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Tell the U.S. Senate: Oppose and resist anti-worker Puzder nomination. |
Petition to the U.S. Senate: "Oppose Andrew Puzder’s nomination as labor secretary and do all you can to resist his confirmation. A man who led low-paying companies accused of wage theft and putting workers at risk has no place in the Department of Labor."
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Dear Stjepan,
Donald Trump’s nominee for labor secretary, Andrew Puzder, is a longtime sexist with an utter disdain for working people – a whole lot like Trump himself.1 And with his nomination hearing coming up soon, we’re running out of time to stop him.
Puzder hates the minimum wage and President Obama’s reforms to increase overtime pay. As CEO of CKE Restaurants, which includes Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, he has faced lawsuits for discrimination and for not paying employees what they are owed, known as wage theft. He is a former anti-abortion activist who is most famous for his company’s sexist commercials featuring bikini-clad women.2
Putting Puzder in charge of the Department of Labor is like making an arsonist fire chief. We need to make sure Republicans know there is a price to pay for supporting this radical of a candidate, and that Democrats do everything they can to oppose this nomination.
Puzder is just about the opposite of what you want in a labor secretary:
Hates the minimum wage. Puzder is a longtime opponent of the minimum wage, even threatening to replace workers with robots if wages go up. He’s a CEO in a fast food industry that features far worse pay than other industries, even though his own salary is roughly 300 times the minimum wage.3
Accused of stealing from, mistreating and putting workers at risk. Puzder and his companies have faced – and settled – repeated lawsuits from workers, including claims of wage theft, discrimination, failure to provide breaks and dangerous workplace environments.4
Long history of sexism and anti-abortion activism. Puzder called his company’s sexist advertisements showing scantily clad women, some of which were too outlandish for TV, a reflection of his own personality. The ads are infamous, but Puzder’s leadership in the anti-abortion movement, including writing a restrictive, anti-abortion law in Missouri, is far more troubling.5
Opposes overtime pay. The last two administrations, Republican and Democrat, have both raised the overtime salary threshold to keep it up to date with expenses. But Puzder has promised to seek to deny millions raises by opposing the Obama administration’s overtime pay reforms. No surprise, coming from a man whose companies have been accused of denying employees earned overtime pay.6
Few Americans want a cruelly out-of-touch CEO looking out for them as labor secretary. We need to make Puzder as toxic as possible by speaking up loudly right now.
The Department of Labor is supposed to protect working people, including taking action against companies that deny pay and put workers at risk. Puzder’s job will be to regulate the same fast-food industry that he just left – yet another blatant conflict of interest in the Trump administration.
Donald Trump is the most unpopular president-elect in modern history. We need to remind Republicans that his massive popular vote loss leaves him without any mandate to pick right-wing cronies and monsters from the same swamp he claims to want to drain. Even though the lack of filibuster means Democrats will have trouble blocking his nominations, if Democrats utilize any and all tactics to mount a fierce and uncompromising resistance to Puzder, it will help expose Trump’s radical right-wing agenda and further undermine his already meager support.
Tell the Senate: Oppose and resist anti-worker Puzder nomination. Click below to sign the petition:
Thank you for speaking out,
Add your name:
- Tom Philpott, “Trump's Labor Secretary Pick Hates the Minimum Wage, Loves "Beautiful Women Eating Burgers in Bikinis",” Mother Jones, Dec. 9, 2016.
- Ibid.
- Brendan Gauthier, “Donald Trump’s labor secretary pick Andy Puzder, who makes 300 times his employees, opposes minimum wage hike,” Salon, Dec. 8, 2016.
- Tim Mak and Amelia Warshaw, “Trump’s Labor Secretary Pick, Andrew Puzder, Is Swamped in His Own Workplace Lawsuits,” The Daily Beast, Dec. 9, 2016.
- Philpott, “Trump's Labor Secretary Pick Hates the Minimum Wage, Loves "Beautiful Women Eating Burgers in Bikinis".”
- Ibid.
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PFAW Member Telebriefing
Please join us TOMORROW for our next member briefing call!
The briefing will cover the Sessions confirmation hearing from this week, Senate Republicans' broader efforts to rush through confirmation of Trump's entire cabinet, and what this process could indicate about what to expect when we get a Supreme Court nominee.
When: Thursday, January 12, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time (3:00 PM Central/2:00 PM Mountain/1:00 PM Pacific)
Call-in information will be provided after you sign up for the call. If you're unsure about whether or not you can make the call, RSVP anyway to let us know you're interested and we'll make sure to get you an update.
Our resistance must be focused on this fight.
Trump's cabinet nominees have had the bar set so low for them, by way of their own dreadful records, that their hearings could be considered successful as long as they meet the lowest standards. Republicans are trying to rush confirmations of nominees who have not been properly vetted and have, in many cases, not provided important financial disclosures.
More information about why some of the worst nominees are unfit to serve continues to come out every day -- and that's exactly why the Senate owes it to the American people to take its time. And, of course, this is also a precursor for what could be an epic showdown over the stolen Supreme Court nomination.
Thanks for all you do.
-- Ben, Online Engagement Director
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Sign our petition today if you support the Stop Arming Terrorists Act >>
Here's a fact that won't surprise you: it is illegal for Americans to provide money or assistance to al Qaeda, ISIS, or other terrorist groups. What is shocking however, is that this only applies to people like you and me - not the United States government. For years, our government has quietly been directly and indirectly supporting allies and partners of groups like al-Qaeda, ISIL, Jabhat Fateh al Sham and others with money, weapons, and intelligence in their attempt to overthrow the Syrian government. Recent reports from media outlets like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal confirmed that many rebel groups supported by the U.S. have joined forces and partnered with al-Qaeda and affiliated groups. When rebels were asked to denounce their alliance with al-Qaeda to allow for a peacefully negotiated cease-fire in Syria, they refused. Al-Qaeda, ISIS and other affiliated groups remain the strongest force on the ground fighting to overthrow the Syrian government.A Sunni Syrian-American from Aleppo said: "Imagine what would happen to the people of Syria if these violent extremists, who have been carrying out some of the most brutal and disgusting acts against innocent civilians, took over our country. We only have to look at the chaos, devastation and terror in Libya or Iraq to see what will happen to Syria if they are successful." I've introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists Act to put an end to this madness. This legislation will prohibit the federal government from using taxpayer dollars to arm and support those cooperating with or affiliated with terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS. It will also prohibit the US government from funneling money and weapons through countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar who are directly or indirectly supporting terrorist organizations like ISIS or al-Qaeda. We must stop arming terrorists. Add your name to our petition in support of my bill to require our government to abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens. If we work together to create a groundswell of grassroots momentum and support, we can pass this legislation and stop our government from continuing this hypocrisy of providing support that strengthens the same terror groups we are supposedly trying to defeat.
Mahalo, Tulsi
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A CitizenGO németországi kampányigazgatója Irakban, a közelmúltban felszabadított területeken töltötte az ünnepeket helyi keresztények és jezidik körében. A háború még mindig kísérti őket, hiszen mellettük zajlik Moszul bombázása, hallják a robbantásokat és a tőlük néhány kilométerre zajló lövöldözéseket. Az Alqosh vidékén maradt, illetve a ninivei síkság területéről kitelepített keresztények és jezidik menekülttáborokban laknak, legfőbb céljuk, hogy minél hamarabb visszatérhessenek otthonaikba. Szeretném megragadni a lehetőséget, hogy beszámoljak munkatársam tapasztalatairól, melyek a ninivei síkságon és az észak-iraki Kurdisztán autonóm területein tett utazása alatt érték. Eduard Pröls olyan felszabadított városokat és falvakat tudott felkeresni, mint a keleti Quaraqosh, Karamles és Bartella, az északi Tel Esqof, Baqofa és Batnaya, ezen kívül pedig meglátogatta a Moszultól délkeletre lévő Mal Behnam kolostor lakóit is. Ezeken a területeken a keresztény templomokat kifosztották, megrongálták, felégették, megszentségtelenítették. A jezidi templomok még rosszabbul jártak, rendre lerombolták őket. Az oltárokat, szobrokat és képeket összetörték, meggyalázták. A helyi közösségek mindent megtesznek, hogy feltakarítsák a törmelékeket, és elkezdjék helyrehozni a károkat, hogy amilyen gyorsan csak lehet, újra összegyűlhessenek templomaikban.
A felszabadított településeken az épületek 70%-a romokban áll, vagy lakhatatlanná vált a tűz miatt. Még nem tárták föl azokat az alagútrendszereket, amelyeket arra használtak a terroristák, hogy hátulról támadják a felszabadítókat, illetve, hogy elmeneküljenek a kormányzati erők elől. Számos településből, így Batnayából is leginkább csak törmelék maradt. Az utcák, a törmelékmezők, a megmaradt épületek és romok csapdákkal vannak tele, a főutak pedig fertőző bombákkal. A robbanóanyagok, bombák hatástalanítása, továbbá a bányák megtisztítása hosszú ideig tartó, veszélyes és fárasztó feladat.
A tragédia tovább folytatódik Moszulban, ahol több mint egymillió civil rekedt. A városban az iraki hadsereg hatalmas offenzívát indított december 29-én annak érdekében, hogy kiszabadítsa a beszorított civileket, akiket az Iszlám Állam élő pajzsként használ. Moszul egyes keleti területeit már sikerült felszabadítaniuk az iraki erőknek. A lakosok megállás nélkül menekülnek a felszabadított negyedekből, emellett vannak, akik a nyugati városrészből is kiszöknek. A harcok a becslések szerint csupán az elmúlt hetekben 10 000 áldozatot követeltek, katonákat és civileket egyaránt. Menekültek tízezrei tartózkodnak a térségben, rögtönzött táborokban helyezik el őket.
A CitizenGO német kampányigazgatója elmondta, megrendítő volt számára azokkal a diáklányokkal is találkozni, akik sértetlenül átvészelték az Iszlám Állam katonáinak kirkuki támadását. Korábban beszámoltunk róla, hogyan menekültek meg a barátaink által befogadott diáklányok néhány hónapja, amikor az ISIS betört az észak-iraki városba, Kirkukba: "Egy szobában voltunk az Iszlám Állam katonáival. Leültek az ágyra, és nem tudták, nem érezték, hogy el vagyunk rejtve alatta."
A lányok jól vannak, és folytatják tanulmányaikat az észak-iraki Kirkukban. A CitizenGO az Önök segítségével aktívan hozzájárul a Mirkis püspök által fenntartott kollégium finanszírozásához, ahol a lányok is laknak. A diákokról és a kollégiumról biztonsági okokból nem közlünk fényképeket.
Kérjük, ha hívő, foglalja imáiba az üldözötteket, különösen pedig a Moszulban rekedt civileket, hogy biztonságban átvészelhessék ezt a kritikus időszakot!
Köszönettel: Zaymus Eszter és a CitizenGO csapata
U.i.: Beszámolónk blogunkon is megjelent. A médiában sajnos nincs elég szó az iraki üldözöttek valós helyzetéről. Barátaink azt kérik tőlünk, a nyugati világtól, hogy segítsünk nekik hazatérni otthonaikba. Kérem, ossza meg blogbejegyzésünket e-mailben vagy Facebookon ismerőseivel! http://blog.citizengo.org/magyar/2017/01/11/beszamolo-munkatarsunk-iraki-utjarol/
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