četvrtak, 24. rujna 2015.

Pope Francis on Abortion’s “Innocent Victims:” “It’s Wrong to Look the Other Way or Remain Silent”

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Last Tuesday I sent you a link to a 30-second quiz by Natalie Ledwell (Co-founder of Mind Movies) on identifying something she refers to as "success blockers".According to Natalie, many of us pick up these "success blockers" (or limiting beliefs) unknowingly during childhood, which we then hold on to into adulthood.And it can cause a host of problems in many areas of our lives – Especially in our career and finances.We overspend. We procrastinate. We overthink. We second-guess ourselves. We even base our decisions on a sense of fear rather than a sense of abundance. And because these beliefs are so deeply implanted in our subconscious, most of us don't even realize that they exist (let alone realize that they're the source of a lot of struggle in our lives).Today, I wanted to let you know that Natalie is hosting a brand new webinar on this very topic. She'll show you how to overcome your own personal "Success Blockers" that have been preventing you from manifesting the abundance you really want in your life. FYI – This webinar is not happening on the Mindvalley Academy, but on Natalie's own platform.
www.hrvatska.hr In this online webinar, Natalie will guide you through an easy (but powerful) step-by-step process designed to expose the subconscious limiting beliefs that are sneakily poisoning your daily thoughts,
habits, and actions in relation to wealth and success... And replace them with empowering beliefs that serve you instead of sabotage you.
Be Extraordinary,

Vishen Lakhiani
Founder, Mindvalley
P.S. When you register for this webinar, you'll also be receiving one of Natalie's eBooks for free.
It's called "How To Create Win-Win Situations".


O projektu

6. listopada 2015.
​Pierluigi Collina specijalni je gost konferencije Poslovnog dnevnika!
Small & Medium Business Forum (Gospodarstvo u fokusu - mali divovi dolaze) je manifestacija namijenjena poticanju i  promociji poslovanja malih i srednjih poduzeća i obrta u Hrvatskoj. Cilj ove konferencije  jest podizanje društvene svijesti i svijesti potrošača o važnosti i kvaliteti roba i usluga malih i srednjih poduzetnika i obrtnika, ali i poticanje šire društvene rasprave o važnosti ovog segmenta domaćeg gospodarstva.
Malo poduzetništvo dinamičan je segment globalne ekonomije, čija važnost iz godine u godinu kontinuirano raste. Novi globalni ekonomski model koji je izrastao kao posljedica globalne financijske krize iz 2008. godine uvelike je prepoznao upravo mala i srednja poduzeća kao glavni motor budućeg ekonomskog rasta, kako u razvijenim tako i u manje razvijenim zemljama svijeta.
Upravo zahvaljujući svojoj fleksibilnosti, agilnosti i kreativnom potencijalu mala i srednja poduzeća znatno su otpornija na promjene koje su postale konstanta dinamične, globalizirane ekonomije budućnosti. Istraživanje globalne konzultantske kuće Deloitte pokazalo je kako je upravo otpornost na te eksterne rizike razlog zbog kojeg su tijekom proteklih pet godina u zemljama OECD-a mala i srednja poduzeća u prosjeku rasla dvostruko većom stopom od cjelokupnog gospodarstva.
Upravo ta činjenica je i razlog zašto sve više svjetskih država uviđa kako je razvoj malog i srednjeg poduzetništva ozbiljna poluga društvenog razvoja koja mora biti predmet konzistentne javne politike.
S druge strane, malo poduzetništvo iznimno je bitno i iz perspektive društvenog razvoja, jer predstavlja značajnu infrastrukturu za razvoj i implementaciju tehnologija, znanja i umijeća na lokalnoj razini.
I u Hrvatskoj je važnost malog i srednjeg poduzetništva izuzetno velika. Taj sektor generira oko 65% zaposlenosti u Hrvatskoj, no ipak, kako je udio domaćih malih i srednjih poduzeća u nacionalnom BDP-u tek oko 50%, u usporedbi sa 65% prosjeka EU-a, jasno je kako se upravo u tom sektoru krije glavni izvor budućeg hrvatskog gospodarskog rasta. Da bi se taj potencijal ostvario bit će potrebno formulirati efikasnu strategiju poticanja njihovog rasta i razvoja.

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Did Pope Francis Miraculously Heal This Family’s Baby?

By ChurchPOP Editor
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Jesus Is NOT Just the Means to Something Wonderful

By ChurchPOP Editor
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Elizabeth Warren: We will not let Ted Cruz shut down this government over Planned Parenthood! He wants a fight over Planned Parenthood? My answer is, Bring it on, Ted! With an Oct. 1 deadline just days away, Republicans are still threatening to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood. All gifts doubled to stand with Elizabeth Warren, defend Planned Parenthood, and prevent a government shutdown. Give now!
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LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com.
Top Stories

• Obama Tells Pope “We Cherish Religious Liberty,” But Forces Christians to Obey HHS Abortion Mandate
• Pope Francis on Abortion’s “Innocent Victims:” “It’s Wrong to Look the Other Way or Remain Silent”
• Obama Tells Pope to “Put the Least of These at the Center of Our Concerns” as He Pushes Abortion
• As Pope Francis Visits, New York Times Lauds Pro-Abortion Nancy Pelosi as a “Strong Catholic”

More Pro-Life News
• Senate Bill Holds Planned Parenthood Criminally Liable for Harvesting Aborted Babies Still Alive
• Amazing Video of Jaxon, Miscarried at 18 Weeks, Shows Unborn Baby’s Humanity
• Hillary Clinton Again Defends Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies, Lies About Pro-Lifers
• March of Dimes Funds Research Using Body Parts From Aborted Babies, Former Employee Says
• Planned Parenthood Closes Down Abortion Referral Clinic in Pennsylvania, Third Closure Since 2013
• New Ohio Bill Will De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It’s Caught Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts
• Which Has More Value, Human Life or Human Choice? And I’m Not Talking About Abortion
• Democrats Run Ads Trashing Pro-Life Republicans Who Support De-Funding Planned Parenthood
• RU 486 Abortion Pill Marks 15th Anniversary in the US, Kills 22% of Unborn Babies Every Year
• Pro-Lifers Block Construction Site of New Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in Nation’s Capital

• “Abortion Barbie” Wendy Davis Wants to Run for Office Again to Launch “Women’s Equality Initiative” 
• Pro-Abortion North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp Refuses to Explain Flip-Flop on Late-term Abortion

Obama Tells Pope “We Cherish Religious Liberty,” But Forces Christians to Obey HHS Abortion Mandate
During a morning speech welcoming pro-life Pope Francis to the White House, President Barack Obama, with a straight face, told the leader of the Catholic Church that America loves “religious liberty.” But his administration has attempted to force Christians across the country to pay for abortion-causing drugs in violation of their conscience without any religious exemption.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

Pope Francis on Abortion’s “Innocent Victims:” “It’s Wrong to Look the Other Way or Remain Silent”
In a speech to the nation’s Catholic bishops, Pope Francis encouraged them to remain vigilant in their opposition to abortion and he listed unborn children among those innocent people who the bishops must keep at the top of the priority list of people who deserve protection.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

Obama Tells Pope to “Put the Least of These at the Center of Our Concerns” as He Pushes Abortion
In his speech this morning welcoming pro-life pro-life Pope Francis to the White House, President Barack Obama made a few ironic comments. Obama told the leader of the Catholic Church that America loves “religious liberty” as he attempts to deny religious liberty to pro-life Christians.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

As Pope Francis Visits, New York Times Lauds Pro-Abortion Nancy Pelosi as a “Strong Catholic”
The New York Times‘ Jennifer Steinhauer celebrated the faith of the fiercely pro-abortion former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California on Tuesday, under a laugher of a headline, “At Divisive Moment, Pelosi’s Faith Coexists With Belief in Abortion Rights.” The online headline was even “stronger” in silliness: “In Pelosi, Strong Catholic Faith and Abortion Rights Coexist.”

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

Senate Bill Holds Planned Parenthood Criminally Liable for Harvesting Aborted Babies Still Alive
A leading pro-life senator has introduced the Senate version of a House-approved pro-life bill that would hold the Planned Parenthood abortion business criminally liable for harvesting body parts from aborted babies who are technically still alive.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

Amazing Video of Jaxon, Miscarried at 18 Weeks, Shows Unborn Baby’s Humanity
In May, Jaxon Tanner was born at 18-weeks two months after his mother, Charity Tanner, started suffering from non-stop placenta previa bleeding. Jaxon was born with a beating heart but passed away in his mother’s arms shortly after birth. See a picture of him below and more at the bottom of this article.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

Hillary Clinton Again Defends Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies, Lies About Pro-Lifers
Abortion advocate Hillary Clinton is trying to turn the tables on the pro-life Republican presidential candidates who have gone after her for defending Planned Parenthood even after it was caught selling aborted babies and their body parts. Now, Clinton is trying to go on offense by making false claims that they oppose contraception.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

March of Dimes Funds Research Using Body Parts From Aborted Babies, Former Employee Says
March of Dimes (MOD) claims they are neutral on the issue of abortion and are not involved with the abortion industry, including Planned Parenthood. However, a former employee is bringing their past statements into question and alleging that MOD has ties to using aborted babies’ body parts for research.

Click to Read at LifeNews.com:

Planned Parenthood Closes Down Abortion Referral Clinic in Pennsylvania, Third Closure Since 2013http://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/planned-parenthood-closes-down-abortion-referral-clinic-in-pennsylvania-third-closure-since-2013/
New Ohio Bill Will De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It’s Caught Selling Aborted Baby Body Partshttp://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/new-ohio-bill-will-de-fund-planned-parenthood-after-its-caught-selling-aborted-baby-body-parts/
Which Has More Value, Human Life or Human Choice? And I’m Not Talking About Abortionhttp://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/which-has-more-value-human-life-or-human-choice-and-im-not-talking-about-abortion/

Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at news@lifenews.com about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Democrats Run Ads Trashing Pro-Life Republicans Who Support De-Funding Planned Parenthoodhttp://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/democrats-run-ads-trashing-pro-life-republicans-who-support-de-funding-planned-parenthood/
RU 486 Abortion Pill Marks 15th Anniversary in the US, Kills 22% of Unborn Babies Every Yearhttp://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/ru-486-abortion-pill-marks-15th-anniversary-in-the-us-kills-22-of-unborn-babies-every-year/

Pro-Lifers Block Construction Site of New Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in Nation’s Capitalhttp://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/pro-lifers-block-construction-site-of-new-planned-parenthood-abortion-biz-in-nations-capital/

“Abortion Barbie” Wendy Davis Wants to Run for Office Again to Launch “Women’s Equality Initiative” http://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/abortion-barbie-wendy-davis-want-to-run-for-office-again-to-launch-womens-equality-initiative/
Pro-Abortion North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp Refuses to Explain Flip-Flop on Late-term Abortionhttp://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/23/pro-abortion-north-dakota-senator-heidi-heitkamp-refuses-to-explain-flip-flop-on-late-term-abortion/

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Truce Over: Trump Goes Back To War With Fox News

Donald Trump’s simmering feud with Fox News has boiled over and he just made and announcement that followed two solid days of the billionaire jabbing Fox via Twitter. Here's the skinny...

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Commonly Held Liberal Myths About Capitalism That You Probably Thought Were True

The Left loves to spread myths about Capitalism. You learned some of these myths in school and you may have walked around your whole life believing these myths were true because the culture feeds them to you. Did you ever buy into any of these 12 myths? ...

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Recap: FBI Finds Emails On Hillary's Server

For those who saw the headline but didn't have the time to get the details on what the FBI found and why attempts to "wipe" Hillary's server "with a cloth" were not successful, here's the latest...

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Reporter Asks Pope A Question That Just Caused A Firestorm

Fingers started flying and Twitter was buzzing in response to a possible offensive comment made during Wednesday’s photo op at the White House for President Obama and Pope Francis. Just before the photo session ended, amid the clicking of dozens of cameras, one media representative’s voice emerges from the rest...

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Levo The Brief
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By Meredith Lepore

Back to School

Women are taking over MBA programs. Well, not quite, but female business schoolenrollment figures are way up at top schools this year. Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business said a record 42 percent of its incoming class of MBA students are women, a 10 percent increase from last year. Wharton, Chicago Booth, and Kellogg have also seen substantial jumps in female students. In part, this is due to schools investing in recruitment programs targeted toward getting more women to enroll. “Continuing to see a larger percentage of women enrolled is important for future leadership around the globe,” said Elissa Sangster, executive director of Forté Foundation, which helps women launch business careers. “MBAs aren’t the only way to become leaders, but it’s a key pipeline.” [Related: LearnVest CEO Alexa von Tobel: Know Your Weaknesses, Harness Your Strengths—Here’s How!]

Best Dress Ever

When you think of the perfect work dress, you probably think of one that makes you look super professional, matches perfectly with the Toasted Graham Latte Starbucks fall-themed cup, is resistant to salad dressing stains, can work for post-work cocktails, and somehow gives you the energy to be hella productive at 4 p.m. when everyone else is crashing. Well, our friends over at M.M. LaFleur have done just that with The Tory Dress. Made from an eco-friendly, wrinkle-resistant Japanese crêpe, this LBD has more than 900 people waiting to purchase it. According to Business Insider, the dress is sold out of sizes 2, 6, and 10, and those who order it now can expect to receive it by early October. Better sign up ASAP. [Related: 8 Companies That Want to Dress You For Work]


We didn’t think anything could ever move in on the overwhelming force that is the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, but this may be the beginning of a new era. Today the coffee giant rolled out what we dare say may become the new official drink of fall: the Toasted Graham Latte (aka The TGL). Doesn’t that sound like orange and red leaves, plaid blanket scarves, tan booties, a fire place, and candy corn all rolled up into one magical drink? One Levo staffer who tried it described it as “warm and fuzzy” and “not as harsh as the PSL.” The verdict is in: Toasted Graham is totally on fleek and the Pumpkin Spice Latte is now dead to us. Ehh, not really. The PSL will always hold a special place in our over-marketed hearts. [Related: 13 Things That Are Totally Acceptable to Do Now That It’s Fall]

Levo 100 #POTD (Person of the Day)

Find out all about Skillcrush founder and CEO Adda Birnir by checking out her profile here. She isn’t just helping you learn technical skills, but also providing a community of people that want to help you and also learn. Then, discover more must-see profiles on the Levo 100.

Levo Loves…

That Amy Schumer got a huge book deal! It was only a matter of time, since Ms. Schumer basically rules the world right now. We can’t wait (especially if Jennifer Lawrence writes the forward)!

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The Daily Signal
Sept. 23, 2015

Here's the Face of the 20-Week Abortion Ban Debate

Meet 3-year-old Micah, who survived after being born at 22 weeks. His parents are pushing lawmakers to ban most abortions after 20 weeks.
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What 'Boots on the Ground' in Iraq Looks Like

At this remote bare base at an undisclosed location in Iraq, a small group of Air Force special operations troops and helicopter aircrew are on alert 24/7, sometimes deep within enemy territory, ready to rescue downed U.S. or coalition pilots in northern Iraq and Syria.
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No, America Was Not Founded on Racist Principles

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told an audience at Liberty University that the United States was founded "on racist principles." He's wrong.
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US Must Leverage Aid to Stop Child Sexual Abuse Among Afghan Security Officials

From both a moral and legal standpoint, the U.S. must ensure that its assistance is not going to individuals or groups involved in committing human rights abuses, especially against minors.
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Senate Republican Leaders Introduce Government Spending Bill Withholding Planned Parenthood Funding for One Year

Senate Republican leaders unveiled a continuing resolution Tuesday that would fund the government for just under three months and prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funding for one year.
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Conservatives Have Unlikely Ally in Arguing Reconciliation Cannot Be Used to Defund Planned Parenthood

A scholar at the Brookings Institution, a left-of-center think tank, is joining conservatives in questioning whether reconciliation can be used to defund Planned Parenthood.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
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Standing Strong Through the Storm

Standing Strong Through the Storm - September 23

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”  1 Peter 5:7  
Ron Boyd-MacMillan shares the story of Sister Lin from North Korea. As Christians, she and her husband prayed for a child for years. After many years she finally conceived. They asked God for a safe delivery because it was now the severe famine period of the mid-1990’s.Her husband went to search for food but came home weeping. All he could offer her was bark from a tree to make soup. It was not enough to nourish a woman with child. Then her husband went further afield to find food and was shot to death by soldiers as he foraged food from the garbage bags on a train. She was now alone. When contractions started, she lay on the ground and gave birth to a dead baby boy. She named him after her husband and buried the body. From there she began to walk north and crossed the river into China. A Korean Christian family in China nurtured her back to health. Telling Ron her story, she asked, “Can I forgive God for making the world this way?” Many of us, if honest, would acknowledge that we often have doubts about God when we see the suffering and pain in our world, just like Sister Lin. But we should value our doubts because they end up bringing God close.
Ron answered her poignant question with another question, “Why are you still a Christian?” Sister Lin replied, “First because my Lord died young and alone in excruciating pain without knowing why either. And secondly because I have gradually come to see that God’s care is everywhere to be seen, if I can look beyond my own suffering.” 
RESPONSE: Today I will look beyond the suffering I see around me and see God’s love and care.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord that You do care for Your creation and that in our moments of doubt You draw close and reveal the truth of Your love and care.
STANDING STRONG THROUGH THE STORM (SSTS) -A daily devotional message by Paul Estabrooks
© 2010 Open Doors International. Used by permission
“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” Proverbs 10:25
Right now millions of Christians face persecution because of their faith in Christ. Register to receive theOpen Doors USA Weekly Prayer Alert email. Join alongside thousands of others praying for our brothers and sisters worldwide to stand strong in the midst of their struggles. Also learn more about countries where the persecution of Christians is most severe by visiting the Open Doors website today.
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The First Time a Pope Visited American Territory Was In… 1849!

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How Quickly Did Catholic “Heresy” Take Over the Early Church? Immediately

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POPNews: Pope Lands in U.S., Realizes He Left Phone Charger in Cuba

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