utorak, 16. lipnja 2015.

The De Beers Centenary Diamond - $100 million. It’s the highest grade of a diamond that is colorless flawless. The diamond itself is 273.85 carats (54.77 grams) in weight

  The De Beers Centenary Diamond - $100 million. It’s the highest grade of a diamond that is colorless flawless. The diamond itself is 273.85 carats (54.77 grams) in weight. 
    The Beers Centenary Diamond - $100 million. It’s the highest grade of a diamond that is colorless flawless. The diamond itself is 273.85 carats (54.77 grams) in weight. 
The Hope Diamond - $350 million. A 45.52 carat large diamond that is now located in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. 
The Hope Diamond - $350 million. A 45.52 carat large diamond that is now located in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.  The Cullinan Diamond is 3,106,75 carats and is the largest rough gem quality diamond ever found in the world. After polished it became Cullinan I. At 530.2 carats, (106.0 grams) it was the largest diamond in the world until 1985 when the Golden Jubilee of 545.67 carats, (109.13 grams) was found at the same mine.
 The Cullinan Diamond is 3,106,75 carats and is the largest rough gem quality diamond ever found in the world. After polished it became Cullinan I. At 530.2 carats, (106.0 grams) it was the largest diamond in the world until 1985 when the Golden Jubilee of 545.67 carats, (109.13 grams) was found at the same mine.

 The Sancy diamond - $400 million. 55.23 carats (11.05 grams) of pale yellow diamond that once was famous for belonging to one of the Great Moguls. It’s believed that the diamond is of Indian origin.
Koh-I-Noor - Priceless. Means as “Mountain of Light” in Persian. It’s a 105 carat (21.6 gram) diamond that was once the largest known diamonds in the world.
Koh-I-Noor - Priceless. Means as “Mountain of Light” in Persian. It’s a 105 carat (21.6 gram) diamond that was once the largest known diamonds in the world.

Legislative Update
Trade Deal that Could Increase Foreign Workers in Limbo

Judge Andrew Hanen
Last week, House leadership attempted but failed to advance the fast track TPA, which could allow the President to implement parts of his immigration agenda through trade deals. Despite the initial setback, the House is expected to vote again on TPA authority as early as today.

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Senate GOP Using Defense Authorization Bill as Amnesty Vehicle?

Several pro-amnesty Republicans in the Senate have plans to sneak amnesty into the fiscal year 2016 defense authorization bill. Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) is leading the effort to include a military amnesty in the NDAA.

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DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Fudges Facts at Rice University

Rasmussen poll
Speaking to an audience at Rice University last week, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson delivered a carefully-crafted, but flagrantly misleading speech on the current state of illegal immigration in the U.S.

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Hundreds of Cuban Criminals Released into U.S. Every Year as Obama Negotiates to Open Cuba

President Obama is currently negotiating with the Cuban government to open up relations between the U.S. and Cuba, but he does not appear to be taking the opportunity to pressure Cuba into taking back its own criminal aliens.

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Illinois Passes Bill to Give Law Licenses to DACA Beneficiaries

Texas Senate
Last week, the Illinois General Assembly passed S.B. 23 to allow illegal aliens granted deferred action under President Obama’s DACA program admission to the state bar. The bill enables DACA beneficiaries to practice law in the state despite not having a legal immigration status.

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16. lipnja 2015

Blackhawks don't disappoint, make their case for pantheon of dynasties
Nakon potiskivanja Lightning 2-0 u Sjedinjenim Centru osvojiti svoj treći Stanley Cup od 2010, a Blackhawksi "jednostavno postavio zahtjev za NHL tima desetljeća i prisiljeni hokej promatrača provesti ljeto raspravljaju što čini dinastiju."
Blackhawks Stanley Cup parade, rally to be held ThursdayParade, rally u četvrtak
Gradski proslave jastrebovi 'pobjedu će se održati u četvrtak Tribune potvrdio, ali vrijeme i mjesto još uvijek nisu poznati.
Fans tail Blackhawks near Loop for glimpse of CupKup puzati
Od United Center u petlji se - gdje je sljedeći? Obožavatelji su kraj signala na Hawks i njihov trofej na ritualno dan poslije pobjede turneje.
Blackhawks fans take over WrigleyvilleObožavatelji preuzeti Wrigleyville
The Hawks možda osvojila Stanley Cup u Sjedinjenim Centru, ali to je bio Wrigleyville šest milja daleko gdje su tisuće plesale i navijali noći daleko u stranci koja je obilježena pregršt uhićenja i raspršene oštećenja.
Live blog: Stanley Cup tracker, Blackhawks' parade date setBlackhawksi blog
Proslava je počela sinoć i još uvijek događa. Nabavite ažuriranja, Tweets, fotografije i još mnogo toga.
Duncan Keith wins Conn Smythe Trophy as playoffs MVPKeith je Conn posao
Duncan Keith postao samo deveti defenseman u povijesti lige i prvi Hawks defenseman osvojiti Conn Smythe Trophy obzirom na MVP doigravanja.
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