utorak, 31. siječnja 2017.

Enormous extragalactic void is pushing on the Milky Way ​The Milky Way galaxy is currently racing through space at about 2 million km/h on a journey towards the Shapley Supercluster. But we’re not just being pulled in this direction: Astronomers have now discovered a huge extragalactic void, called the Dipole Repeller, that’s pushing us away. Read more

Web version
VIDEO: Violent Anti-Trump Thugs Beat Trump Supporter Unconscious at Airport Protest
At Portland airport, sick anti-Donald J. Trump thugs protesting the president's executive orders on immigration did a SICK thing to a Trump supporter... they managed to beat him UNCONSCIOUS. The whole thing was caught on video, too... take a look. Read more…
Trump Reveals The REAL Reason For Sudden Executive Order On Muslim Immigration
Trump has received a lot of criticism for his immigration ban, but he isn't backing down...Now, he's explained EXACTLY why he did it so suddenly... Read more…
OWNED: Trump Completely Levels "Weeping" Schumer With 3 Little Words That Go Viral
Posted by Kim Smith
Now, THIS is how you deal with someone like Schumer, who weeps crocodile tears when he doesn't get his way. This is exactly what should be done to manipulative politicians like Schumer, and Donald J. Trump's just the man to do it. Read more…
Report: NBC's Grand Plan Revealed... Now It Makes Sense Why They Signed Megyn Kelly
Posted by Alicia Powe
The real reason NBC hired Megyn Kelly just got exposed. Their new plans are raising a lot of eyebrows... Read more…
WATCH: "Happy Days" Star Reveals REAL Reason Libs Have Lost Their Minds Over Trump
Posted by V Saxena
"Happy Days" star Scott Baio is one of Donald J. Trump's biggest supporters in Hollywood, and he's not shy about speaking out when it comes to the new president. During a recent appearance on Fox News, he revealed the REAL reason that liberals have lost their minds over Trump... and he definitely has a point. Read more…
Sean Spicer Just Came Out Guns Blazing Against Immigration Order Backlash: 'What Happened...'
Posted by Jack Davis
Liberals have been spreading hysteria about Trump's latest immigration action, but Sean Spicer just set the record straight. Democrats won't know how to respond to THIS... Read more…
BREAKING: Quebec Mosque Shooters Yelled 2 Terrifying Words Before Rampage
Posted by Wilmot Proviso
A rampage at a mosque in Quebec has left six people dead. Now we've learned the two terrifying words that the shooters yelled before the attack. This is not good... Read more…
Trump Makes MASSIVE Supreme Court Announcement: 'I Have Made My Decision'
Posted by Randy DeSoto
Wow. This just in... Read more…
President Trump Issues Statement on Serviceman Killed in Daring Raid on Al-Qaida
Posted by V Saxena
President Donald J. Trump didn't delay when we lost one of our servicemen in a daring raid on al-Qaida in Yemen. Here's the statement he issued to his family and the nation... Our thoughts and prayers are with this serviceman's family. Read more…
Right After Trump's Immigration Order, He Takes Things To Next Level No One Saw Coming...
Posted by V. Saxena
Donald Trump is not messing around. This is sending shockwaves through DC... Read more…
Sheriff Clarke Breaks Silence... Praises Trump for Remembering "First Obligation" to Americans
Posted by Wilmot Proviso
While Sheriff David Clarke has been mostly silent since Donald J. Trump's inauguration, he's not being quiet now. Here's why the Milwaukee County sheriff is praising the president for remembering the "first obligation" that any president has to their people... the left is going to HATE this. Read more…
Trump Takes BLISTERING Shot At 'Fake' Chuck Schumer After His Immigration Ban Meltdown
Posted by Jack Davis
President Trump isn't letting Chuck Schumer slow him down one bit, and he just hit him right where it hurts... Read more…

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Myths & Facts: Online Exclusive 
Under UN Resolution 242, is East Jerusalem is considered "occupied territory"?

One drafter of the UN Resolution was US ambassador to the UN Arthur Goldberg. According to Goldberg, "Resolution 242 in no way refers to Jerusalem, and this omission was deliberate . . . Jerusalem was a discrete matter, not linked to the West Bank." In several speeches at the UN in 1967, Goldberg said, "I repeatedly stated that the armistice lines of 1948 were intended to be temporary. This, of course, was particularly true of Jerusalem. At no time in these many speeches did I refer to East Jerusalem as occupied territory." (New York Times March 12, 1980) Because Israel was defending itself from aggression in the 1948 and 1967 wars, former president of the International Court of Justice Steven Schwebel wrote, it has a better claim to sovereignty over Jerusalem than its Arab neighbors (Stephen M. Schwebel, "What Weight to Conquest?" American Journal of International Law, vol. 64, no. 2 April 1970, 346-47).

"The basis of our position remains that Jerusalem must never again be a divided city. We did not approve of the status quo before 1967; in no way do we advocate a return to it now." -President George H. W. Bush, (Letter from President George Bush to Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek March 13, 1990).

The Jerusalem Post

This is one of my favorite political stories that falls under the strange but true category. The first time Arab-Americans made a serious effort to form a lobby was in 1972. The National Association of Arab Americans (NAAA) was consciously patterned after its pro-Israel counterpart, AIPAC. In fact, the NAAA even duplicated AIPAC's stationery, changing only the name. More brazen, however, was the nascent lobby's request for help from AIPAC. Both AIPAC's former executive and legislative directors told the story of being outside a hearing room on Capitol Hill and having NAAA director David Saad come over and say, "How would you guys like to earn some extra money? Train my staff."

How do South Africans feel about Israel?

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Ako postoji Antikrist, postoji li i Anti – Marija?

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(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
Ideja o Mariji kao ‘Novoj Evi’ može se vidjeti već kod ranih crkvenih otaca. Ovu biblijsku paralelu, Eva – Marija, oni razvijaju na temelju Pavlove paralele Adam – Krist: kao što je Eva bila majka živih u povijesti Adama, u tom je smislu uloga Marija kao nove Eve u povijesti Isusa Krista kao novoga Adama – majka živih u novoj povijesti stvaranja, spasenja i konačne proslave čovječanstva. Tako se prikazuje povezanost Marije i čovječanstva i Marije i Crkve kao zajednice vjernika u kojoj se događa posebno spasenje u povijesti svijeta po Isusu Kristu: Marija je u tom povijesno-spasiteljskom događaju aktivna sudionica i posrednica spasenja ljudi. Citirat ćemo najstariji od ovih izvorâ, Svetoga Justina mučenika:
Znamo da je On, prije svih stvorenjâ, potekao od Oca Njegovom snagom i voljom … i utjelovio se po Djevici, kako bi neposluh što ga je skrivila zmija bio ukinut na isti način na koji je i nastao. Jer, Eva je, kao neokaljana djevica, začevši riječ koja je dolazila od zmije, skrivila neposluh i smrt, ali je Djevica Marija, s vjerom i radošću, kada joj je Anđeo donio dobru vijest, da će Duh Sveti sići na nju i sila je Svevišnjega osjeniti, te će roditi Sina Svevišnjega, odgovorila, ‘Neka mi bude po tvojoj riječi.‘”
U Svetom pismu, sveti Ivan govori o Antikristu kao čovjeku, ali i kao pokretu koji je prisutan kroz cijelu povijesti (1 Iv 4, 3; 2 Iv 1, 7). Dakle, dobro je zapitati se, ako postoji Antikrist, možda postoji i ženska dopuna, Anti-Marija?
Kako bi, dakle, točno izgledao jedan anti-marijanski pokret? Pa, kao prvo, ove žene ne bi cijenile djecu. Bile bi nepristojne, vulgarne, i ljute. Pobjesnile bi na samu ideju o poniznoj poslušnosti ili žrtvi za druge. Bile bi nemarne, plitke, maliciozne i pretjerano senzualne. Također bi bile manipulativne, lajave i ambiciozne. Ukratko, bile bi sve što Marija nije.
Ovakvo ponašanje se najviše primjećuje u današnjim feminističkim pokretima, a došlo je do izražaja u nedavnom Ženskom maršu na Washington. Iako pojava ženskog lošeg ponašanja nije ništa novo, postoje mnogi dokazi da smo danas ipak svjedoci jedne posebne pojave, koja se zbog svoje masovnosti, sasvim razlikuje od običnog poroka već viđenog u povijesti.
Odnos prema majčinstvu je jedan od prvih znakova da se radi o novom pokretu. Majke (i duhovne i biološke) su prirodne ikone Marije – koje pomažu drugima da upoznaju Mariju po njihovoj darežljivosti, strpljenju, suosjećanju, miru, intuiciji i sposobnosti da njeguju duše. Marijina ljubav (i ljubav majke) nudi nam jednu od najboljih slika Božje ljubavi – ona je bezuvjetna, iscjeljujuća, i duboko osobna.
U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća svjedoci smo suptilnog brisanja marijanske ikone u ženama današnjice. Prvo kroz kontracepcijsku pilulu, a zatim s pojavom pobačaja, pojam majčinstva se sustavno uništava. Majčinstvo je postalo nepotrebno, do te mjere da danas šira kultura ni ne trepne kada dijete usvoje dva muškarca.
Sve kulture- sve do naše današnje, poznavale su važnost majčinstva (pa i u svojoj nesavršenosti) za zdrav odgoj i duhovnu zrelost – a nijedna kultura se ne može obnoviti bez duhovne zrelosti. Da, znamo da je velik broj ljudi odrastao bez majke. Ali većina će se složiti da uistinu, postoji malo što toliko tragično i da takve pojave samo jačaju argument da djeca trebaju majku, umjesto da se umanjuje njihova važnost. Ne može biti slučajno da smo svjedoci neviđenih emocionalnih i mentalnih trauma i slomljenosti u svakom segmentu našeg društva gdje je majčinstvo toliko podcijenjeno.
Još jedan upečatljiv znak da živimo u anti-marijanskom dobu je što, unatoč svom takozvanom napretku koji su žene ostvarile, ima jako malo dokaza da su žene zbog toga uistinu postale i sretnije. Stope razvoda su još uvijek zapanjujuće visoke, a 70% su inicirale same žene; stopa suicida je porasla; zlouporaba droga i alkohola je ogromna; depresija i anksioznost su posvuda. Žene nisu sretnije, samo su pod većim utjecajem lijekova.
Đavao zna kako svi ti znakovi anti-marijanskog pokreta – bijes, ogorčenje, vulgarnost i ponos – uništavaju najveće ženske darove: mudrost, razboritost, strpljivost, nepomućen mir, intuiciju i sposobnost za duboki odnos s Bogom. Umjesto toga, on obećava moć, slavu, bogatstvo, poštovanje i sterilne prolazne užitke. I poput Eve, žene iz antimarijanskog pokreta i dalje padaju na njegove laži.
Iako se mnogi od nas bezuspješno trude pronaći rješenje za ovaj problem, pravi odgovor je vratiti se izvoru, vratiti se Ženi preko koje svaka žena dobiva svoje dostojanstvo. Bez obzira na to koliko jedan anti-marijanski pokret danas može biti jak u društvu, Blažena Djevica Marija je i dalje najmoćnija žena na svijetu.

​The Milky Way galaxy is currently racing through space at about 2 million km/h on a journey towards the Shapley Supercluster. But we’re not just being pulled in this direction: Astronomers have now discovered a huge extragalactic void, called the Dipole Repeller, that’s pushing us away.   Read more
Your email is your communication hub, the place where your most important conversations and to-dos take place - doesn't it make sense to make it as convenient and helpful as possible? Enter MailButler, your personal assistant for efficient and productive work with Apple Mail. With a variety of functions, MailButler simplifies, optimizes, and streamlines the emails in your life so you can prioritize and organize your life.  Read more
Tucked away in Melbourne's urban sprawl is one of Australia's true hidden gems. Antique Motorcycles features the amazing and ever-changing motorcycle collection of owner John Gee, who was nice enough to take us on a guided tour and tell us about some of his favorite machines.   Read more
The process of identifying a bacteria causing infection can take a few days and may require highly-specialized equipment. Now, microparticles and biomolecules are teaming up to form a new dynamic duo, which could help speed up and simplify the process.  Read more
Patch22 offers a persuasive argument for the use of wood in tall building construction. Located in Amsterdam, the wooden high rise ticks all the right boxes: inviting, sustainable and above all flexible, its easily-changed interiors even allow residents to put their bathtubs on the balconies.   Read more
Ever imagine what a great world it would be if the Jaguar E-Type had lived on past the 1970s, and not just in name, but in all its curvy, original-form glory? That's the world Eagle lives in, and this month, it launches its latest special edition, the Spyder GT convertible tourer.   Read more
In areas where clean water isn’t easily accessible, solar stills can help purify available water that might be dirty or salty, but they can be expensive and inefficient. Now, a new type of solar still that uses carbon-coated paper could be cheaper and twice as efficient.   Read more
As part of Netflix's annual Hack Day, where product development teams are set loose to innovate new, out-of-the-box ideas, a prototype has been developed that allows a user to control the Netflix interface with the power of their mind.  Read more
Current holographic technologies are nowhere near the realistic, life-size projections portrayed in movies like Star Wars, but things are moving in the right direction with researchers having developed a new holographic display that they claim performs 2,600 times better than existing technologies.   Read more
The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia has designed the world's first 3D-printed pedestrian bridge. Installed in the urban park of Castilla-La Mancha in Madrid and made up of eight separate 3D-printed parts, the bridge spans 40 ft (12 m) and measures 5.7 ft (1.75 m) wide.​   Read more
More than just an electrified vehicle sub-brand, "i" is BMW's "spearhead of innovation" for technological advancements. The latest fruits of that innovation spearheading can be found floating on the ocean in the form of the Nimbus 305 Drophead E-Power.   Read more
Because any extraterrestrial life in the Solar System may be very rare, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is looking at a new technique that is 10,000 times more sensitive than the ones used in the current generations of deep space probes.   Read more
We need to know how autonomous cars deal with human-driven cars, because what makes sense to a driver doesn't necessarily make sense to a computer. A team from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne might have found a solution, developing an algorithm for self-driving cars to platoon in free-form   Read more
​Few companies have inspired as much brand loyalty as Apple. But after a tepid 2016, we’re wondering if the industry leader is on the verge of seriously alienating its fanbase. Here are the Apple foibles most likely to send long-time users running for Android and Windows products.   Read more
A branch of the company that makes the Vespa scooter has developed what could be the 21st century equivalent of your childhood wagon. Made by Piaggio Fast Forward, Gita is a cargo robot that can carry up to 40 lb of your groceries or other goods, following behind you or even striking out on its own.   Read more
Death by supervolcano is not what most people have in mind when they talk about going out in a blaze of glory. But these magma cauldrons exist among us and they are very much alive. A new study tells us what might trigger one of these sleeping giants.   Read more
When you think of our evolutionary ancestors, hairy ape-like beings are likely to come to mind. But a bag-like blob that is mostly mouth, has no anus and resembles a monster from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? Probably not. But it might be time to think again based on a new fossil find.   Read more
With the 2016 MacBook Pro​, Apple left some of its most loyal customers in the dark. Making the company's pro-tier laptop lighter and thinner was a welcome move, but other details were anything but. Ready to give up on Apple's highest-end laptop line? Here are some other options.  Read more
A number of groups have been developing wearable devices that measure the user's hydration levels, letting them know when they're getting low. One of the latest comes to us from North Carolina State University, and it can take the form of either a wrist strap or an adhesive chest patch.​   Read more
In general, iPhone battery life is decent – but the fact of the matter is, when you use a device all day every day, it’s hard to keep it charged. New Atlas offers tips and gadget suggestions so you’ll never be caught with a dead iPhone.   Read more
Hydrogen has long been thought of as an ideal alternative to petrol cars, because it fits in with our driving habits. Even so, battery electric cars tend to steal the headlines, with few hydrogen options on the market. That could change, with GM and Honda investing in mass production of fuel cells.   Read more
Capturing animals in their native habitats takes some serious planning. A new series airing on the BBC this week deploys lifelike reptilian robots, built at Switzerland's École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, that walk and film freely among their living and breathing subjects. ​   Read more
​​Scientists have begun poring over the data from NASA's twin-study, which looks at the genetic differences between Scott Kelly who lived aboard the ISS for a year, and his identical twin Mark, who didn't. It is still very early days, but the results are already throwing up some surprises.  Read more
Ten firms, including Zaha Hadid Architects, Foster + Partners and Caruso St John Architects, have been shortlisted for the UK's National Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre. Located in London, the project aims to honor the victims and survivors of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution.   Read more
Researchers from the University of Maryland have created an electrogenetic “switching” system in bacterial cells that influences the way the single-celled organisms behave, linking organic and electronic systems together.   Read more
Apple's iPad Pro is a very good tablet that can transform into a mediocre faux laptop. But with a total cost that starts at US$850 (iPad Pro 9.7​) or $1,070 (12.9-inch model​), you might be scouring the web for alternatives. We have some suggestions to save money, add versatility or perhaps both.   Read more
Tangled cables are the curse of mobile music enjoyment. No matter how carefully you stow away your buds, by the time you break them out, the cables are a jumbled mess. Such trials have inspired Dmitry Morozov to create the volnovod, a machine that turns twisted cables into eerie sounds.   Read more
Starbucks has launched its AI-powered voice ordering interface for mobile ordering and paying. Soon, Starbucks app users will be able to remotely order drinks just like they would from an in-store barista.   Read more

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Here's what you're missing out on...
Here's a look at our chef-inspired menu for the week!
These dishes are available to order until Friday at noon CST.
Sherry Wine Demi-Glace Sirloin Steak
Sherry Wine Demi-Glace Sirloin Steak
with mashed potatoes and balsamic Brussels sprouts
Roasted Salmon with Ginger-Scallion Sauce
Roasted Salmon with Ginger-Scallion Sauce
and charred green beans
French Onion Chicken
French Onion Chicken
with arugula salad and sherry vinaigrette
Bone-In Pork Chop with Pecorino-Garlic Butter
Bone-In Pork Chop with Pecorino-Garlic Butter
with hot honey-glazed peas and carrots
Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwich
with brioche, Swiss cheese, and ranch sweet potatoes
Classic Chicken Marbella
Classic Chicken Marbella
with red potatoes and white balsamic pan sauce
Italian Sausage Stromboli
Italian Sausage Stromboli
with spinach-mozzarella filling and marinara dipping sauce
Pine Nut & Goat Cheese Bucatini Alfredo
Pine Nut & Goat Cheese Bucatini Alfredo
with garlic bread
Alsatian Tart Flatbread
Alsatian Tart Flatbread
with caramelized onions, Swiss cheese, and apples
Korean BBQ Portobello Rice Bowl
Korean BBQ Portobello Rice Bowl
with grilled onions, carrots, and red cabbage
Denver Omelette Breakfast Muffins
Denver Omelette Breakfast Muffins
with sausage, cheddar, and green pepper
Strawberry Malt Smoothie
Strawberry Malt Smoothie 
with vanilla Greek yogurt
Winter Medley Fruit Basket
Winter Medley Fruit Basket
with blood orange, kiwi, apples, and a navel orange
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A nation of immigrants

CREDIT: AP/Reed Saxon
Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration (which is 100% a “Muslim Ban”) is wreaking havoc and separating families, but it’s also going to hurt the economy. Yet, Republicans seem eager to add more countries to the list, and, despite a court order, many people are still being detained at airports and prevented from meeting with lawyers. 
The ramifications are already resounding: hours after the ban was signed, a Texas mosque went up in flames. To the north, Canada is reeling after a terror attack last night targeted worshippers praying at a Quebec City mosque.

CREDIT: Casey Quinlan
One middle school in Syracuse recognized that its “punishment culture” was disproportionately targeting black and Latinx students. Now, the school is working hard to change that.

Reading List

Sure it’s a corporation — but Starbucks’ response to Trump’s executive order is pretty epic.
A simple guide to how you can throw sand at the Trump administration.
The targeting of Muslims clearly shows that we have learned nothing from history.


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Kratak: Roboti možda prikazuje vam kavu Uskoro

Loše Oscar
Pa mi smo još uvijek duboko u sezonu nagrada s donošenjem Zakona o SAG nagrada sinoć. Ali još uvijek imamo Oscara, najveća noć u svim Hollywoodu. Međutim, neka nova istraživanja o podzastupljenosti žena u filmskoj industriji stavljajući malo prljavštine na tom sjajnom kip. Prema izvještaju Ženske Media Center, suutemeljitelj Jane Fonde, Robin Morgan, i Gloria Steinem, samo 20 posto od kategorija ne-djelujući opremljenog žene padaju za 2 postotna boda od 2016 kandidata. Nema žene su nominirani za smjer (sedmu godinu za redom), a samo jedan je priznata za postignuća u scenarija ( Hidden slikama   scenarist Allison Schroeder.) No, kinematografija uzima kolač bez žena koje su nominirani za 89 godina zaredom. No, bilo je nekoliko beacons nade: Devet žena nominirana za proizvođače u kategoriji najboljih slika, što je čini najvećom nominacije računati svih kategorija. Plus je prekrasan Ava Duvernay Dokumentarni 13. je bio nominiran.
Kada vaš barista dobiva svoj red u redu ujutro ili navodi svoje ime na način da nisi ni mislio da je to moguće, to može biti frustrirajuće. Ali si tako ljut zbog ljudske pogreške koje bi radije robota za to? Pa u San Fran kafiću Caffe X , nemate opciju. Kupci mogu naručiti lattes, cappuccina i espressa kroz mobilnu aplikaciju ili pomoću jednog od iPad-powered kioscima kafiću a. Tada su odlučili zrna kave žele, arome, a zatim gledati veliki bijeli, robotska ruka bi svoj piće (čime ljudi nema smisla.) Postoje dani u kojima bi bilo lijepo imati manje ljudske interakcije i ja sam za roboti (dobro, više BB8 vrsta i manje onih creepy u West svijetu, osim James Marsden), ali ovo je malo čudno. Osim toga, robot nikada ne bi me učio da možete čarolija svoje ime Mari-smrt.
Yummy u mom trbuščiću
Ali, ako ste još uvijek u ne-robote koji poslužuju vam kavu, a također volim kolače onda ste u za prava poslastica. Dunkin 'Donuts upravo je objavio cijelu Brownie-nadahnut izbornik za Valentinovo, a oni nisu ni morati zaposliti robote kako to učiniti. Jer na kraju dana samo ljudi će misliti nešto što se zove pčelica tijesto raspasti Srce prsten. Na ovom izborniku Ostale stavke uključuju kolačići vrtlog kava i gluposti kroasan krafne. Mogao bi možda i samo staviti zdjelu pčelica mix na meniju jer ja bi jako u to. Ništa ne govori "Sretno Valentinovo!" kao rani napad dijabetesa.

Želite proširiti riječ o kratak? Idi tamo!


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News AlertMon., Jan. 30, 2017 6:38 p.m.
White House considers reversing LGBT protections for federal workers
A draft of a potential executive order began circulating in Washington over the weekend that would overturn President Barack Obama’s directive barring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the federal workforce and by federal contractors. Details are still in flux, and it is far from certain that President Trump would ultimately issue such an order.
Read more »
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This is up-to-date news on Trump's Muslim ban and massive resistance to it.
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Organizing for Action
Stjepan --

By now, I'm sure you've heard about the executive order on immigration and refugees that the President signed on Friday. It bans Syrian refugees from entering our country, suspends the entire refugee program for 120 days, cuts in half the number of refugees we can admit, and halts all travel from certain Muslim-majority countries. I felt I had no choice but to speak out against it in the strongest possible terms.This is a cruel measure that represents a stark departure from America's core values. We have a proud tradition of sheltering those fleeing violence and persecution, and have always been the world leader in refugee resettlement. As a refugee myself who fled the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia, I personally benefited from this country's generosity and its tradition of openness. This order would end that tradition, and discriminate against those fleeing a brutal civil war in Syria. There is no data to support the idea that refugees pose a threat. This policy is based on fear, not facts. The refugee vetting process is robust and thorough. It already consists of over 20 steps, ensuring that refugees are vetted more intensively than any other category of traveler.
The process typically takes 18-24 months, and is conducted while they are still overseas. I am concerned that this order's attempts at "extreme vetting" will effectively halt our ability to accept anyone at all. When the administration makes wild claims about Syrian refugees pouring over our borders, they are relying on alternative facts -- or as I like to call it, fiction.
The truth is that America can simultaneously protect the security of our borders and our citizens and maintain our country's long tradition of welcoming those who have nowhere else to turn. These goals are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, they are the obligation of a country built by immigrants.Refugees should not be viewed as a burden or as potential terrorists. They have already made great contributions to our national life. Syrian refugees are learning English, getting good jobs, buying homes, and starting businesses. In other words, they are doing what other generations of refugees -- including my own -- did. And I have no doubt that, if given the opportunity, they will become an essential part of our American fabric.By targeting Muslim-majority countries for immigration bans and by expressing a clear preference for refugees who are religious minorities, there's no question this order is biased against Muslims. And when one faith is targeted, it puts us all at risk.
I will never forget sailing into New York Harbor for the first time and seeing the Statue of Liberty when I came here as a child. It proclaims "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." There is no fine print on the Statue of Liberty, and today she is weeping.

This executive order does not reflect American values. If you agree, make your voice heard now.



Madeleine Albright
Former Secretary of State

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