četvrtak, 24. rujna 2015.

Obitelji su svjetla u ovom mračnom svijetu!

Obitelji su svjetla u ovom mračnom svijetu!

Na prvom danu Svjetskog susreta obitelji, koji se trenutno održava u američkom gradu Philadelphiji, kardinal Robert Sarah, prefekt Kongregacije za bogoštovlje, u oštrom je, ali iskrenom govoru dao naslutiti kakvo će stajališta, barem što se tiče biskupa iz Afrike, zastupati kada se sastanu sljedećeg mjeseca u Rimu.Otvoreno optužiti druge sudionike Sinode za herezu nije baš uobičajeno u današnje vrijeme, ali izgleda da se kardinal ne ustručava iznijeti u javnosti svoje mišljenje. Podsjetimo i da će susret zaključiti papa Franjo svečanim misnim slavljem u nedjelju.Sa Catholic National Register-a prenosimo sažetak govora:
Afrički kardinal Robert Sarah obratio se jutros vjernicima na Svjetskom susretu obitelji, govoreći o “Svjetlu obitelji u mračnom svijetu.
Bog je obitelj“- podsjetio je prisutne.
Odnos s Bogom i našim bližnjima nas poziva na razmatranje života samog Svetog trojstva.
Nasuprot tome, rekao je, “Središte đavolskih laži je ovo: ‘Bog vas želi ograničiti. Ne želi vidjeti vaš život ispunjen. Dakle, ostvarite sebe kako sami odlučite da je najbolje’.
Kardinal je zatim objasnio kako je takvo razmišljanje početak gubljenja smisla u životu: kako je Kajin ubio svog brata Abela; kako se nasilje širi van kontrole; te kako, u naše doba, susrećemo ovisnosti, pobačaj, vjerske progone i terorizam. “Ako ne dođemo do izvora (problema, op prev.), a to je grijeh, ništa se ne mijenja.
Kardinal Sarah je također spomenuo eutanaziju i istospolni “brak” , citirajući papu Benedikta koji je govorio da se svjetlo obiteljskog život “gasi“ zbog moderne kulture.
Čak se i članovi Crkve mogu naći u iskušenju da omekšaju Kristovo učenje o braku i obitelji.
Odvajati ono što dolazi iz učiteljstva Crkve od pastoralne prakse, i mijenjati ga u “skladu s određenim okolnostima, je oblik hereze“, istaknuo je kardinal.
Knjiga Postanka nije samo priča; to je naša priča “, dodao je Sarah. Nadalje je govorio o pozivu pape Franje: “Uđite u svoje srce. Kada počnemo uviđati na što smo sposobni, pitamo se: ‘Jesam li sposoban ocrnjivati drugoga, moralno ga ubiti?
Zatim je istaknuo: “Pokajanje je dobra vijest. To je početak puta k ozdravljenju.
Dobro došli u milost Božju“, rekao je nazočnima. “Ova milost ima ime: Isus Krist.”
Taj Duh, ljubav Duha Svetog – ljubav do kraja – može prevladati sve što se čini ljudski nemoguće unutar obitelji.
Svi oni ranjeni zbog osobnih grijeha i grijeha drugih – razvedeni, rastavljeni, oni koji kohabitiraju, koji su zatvoreni u sebe i oni u istospolnim zajednicama – mogu i moraju naći u Crkvi mjesto za preobrazbu bez nečijeg upiranja prsta u njih.
Potom je govorio o svjedočanstvu koje kršćanska obitelj daje: ljubav do kraja.
Kada se ljubav vidi, “kršćanska obitelj, izvor vjere, nade i ljubavi, postaje prvi evangelizator“.
Pa je dodao: “Svijet danas treba svece s herojskim svjedočenjem“.
Tada je ispričao priču o vatrogascu koji je svojim duhom ljubavi potaknuo svoju suprugu da se vrati vjeri. Nije željela imati djecu, a završila je s njih desetoro. Tragično, muž je poginuo 9. rujna (prilikom terorističkog napada, op.prev.); a žena je umrla pet godina kasnije. Velika obitelj se nastavila brinuti o svojim mlađim članovima.
Nakon ove dirljive priče, kardinal Sarah je pohvalio velike obitelji.
Obitelji su doista svjetlo u ovom mračnom svijetu!

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September 24, 2015  
Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith Criticizes Those Who Politicize Everything Pope Francis Says 
by Tony Rossi
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith today criticized those who are denouncing Pope Francis for being too political – or at least for siding with left wing politics. Smith makes the point that the leader of the world’s Catholics, who is walking in the footsteps of Jesus and the apostles, is citing “universal truths,” not being [Read More...]
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A tea shop on a business street in Beijing. A Texas hedge fund is betting on an extreme drop in China's currency.
A Big Bet That China's Currency Will Devalue FurtherInvestors like Mark L. Hart III are making a high-stakes gamble that China's currency devaluation last month was not a one-time event.
For the latest updates, go to NYTimes.com/DealBook
Martin Winterkorn, 68, had been chief executive at Volkswagen since 2007.
Volkswagen C.E.O. Martin Winterkorn Resigns Amid Emissions Scandal The move came less than a week after the company admitted that some diesel cars in the United States contained software designed to evade emissions tests.
Breakingviews: Volkswagen Could Use a Bank-Style Clawback of Pay Martin Winterkorn was one of Germany's best-paid bosses. Revamping compensation and trying to recoup some of that money would send a strong message.
European Court Adviser Calls Trans-Atlantic Data-Sharing Pact Insufficient The nonbinding but influential opinion could restrict how American companies like Facebook and Google move European data around the world.
Lee Padgett, the owner of the lingerie shop Busted in Detroit, has been working hard to prepare for a new system for processing credit and debit card purchases.
Coming Soon to Checkouts: Microchip-Card Payment Systems Retailers are racing to meet an Oct. 1 deadline set by credit card networks to switch to the more secure payment technology that is common in most of the world except the United States.
UBM in 'Highly Preliminary' Talks to Sell PR Newswire The British marketing company and organizer of trade shows said it was meeting with several parties to potentially sell the business.
Mardo Medina of Landmark Aviation at Westchester Airport in 2006.
BBA Aviation to Buy Landmark Aviation for $2.1 Billion The British aircraft support services provider has agreed to acquire Landmark from the private equity giant the Carlyle Group.
Swiss Re to Buy Guardian Financial Services for $2.5 Billion The deal is expected to diversify the Swiss reinsurer's Admin Re unit, adding about 900,000 policies in Britain and Ireland.
Martin Shkreli of Turing Pharmaceuticals said the company would sell a drug to treat serious infections for less than $750 a tablet, though he did not specify what the new price would be.
Breakingviews Video: Curing Rare-Drug Prices The high cost of treatment for uncommon illnesses has come under attack. Will the political pushback will derail the booming industry?
Yellen to Speak on Inflation Janet L. Yellen, the Federal Reserve chairwoman, is scheduled to deliver a speech about inflation on Thursday at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

The speech comes one week after the Fed concluded its September policy-making meeting by announcing that it was keeping interest rates near zero, in part because of the persistent sluggishness of inflation. Ms. Yellen's speech may shed light on why she thinks inflation has been so slow. – BINYAMIN APPELBAUM
Extradition Hearing in 'Flash Crash' Case Navinder Singh Sarao, a British futures trader, will face a court hearing in London on Friday to determine whether he will be sent to the United States to face charges of engaging in improper trading that contributed to a sudden plunge in American stock markets five years ago, known as the "flash crash."

Mr. Sarao, 36, was arrested in Britain in April and has been fighting extradition. He was indicted by a grand jury in Chicago this month. – CHAD BRAY
Last Revision for Second-Quarter Growth On Friday, at 8:30 a.m., the Commerce Department will release its third and final estimate of economic growth in the second quarter.

The estimate was revised sharply upward to 3.7 percent in late August, and most economists are not looking for another big revision. But some analysts think a slight uptick could be in the offing, with growth boosted by stronger consumer spending and higher levels of construction. – NELSON D. SCHWARTZ
Gauging Consumer Sentiment Also Friday morning, the University of Michigan will release its final reading on consumer sentiment in September. The initial September survey showed an unexpectedly steep drop in the index to 85.7, as worries about volatility on Wall Street and global markets filtered down to consumers.

Experts will be watching to see if the recent partial rebound in stocks has improved the outlook among consumers. – NELSON D. SCHWARTZ
Apple's iPhone 6S and 6S Plus Go on Sale Apple's latest smartphones, the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, go on sale on Friday in several countries and territories, including the United States and China. Shoppers who buy the new devices in an Apple store can opt in to the new iPhone Upgrade Program, which includes Apple's warranty program and the option to upgrade to a new phone every year.

Apple recently said that global preorders for the phones exceeded forecasts and that the company was racing to catch up with demand. – KATIE BENNER

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September 23, 2015
A man who claimed an insanity defense at trial was sentenced Wednesday to life plus 115 years in prison for killing Chicago Police Officer Thor Soderberg and shooting at three other officers and a civilian in 2010.

September 23, 2015
A cousin of Heather Mack's boyfriend was arrested Wednesday on federal charges alleging he conspired with the couple to kill the Chicago woman's wealthy mother on the island of Bali last year.

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M & A UBM in 'Highly Preliminary' Talks to Sell PR Newswire

INVESTMENT BANKING China's Postal Savings Bank Said to Be Near $6.5 Billion Sale

VENTURE CAPITAL Uber's China Unit Seeks Up to $2.5 Billion

LEGAL/REGULATORY European Court Adviser Calls Trans-Atlantic Data-Sharing Pact Insufficient

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VOLKSWAGEN CHIEF STEPS DOWN Martin Winterkorn resigned and took responsibility for the emissions cheating scandal that has engulfed Volkswagen, Jack Ewing reports in The New York Times. He maintained, however, that he had done nothing wrong.

Representatives of the supervisory board also said that they would refer the case to German authorities for possible criminal prosecution, but that they did not believe he had any knowledge of the software.

Although a successor has not been named, German news media have focused on Matthias Müller, who is in charge of the Volkswagen department that makes Porsche sports cars. Rupert Stadler, who leads the Audi division, is also seen as a potential candidate.

Wolfgang Bernhard, the head of the trucks division at Daimler, is often cited as a potential outside contender. He was a top manager at Volkswagen earlier in his career.

The regulator of the German stock market has initiated an inquiry intounusual price movements in Volkswagen shares in recent days. It said it was examining whether the carmaker had notified shareholders soon enough of its problems in the United States.

German companies, like those in the United States, are required to tell shareholders if there is information that could affect stock prices.

There is also speculation that the scandal will force Volkswagen todecentralize authority and make changes that critics say are long overdue.

Volkswagen needs to reform its culture and radically simplify its overly complex structure, Olaf Storbeck and Antony Currie write in Breakingviews. They recommend starting with an overhaul of executive compensation.

Mr. Winterkorn took home 15.9 million euros, or $17.8 million, last year. Bonuses of €68 million accounted for about 90 percent of Mr. Winterkorn's pay during the time when Volkswagen was manipulating emission tests.

He has also amassed a pension worth $32 millionaccording to Bloomberg News. He could reap millions more in severance pay depending on how the supervisory board classifies his exit.

The company set aside €6.5 billion to cover the potential cost of recalling and fixing the affected cars, but it could be hit with a bill as high as $18 billion from the Environmental Protection Agency. Its market value plunged by about €22 billion.

Mr. Winterkorn should shoulder his share of the pain, Mr. Storbeck and Mr. Currie say. Volkswagen should claw back some or all of his bonuses.
BETTING ON FURTHER DEVALUATION OF RENMINBI Mark L. Hart III, a hedge fund investor based in Texas, has made high-risk, high-return wagers that the United States housing market would collapse and that Greece would go bankrupt. His most audacious gamble to date might be his bet on a 50 percent currency implosion in ChinaLandon Thomas Jr. reports in DealBook.

He predicts that the extreme drop will come when foreign investors pull their money out of China, propelling a broader rout in emerging market currencies and bringing on a sustained global slump.

And he is not the only one. An increasing number of investors think thetrillions of dollars that went into risky investment opportunitiesin countries like China, Brazil and Turkey are quickly leaving. They think the pace will pick up when the Federal Reserve eventually raises interest rates, leading to plunges in currencies, corporate defaults and a global slowdown.

John H. Burbank III, a longtime emerging-market investor at Passport Capital, a $4 billion hedge fund in San Francisco, has earned stellar returns this year betting on weak commodities, and imploding emerging markets and currencies.

At the root of these investment strategies is the belief that China's 3 percent currency devaluation was not a one-time event.

These investors think China is experiencing a run on the bank, similar to what happened to Asian countries in 1997 when their semi-pegged currencies collapsed. They also think the country's $3.5 trillion of foreign exchange reserves will not be enough to prevent a large-scale rout.

In the first quarter of this year, $109 billion left Chinese banks for overseas institutions, according to the Bank for International Settlements, a clearinghouse for global central banks.

China has been at the forefront of the so-called carry trade, in which corporations and countries tap dollar-based lenders and invest the proceeds in higher-yielding assets denominated in local currencies, like real estate, commodities and large-scale investments. As long as interest rates in the United States remain low and emerging-market currencies remain strong, these trades have been highly profitable.

Mr. Hart calculates that the size of the Chinese carry trade is around $2 trillion and as he sees it, the dollars that have flowed into China must flow out again.

China's foreign currency reserve ratio - in effect its net cash available to defend against speculators - is just a bit over 20 percent, putting it in the neighborhood of countries known to be vulnerable to capital outflows, like Brazil, Turkey and South Africa.

"If there is a run on the currency, everyone will want to turn their yuan into dollars," said Jurgen Odenius, the chief economist of Prudential Fixed Income. Yuan is a shorthand reference to China's currency, the renminbi. "And on that basis, China's foreign exchange reserves do not rank among the stronger countries."

Still, it is not certain that Mr. Hart's bet will pay off. The Federal Reserve's reluctance to increase interest rates could weaken the dollar and take the pressure off China and other emerging-market currencies.
ON THE AGENDA Janet L. Yellen, chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, will deliver a speech about inflation at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst at 5 p.m.
LONDON BEATS NEW YORK AS TOP FINANCIAL CENTERLondon is the world's leading financial center, ahead of New York, according to a study by the research organization Z/Yen. Michael Mainelli, the organization's chairman said London was ranked highest becauseuncertainty had been reduced after this year's election, The Financial Times reports.

Polls had predicted a hung Parliament and a period of economic instability, but the Conservative party managed to win a majority.

"There was uncertainty about taxation, now that's gone away," Mr. Mainelli said. But attitudes towards immigration remain a concern. "You can't have an international financial center without international people."

Toronto, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., all made it into the top 10.

The ranking was based on a survey of 3,200 financial professionals and data sets measuring a range of variables from the cost of living to levels of corruption and murder rates.
UBM in 'Highly Preliminary' Talks to Sell PR Newswire The British marketing company and organizer of trade shows said it was meeting with several parties to potentially sell the business.
Intelsat Looks to Sell Assets to Cut Debt Intelsat, the world's largest commercial satellite operator in revenue terms, is exploring a sale of strategic assets, as it seeks to pay off a portion of its $14 billion debt pile, The Financial Times reports, citing people familiar with the matter.
Anheuser-Busch InBev to Buy Craft Brewer Golden Road The world's largest brewer is looking to expand in the fast-growing craft brew market.
Altice Chief Says Buying Spree Paused After Cablevision DealAltice's chief executive, Dexter Goei, says the European company will take a break from its buying binge to focus on trimming costs and integrating cable systems.
Towers Watson Chief Sold Stock Before Big Deal Complaints have escalated as Towers Watson shares have continued to slide and as shareholders have learned of Mr. Haley's preannouncement trading.
China's Postal Savings Bank Said to Be Near $6.5 Billion SalePostal Savings Bank of China, which has the most outlets of any lender in the nation, is nearing an agreement to raise more than $6.5 billion from investors including UBS Group and Temasek Holdings ahead of a planned initial public offering, Bloomberg News reports, citing people familiar with the matter.
Lee Padgett, the owner of the lingerie shop Busted in Detroit, has been working hard to prepare for a new system for processing credit and debit card purchases.
Coming Soon to Checkouts: Microchip-Card Payment Systems Retailers are racing to meet an Oct. 1 deadline set by credit card networks to switch to the more secure payment technology that is common in most of the world except the United States.
Bank Settlement to Cost Nomura $287 Million In an agreement with Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena over a 2009 derivatives deal that went bad, Nomura, of Japan, denied any wrongdoing.
Standard Chartered Chief Receives $9 Million Joining FeeStandard Chartered has awarded Bill Winters, its new chief executive, shares worth more than 6 million pounds, or about $9 million, to compensate the bank's new chief executive for income he forfeited by leaving the hedge fund he founded. The upfront payment comes as Standard Chartered shares have hit new six-year lows.
Citigroup to Close Boston Branches "In Boston, Citi's retail banking presence does not provide such scale so we are reallocating resources," the bank said in a statement.
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The Internet is still getting the Tom Hardy 'controversy' wrong.

Here's why Snapchat killed the barfing rainbow Lens

Last week, Snapchat gave you a rainbow. But who knows what's in store for tomorrow?

Ruby Rose is all for #FreetheNipple, but this NSFW shot took it too far

Ruby Rose did not want this revealing photo made public. But this magazine published it anyway.

Fat-shaming comedian Nicole Arbour is back—this time talking abortion

Nicole Arbour says "some kids were supposed to be aborted." And that's just the beginning.

News station uses the worst possible stock photo for Yom Kippur

What's wrong with this picture?

Bro who hiked AIDS drug price 5,000 percent is actually your dream date

This dude is infamous for being a heartless businessman. But give him a chance.

140 characters you can't miss

Instagram moment of the day

Dubbed London’s “badass baker,” today's #WCW goes out to @jemmajemma. This confectionary wizard has been making the Internet a sweeter place thanks to her@cupcakejemma channel on Jamie Oliver's 1.8 million-strong YouTube network Food Tube. Besides churning out cake-decorating tutorials and recipe walkthroughs, this pastry chef feeds hungry customers with wild flavors at her So-Ho bakery Crumbs and Doilies. 
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September 24, 2015
At least 453 people were killed and hundreds more were injured in a stampede Thursday at the annual hajj pilgrimage, Saudi authorities said.

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Dear Patriot,

I noticed you still haven't claimed your free monkey fist self defense tool yet and just got word that there's only 178 of these left for me to give away.This is one of the best ways to defend yourself if you don't want to carry a knife or a firearm, so if you want one you need to act FAST.
Watch this video to see it in action.
EJ Owens
Over 2300 monkey fists have already been claimed in less than 48 hours, so there are just a few left.
Click here to claim yours now
They're going FAST, don't miss out.
If you snooze, you lose.
Stay Alert and Practice Often!
PS: If the page says SOLD OUT in big red letters we have run completely out and I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.
>>Click here now before it's too late<<

CREDO action
Sign the petition: Kick big polluters out of U.N. climate talks
The petition to the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change reads:
"Take immediate action to protect United Nations climate negotiations from the influence of big polluters. Given the fossil fuel industry’s years of efforts to block progress, the time has come to stop treating big polluters as legitimate 'stakeholders' and to remove them from climate policymaking."
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We face the prospect of the destruction of life as we know it due to climate change. Scientists are telling us with more and more urgency that we must act quickly to stop the extraction of fossil fuels and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
But some of the biggest corporations in the world – oil, coal and natural gas companies – have blocked progress on bold climate action for far too long.
In December, the global community will gather at the annual Conference of the Parties (COP21) for climate talks in Paris. We're joining with a broad coalition of progressive groups to ramp up pressure and fight to stop big polluters from infiltrating these critical climate treaty negotiations.
We need a strong outcome from the climate treaty talks in Paris in order to seize the momentum of a growing global movement and push world leaders to reach an agreement commensurate with the challenge we face.
Thanks to the action of CREDO activists and our allies, over 230,000 petition signatures were delivered recently urging the U.N. and participating countries to kick big polluters out of policymaking.
But the fossil fuel industry and other global corporations that have a vested interest in stopping progress on climate policymaking continue to delay, weaken, and block climate policy at every level. From the World Coal Association hosting a summit on "clean coal" at previous U.N. climate talks in Warsaw, to Shell aggressively lobbying in the European Union for weak renewable energy goals while promoting gas – these big polluters are peddling false solutions to protect their profits while driving the climate crisis closer to the brink.
Enough is enough. The only way we’ll get an international agreement to reduce emissions is to end the corporate interference that has derailed and watered down climate talks time and again.
This tactic has worked before. A global coalition removed Big Tobacco from international public health policymaking a decade ago, and it saved lives. It's time we take a stand and do the same to the earth’s largest polluters by removing them from climate talks altogether.
Thanks for all you do to stop climate change.
Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
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© 2015 CREDO. All rights reserved.

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Press Releases


September 24, 2015

At least 717 pilgrims killed in hajj stampede
More than 700 Muslim pilgrims were killed and hundreds more injured in a stampede today on the outskirts of Mecca, the deadliest tragedy to strike the annual hajj pilgrimage in more than two decades.
Pope Francis prepares for historic address to CongressPope to address Congress
Pope Francis is bringing his message of humility and hope to Capitol Hill as he becomes the first pontiff in history to speak to a joint meeting of Congress.
Investigator of cop misconduct sues Chicago police, claiming false arrestCop investigator sues police
A supervisor with the agency that investigates allegations of misconduct against Chicago cops has filed a lawsuit claiming he was falsely arrested and mistreated when police charged him with DUI.
Attorney for accuser in Patrick Kane case cites evidence tamperingKane case 'chaos'
The attorney for the woman who has accused Patrick Kane of sexual assault says a police evidence bag that once contained the accuser's rape kit was left anonymously on her mother's doorstep, and he called for an independent investigation.
Patrick Kane bombshell not made for TV sleuthingKass: 'Completely insane'
"Clearly, the FBI or some other independent agency must become involved now, at the least to determine who last had possession of the bag."
Patrick Kane case is suddenly messier than everHaugh: 'Messier than ever'
"If you wonder how the Hawks can continue to keep Kane on the ice until an increasingly complicated situation gains clarity, get in line behind me."
In Bali murder plot, cousin of teen's boyfriend arrested on U.S. chargesNew twist in Bali murder case
Federal prosecutors allege a cousin of Heather Mack's boyfriend conspired with the couple in the murder of Mack's mother.
Illinois House to consider Emanuel property tax exemptionLawmakers to consider Emanuel tax exemption
House lawmakers return to Springfield today, though it's unlikely much will get done amid the ongoing partisan gridlock that's caused the state to operate without a full budget for three months.
Kyle Hendricks rekindles some magic, but Cubs' magic number stays putCubs' magic number stays put
After Wednesday night's loss to the Brewers, the Cubs' celebration for clinching a National League playoff berth will have to wait until Friday at the earliest.
Today's weather forecastToday's weather forecast
Partly cloudy, low 70s.

Motorola Mobility's move to Mart put culture on displayMotorola Mobility's move to Mart put culture on display 

Photo gallery: Pope Francis visits the U.S., CubaPope Francis visits the U.S., Cuba

Photos: Building Chicago's skylineBuilding Chicago's skyline

Photo gallery: Standing room only at Wrigley FieldStanding room only at Wrigley Field

Photos: Mugs in the newsMugs in the news 

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Surprising technique can take years off your....
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Hello Readers,

For the past two months, I've been hard at work putting together a NEW VIDEO PRESENTATION for you...

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In this video, I'll reveal the advanced anti-gravity trick you can use in your own home to get your most youthful skin EVER.

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Be sure to pay close attention... because in this video, I'll reveal the surprising techniquethat can take years off your face FAST...

But don't wait... This video is controversial, so there's no telling how long it will be running before we're forced to take it down.

Your Beverly Hills MD,

Dr. John Layke

P.S. I really want you to have this new, important information about what's REALLY happening in your skin, and what you can do about it... So click here to watch the video now!
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