utorak, 22. rujna 2015.

Papino za sve i za mnoge

How Richard Dawkins Helps Prove Biblical Inspiration

By Joseph Heschmeyer
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C.S. Lewis, Narnia, and the Scourge of Gossip

By Matthew Sewell
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September 22-27, 2015
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The Daily Signal
Sept. 22, 2015

The Pope Is at Odds With Liberals, Too. Just Don't Expect the Media to Report It.

When it comes to Pope Francis, the media are quick to pick up on his more liberal views—and are mostly silent about his views on abortion and gay marriage.
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Seattle School District Concedes to Union, 53,000 Kids Return to School

Under the agreement, test scores will no longer be tied to teacher evaluations and salaries will increase 9.5 percent over three years, paid for by the district.
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Oregon Judge Who Won't Officiate Gay Weddings Fights to Keep His Job

An Oregon judge is fighting an investigative panel's accusation that by declining to perform same-sex weddings on religious grounds, he violated both the state's constitution and code of conduct for judges.
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5 Cases to Watch in the Supreme Court's Next Term

Voting rights, public employee unions, racial preferences in college admissions, and sentencing in death penalty cases are just a few of the big issues coming up in the 2015-2016 term.
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9 Photos of Past Popes' Visits to the US

Pope Francis' visit will be the tenth time a pope has made an apostolic journey to America.
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Pennsylvania Democrat Attorney General Has License Suspended

The suspension stems from a grand jury investigation that resulted in Attorney General Kathleen Kane's arrest in August on charges that she disclosed grand jury materials and then committed perjury by lying about it under oath.
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Papino za sve i za mnoge

Je li Isus prolio svoju krv “za sve” ili “za mnoge”?
Papa Franjo je prvu svetu misu tijekom svog pastoralnog posjeta Americi slavio u nedjelju na Plaza de la Revolución u Havani, a svojim izborom liturgičarima je dao povoda za ponovno propitkivanje točnog prijevoda riječi posvećenja i- sigurno nenamjerno, vjernosti odlukama svog prethodnika.Sveukupno, Papa će slaviti sedam svetih misa na Kubi i u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Riječi posvećenja, međutim, neće biti identične.Misna slavlje će se održati na španjolskom i engleskom jeziku, kao i, barem djelomično,  na jeziku Crkve- latinskom (prilikom euharistijske molitve).“Ako pogledate riječi posvete kod tih misa, vidjet ćete da nisu iste“, primijetio je dugogodišnji vatikanista Sandro Magister.Tako je prvu misu na Trgu revolucije s ogromnim spomenikom Che Guevare u pozadini, kojem Castrov režim pridaje veliku važnost, papa Franjo slavio u cijelosti na španjolskom jeziku. Pred pola milijuna vjernika, Papa je prilikom posvećenje vina u krv Kristovu izgovorio riječi “por vosotros y por todos los hombres para el Perdón de los pecados“, doslovno- “za vas i za sve ljude na oproštenje grijeha“.Nakon toga će papa Franjo otputovati u Ameriku, gdje će slaviti svoju prvu misu u Washingtonu. Unatoč promjeni države, papa želi slaviti ovu misnu žrtvu na španjolskom, materinskom jeziku velikog broja američkih vjernika. Riječi posvećenja – za razliku od Kube – neće biti “por todos los hombres” nego “por muchos“- za mnoge.To će biti slučaj i sa preostale tri svete mise u SAD-u, gdje će Papa izgovoriti euharistijsku molitvu na latinskom: “Pro vobis et pro multiple effundetur u remissionem peccatorum“- za vas i za mnoge. U SAD-u, “za sve” se neće čuti.Zašto ova kolebanja između riječi posvećenja u SAD-u? “Za sve” u Kubi i “za mnoge” u Americi, pita Magister.“Možemo zaključiti kako dugogodišnje pitanje koje je Benedikta XVI. konačno zaključio 2012. , davši jedinstveno rješenje za Crkvu u cijelome svijetu ostaje u limbu s papom Franjom.“Prema Benediktu XVI., vjerni prijevod riječi posvećenja na narodni jezika temelji se na službenoj latinskoj formuli. Zbog upornog otpora nekih biskupskih konferencija Benedikt XVI. napisao je 14. travnja 2012. godine pismo svim biskupima u kojem jasno traži da “pro multis” u rimskom kanonu treba biti uniformno primijenjeno u sveopćoj Crkvi umjesto nepromišljenih prijevoda uvedenih tijekom liturgijske reforme između 1965./1969. godine. Tako se njemački papa želio suprotstaviti pogrešnom učenju o univerzalnom spasenju koje se počelo širiti među katolicima. Čak je i samo pismo izvorno napisao na njemačkom jeziku, davši tako do znanje od kuda dolazi najveći otpor.Proglas pape Benedikta XVI. vrijedi za cijelu Crkvu. Međutim, do trenutka kada je papa Benedikt dao ostavku, neke biskupske konferencije, uključujući i talijansku i njemačku, još uvijek nisu uspjele napraviti novo izdanje misala.
Dodajemo ovome da su neposlušnost prema papi Benediktu po ovom pitanju uredno pokazali i hrvatski biskupi.
Korekcija molitve od “za sve“, koja je prevladavala nakon Drugog vatikanskog koncila,na vjeran prijevod “za mnoge” se smatrala “ograničenjem milosrđa“. “S izborom pape Franje, proširila se ideja da „svima“ više odgovara milosrđe o kojem novi papa često propovijeda“- zaključuje Magister.Ali, tako se barem čini, argentinski Papa ne zastupa ni jednu stranu po ovom pitanju i prema svemu sudeći, ne želi nametnuti ni jednu određenu poziciju.

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  Christopher Closeup
September 22, 2015  
If You Replace Devils with Devils, You Get Hell on Earth 
by Tony Rossi
(Photo property of Kirsten Luce for The New York Times) I generally use this space to share stories of people who light a candle rather than curse the darkness, but today I’m highlighting a level of darkness that’s screaming for some light. This horrific story was revealed in a New York Times article by Joseph [Read More...]
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“Captive” is a Compelling Hostage Drama with a Touch of Grace 
by Tony Rossi
“That’s a bunch of church crap,” says escaped murderer Brian Nichols (David Oyelowo) to widowed mother Ashley Smith (Kate Mara) during a scene in the new movie “Captive.” While Nichols is holding her hostage, Smith tries to make conversation with him to avoid getting killed, so she brings up the topics of faith and God. [Read More...]
Jim Gaffigan: I Love Talking About Religion & Making It Appeal to Others 
by Tony Rossi
The recently opened Sheen Center for Thought and Culture in downtown Manhattan hosted a panel discussion and screening of Jim and Jeannie Gaffigan’s TV Land comedy series “The Jim Gaffigan Show” this past Tuesday night. Though I wasn’t there, The Christophers’ Father Jonathan Morris served as the moderator and discussed the topic of religion with[Read More...]
Michael Keaton on His Role as Reporter Who Exposed Church’s Sex Abuse Scandal 
by Tony Rossi
During his 2015 Golden Globe acceptance speech for Best Actor, “Birdman” star Michael Keaton referenced his family’s Catholic roots, saying, “My name’s Michael John Douglas, I’m from Forest Grove, Pennsylvania. I’m the son—seventh child—of George and Leona Douglas. And I don’t ever remember a time when my father didn’t work two jobs. When my mother [Read More...]
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Miss America Pageant Should Ditch Divisive Political Questions & Use Nurse’s Monologue as Model
Actor David Oyelowo Talks His New Film “Captive” & the Perpetually Redemptive Grace of God
God Loved Me in My Brokenness, Says Fmr. Meth Addict, Hostage Hero & Subject of Film “Captive”
Oprah, Colbert, Mets, Yankees, & More Welcome Pope to U.S.
Family Ties & Perceptions of Truth in “Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Truth Be Told”
God Creates Beauty From Ashes: An Interview w. Taya Kyle, Widow of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle
ABC News’s David Muir Answered Facebook Questions About Meeting Pope Francis
VIDEO: Father Jonathan Morris on Dealing with Loneliness
A Coach Fights to Save His Catholic School
Twelve-Year-Old Enthalls “America’s Got Talent” Audience with “Pie Jesu”
Jewish High Holy Days in September
bestof2014Judaism is rich with celebrations, recalling its encounters with God, momentous historical events, and divine promises and commandments. Here Patheos writers explore the spiritual depths of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot -- which are the most important holidays to many Jews, taking place this month.
Learn more about this important month on the Jewish calendar here: Jewish Holidays and Festivals.
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