četvrtak, 30. lipnja 2016.

Using the power of the sun to deliver life-saving oxygen Researchers have developed a solar-powered oxygen concentrator to treat severe pneumonia and put it to use in hospitals in Uganda, where it is already supplying those desperately in need with round-the-clock care. ​​Read more


Please look at this beautiful white rose! And then – consider this:  I want to take a white rose – just like this one. . ....and place it at the base of the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal.  In your name!  ...on the 99th Anniversary of the Fatima Miracle of the Sun.  Send Our Lady a White Rose - click here >>> This can be a wonderful spiritual experience for you – and I don’t want you to be left out. But I must warn you that there are only so many roses I can take. You must reserve yours quickly.  And time is running out! So please - allow me to place a white rose, in your name, on the very spot where Our Lady appeared. My dear friend, you know that every woman’s heart glows when she is given a rose. And a white rose touches that “pearl-like” quality in her. And to Our Lady, certainly God’s “pearl of great price”, a white rose, surely reminds her of the privilege of Her Immaculate Conception.  
So I am sending two America Needs Fatima representatives, to deliver your white
rose to the very spot where Our Blessed Lady appeared to the three little shepherds of Fatima. 
    Just think - by sending a white rose to Fatima, you will be honoring Mary’s purity, and consoling Her for so many offenses and blasphemies against her Son and Herself. You will be telling Her from across the Ocean, “America loves you, America thanks you.” Plus - by sending a white rose to Fatima, you will also be helping support the national Public Square Rosary campaign taking place on October 15, 2016. And America is desperately in need of prayer!  That’s why we have been promoting a national campaign of prayer of the Rosary in the Public Square for America. Can human efforts be relied on to save our nation?  You, of all people, know the answer to that question. Our nation needs Our Lady’s help, and by sending Her a white rose, you will be helping me reach our 15,000 Rosary Rally goal for this year—making it possible for an estimated 230,000 people to pray the Rosary on the streets of America! Can you imagine?  It can happen.  It must happen.
So please – today – let me send a white rose in your name, and make Our Lady smile, dry Her tears, and help spread Her message of prayer and conversion in our beloved land. 
I know you may be busy today, but I did want to send you a quick reminder that tomorrow is First Friday in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus… ...and Saturday is First Saturday in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.Please click here to read the wonderful promises from Our Lord and Our Lady attached to these devotions…and what They ask us to do to hold up our end of the bargain! And what a bargain! You won’t find a better “deal” anywhere…So, if you are already fulfilling one these devotions, that’s fantastic – please continue! If you have not yet started, I encourage you to do so. Our Lord Jesus Christ PROMISED: “I will console them in all their troubles.” We could all use a Friend to console us. Don’t forget to spend time with Our Lord and His Blessed Mother this weekend!

I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary, 
JEUDI 30 JUIN 2016 
L’attentat d’Istanbul en cinq questions
L’attaque-suicide, survenue mardi 28 juin, qui a fait 42 morts et 238 blessés, aurait été menée, selon Ankara, par des membres de l’organisation Etat islamique.
« Brexit » : première étape dans la succession du premier ministre David Cameron
Il y a deux grands favoris : la ministre de l’intérieur Theresa May, qui fait figure de candidate de consensus, et le leader des partisans du « Brexit », Boris Johnson.
« Contrôles au faciès » : l’Assemblée rejette le récépissé
Les députés ont refusé mercredi l’expérimentation de cette mesure. Seul un test de l’enregistrement vidéo des interventions de police a été adopté.
Sarkozy promet de revenir sur le non-cumul des mandats… et s’attire des critiques à droite
La proposition du président des Républicains de soumettre à référendum la loi sur le non-cumul des mandats est irrecevable sur le plan constitutionnel.
L’Académie des Oscars recrute chez les femmes et les minorités
Dans son collège de votants, se trouvent les réalisatrices Catherine Breillat, Anne Fontaine, Nicole Garcia et Marjane Satrapi.
Hollande assure que la loi travail sera « votée dans les délais prévus »
Le président s’exprimait dans « Les Echos ». La CGT souligne toujours de « profonds désaccords » sur le projet de loi et a maintenu la « journée d’action » prévue mardi.
En images
Le souffle d’une des explosions à l’aéroport d’Istanbul filmé par une caméra de surveillance
Des images montrent le souffle d’une des explosions causées par l’un des attentats-suicides à l’aéroport d’Istanbul.
Cameron lance à Corbyn : « Pour l’amour du ciel, mon vieux, partez ! »
Test au sol réussi pour une fusée du futur lanceur lourd de la NASA
Visite d'une attraction sur le thème de « Walking Dead »
Attentats à Istanbul : « La deuxième explosion s’est déroulée à 3 mètres de nous »
Les pistes d’économie de l’Assurance maladie pour 2017
Dans son traditionnel rapport précédant le projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale, dévoilé jeudi, la Caisse nationale d’Assurance maladie présente des mesures qui permettraient d’économiser 1,4 milliard d’euros en 2017.
Le « docteur Mabuse », mentor du peloton, s’intéresse aussi aux athlètes
Bernard Sainz est toujours présent dans le cyclisme français. Selon nos informations, il prodigue aussi des conseils juridiques et a mis un pied dans le sulfureux athlétisme turc.
« Brexit » : « pas de marché unique à la carte » pour Londres, préviennent les Vingt-Sept à Bruxelles
Selon le premier ministre britannique David Cameron, une « réforme de la libre circulation des personnes » au sein de l’UE constitue « la clé pour rester proche de l’Union ».
Brésil : le financement privé de la culture en cause
Une investigation pour fraude concerne 250 événements ou spectacles depuis 2001.
 Lire le journal
Six mois avec sursis pour deux adolescents toulousains partis en Syrie
Les deux mineurs, âgés de 15 et 16 ans au moment des faits, en 2014, ont été condamnés pour « association de malfaiteurs en relation avec une entreprise terroriste » par le tribunal pour enfants de Paris.
Vivendi lance une difficile opération séduction auprès des employés de Gameloft
Dans son premier e-mail à ses nouveaux employés, Stéphane Roussel, intronisé PDG de Gameloft par Vivendi, promet de respecter la créativité de ses « chers collègues ».
La Cour de cassation se prononce sur la validité de l’annulation de l’arbitrage Tapie
Le 17 février 2015, la cour d’appel de Paris avait estimé que la sentence arbitrale prononcée en juillet 2008 en faveur de l’homme d’affaires dans l’affaire du Crédit lyonnais était entachée de « fraude ».
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 ANNONCES IMMOBILIÈRESavec Logic-immoToutes les offres immobilières 
 Bien immobilier 2 pièces, PARIS 19
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Doobie Sisters

Thinking about starting a company? You may want to consider one in the marijuana biz. Women are ruling this industry all over the U.S.  The Atlantic pointed out that the legal marijuana could be the first billion dollar industry not ruled by men.   According to Marijuana Business Daily, women make up about 36 percent of executives in the legal-marijuana industry. That number is more like 22 percent in most other industries. “It’s a new chance for many women who have been in the corporate world who couldn’t get to the next level,” Becca Foster, an independent consultant with Healthy Headie, an in-home cannabis shop, told The Atlantic. Plus, we have a feeling a job in this field would make you super popular.

Back To Basics

What do you do when you are a pro tennis player who gets suspended from your sport? Go to Harvard Business School. Well that’s what Maria Sharapova is doing, at least for two weeks. She even Tweeted a picture of herself on campus. According to the Associated Press, Sharapova will participate in a two-week program. Her agent, Max Eisenbud, said that the program involves two classes on campus. In the spring the tennis champ was banned by the International Tennis federation after failing a drug test.

Chips For Everyone!

It’s been a rough year for Chipotle but things could be turning around especially for those of us who are on a first name basis with most of the staff there. Basically they are launching a rewards program called “Chiptopia “ (which is coincidentally what I plan to name my first born.)  It will start July 1 and go through the summer. This program differs a little from other loyalty programs in that customers will be rewarded for making multiple trips to the restaurant per week. So since I go there in any day that ends in Y (except for Tuesdays. That’s reserved for Sbarro’s) I should be eligible for some sort of gold card status or the cashier’s kidney or at the very least extra guac. Any of those would be great. With this and that whole pesky not sure if your burrito was going to give you dysentery thing, we should be all good.

Levo Loves….

That Barely Famous Season 2 is premiering on VH1 tonight! We love The Foster sisters and all their hijinx! Watch the trailer here.

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Chicago Tribune BizWrap
June 30, 2016View email in browser

Hershey board rejects Mondelez's $23 billion takeover bid

Hershey says its board of directors has unanimously rejected an acquisition bid from Mondelez International, the Deerfield-based global snack-food company known for brands like Oreo and Ritz Crackers.
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Recalled Ikea dressers show up for sale on Craigslist, Facebook

Ikea dressers have been put up for sale on online selling platforms such as Craigslist in the days since the company recalled them because of safety hazards.
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Taboos over talking politics at work loosen during divisive election season

High interest in a high-octane election season has some employers bracing for political tensions in the office.
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ConAgra settles into new Merchandise Mart headquarters

ConAgra moved into a 170,000-square-foot space in Merchandise Mart earlier this week, bringing 500 jobs to Chicago.
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5 'Star Trek' series to run back to back on Heroes & Icons network

All five "Star Trek" TV series will air nightly on Chicago-based Heroes & Icons beginning in July.
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Drug coupons may save you money, but they're keeping drug prices high. Here's how.

Drug coupons are a clever marketing tactic increasingly used by pharmaceutical companies for a counterintuitive purpose: to keep drug prices high, writes Charles Ornstein.
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Bud Light's latest advertisement says it supports equal pay ... in theory

In its newest national TV ad, the world's biggest brewer portrays itself as a staunch defender of paying women as much as men.
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Know who doesn't want you depending on Facebook for news? Facebook, for one

Know who doesn't want you depending on Facebook for news? Facebook, for one. It's changing its algorithm to favor friends and family postings.
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Spread the News!

June 30, 2016
The Illinois House on Thursday approved a stopgap budget that would keep state government afloat for six months, ensure schools open this fall and provide help to struggling Chicago Public Schools after Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democratswho control the General Assembly hoped they struck a deal amid intense political pressure with the November election looming.

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Well Finally

Remember all that controversy surrounding this year’s Oscars since because there was no diversity whatsoever? Well, we’ve got some promising news. The Oscars have invited a record number of new members to vote in next year’s Academy Awards. Almost 700 people were invited, with a focus on women and ethnic minorities. If all these new members agreed to join male membership would drop from 75% to 73% and white membership would go from 92% to 89%. OK, so these aren’t exactly huge numbers but it is definitely something. Some of the notable people that have been invited? America Ferrera, Brie Larson, Idris Elba, Emma Watson, Sia and Tina Fey. #progress (Related: How Salma Hayak Brilliantly Exposed Hollywood’s Sexism Problem)

Come On, Shaman!

Life coaches are so 2015. If you want to get some guidance this year (from someone who is not your mentor) it is all about the shamans. A shaman is a person who has access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits. They usually go into a trance like state during a ritual to get their healing powers going (always a good time.) And according to a new piece in Marie Claire shamans are the new chokers for millennials. Not really, but if you are feeling a little lost in your career or personal life and maybe therapy, exercise, that weird juice cleanse, shopping spree and staring at a Ryan gosling picture don’t just seem to do the trick, you may want to consider the shaman option.  Vivian Diller, Ph.D., a psychologist in private practice in New York City, told MC, “Millennials are turned off by organized Western religion and are more open to religions based on Eastern philosophy. In a world that is so uncertain, there is still a desire for a sense of control, so some believe a spiritual leader holds potential answers.” Sounds good to me. Plus saying you are going to see your shaman just sounds cool. (Related: How To Boost Your Career Over the 4th Of July)

Burn Book

The self-help we have all been waiting for is finally in the works. Lindsay Lohan is finally putting pen to paper (if she can find her pen.) “I am in the process of writing a book, and I am very excited to share my personal experiences in life and how to overcome obstacles,” Lohan, who turns 30 on July 2, told Vanity Fair. So if you can’t afford a shaman, you’ve still got Lilo’s advice book. “I hope that my words will connect with those who need some guidance when [or] if they are in a tough place.”  The obstacles she is referring to may not be relatable to that many people as she was super famous by the age of 12, then became a drug addict, was arrested for shoplifting, drunk driving and did a few short stints in prison as a result but, you know, still a good beach read. “I can’t turn back time,” Lohan explained. “But if I could, I would have listened more to my mother and gone back to N.Y.C. earlier in life and chosen my friends more wisely.” Coulda, woulda, shoulda. As long as she still made Mean Girls in this other life, we’re happy. (Related: 9 Career Lessons We Learned from Mean Girls)

Levo Loves…

That 10 years ago this week The Devil Wears Prada, one of the greatest work films of all time, came out! That’s all! Read about it here. 
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I want to put a powerful tool into your hands. In it lie the truths that forever changed the world's political landscape -- and how you can harness these truths to advance your conservative principles.
Today, I want to offer you free digital access to one of Heritage's greatest resources: The Heritage Guide to the Constitution.
When is the last time you read the Constitution? Or better yet, read it with a cheat sheet? The Heritage Guide to the Constitution is a one-of-a-kind resource that lays out the Constitution in a readily accessible format. In it you will find:
  • Clause-by-clause analysis of the entire Constitution and each amendment 
  • Input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts including former Attorney General Ed Meese 
  • 475 pages reviewing what the Constitution actually says and how it applies today 
  • A copy of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the document that serve as its foundation 
Washington's dysfunction is caused by a complete misunderstanding -- or misrepresentation -- of what the Constitution really says. Please don't be a part of the problem -- get your free access to the Heritage Guide to the Constitution today!
Jim DeMint
The Heritage Foundation
The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843
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Scientists are reporting that exposure to certain compounds in marijuana can cleanse the brain of harmful amyloid beta cells that give rise to Alzheimer's disease, offering up new clues as to how we might stop the disease in its early stages.Read more
The Platypus above/below water exploration craft is expected to go into production later this year. We popped down to the south coast of France a few days ago to talk new design and production plans. And to ride on, and under, the surprisingly chilly waters of the Mediterranean.Read more
Anticipating unannounced products is something of an art form, combining equal parts pattern analysis, rumor mill watching and some old-fashioned logic and imagination. Let's look at the gear we're most psyched about seeing in the second half of 2016.Read more
In preparation for the Juno spacecraft's imminent arrival at Jupiter, astronomers have been training their telescopes on the planet – and Hubble just caught a beautiful electric-blue light show at the planet's north pole.​Read more
The da Vinci miniMaker is an education-focused 3D printer that's aimed at encouraging the next generation of designers and engineers to get to grips with additive manufacturing. XYZ Printing has married beginner-friendly features with a bright, colorful and fun design.Read more
​​Scientists may have discovered an ideal site for a new salt mining operation, but extracting the abundant resource would require a little travel, as it's located on Ceres, the largest body in the asteroid belt.Read more
Few models of car are as iconic as the Shelby Cobra and its story can be traced all the way back to one single vehicle: the CSX 2000. The prototype was built by Carroll Shelby himself in 1962 and is credited as sparking a revolution in sportscar design. It is now set to go auction.Read more
The new Tepui White Lightning roof-top tent offers the most comprehensive feature set we've seen on a roof-top tent, including integrated roof rails, the ability to double as a roof-top cargo box and a low-profile design that shouldn't take away too many mpgs on your campground commute.​Read more
When it created the GT86, Toyota hoped it would act as a spiritual successor to the AE86 Corolla GT. This connection to a legendary past has now been made even stronger by a team within Toyota UK, which has channeled the AE86 from Japanese manga series Initial D to create a monochrome GT86 concept.Read more
Materials are being developed which can heal themselves, spring back into their original shape, or change transparency. But while most of these have only one function, researchers have created a material that can change shape when exposed to heat or light, and assemble/disassemble itself.Read more
Russian physicists have put a computer running a consumer-level Nvidia GPU to work on equations that are normally performed using a powerful supercomputer, and found that the home PC solved them in 15 minutes – far faster than the supercomputer’s time of two or three days.Read more
Researchers have developed a process that uses pig manure as a low-cost replacement for petroleum in the production of road asphalt. In searching for bio alternatives, the group discovered that swine waste is especially rich in oils very similar to petroleum suited for asphalt production.Read more
Researchers have developed a solar-powered oxygen concentrator to treat severe pneumonia and put it to use in hospitals in Uganda, where it is already supplying those desperately in need with round-the-clock care. ​​Read more
Having introduced airbumps on its quirky C4 Cactus, Citroen is rolling them out on some of its more mainstream models. The new endlessly-customizable C3 draws heavily on its bigger brother’s design, right down to the stretch of plastic panels on either side of the vehicle.Read more
Throughout the 20th century, visions of the future imagined smart homes that could listen and respond to all our requests using voice. Amazon's Alexa is making that one-time futuristic vision of the voice-controlled smart home a reality.Read more
​For years, scientists have been experimenting with biobots, insects fitted with various electronic systems. Now, engineers will tap into the highly-tuned olfactory system of locusts, using them like tiny cyborg sniffer dogs to detect the smell of chemicals used in explosives.Read more
The Bruder EXP-6 is all man-vs-nature business outside but elegant comfort inside, offering you the ability to set up camp and live like a veritable king in the most foreboding parts of the planet.Read more
As the number of devices connected to our home, work and school wireless networks continues to grow, the Wi-Fi Alliance has ushered in the latest upgrade to 802.11ac, which brings with it better multitasking, double the channel bandwidth and extended support for 5 GHz connections.Read more
​​Although the classic tape measure continues to be a very useful tool, there are times where that curled metal tape just isn't right for the task at hand. Well, that's why Bagel was developed. It's a "smart" tape measure that offers three methods of measuring, along with built-in data storage.​Read more
​Is that a real Rolex, or a fake? Thanks to research currently being carried out at Switzerland's Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) research institute, an ultraviolet lamp may soon be all that you need to tell the difference between luxury watches and knock-offs.Read more
​​The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a maelstrom of star creation taking place in a nearby “tadpole” galaxy known as Kiso 5639.Read more
​We first saw the Roccat Sova back at E3 2014. It was only a concept at that stage, but now the device is nearly ready for action, providing gamers with what the company promises to be a true bridging of PC gaming and the living room.Read more
When heavy fog or clouds roll in, navigating can become a dangerous proposition for a helicopter pilot. A new augmented reality vision system out of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) though, could help them see clearly through difficult weather using more than just their eyes.Read more
George Lucas has had a sorry old time trying to get the Lucas Museum built. Unveiled in 2014, it required a redesign to satisfy concerns over the loss of public land. At this point the project seemed to be on track, however it now transpires that the museum won't be built in Chicago after all.Read more
Web security is more of a hot-button issue than ever, and the best way to ensure you’re safe while browsing the internet is with this high-speed VPN. With VPN Forever, your internet traffic is never monitored and you avoid access restrictions and geographic blockers that can hinder your online experience. Abroad and can’t enjoy your favorite sites or shows? Just boot up VPN Forever and you’re good to go.Read more

When most people think of helium, they think of party balloons and funny voices, but the gas has far more important applications in medicine and electronics. Unfortunately, the world has been in the grips of a global shortage. Now, a research team has discovered a massive reserve in East Africa.Read more
We recently spent a week with the 2016 Chevrolet Cruze in its Premier trim level. We loved the car when we spent a day with it in Nashville earlier in the year and found the extra time didn't tarnish our original impressions of it. Read more
During the last year, Huawei has established itself as a company capable of making premium, smartly-designed devices that are an absolute pleasure to use. What happens when the Chinese company applies that formula to a Surface rival?Read more
LG Innotek has developed a new pressure sensor that's flexible, durable, and able to withstand extreme temperatures. The company sees the tech finding its way into smart sports gear, being used in injury rehabilitation and even for automatically adjusting car seats.Read more
The winners of the 15th annual CTBUH Tall Building Awards have been announced. Showcasing the best new skyscrapers from around the globe, this year's picks include the world's second-tallest skyscraper and a remarkable pyramid-like tower in NYC.Read more
Scientists have developed a squishy motor that powers a soft rover across rocky paths and even underwater. They say such a vehicle could find applications in search and rescue missions and even deep space exploration.Read more
It's been about seven years since the launch of the Porsche Panamera, and the time has officially come for an all-new model. The second-gen Porsche Panamera made its official world debut in Berlin on Tuesday, with Porsche redesigning its sporty four-door from the ground up.Read more
​Breeding plants can be as tedious as – well, watching grass grow. But the age-old method of examining thousands of plants by hand could soon be replaced by the Phenocart, a device that automatically reads the vital signs of plants and uses a software package and GPS to organize the collected data.Read more
​​Toyota has a range of reliable cars, but it's a range lacking sparkle. The GT86 caters for drivers, but most mainstream Toyotas are blander than a washing machine. The C-HR could see that change, with an edgy exterior and interior design drawing heavily on the run of concepts preceding it. ​Read more
German researchers have developed a complex lens system no bigger than a grain of salt that fits inside a syringe. The imaging tool could make for not just more productive medical imaging, but tiny cameras for everything from drones to slimmer smartphones.Read more
Hot on the heels of its flagship QC35 wireless headphones, Bose has launched a Bluetooth product for a much younger audience. Aimed at children eight and up, the Speaker Cube is a compact speaker designed to give curious kids a better understanding of how modern audio technology works.Read more
NASA’s Journey to Mars mission got a step closer with the successful ground test of the launch booster on the Space Launch System (SLS), the world’s most powerful rocket. It’s the second and final ground test on the booster before a crewless test flight in late 2018 with the Orion spacecraft.Read more
​​It's been known for some time that dogs can detect hypoglycaemia in the breath of type 1 diabetics. Now, scientists believe that they may have figured out just what it is that those dogs are smelling. The discovery could potentially lead to a replacement for uncomfortable finger-prick tests.​Read more
A new teaching tool adds an innovative twist to the traditional chemistry model kit. Happy Atoms combines augmented reality with a physical product to educate students about the wonderful world of molecules​.Read more
The new Can-Am Spyder F3-S has what the company is calling a Sports mode feature that allows riders to drift, and is meant to turn riding through twisties into a more exciting experience.​Read more
​Imagine a pill-dispensing, health-focused version of Amazon Echo, and you'll get an idea of what Pillo is designed to be. Utilizing facial and voice recognition software, the internet-connected device can reportedly recognize multiple family members on sight.Read more
​Scientists at the University of Birmingham have come up with a multi-function laptop antenna that’s able to squeeze inside a hinge. The tech packs Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, and 3G/4G LTE into a single unit, and could allow for notebooks with better connectivity.​Read more
​​A new study led by researchers from MIT may have identified the starting material from which the planet Mercury was created.Read more
The sixth edition of the World Advanced Vehicle Expedition (WAVE) recently promoted electric mobility across three European countries, leading up to a symbolic demonstration at the UN headquarters. Gizmag took part aboard an e-scooter, among a strictly electric fleet of trucks, vans, cars and bikes.Read more
A researcher at the University of Texas San Antonio has found a way to use a technique known as photodynamic therapy to alter the pH of tumors so that they commit suicide without harming the rest of the body.Read more
A new model attempts to explain the higher violent crime rates seen in parts of the world near the equator with hotter climates.Read more
Gamers will no doubt be familiar with the concussion rifle used by the aliens in the Halo games. Well, as has been the case with some other guns from games, cyberpunk weapons tinkerer Patrick Priebe recently made a real-life functioning replica of it.​Read more
The world is a pretty cool, visually stimulating place, but it’s a whole lot cooler and more visually stimulating when you slip on the VR Box Headset. Just put your smartphone into the 3D glasses, and experience a massive, 3D world beyond the room you’re in. This headset won’t fatigue your eyes like other headsets do, giving you an optimal virtual reality experience.Read more

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