subota, 28. siječnja 2017.

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SFTS Inquirers Weekend Feb. 23-25, 2017View this email in your browser

Explore Theological Graduate Degrees, Diplomas
and Certificates in Spiritual Care, and More!

Part academic seminar, part spiritual retreat, the SFTS Inquirers Weekend will introduce you to our robust theological education and inclusive and reflective community over two days in Marin County, California. This is a perfect opportunity to explore our innovative degree programs, meet faculty and students, and explore the area surrounding our beautiful seminary grounds.    

Let Us Help You Get Here! 

  • Travel vouchers up to $300 to help cover travel costs, including ground transportation from/to the airport.
  • FREE room and board here on our beautiful campus in Marin County, CA.
  • Application fees waived if you apply to one of our programs while you're here.
  • Generous financial aid and scholarship opportunities for those who qualify.

Can't Make February?

Don't worry! If you would like a personal tour at a time more convenient to you, we'd be happy to show you around.  Please contact Kristin Dableo-Martel, Assistant Director of Admissions, at 415.451.2831 or

How About a Quick Virtual Tour?

Explore our Seminary from your desktop! Get maps, 360-degree views, panoramas, and video tours of our beautiful campus. Click here for tour.

Need More Information?

For more information about Inquirers Weekend or about attending SFTS, please contact the SFTS Office of Admissions at 415.451.28311.800.447.8820 ext. 831, or

We look forward to hearing from you!


San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS), the only Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seminary in the West, reinvents education for ministry through unparalleled innovation, rigorous scholarship, and a tradition of commitment to spiritual formation and social justice in the Christian faith.

We are a welcoming multicultural community assembled from throughout the world. Our curriculum combines classroom learning with immersion in practical ministry, preparing students to bridge theological, cultural and political divides. Any student who exhibits a commitment to critical theological inquiry is welcome. Here you will refine your unique gifts and cultivate ministry expertise for your ongoing participation in God's New Creation.

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Tell your Senators: Block Trump's climate-denying cabinet!
Scott Pruitt for EPA. Former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. Rick Perry for Department of Energy. Donald Trump is aiming to fill his cabinet with climate deniers. And the Senate is poised to let him.
So Friends of the Earth Action is joining with allies from across the progressive movement to send a strong message -- our Senators must block Trump’s cabinet of climate denial. Tell the Senate: Use your confirmation power to block Trump’s cabinet of climate denial. Trump claims he wants to “drain the swamp,” but he’s doing the opposite. His cabinet picks expose his real agenda: exploiting the deepest and darkest fears in our country to enrich himself and his friends. Racist, climate-denying Senator Jeff Sessions could lead the Justice Department. He’d have the power to let ExxonMobil get away with denying the climate crisis -- potentially the biggest case of corporate fraud in history.   Scott Pruitt is suing the EPA -- impeding the very agency he’s charged with leading. He wants to roll back the Clean Power Plan and Clean Water Rule. Why? Because he’s received more than $315,000 from fossil fuel industries since 2002.And Rex Tillerson declined to condemn human rights violations in his confirmation hearing. He sent clear signals that when he led Exxon, he was willing to look the other way at atrocities in order to score oil and gas deals in countries from Chad to Indonesia to Russia. Sign the petition: Tell the Senate to block Trump’s cabinet of climate deniers. Personnel is policy. Trump’s outrageous cabinet nominations make it clear that the only policy Trump will advance is what benefits himself and his corporate buddies. The Senate will be a razor thin 52-48 divide between Republicans and Democrats in 2017. Many key Senate committees will be split 10-9 or 11-10. If Democrats stick together, it will only take a handful of principled Republican votes to block any Trump nominee who champions hate or greed. But we need your help to make that happen.
Tell the Senate: Oppose any Trump nominee who embraces climate denial.
Standing with you,
Ben Schreiber,           
Senior political strategist,
Friends of the Earth Action

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Politics Now
One week into the Trump presidency, here’s a closer look at border wall plans, the reinstatement of torture tactics and what White House staffers are already saying about their new boss.
January 28, 2017View email in browser

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TRUMP SHOULD END GOVERNMENT FUNDING OF NPR | What to Expect From Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation | Gosnell's House of Horrors Made Me Pro-Life | 8 Reasons Why Obamacare Should Be Repealed | Trump's Nominees Face 'Unprecedented' Democrat Obstructionism

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Jan. 28, 2016

What to Expect From Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

Trump Should End Government Funding of NPR's Biased News

How Gosnell's House of Horrors Made Me Pro-Life

8 Reasons Why Obamacare Should Be Repealed

Trump's Nominees Face 'Unprecedented' Democrat Obstructionism

Andrew Jackson Portrait Now Hangs in Oval Office. Here's What He Said About Draining the Swamp.

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Morrison Publishing, LLC, Madison, MS 39110

Happy Lunar New Year! :) 

With today's new moon, the Lunar New Year begins... And we are now entering into an energetically charged time that's perfect for creating positive shifts!  We're going to be moving forward quickly now...  Make sure you're staying positive and recharging yourself energetically if you feel your vibration drop...There's plenty of drama happening in the world now...  Don't let this distract you from the spiritual doors of opportunity opening now...  Because there is an incredible opportunity for you to more fully align with your Soul Power and with an expanded level of light!  To support you in taking a step in that direction, I've just released a free angel card reading for the Lunar New Year...  This is an important message from the angels for you right now: Then, if you're ready to commit to shifting your point of attraction so you can more fully embody the light of your highest self... Try out the Angel Solution Membership right now for only $1!  Click here to learn more:
With love, light and gratitude, 

514 Americas Way #5159
Box Elder SD 57719

Sigurna sam, mnogo ste se puta pitali ima li kakve koristi od peticija koje ste potpisali. Što se dogodilo s ljudima i organizacijama koje spominjemo u našim peticijama. Mnogo puta pisala sam vam o djeci, ženama, obiteljima, narodima čija su osnovna ljudska prava ugrožena, i ne samo prava već i goli život. Ima li kakvih promjena, kakvih novosti? Drago mi je što mogu reći: IMA.
YAZADA - ponovno otvorena
Prije dva tjedna pisala sam vam o Yazadi, međunarodnoj neprofitnoj organizaciji koja između ostalog koordinira dostavu humanitarne pomoći za desetke tisuća Jezida koje je IS prognao s područja Iraka i osigurava pomoć ženama koje bile seksualnog robinje. Njihov ured u Dohuku naglo je zatvoren i sva je pomoć obustavljena. CitizenGO se uključio u zahtjev za brzo otvaranje Yazade kako bi se spriječila humanitarna katastrofa. Zahvaljujući CitizenGOerima i drugima koji su se aktivno uključili Yazada je ponovno zaočela s radom 18. siječnja. Hvala svima koji ste potpisali peticiju... Prosljeđujem i zahvalu Murada Ismaela, direktora Yazade koju smo primili prije otvaranja:


U ime našeg odbora, želio bih vam zahvaliti na vašoj podršci. Postigli smo dogovor s regionalnom vladom Kurdistana i nadamo se kako će Yazada biti otvorena tijekom sljedeća dva dana.  Hvala, Tko su Jezidi i u što vjeruju? Saznajte na našem blogu:

Nažalost, miris rata i dalje se širi Irakom...  U mjestima oslobođenima od islamista 70% zgrada i kuća je uništeno. Nemoguće je vratiti se u ta mjesta. Vojska i prognanici svakodnevno čiste ruševine i pokušavaju uspostaviti red. Koliko u porušenim gradovima, selima i putevima prijeti nagaznih mina... nitko ne zna... Dio našeg tima, Eduard i Tatiana, proslavili su Novu Godinu i Bogojavljenje zajedno s našim novim (i starim) prijateljima koje smo upoznali dok smo prikupljali pomoć za izbjeglice smještene u iračkim izbjegličkim kampovima  Fotografije njihovog putovanja možete pogledati na našem blogu:

Progon kršćana u porastu je već četvrtu godinu zaredom, a broj zemalja u kojima svakodnevno ubijaju kršćane raste. Osim u Iraku najizraženije nasilje i diskriminacija kršćana je u Sjevernoj Koreji, Somaliji, Afganistanu, Pakistanu,  Sirija, Irak, Iran, Jemenu, Eritreji i Sudanu. Petr Jašek češki humanitarni radnik i misionar koji je u Sudanu pomagao kao upravitelj bolnice, zbog kršćanske vjere već je više od godinu dana utamničen pod optužbom za špijunažu i rušenje sudanskog režima. Nakon što smo krajem studenog predali više od 350 000 potpisa tražeći od UN-a konkretne korake u slučaju Petra Jašeka čiji su slučaj sudanske vlasti beskonačno odlagale, stvari su se počele pomicati i suđenje se privodi kraju! Izricanje presude, nakon što je već u nekoliko navrata odgođeno, očekuje se 29. siječnja. Petrova kći Vanda prije par dana poslala nam je poruku: Presuda je odgođena, ali sve izgleda prilično dobro. Sud će zasjedati u prisutnosti češkog veleposlanika iz Kaira. Tata je dobro. Sve vas pozdravlja.

Sve je u Božjim rukama!

Pod kojom je optužbom Petr zatvoren i kako je izgledalo suđenje do sad izgledalo, možete pročitati ovdje:

Petr je (kao i Asija Bibi) zatvoren i sudi mu se prema šerijatskom zakonu. Asijinu nepravednu presudu na smrt Vrhovni sud Paksitana je poništio, međutim Asija ne može napustiti zatvor zbog straha od osvete radiklanih islamističkih grupa, a novo suđenje se može odlagati beskonačno! Asija je postala simbol borbe za slobodu ne samo kršćana, već svih onih koji se protive zakonu o blasfemiji. Među njima je i Shaan Taseer. Shaan Taseer, sin je Salmaana Taseera, upravitelja pokrajne Punjab, koji je ubijen nakon što je stao u Asijinu obranu i izjavio kako treba ukinuti zakon o blasfemiji. Shaan je ovog Božića snimio video u kojem čestita Božić svim kršćanima i Asiji Bibi. Uz to je kritizirao i zakon o blasfemiji kojeg je nazvao neljudskim. Par sati nakon što je objavio video na društvenim mrežama, na Shaana je bačena fetva i to zbog otpadništva i bogohuljenja, što je prema šerijatskom zakonu zločin kažnjiv smrću. Više o Salamaanu i Shaanu Taseeru saznajte na našem blogu: 

Molim vas, nakon što pročitate ovaj e-mail podijelite ga s vašim prijateljima, sa svima koje mislite da će ova tema zanimati.Dajte glas nečujnima... progonjenima, utamničenima... 
Hvala vam,
Svako dobro,
Ana Marija i cijeli CitizenGO tim je zajednica aktivnih građana koji žele štititi život, obitelj i temeljna ljudska prava diljem svijeta. Ako želite saznati više o nama kliknite ovdje ili nas slijedite na Facebooku ili Twitteru.  Ova je poruka upućena na adresu Ako ne želite primati naše obavijesti, kliknite ovdje
Ako želite kontaktirati CitizenGO nemojte odgovarati na ovaj mail, već odgovorite na sljedeću formu.

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