Ova e-mail je poslan . Ako trebate ažurirati ili izmijeniti podatke ili e-mail adresu, kliknite ovdje kako bi ažurirali svoje podatke. E-mail je jedan od najkritičnijih alata koje imamo do navijače kao ti, ali možete kliknite ovdje da nas obavijestite ako želite dobiti manje e-mail ide naprijed. Bez obzira na to što se događa u narednim mjesecima i godinama, Kamala će ostati fokusiran na što neustrašivi za ljude poput vas, ali ako želite odjaviti , to možete učiniti ovdje. Pridružite nam se danas u borbi za pravdu, jednakost i gospodarstvo koje radi za svakoga od davanja doprinosa Kamala ovdje .

Update from Public Citizen


Something historic happened yesterday.

And we have even more to do.

The Women’s March on Washington and events across the country turned out 2.5 million people.

It was a resounding rejection of Donald Trump and a mass outcry with no precedent in American history.

Anyone who was on the streets or who watched the events had to be heartened.

Love and kindness contrasted with the mean-spiritedness of Friday’s inauguration. Protesters in Washington, D.C., vastly outnumbered attendees of the inauguration. And if the national numbers are taken into account, there may well have been 10 times more people demonstrating against Trump than celebrating his assumption of power.

For demonstrators, the marches were cathartic and empowering, comforting and energizing — a reassertion of what’s best in America and a refutation of the authoritarianism embodied by Donald Trump.

But, come Monday, Donald Trump will still be president.

Inspired by yesterday’s massive outpouring — but also recognizing how much more we need to do — will you commit to take at least one action every two weeks?

Add your name now.

The Trump White House and the Republican Congress are preparing to deliver on a corporate and ideologically extremist agenda that threatens our freedom and our democracy, our health care and our planet, our economic security and our most fundamental rights.

They are serious about their regressive and repugnant program. With control of all branches of government, there’s no question they are going to inflict serious damage on the country.

What they can get away with — well, that depends on us.
  • First, we have to continue to mobilize. We have to turn out on the streets in unprecedented numbers to make visible our rejection of Trump’s extremist agenda.
  • Second, we have to take care of each other. That means many things in a harsh political climate with a president who views bullying as a business, political and life strategy. Above all, it means all of us must stand together to reject efforts to denigrate, demagogue and discriminate against racial, ethnic and religious minorities. It means we must never allow the creation of a Muslim registry or anything comparable. It means we have to fight against heartless plans to tear families apart and deport millions of immigrants from our land. It means we must commit to embrace the value of solidarity.
  • Third, we have to take action — not just once in a while, but constantly. We have to sign petitions, call and email members of Congress and other elected officials, write letters to the editor, talk to neighbors and co-workers, attend community meetings, turn out for local protests, and much more. And we have to keep doing it, over and over again.
Will you take an action for justice and democracy, compassion and decency, every two weeks?

By pledging, you commit yourself to action and to hold yourself accountable. No one else is going to make you fulfill the pledge.

Of course, we have to be strategic, and we need our actions to be directed in useful ways.

We need to make members of Congress understand they will pay a political price for embracing the corporate extremist agenda.

We need to develop a broad united front to defend basic democratic principles now under threat.

We need to show Trump voters how President Trump is not only failing to deliver on the core promises of Candidate Trump — the claims that he would cure corruption and cronyism — but aggressively betraying them by pursuing a corporate extremist agenda that mocks the claims of the campaign.

And much more.

But the best strategy in the world is worthless if we don’t commit to action.

Pledge now that you will take action at least once every two weeks.

This is our country.

Together, let’s make it what it should be.


Robert Weissman
President, Public Citizen
© 2017 Public Citizen • 1600 20th Street, NW / Washington, D.C. 20009 • unsubscribe

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